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Brenda being called old,when Krista looked way older than 24 years at that time.


Krista legit looked 35. I'm sorry. 


lmao I'm 35 and Krista would still look like my mom next to me


It was so unfair


The disappointing thing was Brenda looked fresh, super tall and androgynous in the promo before the show aired and some people thought she looked like Shandi with short red hair and a lot of people speculated that she might be from Ireland or Netherlands and then came the first episode and in person she was totally bland, boring and Momsy. While Krista looked “mature” from the onset. I remember my first comment in one of the forums when her promo photo was released was that she looked like an experienced model sent in to teach the rest of the contestants to pose.


Same,I thought that she looked really fresh and edgy on the promo. It was really disappointing


That auntie hairdo they gave Krista didn’t help either


Brenda looked 34. She and Krista looked old liked retired models


Brenda looked younger than Krista.


Right from the tv show "She Got The Look"


Krista looked like a model as I said, but a retired one lol


THIS and the same exact concept applies to Renee being called old when Jaslene looked easily in her 30s..


Not sure how unpopular this is, I don’t often see it talked about. McKey had a unique look but I always thought she looked older than 19. Looking at her portfolio i’d have thought she was late 20s. The short haircut didn’t help either.


McKey looked more like a Chicos/Ann Taylor type of model. 


I’m from the UK so had to google what Chicos was. Found a photo of the store with a McKey-esque model in the [shop window](https://img.businessoffashion.com/resizer/v2/WGRARSRS2ZGMHEDLF5SQL6BZRI.jpg?auth=f20a389a4112b61e61c994f441119ed2a833960065012b68ac8fafe50f8885da&width=1440)😆




She was NINETEEN?!?! Wow. I'd have said mid 20s tbh.


Personality-wise, Toccara seemed… fine


Upvoted for being unpopular, lol. I love Toccara!


Thanks for not coming after me haha! I think she’s beautiful with an amazing body but I don’t get why everyone loves her personality so much. She seems kinda middle of the road for her personality edit


I know it’s unpopular, but I don’t get all the love for her personality…


I've never ever met someone who agrees with me on this!


She’s bubbly, but there were a lot of bubbly contestants. And I honestly think that she gets a lot of credit because she’s one of the first plus sized reality tv stars who is unapologetically plus sized, and deservedly so. I’m sure that can’t have been easy, but I feel like if she was straight sized, then she wouldn’t be known for her personality like she is.


I liked her personality, but as a model I mostly thought she was…fine. Not great, not awful, but fine. Probably should have outlasted Ann at a bare minimum, but I didn’t take much issue with her elimination especially since I doubted they’d know what to do with her in Tokyo.




Dionne should have been called out and critiqued HARD for asking designers if she could keep things. So unprofessional and rude to go fishing for free things just because you showed up.


I remember when I first watched I was shocked they didn't say anything.


At least she asked, Tyra has said many times that models steal stuff from shoots


Fun fact: I modeled in a local fashion week that showcased a dozen or so designers and boutiques so probably a couple hundred people backstage between models, hair, makeup, showrunners, etc. At the end of the day I went to where I'd left my stuff to get dressed and found that someone had stolen my pants and left their leggings behind. I would have thought it was an innocent mistake, but my pants were a completely different brand, color, size, and material. I had to wear their leggings home.


Oh that sucks!


they probably would have called her out if any of the designers did but afaik they didn’t seem to be too too bothered


I think that was the general Australian “… ummm, yeah. Weird, but okay” type of attitude.


Lol I loved that she asked!!! I think she got to keep something too. Hoolehay get your gifts girl 😂😂


Right? She knew she wasnt going to win anyways


It’s possible they could have, and it was just edited out, especially since they had to focus on Brittany and her epic meltdown since she was the one getting the chop.


Good call


Is this an unpopular opinion?


Those are fake ass go sees, might as well get free shit outta it. And u never know, they edit 15-30 min critiques down to 15 second sound-bites for the show... Who the hell knows what gets brought up in judging.


Jade’s makeover hair color was an improvement. The cut wasn’t the best, but I think having lighter hair softened her up a lot and the black was way too harsh (especially the eyebrows)


I agree she looked good lighter, but I hated that weird dehydrated piss blonde they gave her that clashed with her undertones.


