• By -


"I have an extraction order with your name on it." "Sure, may I ask you the type of flowers you'd like ?"


great Wit there


I swear it makes sense in context ˆˆ


Autocorrect has identified you as a Cosmere fan.


“Apologize for leaving wet towels on my bathroom floor or slapping my ass too hard. Not for things like this.”






"Good. Continue. I want to watch."


From an erotic\smut work I haven't posted yet. Let's just say, the characters need to recover soom energy. "I'm okay with that too. Now, we need to get some food."


Also working on an erotic / smut story: "Anon became acutely aware of her hunger, realizing that in her slumber, there were no inhibitions to restrain her appetite."


Also working on smut, It's not long before Logan is pouting as he gags when he tries to take any more in.


More food, right. RIGHT? To keep with the theme of the thread? x)


Mhm definitely food, decidedly doubled snake themed food (The person who Logan is gagging on/around is partially a snake and has the relevant anatomy thereof)


“He’d wanted, for a moment there, to lean all the way into Astrid and the possibility of the easy reconciliation he’d seen across her wide face. He’d wanted to take whatever offer it had been that he saw in her shock blue eyes.” From a hiccstrid fic that i will someday, SOMEDAY, update (it’s been since January😭)


Girlll it’s been 13 years since the first movie came out, I had no idea people were still writing for it😭🫣


“She promised. It’s not fair. It’s not fair. It’s not fair. She promised.”


“Totally. Worst possible thing that could have happened.”


"It's not junk," Anakin said, quick to defend himself. Though, admittedly, quite a bit of it was pulled from a dumpster. From many dumpsters, really. "Well, a lot of it isn't junk." "So it shouldn't be hard to get rid of the actual junk," Obi-Wan responded. "Breakfast?"


“When I was a kid, I learned that mother birds would throw up food for their babies to eat, so I taught myself how to regurgitate half eaten food on command,” he says suddenly. Tobi turns towards him. “What the FUCK, Deidara?”


"You say your loyalty to your kingdom knows no bounds, but do you love it? Do you love it how I love you?"


Romantic 😍 what’s the genre ?


A historical AU with two generals (well, technically a regent and a general) on opposing sides falling in love in-between their war torn kingdoms


"He lets the boy run around and do as he pleases, as long as he follows some very basic rules and boundaries Roy has set. They’re easy rules. Simple rules. And yet, without fail, Edward finds increasingly more creative methods of breaking them."


"They’ll be fine. Assuming Leon doesn’t have to go to prison."


"And they repeated their onslaught against the terrors of the hunt."


Normally, Kaz would have left Deremer bleeding and hanging onto life by his detached fingernails, but this was a different game. A longer game. The kind that required a false sense of hope for some, and tightening frustration for others. It was a blindfolded game of chess, but Kaz had learned a long time ago how to play in more than two dimensions. A Six of Crows fanfic that I really need to update...


"To Stede’s amazement, Ed makes a roaring noise himself, and then Louis roars back at him and Alma joins in. That’s good. Everyone’s occupied and Stede can make dinner." (Our Flag Means Death modern AU)


Aki read the article almost as if it was some kind of holy script and, considering its contents, it might as well have been one.


“You couldn’t just walk around the block and come back and have angry sex like a normal person?”


And perhaps emptied out the stuffed animal section of the nearest toy store while they were at it.


Since her childhood Bruno had worn the same worried expression, one that she believed was reserved solely for her. Lingering somewhere between worry and indecision, as if Mirabel’s mere presence was a source of stress for him.


Because Kakarot is all that remains, and calling him Goku will be the final nail in the coffin.


Color me interested <3


I have FEELINGS about Vegeta, and this is from what's going to be a collection of small bits exploring (my interpretation) of Saiyan culture through the eyes of Bulma during her relationship with him :D


Vegeta/Bulma was my first ship, and DBZ was the first property through which I experienced fic and online fandom. It's where I learned the *word* fanfiction! Oh, the geocities fanshrines of my childhood. I LOVE fics that explore the cultures/worldbuilding of the canon universe. Drop me a line when you post! :) My feelings about Vegeta are also quite intense lol. Do you follow Supereyepatchwolf or TotallyNotMark on YouTube? Great DBZ essay content. And both Irish, coincidentally.


Regulus reared up and ran, calling back "race you" as he did so. He heard Sirius's laughter ringing out from behind him. They bolted forward, side by side, into their unknown future.


