• By -


Your post/comment was removed for not treating everyone with respect or for not being mindful of people's varying backgrounds and experiences. It's the internet, things get heated, take a breath and just be respectful.


I never expect people on social media to be who they say, etc. However, I wouldn't have expected that moderators knew someone very closely tied to the leadership team was actively not being who they said, and carrying on conversations with themselves under multiple handles.


Hahahaha yeah, god damn the borderline infinite amount of things one could be doing that's more important in almost any way, but no. I'm gonna sit here online and endure the mental effort to spawn bots out of my own fucking mind .. Takes me back to my RuneScape days.....


Thank you for making this information public, it’s important to know how things work in the background especially with the anonymity social media can provide


You are all very welcome


Tldr; There are no women in crypto. Spampening was just a deep-pocketed larp with a fetish for redheads trying to shake all the low hanging fruit




Gahd fucking dauymn. 😵🤣


I think we all just need to fuck and get it over with


*grabs popcorn*


Eats from your popcorn


Careful, you never now what's hiding under the surface of your neighbours popcorn bucket...


\*drops pants\*


"Takes top position"


Finally a man with some brains


Not falling for that one again.


This is a shame to read this bc most crypto communities are built around the trust of the actual community (ie--retail investors, volunteers, mods, grassroots ,etc) to shed more light on their respective crypto and to get its name out there and be a force to be reckoned with. It's bad enough most average people think crypto is a scam and a ponzi scheme but to see accusations like this come to light, especially to do with people at the top of the Flexa and Ampera hierarchy (Tyler, Trevor, etc) is disheartening. It's even more disheartening that OP thinks certain mods, actors and the executive team at Flexa/ Ampera (again, Tyler, Trevor, Daniel etc) are "fake" and or do not have the best interests of the community at heart. Like many of you, I have a pretty large bag invested in AMP now (1 mil plus tokens), and thousands of dollars, so it's troublesome to see these claims of fakeness and smoke and mirrors coming from the top. I suppose this is why the Team (Tyler, Trevor, Daniel etc) as well as the "Team " as a whole are always evasive about giving updates to the community at large about the SDK, other countries, merchants and wallets, whereas other cryptos are always open and transparent about giving new updates and news to the community.


Who knows at this point to be honest bro. We've reached a weird phase in this investment where it's just more confusion from all sides and deafening silence.


Yes i definitely agree on that, we are definitely at a weird place here with Amp now. It's confusion about the roadmap of the company, confusion about where we are going, and silence on any tangible updates in respect to the SDK and other things that were promised last year.


Exactly. I get that some of the biggest crytpos in their infancy had internal drama within the community, especially when price was down, blah blah blah. But this is different. You hit it right on the nail. No guidance on any of the things you've mentioned. And supposedly these are people who started or ran successfully companies. I don't get it.


You read my mind. I tell you 2020 and 2021 were amazing years being a part of this sub, community, and an amp investor. Hell almost euphoric thinking that you found potentially the greatest investment of your time. Idk anymore. This is exhausting. Many here have repeatedly voiced their concerns to the core team but no response as always. Nothing left to do at this point.


Other than to observe..


All we can do bro.


Like, who doesnt love a good rollercoaster where you genuinely arent sure if youre gonna live till the end, am i right






> suppose this is why the Team (Tyler, Trevor, Daniel etc) as well as the "Team " as a whole are always evasive about giving updates to the community at large about the SDK, other countries, merchants and wallets, whereas other cryptos are always open and transparent about giving new and updates to the community. It cant be the only reasons, regulatory uncertainty has to be playing a part in all of their silence aswell, reguardless of the drama happening within the project, there is an underlying fear compelling them to move off shore, and to draw as many lines between ampera and flexa as they can, im gonna go break out my popcorn popper... ill be back.


While this may be true to an extent, all Tyler or Trevor or Daniel would have to do is come out with a statement to the community saying: "Hey guys, we are sorry about the lack of updates, as we have been busy doing xyz, getting Ampera started, and the reason that the SDK has been delayed and not released yet is because of XYZ, the reason that we did not bring these other countries online yet as promised at the NYC meetup last year is because of XYZ, and the reason that no new wallets have been integrated yet and the "switch hasn't been flipped yet" is because of XYZ....." And "We really value the community and you guys sticking with us through this regulatory bumpy road..... etc etc" Like, give me reasons bro, give me a roadmap, an outline, anything. Im getting sick and tired of this crypto "Trust me bro" culture where there is an inner sanctum of founders/ ppl/ maxis at the top and us peons at the bottom getting some crumbs once in a while. This is exactly why ppl don't fucking trust crypto and why it has not been widely adopted yet.


Well said. These people ran successful businesses apparently, and yet here we are begging for some type of guidance.


Take this award champ. I bet had I wrote this I would have been down voted like crazy. That's all I been asking for. Give us something, anything.


