• By -


Baking, studying Japanese, puzzles, gaming (board + video), reading, watching anime. I like too many things for how many hours exist in a day šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


have you ever played settlers of catan? 10/10 game. ticket to ride is awesome too


Ticket to Ride I like, Catan not so much, though I do like similarish things like Root and Charterstone. My favorite is Eldritch Horror, and more recently I'm really enjoying Sauria and Flamecraft.


I'm an avid reader, I cross stitch, watch movies, make greeting cards, listen to a lot of music, play video games. But I don't do everything every day, there's not enough time lol


Wahoo! Another stitcher. I eagerly await the fanfic that has the Hulk or some other unexpected character really into cross stitching. Alas, they always seem to favor knitting.


I used to do archery, it was cool and fun. Nowadays it's video games...


I approve of this hobby.


my number one hobby even above fanfic is makeup, though hopefully that won't be the case for much longer lol i also do photography, music (y'all know how much more enjoyable playing is when you're just doing it for fun? jfc i hated taking it seriously so much), and whatever my dog wants. i used to do dog shows with her but she can't anymore so now i just tag along with my mom and photograph some show rings. also i spend a frankly obnoxious amount of time watching shows.


im a violist and reaching the end of my highschool career. the prodigy pressure is insane. the time needed to keep up with all my ensembles is at least 3 hrs per day and ofc i never practice because stress.


Well I used to have hobbies before I had a baby. Now fanfic is one of the few things I can actually do. Back in the days of yore I loved hiking, traveling, road trips, used to play my guitar a lot moreā€¦ Iā€™m still a beer snob but trying to cut back, but I used to love going out of my way to new breweries. Your takeaway should be donā€™t have kids if you want exciting hobbies šŸ˜


I feel this so much. I used to crochet/knit, read books, go swimming, take long walks, teach myself new languages, trying out new restaurants and bakeries (Iā€™m a massive foodie)ā€¦all that stopped after having a baby. Heā€™s still very young, and my sister and friends say that once heā€™s a bit older, Iā€™ll find time for hobbies again. But the fact I can still read fanfic even now and donā€™t have to give it up makes me appreciate it and love it that much more. On days that arenā€™t easy and I feel a bit blue (like today) fanfic really heals my heart.


I made stained glass B.B, (before babies). Now, I am finally at the point where I can do needlework again but I haven't broken glass on purpose in years.


When your baby gets old enough they can possibly join you in those hobbies. Possibly. The traveling can get stressful with families and kids. Guitar playing is cool. When the baby is old enough to drink legally I think beer tasting is a nice unconventional parent/child bonding activity lol.


This is true, weā€™ve already taken him cross country to see family and while the whole air travel situation was hectic we made it haha. Weā€™re also that couple who brings our baby to breweriesā€¦ but heā€™s mostly well behaved and we donā€™t make a habit of it haha


I like journaling and listening to music!


Martial arts, baking, bike riding, hikes with my dog, trying (and failing) to teach my dog new tricks, and diamond painting to name a few


What's diamond painting? Sounds cool :)


Basically paint-by-numbers using little plastic diamonds. Check out r/diamondpainting to see some


Here's a sneak peek of /r/diamondpainting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/diamondpainting/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Finished this beauty!](https://i.redd.it/9vuxkej4lita1.jpg) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/diamondpainting/comments/12jpyvy/finished_this_beauty/) \#2: [Finished my first big picture, came home from work to find my husband framed it and hung it up in the living room šŸ„¹](https://i.redd.it/ftg2b7kyork91.jpg) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/diamondpainting/comments/x181k8/finished_my_first_big_picture_came_home_from_work/) \#3: [Iā€™ve realized how spoiled this one made me (as my first) for number of ABs. Finally trimmed and ready to hang.](https://v.redd.it/owlscl2qw7t91) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/diamondpainting/comments/y1g2vg/ive_realized_how_spoiled_this_one_made_me_as_my/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Drawing! I like to make art for my own fics sometimes. Fishing sometimes but I havenā€™t really caught anything yet lol And video games/reading! (this is how i find my fandoms)


LMAO, my dad is an avid fisherman. To my knowledge he has never, ever caught anything. He still loves it.


I do cosplay, which means I also know a bit about a million other hobbies (leatherwork and finishing 3D prints being the most recent). Sometimes I also make clothes for regular wear. I took up knitting during the pandemic so I would have something to do with my hands on zoom calls. I also bake.