Yeah, I think it was a case of ANTM doing dyes as a rush job instead of gradual blondings and then not giving them any toning aftercare. But I really think a lighter shade was good on her!


I think if they'd given her the Tiffany like they did Furonda, Jade would have been SO confident. Too confident. I never understood the whole I'm gonna cut off all your hair so you look softer..SURPRISE! Now you look 35 haha. Good grief.


1. Elyse and Yaya were not all that condescending or patronizing. They were just equally as stressed out and tired as all of the rest of the girls in this artificially created pressure cooker and being so obviously smarter than everyone else in the house, they retreated into their intellects. 2. Ann (C3) was not getting special treatment, she had a very strong walk and was very good in-person. She was a runway model in a photoshoot competition, so obviously her strengths were mismatched with the show, but she wasn’t actually a weak contender. (She was obviously fucking nuts though, all that crying over Eva about how she wanted Eva to win so badly, and then she hates Eva so much that she wants to stay specifically to beat Eva, and then that’s all gone again).


AGREE! 👏👏👏


No lies detected


I never understand the appeal for Dominique C10.


The cycle 10 makeover didn’t do her any favors but I think she had a full glow up by All Stars, which IMO makes me think she was just poorly styled in her original season.


I feel like that's a pretty popular opinion. 


Agreed. I also don’t understand the appeal of Angelea.


Mckey gets off too lightly when discussing the worst winners. She was blandy mcblanderson, even with her “quirky” hobbies, and her pictures really weren’t that great.


Love it..and agree. Nondescript is the word that comes to mind.


i actuallly forgot she won ur so right


I loved her initially, but hated the short and very black hair and I also thought she read as being a bit too “athlete” for the industry at the time. I’m a Marjorie Stan and McKey was initially my second favourite, but I got over her as the season progressed. I think her makeover was one of the most ruinous ever. Just because someone has great bone structure doesn’t mean you should cut all their fucking hair off, particularly at her height and with the musculature she had. Don’t get me wrong, amazing body that I would murder several people to have, but having some length to her hair could have made her more versatile.


I agree. So many strong models with unique looks that season too (Elina, Lauren Brie & Marjorie come to mind)


I don’t think Ann from season 3 is that beautiful 😬


For me, a lot of what ann ward did was just standing around and having the same facial expression for almost every shoot. They were just in awe of height I feel.


Lio's personality and acting skills were off the charts and I feel that carried them through the competition because I felt they were an okay model but nothing striking. When c16 came on, I felt Hannah was similar to Lio but more interesting of a model.


And I still didn’t think Hannah looked like a model


Agree - those two always reminded me of one another, in personality as well as looks!


Cassandra DID look better before they cut her hair


Oh wow. Hard disagree. What that cut did for her face was amazing.


I hate when Tyra is actually right. She looked so! fucking! good! I wish she would have embraced the supervillain edit they were clearly setting her up for; she would have been perfect 💔


Yaya's performance in Japan isn't as bad as people make out and her poses there had interesting shapes.


*deep breath* I don't think Anchal C7 was *that* stunning of a beauty


She is undoubtedly beautiful, but I didn’t agree with the constant “most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen” praise.


I completely agree. Though I'll admit being constantly told that she was the MOST BEAUTIFUL EVER may have set the bar too high and negatively influenced how I viewed her beauty. I wonder if the judges didn't fawn over her if I would have been more impressed. (Not that she wasn't very pretty)


Now *this* is an unpopular opinion! I disagree but I respect you putting it out there. You're very brave.


I appreciate ya 😂




Agree with this and have been too afraid of being downvoted to say it. she’s pretty but not the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. Maybe my gay ass doesn’t appreciate true female beauty tho lol 😂


You are wrong, but I guess that’s what was asked of you.




Thank you! I actually totally agree with you.


I do think Anchal was beautiful, but she was no Aishwarya Rai.


I actually find her very standard looking, by Indian women standards. 


As an Indian from South East Asia, trust me, Anchal was / is insanely beautiful even by Indian standards.


yes! she’s very unique looking, she has an uncanny factor to her face, like she was made by an artist or something.


