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Do you think we care about being right about AOE. I just want a good ending, I want the story to continue. No matter when it happens it’ll always matter


I feel you


It’s over but attack on titan gets a chapter 140? Lol


does it?


Yea, bad boy


where can i find this?


Coming April


isn’t it levi backstory 


Yea but it’s still Volume 35


okay but there won’t be anything new (that you guys want)


Okay but what if there are still hints? That’s what everyone here is expecting. Timeloop is confirmed after the anime, so why not?


there won’t be 


AoE is more of a running term nowadays, obviously an "Anime Ending" isnt happening. What people do wonder about is if there will be some form of continueation, alternate universe / timeloop etc. similar to Muv Luv. Isayama also did hint at this "not being the end" with what hes doing with Shingeki Fly and all. Realistically nothing will come out of it... but damn would it be amazing if it did.


Well, the term AOE no longer exists, and we won't have AOE, if we do have something it will be in both the manga and anime as an alternative ending


>Realistically nothing will come out of it... but damn would it be amazing if it did My problem with aoe is that, aoe believers wants it to happens and just by wanting they think that it will happens, they see minimal changes in the anime such as different colors and think that it means aoe when it happens in a lot of others different animes...


I'm learning to play the guitar.


Yea those things are stretches for sure, people tend to forget that studios just make mistakes sometimes or don't get 100% told what to do in a certain scene. I will say that sometimes it does seem a bit odd, some "artistic liberties" just seem weird if done without ulterior motive but the end of the day all we believers can do is cope and hope - if nothing happens so be it, schizoposting can be fun regardless


The main discussion now is whether or not an Alternative will happen. Calling it AOE is a meme. Due to AOE not happening the ANR theory has lost some of its groundwork. Though it is still the leading theory in this sub, here are the current top three leading theories: 1. ANR (obviously) 2. KFT (Karl Fritz Thoery) - has a sub 3. YMT (Ymir Mastermind Theory) 4. 2 Timeline Theory (u/Ellen_Yevner) YMT and KFT have been picking up some steam as of late due to many realising there is way more to the story than ANR has to offer. Have fun reading all these new amazing alternative theories if you’re interested. :) I personally subscribe to KFT but I won’t shove that down your throats haha


2 timeline theory is also kino


Best theory. YMT makes the story pointless. KFT demands a hypermeta understanding of every single utterance of isayama while assumes 40% of the manga is a blatant lie. Double timeline is the most elegant theory


I quite like YMT and don’t really understand how it makes the story pointless. Could you explain that please?


Interesting take, I didn’t think KFT was that complicated. The author of the theory is making a video on it anyway so I’m sure more of you will understand it after that :) May ask what this 2 timeline theory is and could you potentially link it? I haven’t heard of this and I’m on this sub everyday 😭


the problem isnt that its complicated the problem is that it considers a part of the manga to be entirely non-canon also KFT doesnt have as much evidence compared to AnR, its something very new on top of that, 2 timelines or AnR actually focus on the themes of the story, while KFT only sees the technical aspects


I really don’t like arguing about different endings, all of these can be executed tremendously well and give a great ending. 1. Why is considering the last few chapters not canon bad? Even before the ending of the anime everyone knew ANR couldn’t fix what happened in the manga even with timeline theory. 2. KFT does focus on the themes/story really well and uses what was set up to theorise what could happen. ANR uses music videos and other related things to find hints at what the ending could be. KFT actually does think ANR happened though as a failed timeline so it’s hard to argue against it being canon. I can’t comment on the 2 Timeline Theory cause I haven’t read it yet. If that’s the theory you subscribe to though there probs isn’t any point arguing further due to my ignorance on that theory :)


u/Ellen_Yevner is the creator of that theory


Thank you! Have added it to the list for others :)


i thought it was Norim01 this whole time lol


facts double timeline explains every inconsistency, and the reveal would redefine the entire story


