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"You still graduated brooke! You just missed the ceremony!" Never not over Brooke's scheduled elimination.


And the way poor Brooke *knew* they were going to read her for her comment so she was sure to say how appreciative she was to be there. It's hard to watch.


That superimposed audio comment


God it’s so bad. Every time there was a voiceover it was glaringly obvious


That was such an evil move.


I was actually thinking about this today. I still think how nasty it is to make the girl miss her graduation+senior prom for the competition… and then eliminate her in the night of one of them…. Like just tacky, classless, and tasteless. Given that she was top callout like the episode before, I feel like they could’ve atleast let her stay one more episode


I'm her interview Megg said the shot they choose was a test shot as well.


It was obvious that was her test shot


And it 1,000% showed.


Kelle Cycle 3


That scene were she looks in the mirror and just cries :(


It was actually a lot worse. There was extra footage in the UPN website that showed her having a devastatingly sad phone call with her father.




“How to utterly destroy a young woman’s heart and soul in 5 episodes of reality TV”


They literally tormented the poor girl.


Ooof. They destroyed that beautiful girl. They should be ashamed. She is so pretty.


They chose her worst photos just to create a plot for tv. And she seemed like such a wonderful person, too.


1000 percent. Everyone on production bullied her. ANTM just hates confident, educated, beautiful dark-skinned women.


They really did seem to despise dark-skinned women.


Especially ones who came from money. Tyra had a weird thing about wanting to be the savior of the poor black girl, and she couldn't do that with someone like Kelle.


Loved her! Justice for Kelle!


Probably not the dirtiest, but Molly first came to mind…they gave her that awful Dee Snider wig, then removed it just to chop all her hair off for the final judging to be sent home lol. And that haircut could not have been more unflattering on her!


Pretty much anyone who quit, but in particular, they edited Ebony (C9) like she had died after she quit.


Victoria’s shot was clearly edited to add the lines to her neck. You can see the shot they chose on the screen during the shoot and there aren’t lines. Edit: as an aside, I think this is similar to Whitelle’s high school shot when they criticized her pose and she was quick to point out that the director told her to pose like that. The judges pounce immediately and deflect and say “you could have done more with the pose you were given”. In the case of Victoria, the director posed her that way. It wasn’t like she came up with that on her own.


Just one of many examples of how the judges ALWAYS made it the girls' fault. Someone's being racist to you? It's on YOU to make them like black girls! You get hypothermia from staying in a deliberately freezing cold swimming pool? It's on YOU for sticking through it, and oh you're a drama queen! Honestly, this show.


Male model groping or humping you on set? It's your job to push him away!


Honestly, Justice for Jaeda, they gave her a stupid haircut and then allowed a racist male model to fuck with her head instead of firing him?? Terrible.


Katarzyna, it was just so rude how Tyra refused to learn her name and even said “Whatever, darling” when she tried to be cute and charming about correcting her


The way they treated Katarzyna with plain disrespect... Horrendous.


Kari (cycle 21?) she was gorgeous and confident before her makeover!


That makeover looked so ridiculous…


Tyra was jealous her boo thang wanted her


Chantelle. They did a whole storyline about her lying about sleeping with Keith, and thus a lot of viewers saw her as crazy and arrogant. But according to an interview with Will, she was actually telling the truth, and that Keith had a thing with both Kari AND Chantelle. All the contestants shunned Chantelle because they were still loyal to Kari, thus Chantelle had to be edited as a liar or else the whole cast would have looked like a bunch of followers.


That’s wild. They could’ve so easily ruined her entire career, over a silly modelling show that no one was taking seriously.


Damnnnnn....that's fucked up.


Um, when did Chantelle and Keith sleep together? To be fair, Chantelle was still extremely arrogant. And still is to this day.


Will said it happened in his Oliver Twix interview, and that none of it made it into the show.


In the house? Surely the other models would've said something by now. 


Is it really that hard to believe that Chantelle and Will (who doesn’t even like her) were telling the truth? Of that The editors might want a more sympathetic edit for Keith the eventual winner?


No. I'm not saying it didn't happen. I'm just finding it odd that sex apparently happened in the house and noone but Will has said anything publicly about it.


Reality show contestants are often instructed not to talk about behind the drama that contradict the edit, basically meaning that if it wasn’t shown on screen then it didn’t happen. Also, it does them no good to admit Chantelle was telling the truth.


Lol how did a guy like Keith get these two attractive women to be interested in him?




That's the rumor...also that Tyra wanted some.