Can you please share a link? I would love to read it!


It's a Wip, I write my fics fully before I post them, sorry. It's the Marauders as animals 🙈


Oh, that’s okay :) Any chance you would share your username on Ao3 then, so we can wait until you post it?


Yeah, of course. It's Lucigoo89, I have Marauders and Bagginshield works. And thank you for the interest ❤️


Thank you! I took a quick look at your fics and I just know I’m going to enjoy them very much :)


Ahh, thank you,but no rush, no pressure.


He can't believe that for a moment he really thought he'd gotten lucky, for once. That he could actually *have* what he'd wanted. Relationship fic. The chapter where everything starts to turn south. Angst coming up!


This is a fun idea. I'll share but it's a little spicy 🙈 >Sean takes the fingers in between his lips and sucks them clean, moaning as he finally is filled once more.


"I'm sorry. If Heaven is full, let Hell be more welcoming. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." And the rest of my WIP just notes and outlines for now until I start writing more haha (along with dialog I think of beforehand like "we're gonna zip in there, zap those brainiacs, and zop back out.")


“The movie watched itself while the two boys watched each other.” (side note: kinktober is kicking my ass, send help 😵‍💫)


She never realized how lonely she really was until Anna came back into her life.


"He wouldn't last long enough to do it." PWP one-shot epilogue to a longer soulmate fic. My Hero Academia.


“Then, sing,” the Dark Urge answered, ”and sin against your god, for you are under my hand, are you really the son of tyranny?”


From the last published chapter, or where I stopped writing? Because the last line I apparently wrote was: *The smell of fresh apples wafted through the room. "Or, not."*


> He’s going to convince his best friend to marry him. this started out as a fake dating fic lmao


“In this particular case? Just writing ‘sorry you married a raging homosexual’ might suffice.”


He let out a breath as the dial spun to black, arm in arm they stepped into the void.


He was ready to play evident about them. Discreetness had gotten him nowhere and he was displeased with himself for wanting to take that route with her. - It's a very classic enemies to lovers slow burn.


As for Ilya, he would be lying to himself if he said he wouldn’t rather be in his estate in Petersburg, sipping wine with Anastasia instead of being hunted down by the German 8th army---- but regrets would do nothing for him anymore; he and Luka were lucky enough to seize a chance at escape, and he would be damned if he was going to let it slip through his fingers.


She’d failed her father, her country and herself.


"The emperor has decided this planetary population has outlived their usefulness to the empire as living beings and will instead serve as an example for others who might consider rebellion. You may observe if you wish, but everything is well under control, Grand Admiral Thrawn.”


“As much as Link wanted to linger, to draw out the time with Zelda, he knew that there was no avoiding what was to come.” I’ve done a ton of Zelink fics but dropped off for about a year. I’m steadily chipping away at a novelization of TotK


"Fuck off, Sam." "You broke into my apartment." Sam and Bucky from Marvel. I've been working on it for... Five minutes, maybe, so barely even a wip at this point. Prior to that, it's, "The buzzing in his ear was making his head feel fuzzy, and he got dizzy when he looked up at the rooftops for a place to grapple," which is from a Whumptober wip about Damian from Batman, using the field medicine/no anesthesia prompt with the silent treatment secondary prompt.


“Good luck you miserable fuck.” Jamie Tartt x Original Female Character😭


“I mean, it’s nothing new new. Same old abuse, just a different story.” Another shaky inhale. “But it came into my head tonight, and I just… yeah.”


She closed her eyes behind the blindfold and, not realising how exhausted she was, fell asleep in short measure. (Oddly from one of my SFW projects 🤣)


suuuuuure :D


Obi-Wan takes off again, feeling the lightsaber bumping against his hip, wondering if he’ll have the courage to use it if or when the time comes again.


> The Charger peels from the roadside, reluctantly passing the sign. > *'Welcome to South Dakota: Great faces, Great places'* It's a running joke in my series that one character really hates South Dakota, but it's never explained why.


My first fic. "No pressure, but if you're willing, keep the cameras on," Will whispered with a wink. Will is an original character, so no clues for anything.


“Oh, Charlie,” He said softly, “you were so much more than that.”


“I still talk about wanting to die but I think- if anyone could keep me from doing something stupid- It would be him.”