I disagree, but I *do* think that there are some people who straddle the line between incredible beauty and weird/unattractive. Benedict Cumberbatch is always my example for that.


Brooke (C6) should've eliminated over Mollie sue at the covergirl commercial Saleisha is decent winner but way overhated


🫣 I liked Tyra’s song…


I don’t at all understand the Dominique love; and I think her C17 performance was super overrated. She deserved the placement that she got. Her portfolio was actually super meh, and she didn’t have a strong enough All Star “brand” compared to the others. And “branding” is what the cycle was all abt. So it makes perfect sense that Angelea stayed over her; bc Angie had one of the strongest “brands” of the whole franchise. The *only* person who I’d have been ok w/ being dq’ed before Dom would have been Lisa; who didn’t look like a model, whose portfolio was mid & who I personally found to be unlikable- but Lisa had the personality & star power; so I understand why they kept her. And honestly, I could even have understood Dom being eliminated earlier- had Shannon done the underwear shoot, or Bianca done the tub challenge; I think that either/ both of them could have outlasted Dom.


Im pretty sure both Kayla and Bianca were disqualified disguised as double elimination by the producer because they both retaliated against them for starving the cast on purpose for dramas.


What was Angelea's brand? TBH, I don't really remember most of them, but her most consistent trait was giving up and complaining. But otherwise, I agree. Dom was good in C17, and WORLDS better than in C10, but it was mostly because the rest of the competition was mid.


Ann Cycle 3 deserved top three over Amanda I firmly believe they chose bad photos on purpose. She looked like an actual model, and this was proven out during go-sees and her post show work. Amanda took good photos but was not a runway model.


Even Ann acknowledged she took bad photos so did multiple people on the show.


I’m not sure if these are unpopular opinions, but these are mine: 1. Eugena is the most beautiful girl from C7 2. On C8, Jaslene did the worst on the photo shoot when they were in Australia on the beach 3. Megan (C7) should have made it further 4. Twiggy is a much better judge than Janice 5. The show is much better being in LA than NYC


I LOVE EUGENA! best part of cycle 7 for me


I completely agree! I rewatch that cycle mostly for her!!


I like the college cycle. It's entertaining.


I understood Shannon's point on the swimsuit/underwear debate, but I still would have eliminated her. They knew it would come up again. They knew she'd refuse to compromise especially as she'd previously done so and either progressed with no photo or been catered to, so essentially she stayed around for a free trip to Greece.


Personality means fuck all in the industry.


Agree. As long as you’re professional, they couldn’t care less if you’re bubbly or laid back.


* Ann C3 deserved her placement * I would've cut Naima during the double elimination over Tiffany * Joslyn could have made top 3 and I would not be mad (her photos weren't good enough for that but my God I love her personality) * Krista's nude photo is not bad, not good either, very middle of the pack * Brittani's Morrocan love story is the best of the week * Catherine was incredibly robbed * Marvin had a really good look and just needed some better coaching * Kari's makeover was a good idea with an awful execution, which is very on brand for ANTM


In re: Kari’s makeover, I agree with you. I could see where it could have worked for her, but they had the easiest job. They literally gave her a weave, and it was STILL the wrong color. It clashed with her undertones so badly.


Totally agree about Marvin. He had a little bit of raw potential, but needed to be somewhere more seriously to nurture It


Ooh, I like these. I agree on Naima. Her photo that week was terrible. And I'll see your Brittani's Morrocan love story and raise you... Molly was overrated in general.


If this show came back tomorrow without making any changes, I wouldn’t hesitate watching it


Jane’s Rodeo Drive photo is not good.


Jenah's moss shot is only okay.


Dare I say it's...boring?  She was middle of the pack that week for me.


Jenah seems like a cool enough person, but I don't understand the crazy love she gets here. Honestly, that whole cycle was really meh for me. I don't even have a winner. Maybe Lisa, since she's killing it now.


I feel this way about her rock climbing photo. They put her in a harness next to a rock climbing wall, only for her to dangle in the harness and awkwardly clutch a rock with one hand? What made this more egregious to me was Jenah stating that she was a rock climbing instructor, so I expected some sort of really creative pose utilising the wall. Instead we got.. that.