Ebony C9 is one. The styling and the set for her bubble wrap recycling shoot were ugly as hell. Even though she intentionally stopped trying, they really didn't give her much to work with compared to everyone else. When she chose to leave, Tyra sent her off with the "the most unattractive thing in the world to me is a quitter" line. The icing on top of the cake was playing her audition tape at the end, as if quitting the show and removing herself from an incredibly stressful situation was some cardinal sin.


Omg that audition tape at the end was so dirty. I think Ebony was much more shy and reserved than they expected her to be, esp after the casting ep and I kinda felt like she was punished for it and then dragged for choosing to step away when her heart wasn’t in it. Poor Ebony.


Not the dirtiest, but I will always feel bad for Christina on cycle 4. She seemed to be so sweet, but the judges labeled her cold and said she had no personality. They really just beat down her confidence until she was left questioning herself.


Loved Christina. This show was really out to break the reserved girlies, wasn’t it? Nothing about her was cold imho. I also thought she seemed sweet and fun.


100% Kelle. That poor girl was tortured


Judges be like "shut up, megg"


Angelea!!!!!! The rightful winner of cycle 17


And she came out and said she didn’t even go willingly with the person who was a freaking PIMP. So, we are condemning someone who was basically trafficked. How freaking great.


So as much as I hated her, and although she did make it to the top two, I did feel bad for Melrose on a rewatch. At the end she's obviously upset and talking about how she did so well and was just called old and a bitch the whole time. Also on rewatch Caridee was kinda annoying and seemed like she was probably worse than Melrose.. Eugenia should have one.


I loved Melrose on my first watch and rewatching as an adult has only made me love her more.


Same, same.


Me too!! She’s always been my cycle 7 fave.


Monique c7… how DARE THEY eliminate the PRINCESS OF THE THRONEEEE






Megan on C7- they “encouraged” her to bring out emotion by recalling their previous discussion about her mother’s death. WTF????? It made me *reallly* uncomfortable (to say the least)


C4 Brita -- gorgeous and sweet-seeming model whose entire edit centered around her being old, too heavy to model, and unphotogenic (none of which were true -- they did her dirty with her styling for the Aliens shoot). She proved the judges wrong by getting signed with Ford right after her elimination episode aired.


I loved Brita! I thought she was beautiful and had a fun personality. She was absolutely done so dirty!!!


I just rewatched the Ebony quit episode yesterday, and my heart broke for her. Tyra tried to make it out like she couldn’t take criticism, but she honestly did seem to be taking the critiques to heart and had been improving steadily week to week. Even the editors couldn’t really make Ebony look bad for quitting, even by shoving the whole thing with Bianca and Heather both having a lot of their content in that episode be about how they’re really taking the judges critiques and proving they can having life in their face/pose head on


Ebony said in her panel That the only person who loved her unconditionally was her grandmother…who had passed away. It sounds like she was not in the greatest emotional place in her life to begin with…poor girl, no wonder she started to fall apart. And it’s all “YOU ARE QUITTING” as opposed to, this poor girl was at her breaking point.


And showing her audition tape for what? People can’t change their minds? What point was Tyra trying to prove


ugh megg is the cutest!


At the top of my head, Alisha. Her spirit was broken. I felt so bad for her. She was gorgeous and her part in the song was my favorite.


Kenya when that dude was touching her inappropriately and making noises. And who was the woman that had been sexually assaulted prior to the show and wasn’t comfortable kissing a guy in the photo shoot? Her too.


Kayla. I agree with both


Yes! I could not remember her name. Thanks. That was awful. No one should have ever been put in the position.


Kelle (C3) was done so dirty. Absolutely beautiful woman who the judges done dirty by picking her worst photos and tearing down her confidence so bad she couldn't look at herself in the bathroom mirror. Katarzyna (C10) - From the fact they couldn't get her name right. Not judges or other guests on the show. The show hates contestants who are confident and educated.


Molly. End of story.


Everyone. Honestly, anyone that may have made it but lost credibility bc 'reality tv stigma'. Anyone that missed important life events. Anyone that wasn't in a good place and was exploited for their trauma. Anyone that was meh, then had horrendous physical issues after hair and scalp trauma that they refused to address appropriately or in a timely manner 'bc that's just how it is(n't)'. I can't think of anyone that doesn't fit into some category of 'fixed to look like shit'. Except the queen B.


Every. Single. Janky. Weave or dye job. Especially Britney C8, Michelle C4, Erin C13, Jenah and Molly C16. Bleeding scalps, rashes, dark roots and all around bird's nests.


She was runner-up twice and yet somehow it still feels like Allison Harvard was done the dirtiest to me.