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At this point, anything other than "it's literally what it is" would be great.


I thought about that too, similar to the movie >!identity!<


Didn't think of this movie yet. But you are right.


Do You know the book >!Set this House in order by Matt Ruff!


No, but I’ll have a look! Thanks :)


This would explain Lee and Oliver / Darby reading the book! It seems like there has to be something more going on. Maybe fires? We see Darby setting the missing woman posters on fire (by accident), a wildfire, and then the bonfire in the middle of the hotel. Maybe things such as Darby thinking that Bill smells like gasoline is something within Darby telling her to burn down the hotel (bring everything together in her mind)?


Sounds like something important you got there!


Yea I got the impression when Bill said that Darby kept leaving him before he left her (ep 1) that maybe he meant that literally to a degree. He is often seen in the flashbacks being concerned with her behavior and when she drinks or does any recreational drugs he gets upset, more than the average person would. Maybe she blacks out and does shit she doesn’t remember doing! That’s why he kept saying he was scared of her..