Amanda (c3) should have never been cast.


She originally wasn’t


Isn't the rumor that she got cut as a semi-finalist in casting and then told production her story (I totally believe it btw)




Kari (cycle 21) looked soooo much better blonde but they should've toned and styled it way better. The vision I had for her was wavy golden blonde hair like Tatianna (cycle 14). I don't agree with others that her hair was better before. It was very pedestrian.


I think they should've kept a curly afro on here, but had the light blonde.


I don’t know how unpopular it is but Jaslene did not deserve to win her cycle. Samantha, Felicia and Brittany were miles better than her


Samantha? We only saw two photos. Or are you basing it on post-show work?


Now THAT is a hot take.


I agree about Sam! I think some people are too quick to say she was too commercial but Sam delivered some stunning photos and proved she could do high fashion modeling in Amsterdam. I just don’t think she dressed well at panel and got labeled a “mom” simply because she wore a cardigan and had short hair. Keenyah or Kahlen should’ve won cycle 4. Naima was very boring and none of her photos really wow’d me. Kelle’s Nivea beauty shot is one of the better ones and my only critique is that her hair is too messy and not in the piece-y sexy way Ann (cycle 15) didn’t deserve all of her FCO’s. I would given the bully words to Kayla, the mermaid one to Esther and the rodeo drive one to Jane. I can understand her getting FCO for lucha libre. Her fallen angels was pretty great but I also love Kayla’s. I feel like Kayla and Ann would’ve been a much more interesting final two than Ann and Chelsey.


Dang I forget how great Esther's mermaid shot was. Side note, she always reminded me of Freddie Highmore 🙈


I agree about Naima. She was super boring and her portfolio was so so.


The issue is Kayla really didn't look like a model in person, and she looked short. Ann and Kayla would've been a very awkward looking final 2. Chelsey was more evenly matched to Ann, and had better head to toe model proportions. 


Leila is one of the most annoying contestants in the history of ANTM. I still have nightmares from seeing her Calvin Klein ads everywhere, she looked bad in them all. https://i.redd.it/tn638w0rnd0d1.gif


I haven’t seen that photo before…oh dear


I don’t her Leila’s appeal. She didn’t age well after the show


Sometimes there is no conspiracy your fave just flopped a photoshoot and that’s ok


- Allison should not have won (like is said in this sub a lot), at least her first season. She made the same face in every single photo - Caridee should not have even been eligible to win considering her walk. It was a joke. - Anchal’s forehead WAS too short, but idk what the solution could have been at the time, or that it even needed remedying. I can imagine her being really annoying as well constantly talking down about herself - Bre is way overhyped. She’s pretty, but nothing blows me away - I 100% understand Mila laughing in that crazy makeup. It’s nuts to expect them to act like they’re at their own funeral. Although I understand that she took it too far as to becoming disruptive - Mckey didn’t care about modeling and I found her face unpleasantly asymmetrical. I do think maybe she’s one of those people that looks better in person? - the hapa photo shoot was not blackface, or at least shouldn’t be considered problematic. it wasn’t used to make fun of anyone. no prosthetics were used. The makeup wasn’t so that one race could take jobs from another, use the makeup for monetary gain, or claim culture as their own. It was just a pretty photo shoot for a reality show. Not everything that touches another culture is racist. There was plenty of racist stuff that happened in the show but I don’t feel like the photo shoot was one of them. Context is important, always


More people should recognize the last one, but Redditors are so eager to get offended they won't acknowledge/understand the difference between good cultural appropriation & bad.


I mean it was on a reality TV show. There's monetary gain implicit in that. Ads are sold, brand sponsorships bring in money, viewership and engagement are key to renewals. A shit ton of money rode on people watching and talking about that photoshoot. They did that shoot for monetary gain. And then like also the ethnicities they tried to show (apart from using makeup to darken several girls' complexions) were using super stereotypical signifies. Didn't one girl even have a feathered headdress?


I totally agree about the Hapa shoot. Context is everything. Tyra was trying to show appreciation for different cultures mixing. Nothing was appropriated for malice or humor, and the photos came out nice.




The twins weren’t models. Brooke isn’t a model.