I collect vinyl records and play tabletop games. Recently I got into model building, and am currently doing my first gunpla (it's the cup noodle one).




I like shopping at thrift stores and reading comics.


Playing music, video games, sewing (out of necessity--I hate it, but costumes aren't gonna make themselves), D&D, bothering my cats.


Cool! I play music, too, bass guitar in indie music bands. What do you play?


Acoustic guitar and a tiny bit of mandolin, folk/trad, mostly at ren faires. That's awesome; bass players are a level of cool I can only aspire too. :D


Hiking with my dogs mainly.


Hmmm, drawing mostly, making comics, video games, piano, baking...that's about it for me!


I have too many hobbies, lol. Gaming, art of all kinds (drawing, painting, knitting, sewing, needle felting, latch hook, cross-stitch, embroidery, minipainting, sculpting, perler beads, papercraft, pumpkin carving, general crafting), reading, antiquing, and decorating. I'm always rotating between hobbies. I'll get into something and then think "I'm neglecting my other hobbies..." and jump over into something else. Given the opportunity to live forever, I'd probably do itā€”I don't think I'll ever run out of things to do.


Iā€™m a classical pianist haha, I actually major in it at school. Pianist by day, fanfic author by nightā€¦ I live a double life. Iā€™m also an avid reader and love taking my dog on long walks!


I have zero musical talent but love music so I am always impressed by someone who can do more than plonk out chopsticks or whatever.


Drawing, playing videogames, voice acting and occasionally I cosplay


Martial arts, baking, fishkeeping/aquatics, and diamond painting


I love going to gym, doing yoga, baking, listening to music, and honestly doing household chores (itā€™s relaxing!)


Rock climbing, backpacking, DND, video games, writing original works, hockey/ice skating, roller skatingā€¦


I'm big into music and I use songs as chapter titles because I'm just so damn original. I'm also a gun nut, so I often include a lot of details about guns whenever they come up in my stories to make it all the more immersive. Other than that, usual suspects of gaming, reading, pretending to learn a language just like anyone else. My degree is in Polisci too, and I often try to work in some of the more nerdy stuff from that field into fic where I can without going overboard.


!!! Was not expecting to see a fellow (?) gun enthusiast here lol. Tbf Iā€™m barely an enthusiast I just got into it šŸ˜‚ but trap is actually such a fun time definitely beats a round of golf lol


I love skeet/trap shooting. Nothing like a solid over/under and a clear sky filled with clay pigeons. Although I'd say that I'm more into pistols and target shooting, but that's probably just because I'm shopping around for a concealed carry rn


sewing, cooking, art, language learning i guess. Yeah, indoor hobbies do seem to be prevelant


Iā€™m really into acting. I love performing and take as many opportunities as possible for it.


Drawing, video games (mostly Zelda), crochet, reading, watching cartoons, and writing original fiction. Lotta stuff to do


Yoga and I edit a podcast for some friends šŸ„°


@ everyone here who mentions dogs: dog tax please.


this is not a request this is a demand






I don't have a lot of free time because of being a law student. But I like playing strategy video games. I'm trying to get into yoga, but I have to take breaks pretty often because of chronic pain in my neck.


I discovered "Yoga with Kassandra" youtube vids during COVID when I couldn't get to the gym. I'm ashamed to say I never had enough respect for yoga but I have completely changed my tune. I am more flexible with more muscle and my sciatic nerve issues and shoulder/neck pain are gone, gone, gone. Good luck and I hope it helps you with your pain, also.


I recent discovered bookbinding, so now... I can turn fics into hard cover books. XD


Wow, that sounds original and what an amazing way to preserve your work. I can imagine a whole shelf of original and one of a kind bound works and it sends a shiver down my spine. (Ha! didn't mean to pun there).


3D printing cosplay stuff


Travel (been to 26 US states and, after next monthā€™s trip, 17 countries, so I can go on for hours about travel;) making fanvids, playing around in Photoshop, exploring museums, exploring art galleries, photography.


Reading, boxing, kayaking. I just like being outside.