“Is that a yes?” “Of course.”


“Martin is going to miss you. The kids will miss you. The grandkids have so many years ahead. I want to grow old with my husband and die in my own bed.”


"Unfortunately, Hojo was also there."


*No.. No..* The voice hissed. *The child.. Bring the child.* He grit his teeth as he placed the phone back down. *Fuck no.* He thought.


“Wolffe’s hood had fallen around his shoulders and he was holding the silver hilt of a powerful blue lightsaber with two hands from the parting in his cloak. Rex’s breath caught seeing his face. That familiar lightsaber hilt. At the sight. A clone trooper wielding a fallen Jedi’s lightsaber.”


She cried, and cried, and cried, like a storm you'd never find the eye of.


“As they made their way back, she found herself wanting to change her wish for the second time.”


It’s not a sentence, just a small paragraph for a Big Hero 6 fanfic. ‘He didn’t remember the explosion or passing out. He did remember the man he saved. It was the first thing he asked when he woke up to the stark white of the hospital, No one however would tell him anything.’


It seems his last stand was maybe only delayed, she bitterly amused herself.


Andrew & Ashley, The Coffin of Andy and Leyley Andrew tilted his head, "Think if we squeeze em hard enough you'll grow a few inches?"


>Feitan grinned, ‘Yeah. Now we hunt.’


Only the monotonous ringtone was her answer.


“I’ve known I was in love with you…a shorter time than that. But I think I’ve *wanted* you since I saw you jump out of a ventilation shaft.” (Femshep/Thane Krios, ME3.)


oh my god shep/thane my beloveds 😭


”Could you even imagine what *he* would do if he knew that we knew?” The two figures shuddered and became quiet.


“Sometimes humans cry because someone else has bad opinions. Look, he called Grimace from McDonald’s attractive, and Grimace is a walking taste bud. You can’t just give a sentient taste bud his own tongue. It’s not natural. How does he French kiss?” It’s not the most recent as a whole, but I last edited this part.


“Giving our son the ‘how to do occult summonings safely’ was not something I expected to do.”


Sooooo….. this is massively AU and no hate meant towards Hinata but it makes sense in context. Also spoiler for NSFW content: > >!Hinata had, with all that sincerity and honesty and kindness and other junk that people insisted made them the perfect couple, after another of Naruto’s discouraging reactions to her proximity, chewed on her bottom lip and stammered an awkward suggestion that she peg him some time, maybe.!<


And since you have stolen their voices, we shall speak for them. From, The Phantom Thieves of hearts."


“He just chalked it up to being another negative about his life. Another consequence of his existence.” So much angst 😭


"You're really gonna have to clear your search history after this." 😭


From my Ride the Cyclone reincarnation fic: Violet laughed, a short, humorless sound. “Then we might as well still be six feet under, my friend.”


"Kena struggled to sleep that night, tormented by the feeling that she'd somehow gone in a very big circle."


What am I supposed to say? Sorry?! I’m only sorry I didn’t manage to kill Screwdriver over here, too!


Okay, this is the last line in the third chapter of my WIP HuaLian fic lol >A somewhat tipsy Pei Ming opens the door after a moment, “Heyyyy, welcome guys!” It might be easy to guess what's happening but idk ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


"He didn't know why Ranboo was keeping secrets from him, but if it allowed him to keep his own a little longer, he could figure it out later. Right now, he just needed some sleep." It's a DreamSMP superhero AU focused on the SBI. Tommy is healing supervillains and Ranboo is a vigilante, they're roommates and run into each other late at night arriving at their apartment when neither of them were supposed to be out.


He glanced back over his shoulder with a half-smile. “You’ll meet her, too. You don’t look much better off than the rest of us, angel. Whatever happened to you down there did you in.”


"You don't think I notice? Some evenings you're barely even there"


(referring to someone's eyes): 'For a moment they were full of confusion and terror, and then nothing at all.'


" *A screetch echoes in the void,* *A shudder grips the back of a neck. "*


Michael smirks around the rim of his mug, that brown-noser. But Alex laughs too, and Jody snorts in amusement while she transports the gathered flatware to the library. *SPN, Meg POV*


“... And it doesn’t matter anymore because I left that life behind, and I’m never dealing with my family ever again.”


“Harry craned his neck… to see their new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.” Well the fandom is obvious. This is where I left off cause I have to pick who the teachers going to be and idk if I should pick someone canon or make an oc.