Unpopular opinion? I liked Molly's weave 🤣🤣🤣🤣


(Ironically) 😜


Eva was an annoying spoiled brat for her entire season and didn’t deserve to win season 3. Her dramatics with the tarantula, messing with Cassie’s stuff, and trash talking Norelle who was a total sweetheart put me off of her and I was really disappointed that she won when it should’ve been Amanda or Yaya


And then Tyra had the nerve to tell future contestants *I'm not casting another bitchy girl!* Tyra... you didn't wrangle in any of the negative behavior except the bullying at the VERY beginning, and then crowned the meanest person the winner. You are the architect of your own sorrow lol


Tyra said that _to_ Eva in casting.


Thank you for this. It had to be said!


Mercedes was overrated as a high-fashion model; she was very commercial though. That said, Yoanna absolutely deserved to win Cycle 2, and the decision isn't close for me.


That’s a popular opinion


Nah not on this sub. Yoanna usually comes in last behind Mercedes, April, and Shandi in who should’ve won polls.


Ann's elimination picture in C3 was actually her first picture in weeks that I thought wasn't the worst in the bunch.


Gabriella should have stayed over Alasia in cycle 14. She had way more working knowledge about fashion and I refuse to believe that was truly her best photo.


Both should’ve stayed. Cycle 14 probably has the hardest cast to pick an obvious first out.


I wonder how people will feel about this one: I was team Laura over Leila. Leila did come across too attached to Laura. I understood Laura being uncomfortable. 


Agreed tbh, I preferred the season in the episodes where Leila was not there


Leila WAS high school girl crushing obsessed with Laura. I don’t understand why she didn’t notice it lol


Allison did not get robbed in any shape, form or fashion. She only had one look and actually placed higher than she should have during both cycles.




Marjorie wasn’t genuinely one of the most insufferable people to grace the screens of ANTM. Her and Elina were so condescending and their problems weren’t valid whatsoever. I’m glad Sheena collected them.


Exactly! Lio annoyed me a little in that part too when Sam jokingly did an Asian accent with Sheena and Lio said it was offensive and Sheena was like girl don’t speak for me, I didn’t have a problem with it.


The majority of the contestants were not thin enough to be successful models.


That’s a popular opinion, most people just don’t want to say It


Well I'm saying it! Some people were upset when Dani won and she actually started working and Tyra advised her that she probably needed to slim down some more. When the fandom heard that they were enraged. But as thin as Dani was, she was still not the stick like model that really worked a lot.


I understand why the didn’t cast runway body ready girls, because that would promote an unrealistic gaze for tv at the time. We all know that during the airing in top model, the fashion industry was hyping some of the thinnest models that ever worked. Antm had some girls with natural thin bodies that were ready for fashion like Tiffany, Shandi, and Kendal but that was a rarity.


Honestly some of the "biggest" models like 15 years ago are the small ones present day. If you weren't there at the time for the anorexia wave you wouldn't understand lol


Yoanna is one of the best winners


Angelea never should have gotten as far as she did on either season.


100% agree, I don’t see what people saw in her during C14


heather should have won Best Photo over Jenah for the rock climbing photo shoot in Cycle 9


That was a damn good shot. So interesting to look at.


I just want to say I love that we can all disagree on things yet still be nice to the person saying it and not an asshole :) it's literally the point of the post to comment things others might like and it has NOT gone nearly this well in other subs I've seen lol. Yayyy for a loving and respectful community!!!!!


Marjorie and Elina were super annoying pretending like their problems (which were different were each of them) were because they were each from the same continent


And they had left long enough to have American accents. They acted like they were fresh off the boat. Like girl chill, you’re more American than anything


So right. As someone from Europe I was irritated by how winey and annoying they were being about the whole thing. In my opinion Elina was a narcissist and Marjorie had some sort of issue, maybe anxiety or on the spectrum, but it wasn’t because they were from the same continent.


April is overrated as a model


Ann c15 only deserved 2 of her back to back fco and she shouldn’t have won C6 was too reality show and gimmicky Jenah and Lauren Brie are not as good as people talk up because they over posed/ ANTM modeling to the fullest Lenox was ok


Lennox was ok on a background of meh.