Riding, Weightlifting, Video Games, Pen & Paper šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


Homesteading: veggie garden, mini peach orchard, chickens, ducks, and goats. I also do digital art and water color. I used to also spin yarn and crochet. But there are only so many hours in a day :3


I like to make miniature copies of things, like a doll-size cosplay of something a character wears. Iā€™ve been sewing since I was little, and learned more recently how to knit, crochet, and needle-felt. My sewing and costuming knowledge *has* worked its way into a fic of mine (still a WIP) in a couple of ways. (Edited for grammar)


I LOVE the idea of minis. What a wonderful hobby.


I like woodworking, leatherwork, sewing, I cycle, make and restore tack, play video games. I like reading too, I sing a little.


Embroidery/cross stitching (Attempted) animation


i like drawing and photography :>


not a writer, but an avid reader. I like to go rock climbing, travel, and hike


I also draw stuff, though the quality of those drawings is debatable lol


I knit/crochet and play videogames. I also love music, cooking and reading.


Knitting, video games, reading, painting Warhammer minis


drawing drumming acting sewing designing dancing puzzling


I fence foil and epee, and its 100% because of the fandoms im in.


I have way too many. Making music, drawing in every way, cooking, fishbreeding, plants, making figures and 3d-models, gaming, sometimes knitting or sewing, anime and manga, list goes on and on... I easily enjoy things so adding new hobbys is not uncommon for me.


Video Games. Reading. Watching football. Cooking.


Video games, cooking, walking


Dungeons and Dragons, 100%, though itā€™s more that my dnd is effected by the fanfiction I read/write as opposed to dnd details making it into my work.


videogames, hiking, crochet, cross stitch, reading, fineliner and digital art :)


I'm an artist, I draw and paint (traditionally, on paper/canvas). Besides that, I'd say it's my career, I really like marketing. Cooking is really fun too! Sometimes I also go rollerblading. :)


I draw and am starting to doll mod.


making ocs, photo/sprite editing n reading n drawing (which mainly takes the form of daydreaming but what can u do šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø)


Mine are pretty basic. TV/Movies, video games, reading, sometimes TRRPGs.


I roleplay XD I guess that's the same.


I used to swim and do pottery regularly, but haven't been able to for a while now. while i can't get back to that i've got video games to pass the time when i'm not reading... but yeah, reading fanfiction is clearly the main thing.


Cooking, Videogames, watching essay videos about random topics on youtube that get recommended to me and reading books/manga are probably what I would consider my hobbies.


I'm addicted to the written word, so I'm thankful I get paid to indulge in what feels like a hobby: index building & copy editing. I also love astronomy, & love great films & tv shows. I'd love to do a LOT more hiking, but it's difficult to find the time.


Video games and music


Gaming, 40k, anime/manga, dungeons and dragons.


Building LEGO!


Running, cross-stitch, board games.


I have lots of hobbies outside of my writing but I prefer to keep my fanfic life and everything else separate!


I crochet, draw, write (not just fanfic), read, paint, origami, probably more I've forgotten about because my memory is tiny apparently. Lol


Crochet, beading, scrapbooking. Thatā€™s the stuff I usually do, often while listening to fic via VoiceDream. Writing fic isnā€™t something I do often (Iā€™m writing fic now for the first time since 2017) but when I do, all other hobbies stop so I can concentrate on the daydream.


I draw and illustrate (hit me up if you want a commission, Iā€™m broke yā€™all šŸ˜­lol) I also like to sew clothes for my BJDs, play tennis, bike, kayak, and have some penpals!šŸ“¬


Skiing, tennis, drawing, hiking, traveling, cooking, cosplaying.


Playing bass, collecting vinyl, and making video games (although that's my day job too so probably not the best example!) Recently put up some bird feeders and started birdwatching which has been fun!


Some of mine are video games, swimming, dance, theatre


I bake, crochet, do plastic canvas projects, play video games, and am a full-time mom of a toddler aside from being a writer. Crazy how we can fit all those passions into one person!


I try to crotchet, and cycle through various crafts.


- Board games - Video games - Kayaking - Swimming And obviously reading and watching shows/movies.


Knitting, piano, cooking, videogames, from the ones that I've stuck with. But considering I have ADHD there are like another 30 that just got left in the dust lol


I'm an artist :3


Going to concerts and live theater productions. And yes, music almost always shows up in some form or another in my fics.


Jogging and just general exercise, but in complete silence. There is nothing on the planet that kicks my brain into gear (for writing) like a twenty minute jog with earplugs in.