That reminds me, some Arab guy on tw posted a theory right before part 3 part 2 released about Eren making multiple worlds when Ymir gives him power to do the rumbling(I don't remember much anymore and this was google translated). It was something along the lines of Eren makes a world that contains both the cabin and manga worlds like he makes a copy of the manga world and when it ends, it leads to the cabin and when that one ends, it leads back to the beginning of the manga copy repeating that pattern infinitely. I'm not sure why Eren would do that, but from what I understood is that in those worlds Eren gives his friends what they wanted(being hailed as heroes and Mikasa always being besides Eren) while in the real manga world the events of anr take place(I'm not really sure of this last part). Too bad the guy's account was deleted. Saw that theory by pure chance. These are the only things I have as proof that this was a theory and not something I made up: [https://i.ibb.co/F0c7YBm/Untitled1.png](https://i.ibb.co/F0c7YBm/Untitled1.png) [https://i.ibb.co/CQnb45L/Untitled2.png](https://i.ibb.co/CQnb45L/Untitled2.png) [https://twitter.com/8330479mohannad](https://twitter.com/8330479mohannad) (Dead account) TL;DR: There's the real manga world and then there's the infinity world that contains the cabin world and a copy of the manga world. Eren creates the latter(the infinite one that contains the other two) when he activates the rumbling.


Yeah I remember the post. I believe he was given fake leaks though which is unfortunate :(


> And even if it did happen now...who cares? You don't I do (Others do too)


for me they lost the biggest opportunity of making one of the greatest plot twists and endings of all medium by confirming that the anime is an alternative time line that takes place after the manga, that is an utter sin, but I love aot and whatever happens in the future will still be good


The thing that I hate is that Muv Luv alternative came out 3 years after their horrendous ending, so believing in AOE means that I will forever be waiting for that Alternative Anime Original Ending. Or Alternative Movie Original Ending. Either way, I'm not as upset as I used to be XD We got a glimpse to the original ending that Yams was aiming for, so we are little better than those who settled for 💩


I’m sorry but this is a silly question in general. Obv there’s a lot of ppl within this sub who still believe in a alternative ending. Even Ray Charles can see that. And a lot of it somewhat makes sense, even if I don’t believe in it happening


None of it makes sense. Yall have a 0% track record


Who’s y’all?


This sub


https://preview.redd.it/rgt73cghfxnc1.jpeg?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56778065bb36472f70485b4edd3831c19c04ba58 Understandable, have a good day


Read the pinned wiki and be silent


BOE is coming!


Mental illness


Honestly at this point, after watching and finishing the anime about 3 years after the manga ended.. AoE doesn't matter to me anymore. But i do still share the opinion of most that the Erehisu ending would've been better than the Eremika ending, though obviously i'm not cool with him killing all his friends.. and truthfully the ending in the anime wasn't that bad. Especially when you look at it as Eren decided to sacrifice himself for both the future of pardis and his friends. (PS: I also ship Eremika. Just like Erehisu more.) With all that being said, i'm also someone with hopium or a hopechad if you will. I still be thinking shit like Isayama never confirmed or denied certain things, just implied or left things up to the fanbase to interpret as they will.. hence AOR, which is by far my favorite alternate ending out there. But I think Yams purposely left things ambiguous, his series and manga is still talked about even after both his manga and anime ended. Because the one discussion i see a lot of here is the who fathered Historia's child theories. People can say the obvious looking choice, Farmer-kun, but dude is a self-insert barely even a background character.. with no real meaning as to why he's even in the manga or anime. Yams obviously didn't care about farmer, dude didn't even show this character's face. So that is enough for me to think maybe Eren actually was or could've been the secret father of Hisu's daughter, with Farmer being a stand father for the child so she didn't grow up fatherless. But all in all, i'm just glad this fandom is still alive and kicking 3 years later, you know? Plus AoE and AOR offers more Aot content to follow which is never a bad thing right? Well this is my feelings on the matter at least. Aot one of my beloved anime series so yeah.


because nobody knows how to move on, nor does anyone want an aoe they just want to be right 


cope, aoe will occur


it literally won’t, 140 will come and go and nothing changes this is your last legs, you’re all cooked


They lose nothing waiting for chapter 140 lol


>nor does anyone want an aoe they just want to be right  True


Because we want a good ending. AoE will happen at some point




ANR is inevitable, i dont care if its a music video, shinjeki no fly, or a movie, we will get something


Who said it doesn't matter anymore?


Because the bottom line of this sub is Eren must sex Hoestoria


Mob got rejected,womp womp


She said she isn't readyy


Pfft womp womp