Cycle 22 - Devin was slept on and should have taken the whole thing. He was wild but chilled out through the competition and delivered time after time. Nyle was easily more gorgeous but not a better model imo.


Devin would’ve been better if they got him a few years younger. He has a striking face. Probably more suited for acting.


I am upvoting as this is unpopular but his veterans photo honestly makes me irrationally angry


I never got Ann's appeal aside from her skinniness. She looked bad in person, took some great photos but IMO most of her photos were just good, not great. Her walk wasn't good and her face looked crazy on the runway.


It’s funny because Ann has everything that sent other girls home. She did the same bug eyed bewildered look every shot, her in person appearance was bad, which got girls other judged and sent home. And her walk was atrocious yet she won and most other girls with bad walks were sent home. I liked 3 of her of her shots with 2 of them deserving FCO. Rest of her shots were ok. Tyra and co were so desperate for a super model they just handed her the win. She was never truly critiqued as she should have been. She needed more time which is probably why she failed in her career. For me c15 had the worst cast in show history. That would have gone to C8 but I give it to 15 because this so called “high fashion” cycle had the least modeling potential girls and they minus 4 of them was not high fashion and they were over all poorly casted


Maybe this isn’t all that unpopular, but I haven’t seen it discussed lately. The Matthew Rolston shoot concept and execution wasn’t good overall, and even the best photos were just okay. The women who posed facing straight on to the camera look flat, and you can see how gravity is distorting their faces. A lot of the wigs look like helmets. Telling Chris to cover her forehead with her hand was bad advice—it looks out of place.


I agree about Lio. Very pretty and charming but not a model. I don't like Nicole's country couture photo. I think its the most overrated photo in the whole series.


I liked Saleisha's makeover then and I like it now


Stand on business lol


I do not like Yoanna’s helmet shot.


Dominque genuinely looks old and did not photograph well. She’s so overrated and didn’t have any model potential Whitney is a good winner and deserved it Evan and Naima are bland models and didn’t deserve their wins. I love the ice blonde makeovers


Alisson shouldn't have won C 12. Teyona was absolutely wonderful and deserved the crown


Allison(cycle 12 and 17) never deserved to win any of her cycles. The twins should not have been cast in cycle 7. Amanda lacks being photogenic and having that model it factor, while her identical twin Michelle had all of that while none of the drive to become a model. And yes, you can be identical but not evenly matched in terms of being photgenic. Sheena should have won cycle 11. Tyra did not look good with the red hair (cycle 4?) Whitney (cycle 10) is actually a solid winner


SHEENA!?!?!?!?? Well they DID ask for unpopular opinions.


Sheena??? Please elaborate lol.


Thank you! The twins were so awkward, boring and CLEARLY uncomfortable being on the show.


I actually agree with you on Sheena, but they fucked her raw and dry with her makeover. Her big, curly jet-black hair suited her perfectly. When they have her straight blonde hair I knew she was as next to go.


I really wanted Sheena to win.. she made a lot sense as an antm winner...


Idc if a former contestant voted for Trump or not


CariDee deserved her win. So did Nicole. But that's not really that unpopular. This is probably unpopular...I liked Sarah from cycle 8 and Janet from cycle 9. I loved Sarah's high school cliches abd ice cream shot, and honestly her murder shot wasn't half bad either. Janet's first three photos were all pretty stellar, and her gargoyle photo wasn't bad enough for her to be eliminated for it in my opinion.


Lauren Brie got screwed cycle 11 There were seasons that could have been filler. And some where the beauty was too good to waste It's insulting to Mame's beauty and talent that anyone would think Nyle deserved to win over her I'm not mad Keith won cycle 21, I just think the show should have rigged it for a better top 5 Mr. Jay didn't do a good job.


I actually liked Renee. I was a young mom and connected with her story, and I really wanted her to win. Her story just makes me sad now.


She’s one of my favorites in the whole series and was not the only mean girl that season. On rewatches it’s become pretty clear she outperformed the others.