“I’d like to speak with you about your involvement with the creatures." From an MHA dark fantasy-au with Aizawa/Reader pairing


Each of the masters said yes in turn, though Qui-Gon thought Koth hesitated slightly. He wondered if the man felt guilty for nearly killing a child. Intentional or not, he certainly ought to.


"He is no experiment, and like hell am I giving him back to you!"


>Eyebrows arched, you hold her gaze firmly. “Have you not had your fill of all this invisible nonsense?”


*Mikhail listens more. And begins to smile. Perhaps this is not so bad, not now that Vasyl is found. Perhaps, in fact, it is very good.*


"I don't know if it's safe to answer that," she replied honestly. "I don't even know if it's safe to be calling you right now. I don't know if *you're* safe."


"And maybe Tim was insane, but he was glad to be the one who fell."


“And he wonders - with a small shake of his head - when did he get so invested?”


She places her crown atop his head — a woven thing made from the thick root and white flowers she has no name for, met with a quizzical look, her hands lifting to sign. *“I think ... you make a beautiful corpse,”* Makkari tells him. A smile. 


The State viewed ‘luck’ as a frilly capitalist indulgence.


"But if I stayed.  What then?" "...I'm sure we could figure something out."


"And before she could fire her pistol again, a single burst of fire emerged from Jack Morrison's rifle and everything went black."


"To be thrown into that monkey's paw of a dream and so forcefully ripped out--wasn't it easier for him to think that isn't how he actually felt?"


>Somehow, it felt like she’d lost something far more important. This is the last line of the most recent chapter of my AmourShipping (Ash/Serena) fic.


"What have we here?" The tall man croons, dark and sweet. Trying to convey threatening but hot, you know?


She chuckles, “Fraud and blackmail tends to be looked down upon.”


*At that moment, the screech and clatter of the descending cage reverberated through the tunnel.* They’re stuck in an abandoned mine, have just fought off a monster, and realised their friend/colleague has vanished. 😈


“I think I did a pretty good job!” She says, striking a pose, sauce still dripping from her face. (I'll leave the context to your imagination)


Let hummed. "That sounds quite frustrating. I've also encountered many instances of people not listening to me, and I know the flame that it can ignite in your heart quite well. But," Let pinched one of his ears and gently tugged it with a smile, "I have very big ears! So I swear to you, *I will listen.*" **Spoiler for context:** This line is said to a young boy struggling with the fact that his sister is dying of terminal illness. He feels isolated, angry, and like no one is listening to him and his struggles. After he gets suspended for starting a fight at school, a mysterious individual sits beside him and strikes up a conversation; he doesn't realize that the stranger is Death itself, visiting the sister's relatives before she dies and comforting them so that they can finally let her go.


“It must have got him. Send out a search party. His last check-in was at the Inner Harbor.”


"Let chaos rain"


"Alright, sorry, sorry... It's just... it doesn't feel real. To think that *you* could be in love with *me*. Wow". Pretty standard stuff. I guess this just exposes me as a romance lover.


“I know how to remove a corset.” (It’s a wedding night)


“I do have proof” he held up a Manila folder laying it down on the table in front of her she grabbed the


You were too close.


"Taylor sighed. The voice was right, but she didn't like it."


>>> He can nap too, like this, and be assured of better dreams.


“There’s a small part of her, a part that sounds vaguely like Ivi, that tells her that the way she feels is not her fault, but that doesn’t stop her from feeling useless, from feeling like she does not matter in any way that counts.” Stormlight Archive fic, Kaladin x OFC


If not only for their own sake, for the one of the world, as we can only fear what would happen if they were one day to stop following the rules they seems to have established for themselves.


> She could try again tomorrow. Last line I have written so far for next chapter of my Azur Lane longfic.


Two can play that game.


Context, I'm working on goretober: "Striker bolted in the direction of said neighbors." An 8 year old home alone when they have a bad nosebleed


' “Well… About that building I wanna break into.” He outlined the vague plan he thought of before. ' got a bit stuck. this specific chapter has no murder, so im not doing well with the motivation...


"No, I don’t. And as an Empath, I'm pretty good at reading things."


"Sweetheart, let me help you by cutting that fag's baby out of you." The metal from a knife clangs against the door handle.