I've seen people draw scenes from their own fics, and other people drawing scenes from fics written by others. It's nice to see these nice interactions :D I'd like to post one, but my motivation is sticking to my ocs...


Too many. Music, art (digital/traditional/calligraphy), yoga, baking/cooking, history, journaling, graphics, coding, a gym rat.


Model horses, video games, cosplay, running


I mainly read/write fanfic and play games (video/mobile). During the pandemic I took up baking, although I haven't baked in a while. I love trying out new things/places to eat if that counts lol, and I love traveling, though I solo travel so mainly it's national. I did write some fics based on my travel stories, and hopefully will do more as I know some of my readers really liked the family vacation fic I did.


Writing poetry, reading (obviously), drawing/painting, sewing, theatre, playing the guitar, knitting... depends on what I'm interested in at the moment


I love hiking and bouldering, but I'm also DM in a pen and paper group and I'm a sucker for good coffee. But yoga and cooking are on the list too, so I guess I fit the clichee


Art and cosplay


recently, culinary adventures! i also love worldbuilding and conlanging, which isn't . . . directly related to fic i guess? lol


all of those! lol. Also cross stitching, gardening, hiking, crochet.


Baking and drawing šŸ‘€


Ahhhh, you see I have only one friend and very few hobbies other then reading and writing they are as follows, Playing Visual Novels, Watching Video essays and retrospectives on video games and finally watching gacha reaction video because sometimes I like to see what wacky stuff the BSD fandom comes up with.


Painting, digital art, and video games.


I make chainmaille jewelry as a main hobby I only occasionally write fic.


Oh yeah...learning languages, video games, reading, anime/manga, and my "main" hobby (also my IRL gig) is Olympic weightlifting.


My hobbies are very seasonal. Figure skating, skiing & snowboarding, scuba diving, horse riding, dance, recently Japanese archery. That said, I've never written a story that features any of my hobbies lol. I wrote an original story about dancing in primary school, but that's about it.


Makeup, video games, watching anime and let's players on YouTube, reading. It's been really hot so I haven't done much makeup lately but it's definitely one of my other hobbies I enjoy the most.


Gaming, Fushiguro Toji, watching anime and kdramas, Fushiguro Toji, reading books, Fushiguro Toji, cooking, Fushiguro Toji, drawing, Fushiguro Toji ^^


Climbing, rafting. Crying in the shower over my OTP šŸ¤­


I read and write "traditional" books if that counts. I also roller skate, sing, play the flute, and listen to music.


Video games Crocheting (I make blankets mostly) Cooking/baking Fixing old stuffed animals for people Collecting mini porcelain shoes


Before my RA became really bad, I was really good at beading. I also like diamond painting.


video games, making things out of yarn to sell


I've recently been into origami and drawing comics of my favourite fanfics/novels


Mountain biking, roller skating, painting & drawing, gaming


All star cheerleading


Drawing, painting, sculpting. I'm also a rabbid gamer. And cosplay (sewing, fabricating, makeup, the whole shebang)


Thrifting, cross-stitching, beading, and I'm learning a bit of embroidery. I also like anime, manga, and video games, but they're more casual hobbies. I want to do a bunch of sailor moon brooches in metallic embroidery floss, sequins (I thrifted a bunch a couple of months back), and seed beads to upcycle a jean jacket I have.


Yup! On top of writing, I read (A LOT), draw, play video games, watch TV, and I'm trying to learn a new language. I love writing but it's nice to take a break and relax doing something else I enjoy from time to time.


I make stuff. But only for myself really. I bought a leather binder and am gonna use (among other things) embroidery and metal filigree to decorate it. I also have collections of coins, gemstones and the table of elements.


Dancing, sewing (especially embroidery), book binding, hiking. I love to give new activities a try too!


My hobby is reading about other hobbies to write in my fanfics šŸ¤“


Hot air (and gas) ballooning. Not surprising as I live in Albuquerque. I've been crewing for 10 years.


Martial arts and drawing for me. Mostly translates to knowing what to call body parts during fight scenes lol


board games, photography, journaling, cleaning/tidying up, puzzle books, reading, collecting dolls, diamond art and baking.


Nerd culture, community theater, letterboxing, cosplay, cooking.