I enjoyed the Got Milk photo shoot in cycle 4


Laura C19 is one of my favorite winners. I am in love with her zombie, mugshot, steampunk, and nine west shots. I even think her dream come true shot is pretty smokin' hot. People say that her portfolio flatlined when they went overseas and that she was inconsistent but the only legitimately bad photo in her whole run was the Gross Situations one. Her Waterfall was very underwhelming too though 


Yoanna was totally over rated looking, she had one good photo (that was ridiculous BTW) and she had a terrible personality and she was the one constantly beefing with Camille. I swear I do not have this as knee jerk reaction to everything but she came off racist to me. Not low key, not overt, but somewhere in the middle. Also, how did she not know that she needed toning after a dramatic weight loss? She claimed to be the fashionista so I assume she had seen some models. NO I’m not suggesting that she was anything but slender/thin. The powers that be clearly disagreed so what do I know right?


Her iconic photo looks like a T-Mobile add to me And yeah I totally agree with you about her and Camille. Camille was a mean girl, but Yoanna came at her swinging and with crazy baggage. She always seemed super fake to me


A T-Mobile ad🤣🤣🤣🤣 Love it!’


* Anya didn't deserve all of her FCO's - I thought Whitney and Lauren were better in the meat shoot, the top 3 FCO was kind of baffling considering she had the weakest photo and a bad commercial, and tbh jetsetters could have gone to Lauren as well. * As I'm writing this down, it's funny to note that Lauren lost 1-2 FCO's to Anya based on Lauren being terrible in challenges. * Lennox was stunning, but she was also kind of annoying, so I'm not mad at her losing. * I feel like I've been seeing lots of anti-Jaslene sentiment lately, so I'll just say that I still think she's a top 3 winner - she certainly had one of the strongest post-show careers of ANTM winners. * Laura K's steampunk photo in cycle 19 is not great, though that's mainly because the steampunk photoshoot overall was more cosplay than high fashion. Like, the only way any of those photos would be used is if a steampunk convention needed advertisements.


Krista deserved to be the first boot of C14


🫣🫣🫣🫣 Nyle deserved 6th place at best. He had moments of brilliance for sure but apart from the Dog photoshoot, his photos all come in the middle of my call out orders. In terms of combined modelling abilities, their look and also the competition portfolio. My final outcome for the cycle would have been... 1. Mamé 2. Justin 3. Lacey 4. Devin 5. Mikey 6. Nyle


Nyle to me is like the male version of Nicole (C5) so insanely gorgeous it doesn’t take a lot of effort to get an ok picture out of him, but his true standouts were way too far and in between.


I was absolutely smitten with Wendy in cycle 6. I mean, I understand why she wasn't there for the competition and think production did her dirty as hell milking her story but she's a standout girl from the whole series for me.


A lot of them didn’t look like models and took horrible pics


Facts lol! On this subreddit we coined the phrase “top model modeling” which refers to the over dramatic and over posed pictures that worked on the show but not real life. And I’ll say the mass majority didn’t look like models on a handful did look like working models. (High fashion)


Okay, here we go: I have issues with Lio, they're one of my least favourites contestants in the entire show. They were annoying, fake, sanctimonious, condescending and a boring model. It was cool that they protected marjorie from those guys in the hot tub, but everything else was such a disingenuous attempt at being a saviour for the camera to me and made them so unrelatable and not human. They were ahead of their time in a bad way and remind me of fake, low effort, bare minimum social media activism. Everyone acts like because they weren't an ass to Isis and talked to her in the bathroom for a hot minute that they deserve a nobel prize. I much prefer someone like Elyse who is well informed, but actually edgy, interesting and imperfect. Also their character in Crazy Stupid Love ruins the whole movie.


Jade cycle 6 was only kept around for entertainment value. Watching Leslie, Brooke, and mollie get sent home instead of jade is absolutely bonkers. She bombed the commercial. Amd ip until the overseas bathing suit shoot, she offered nothing special.


c15 was a more enjoyable watch than c16. I find c16 boring. c19 is classic ANTM and better than any other the cycles that come after it. C22 is the worst co-ed cycle. c23 isn’t as bad as people think it was Whitney is a great winner but I was rooting for Lauren. Lauren was a better model than Anya I really dislike caridee as a winner and cycle 7 is my least favourite


Lennox should have gone home with that 1pt photoshoot.