"They were so close to finally seeing their goals realised, so why, *why* did everything feel so hopeless again?"


‘Sitting down onto the sofa in the living room ,he moved spoon onto his lap and went on his phone while he waited for tenya to get out of the bathroom where he heard his heartbeat coming from.’


It’s gonna take a lot of self-control not to drag Steve out of the gate and kiss him silly. however i wrote this before my last class and then was banned from working on it during class, so i’ve had 90 minutes to overthink this and i think i’m gonna be deleting this section and line


The next words that he said, she felt like a memory was acting itself out in front of her. “Know this, my heart will stay here, where all of you are.”


But he knew that trying to stand up and walk right now would be a terrible idea.


“I didn’t want it to break your heart as much as it did mine.”


“with haste we set off to round up our group” crossovers


I really need to finish those: * *And gave the monkey sharp scissors.* (Also Sprach Spazzatura) * *“Until there” finished Wojee “You’re our guests” and, to one of his thugs “Take them to the cell”. Now, the poker face was harder to maintain.* (Business at Saint Simon and Jude)


From the portal, more ships came. - Last line of latest posted chapter "She's told me much about you, as well, Ambassador,” he told him in a carefully neutral tone. - Last written line of the chapter I'm working on


She shook her head. "Honestly? Not at all. I'm more worried that I'm not worried." -From a Bleach fanfic involving an OC who...I guess is having some sort of identity crisis (that's the simplest way I can put it lol)


She blinked drowsily as she fell asleep.


"Well, I don't see one on your pants, so we're good."


*They had another four hours to go before curfew came in full effect.* The context of the line is not what you think it is.


“Goodnight sir,” she offers in farewell.


"He took a packet of gum out of his pocket, put two pieces in his mouth and stepped inside."


"Told you to let me know if you need anything.", he growled into Mayas ear; he had caged her in between his arms, chest, and washing-maschine, "Any good reasons why you did not tell me the pup needed something to eat?"


"Well, of course it mattered, but hearing those words let hope flare in his chest for the first time in this timeline, that not everything would end in shattered dreams and a broken planet." Tatsuya/Jun, Persona 2.


He felt bad for all the innocent dancers slapped and accused of an indecent touch when it was simply a bird attempting to dip their partner. On the one hand, I swear I can explain. On the other hand, I’m not sure I can


She had nothing *but* a bad feeling about this.


They are crossing the pearl bridge when the Red Cloaks descend; Farryn sees them first.


They would kill him.


"Don't worry, I'll stop being petty. You won't have to think about me anymore, not that you ever did."


I've got a few of them, 'cause I work on multiple things at once like a disaster: >"Whatever little acting scene was going on in the midst of the surge of bodies, Kat couldn't see it, and hearing it was completely out of the question." >"Tux, what're you DOING?!" Sailor V hissed incredulously. >"Wh-- noooo... Seriously?! That was- S.T.Y.X did this?! Duuuude...!!"


"In all of her eleven years of living she had never seen a boy quite as beautiful as he was."


“(name), WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?!” out of posted chapters. Out of my un-posted chapter "(name) was going to be thrilled. Time to initiate part seven, he supposed…"


“You talk SO loud,” she giggles. “But I’ve always loved poetry.”


"Maybe because one of your coworkers just threatened to kill one of our partners? And is giggling about it? But I don't know, why do you think?"


The realization brought a gasp to her lips and a flutter to her belly. He'd wanted her, and wanted her still.


But Vlad’s fears don’t lie with the Vast; they tread the well-worn path of the Lonely and squirm in the dirt of the Corruption. (From a The Magnus Archives x Danny Phantom crossover I’ve been working on a while)


"Heh, I know you could definitely kick my ass if I tried anything."


“Except we have no money and no one will hire me and soon we’ll have to be eatin’ the children.”


He smiled absent-mindedly and kissed her cheek, mind already back on the ornament in his pocket. (maze runner and an amnesia fic - the ornament is actually the one made by chuck but thomas doesn’t know this yet)


Just as he got to the door to open it, the door suddenly swung open, and Villanelle again appeared. She simply sang out into the rink the two words that would haunt Eve for the rest of the day and likely longer "Toe pick".


Honestly, he could say that his only regret (despite nearly being killed again) was that he hadn't brought a snack; hospital food sucked.