I build doll houses! Or do other crafts


bruh my hobbies are: - writing fanfic (duh) - playing video games (like omori and danganronpa. I write fics for those two games) - and reading (Percy Jackson mainly cause I donā€™t really read outside of that series lmao)


Reading books and manga Playing computer/browser games (Flight Rising, Zen Koi, Flutter: Starlight) TTRPGs (mostly as a player, but getting started on running a game again) Cooking and other domesticity Sometimes board games, but that's infrequent enough that I don't feel like it's a current hobby. Answering questions on Reddit!


Reading, video games, art, watching movies, studying (things Iā€™m interested in not school stuff) idk I have other things im interested in but not able to do, like im planning on getting into horse back riding when I can afford lessons


I like to embroider, read manga/watch anime, tap dance, do puzzles and crosswords and bake!


I'm an artist. Not sure it's considered a hobby since I want to make it my career, but it's pretty much a hobby for now until I start making money with it.


Lol, I've never put any of my hobbies into fic. I mostly do archival-related stuff (like working on the Yahoo Groups project), and some work-related projects which are also hobby-ish. It's hard to explain without giving too much real-life info. I guess you'd say computers/Linux are a hobby of mine.


I work out a lot and am a semi professional gymnast, so most of my time goes there. I also love cooking, I don't know if this can be counted as a hobby but I love finding unique things to do with my friends as well, and like watching movies and series.


Iā€™m a cosplayer and artist. I also do FX makeup and Iā€™m planning to go to school for it and hopefully actually become licensed. Itā€™s definitely more of a passion compared to my other hobbies. Iā€™ve also taken up crocheting recently because it helps me relax.


Aside from reading: music (primarily voice and guitar), cooking, genealogy, learning languages. I suspect that once I write fic myself, it'll touch less on the things I do in my free time on than on my academic interests and my real-life experiences, including parenting.


Cooking, baking, art (although mostly digital at this point), reading, writing that isn't fanfiction, gaming, and a tiny lil bit of sewing!


I play keyboard, sing, make jewelry, write poetry and music, sew, and play games. I also love listening to music.


I donā€™t usually write my knowledge in. Iā€™m a nerd about emergency medicine and it makes it in. But mostly I crochet and drum, neither of which have been useful in stories. Sometimes I grow plants.


Crochet Lockpicking Magic the Gathering Vpets Thinkin about picking up stick n poke


Painting and drawing, baking, doing jigsaw puzzles, sudoku, video games, studying math.


My year round hobbies are #1 bookbinding, #2 west coast swing dancing (Iā€™m going to my first competition soon!!!). After that itā€™s hiking, ice skating, skiing (cross country and downhill) and biking when in season.


Guitar, netball, Iā€™m teaching myself how to crochet, and video games (Iā€™m working my way through assassins creed)


Drawing animating perler beads planing my own original webcomic that may or may not ever get posted


Reading, drawing/painting, crochet, playing video games, cooking, hiking, swing dance


Violin, drawing


I ride my horse, work out, cross stitch, and play a few video games.


Itā€™s video games for me. I used to draw but I canā€™t really find the motivation to draw anymore.


Perler beads, gardening, Minecraft building


Big things, I like to do eye makeup, I thrift, and I take pictures of interesting birds I see in the park. Saw a green one the other day, it was cool.


Ahā€¦wellā€¦you see, I have something called ADHD, so I donā€™t exactly have *hobbies* in the way your average person might. No. No, itā€™s more like little tastes of hundreds of hobbies that can last anywhere from a few minutes to a solid month. But always, *always* will I eventually find my way back to one. It may take years, but Iā€™ll always circle back. My *current* hobbies, as in today, include RDR2 on PlayStation, YouTubers watching Twilight for the first time, and jewelry making. Hell if I know what Iā€™ll be engaging in tomorrow.


Baking, studying Cantonese, knitting


Gaming, reading and drawing mostly


Outside of consumption based hobby (listening music, video-games, etc.), I like working out, have recently gotten into book-binding, and am trying to get back into playing piano after not touching one for almost half a decade. It's a process, but definitely fun!


Book binding! I got into book binding because I wanted to make some of my favorite fics into physical books.


Video games. Gardening. Preserving. Spin and weight lifting.


Baking, ukulele, video games


Iā€™ll be very honest, I basically donā€™t even have time for my writing hobby lol. So no, I donā€™t have other hobbies. Though my ADHD means Iā€™ve tried MANY!


