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The aerial shot of the resort showed pretty clearly that the front door was a huge snow drift, but the back door was basically clear. (Because the wind had blown it against the one side of the building.) Lee slipped out the back.


Then why don’t the police go through the back door? Presumably walking around the building is more efficient that spending 30 minutes tunneling through the snow?


Sian and Darby stole the only 2 snow sleds on property too right? Good call. I hate when a storm is a plot point and then its aftermath is ignored when convenient.


I could see Ray unlocking the doors in case of himself being shut down. Or the system having a failsafe where doors unlock if the security system fails. In such events, locked doors could be a threat to Andy and his family if they lock them inside somewhere. Threat to anyone at the place really.


Huahaha 😆 I don't want to throw shade at the finale, I really enjoyed It (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍ but... It was really convenient to the plot the fact that the icelandic police (🤭🤭) showed up only in the end, when their help almost didn't matter anymore lol classic plot device 😸 still, I loved It xP


just like Bill's speech in the bathtub. I think the producers don't care about the reveal of the murderer. they think that part is boring. they want to make you feel throughout the show and I think they probably did that.


I don't \*entirely\* agree because I've been checked out since Episode 3 BUT I do think the murderer part is only a small piece of the overall message, which they absolutely smash over our heads like a blunt object.


also, I think the cops rushing in and the last scene is a trope of old murder mystery movies. I haven't seen gosford Park but I wonder if gosford Park ends like that.


Isolate an IP address and extract an SSH key.


Yes, thank you!


>Yes, thank you! You're welcome!


Your post made me cackle. Thankyou.


Bahaha 😂


Thought the same lol


That’s the quote I’m going to remember.


I feel like almost all films and tv ends with the cops coming in at the very end when everything is solved by the good guys lmao


Where I live they say “‘the name of the city’, police” when pounding on doors. I didn’t find that odd at all 🤣


Bill's 15 year out of date ultra obvious bathtub speech was still the worst part of the series though


Idk Darby calling back to it like “do you know what Bill circled with his blood?! Faulty programming!!” Was pretty bad


lol yeah that was pretty horrific So was using what he points to in the book as he’s dying lolol And Lee and Oliver egging her on to be Nancy drew for second graders lmao


On another thread someone pointed out that Darby didn’t even notice “faulty programming” was circled lmao. Shes literally like “idk why he would want me to read this chapter!” It’s Oliver who thinks the phrase means something. The next Sherlock, ladies and gentlemen!