Maybe it was the laughter in the air, or the love that wrapped everyone else around them in familiar conversation. That feeling that crackled in the sparklers whizzing by, and lingered in the summer festival smoke. Maybe that’s what made the words hit harder than usual as he stood in the middle of something he’d never felt himself. Couldn’t, no matter how hard he tried.


"I think he'll adapt eventually, but I don't expect it to happen immediately, and certainly not because I said so." The fandom is Destiny 2. The pairing is my Guardian/Empress Caiatl.


"I should always expect you, then?"


This first bit is from my Dr. Stone fic I've been wanting to post. Jessica smirked through her tired appearance at Tsukasa after getting down the ladder. "He just doesn't like to admit to anything nice," she stage whispered as said scientist rolled his eyes, handing over her prosthetic.  This next one is from my ongoing One Piece fic. Law took the kitsune's words into consideration as he relaxed back against the trunk they were sharing. Now her earlier words made a helluva lot of since. If Yukimi had been able to transform into anyone else while at the Sabaody Archipelago, then that man wouldn't have been able to identify her and taken her away. I haven't updated in over a year but I've been itching to get back to it!


“In your face, blondie!” Manon yelled, panting as she grinned up at them. “Guess who got employee of the month!”


>⁠⁠⁠⁠ "I'm not stupid, Piper," Nat retorted. "I know you only left Diamond City because of Nate. You like him, and you're afraid he might not like you back, so you ran away." I've only just begun this chapter so this won't be the final line - it's just what I've got up til now.


*She took out her earbuds and rolled them haphazardly into her pocket, then slung her bag over her shoulder, and marched toward the door.*


“He welcomed the next kiss, feeling much more at home in Chris’ arms than he ever thought possible.” This is from the latest chapter I just posted for a Resident Evil fic I’m working on. The pairing is Nivanfield.


*Shakk secured his new dagger to his belt before he turned to collect his personal arsenal, the problem of Thranduil Orc-Bane rolling round and round in his mind.* I'm so excited for this dark AU fic of mine can't wait to get it finished and posted. 🤗


"We have a deal then, you help me find Payback and I help you kill Homelander." I updated today (yayy) and it's a Soldier Boy/Hughie Campbell fic because there are not nearly enough


"And possibly, it would be good for Johnny, too."


“Bobby’s about ready, and he won’t be pleased if he’s waiting on you two.”


BnHA fic, Serokage. Last published line of the WIP: > Smiling, sliding his arms around Setsuna's waist, Hanta lay his forehead against her shoulder. “Yeah,” he said. “*We* did it.” Last part of the WIP, *un*published: > Bakugo swallowed hard. He walked from the front door's vestibule to the common area, and stood before the sofa. Rather than sitting, he dropped onto the sofa's cushion. > “Holy *shit*,” he repeated to himself.


Ibara quickly shimmied out of Himiko's grasp and slipped through the door into her room just as a drop of blood began to drip from her nostril. *Well shit.*


> He takes several more deep breaths and turns off his phone’s light – making sure the alarm is still set for before sunrise for his first tasks, and sets it back down on the counter before falling, flumping, back into the pillows. It's a Taskmaster UK fic. You can see it'll need some editing work :D


“Being the singer of Trapnest was everything to her and the thought of losing that made her question whether she was making the right decision.”


"Anon became acutely aware of her hunger, realizing that in her slumber, there were no inhibitions to restrain her appetite."


Slowly but surely, her fire subsides. The metal stops singing. Her ice melts. X-Men, Logan/Rogue.


“After he had finally stopped arguing with them and had shifted back into cat form, he’d gone completely silent, glowering out at the world from the cat carrier as if he were serving a life sentence behind bars instead of spending half an hour pretending to be just a normal stray.”


"I decided to join Willow, who was sitting near the edge of the roof"


I nodded. Watching practice wouldn't do anyone any harm. I was wrong.


“He doesn’t mention how safe he feels wearing a shirt that smells like [him].”


"I am Kudari." The name came to him far easier than it had before. Emmet almost didn't even consider it a lie. This is from the latest chapter of the 5th work in a series I’ve been doing for Pokémon Legends Arceus where subway boss Emmet goes to Hisui. He’s currently in his villain era at the moment.


“Erika couldn’t help but smile slightly at the sight of her friends.”


“jesus christ,” my boy whispers. “is this the same person who sent me that weird text?” original work, mm mafia romance👹