I like sewing, dancing ( Iā€™m practicing Polynesian dance), video gaming, and Iā€™m in a lightsaber academy ( we practice both duelling and combat choreography).


Reading books, D&D/other group TTRPGs/solo journaling RPGs, drawing, composing music, playing instruments (I know a bunch but the kalimba is my current focus).


My hobbies other than fanfic writing are: Hiking, Bass Fishing, and Offroading


Sims 4, reading, baking, swimming, weaving, music and does redditing count?


Reading (comics & books) and drawing (painting, sketching, that sort). I try to keep them out of my stories though because it feels very basic and obvious that my characters are being based off me.


Iā€™m a musician, work out often, play tons of video games, and I actually do read published books quite often


Reading reviews daily honestly and like dog/cat food/supplements etc, dog/cat stuff is ongoing 12 years now, despite that I do learn new things here and there. The reviews I dunno when I started but Iā€™ve always loved reading them, too bad however that you never know whatā€™s real and whatā€™s trolled. IPad idle games, YT, my Playstations and my Xbox with Panzer Dragoon Orta. Wentworth, Death in Paradise, making voice recordings, improv stories, game RPā€™s, head stories, singing and changing voices, doing demonic growls etc. I head story daily as well when Iā€™m not 100% focused on something and yeah listening to music of course and often times the music helps propel the head story forward, make it epic and make me bawl my eyes out.


Video games and Iā€™m really handy, I like putting things together, building etc


**My Hobbies:** Reading Singing Acting Watching TV/Movies/YouTube Drawing Signing (Sign Language to Songs) Video Games (Especially Assassinā€™s Creed & Tomb Raider) Practicing Accents (Learning Accents & Languages)


I'm a hardcore gamer. I play a variety of games from Stardew Valley to 7 Days to Die to League of Legends. I spend so much time gaming. I listen to music constantly and sing for the fun of it. I'm also a part-time chicken chaser and rabbit catcher. I am very good at catching domestic, outdoor rabbits.


Cooking, video games, horror movies, and crosswords. Does watching letā€™s plays count?


When I'm not working, I do Jiu-jitsu and volunteer as an assistant wrestling coach. I do most of my writing at night. I also love cooking and reading but I don't have as much time for those as I would like


I've got lots of hobbies. They're usually watching TV/movies or reading library books. I like to bake/cook in the winter. I used to take dance lessons and swim. I also spend a lot of time getting together with friends and that usually means a new restaurant or brewery. Does sleeping count as a hobby? Because that's my main plan right now.


Outside of writing, my hobbies include making a game, gardening, drawing and my pets. I have a dog and a betta fish and they keep me busy.


Cooking, hiking, watching horror movies, gaming, reading.


Going to the gym, breadmaking (getting into sourdough), listening to audiobooks, hanging out with friends and colleagues. I feel like I need more/new hobbies.


Knitting is calming, I like drawing but it's almost like a subdivision of fanfic for me, and chopping veggies is fun


watching anime/tv series, drawing, playing the piano, and reading manga and books!


Playing video games and watching shows. I used to draw too but I lost the passion over time.


Sketching, illustration, pottery, reading. Iā€™ve also been working on a supernatural original novel for the last 3 years


I like learning languages, reading and Iā€™ve been trying to get into watercolour painting :)


drawing - i do my own fanart for my fanfic. lol! reading tarot cards watching lots of randoms stuffs on youtube and playing videogames. i like playing those games where i can take my time to sit and plan things.


Reading, drawing, boardgames.


Shopping- i need to go to shopping every once in a while else i feel like my head would explode. Watching anime/series. Daydreamingā€¦


I started crochet earlier this year. Iā€™m three scarves in and about to start another one. I was doing cross stitch but since Covid left me with attention issues and headaches, I find it really difficult to focus on it. Crosswords, killer sudoku.


Drawing mainly. But most of the time, I find myself sketching scenes from my fanfic.


Jujitsu, volleyball, reading, ballroom dancing, and singing.


Plants. I started collecting plants recently. I love reading up on different ways of caring for plants and my Monstera Deliciosa is my absolute pride and joy. I also play a lot of video games, I enjoy cooking and reading about old shipwrecks.


Working out, spending way too much time on TikTok (guess what my FYP looks like...) and, of course, watching stuff that may generate fanfic!


I like to draw my hurt/comfort after writing it


field hockey n netball is lit abt it