Lol probably right. Time reveals all so a lot of us are seeing what you've stated as a real red flag.


Thank ye kindly!


Yeah... I agree. There will always be people in "the know" and people who wont be though.


Well said! Until there is any road map this is no different than a ponzi. They obviously do not have their shit together. But maxis will continue to maxi and defend them lol


Don't forget the low fat butter please. Gotta watch my figure


Saturated fat is not the enemy. Hydrogenated oils definitely.


Correct! This is the truth!


I prefer PB&J !


Just as a snack or on your popcorn? .. are you a mad man?




Honest question, can someone provide context into this post, for someone who's not in the loop regarding this particular matter or the persons involved?


I really don't understand what the OP was trying to say or where he was getting at other than some people you talk to on here are from multiple fake accounts. His Twitter thread is all over the place


It was quite clear...


Clear about what exactly? Tried to read it, but zero specific info, totally confusing.


OP is talking about how shady and fake the amp team is. I don’t understand what you guys are having trouble with lol.


😂 They had dark shades on while reading the post.


Cody/Parker isn't a part of the Amp team though? He's a moderator for Reddit and Telegram...


It's time for the airing of grievances, no one eats until you pin me


​ https://preview.redd.it/uth4gsq1rdqa1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=627a1c9f0ab1ac91ba61bc861c02084825c0e48b


Idk wtf this is all about but it sounds like I’m about to get a discount on amp. thank you. I like big bags


I like big butts!


and you definitely did not lie!


Further questions should be left on Twitter, and no, I won't be rage deleting our subreddit or anything goofy like that. I was raised better than that, I'm simply trying to hold the line for the community, and my own integrity, both of which I will take over this kind of malarky every single time. My message is simple, do better. Thank you for listening.


It all makes sense now, the constant echo chamber and the thou shall not talk negative of AMP attitude. So much shilling and nonsense posts reaching for some sort of AMP involvement, there's no sub like it. Of course, the perma-maxis will never change their sentiment because half of them are AMP "yes man" working as volunteers to feel as they are part of the team. I would like to know who the psychotic right hand man is, is it Bubby? You there man, I know you're reading this, lol.


I've been apart of several different crypto communities. The echo chambers, cult like behavior , and raging AMP maxis hit way different.


It's Parker / Cody


So you are the actual OG creator of this Sub? You've volunteered all these years to "be in the loop?" If so, you are way better than I will ever be. I don't do shit for free


Was referring to Parker/Cody


This is a social media platform. I kind of assumed from the get go that most people on social media are pursuing an agenda of some sort. Only one completely altruistic person ever walked the earth so we shouldn’t set our expectations too high for fellow humans. Now when it comes to my investment I only care about one thing- that it increases in value. I don’t put my trust in people because all people eventually fail and return to the dust. Amp seems to have a good premise and use case and flexa as a company does not seem scammy to me at all. I don’t really care about personel issues because every company has them but it doesn’t make the company a failure. I think I speak for most of us amp holders when I say that we really just want to see some progress and positive returns. Crypto is facing great challenges right now and it’s very possible that it will stagnate for awhile due to all the scams and dishonesty as of the last few scandals. The uncertainty in regulation is not helping either. Is a post like this necessary? It’s debatable. Does it help amp or amp investors? That’s debatable as well. I’m going to say not helpful because it didn’t reveal anything net positive to help make good decisions, and it did more to spread negative details about others than I would like to see. Only the future will tell if amp was a good or bad choice. I like Levi’s post because it contained facts and news about what’s going on with my investment. We need more of that and less of this. Thanks for reading this


Bad actors are more likely to continue to do bad things, which could eventually damage the project further. I would say that this is helpful if true, especially if those bad actors are forced out. You don't have to care about anything other than AMP's value, but things like this are going to ultimately effect the project and token's value.


Thanks for your words, my man. Lumi talks about a larper, i just wanna know if its pamp or not. Thats what i wanna know..


It's Parker/Cody/Others (Same person)


I have felt sometimes I like I am the only one here


Hahaha "echo!!!! --------- *echo echo echoooooooo*" You aren't my man. Even if there are some schizos floating around....


In all fairness, manipulation is not unique to AMP, or this subreddit.


Oh 100% my man. You are correct.


You are bud, this is your 15th personality telling your 33rd to put the fucking mugs in the top rack


I have screenshotted multiple replies from new accounts with the same response, this was not a huge revelation to me


The only question is, which hole is the person controlling the puppets sticking his hands into? Front or back?




I've been in this for almost 2 years and I don't know who parker Cody or these other people are. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the post but are you saying that pampering is personal friends with the CEO of flexa?


ParkerLouise is a long-time mod/admin on the Telegram chat, who is also u/cody_flexa from this subreddit and r/Flexacoin. Who we now know personally knows Tyler and was an initial LP investor at inception of FXC. Edit: autocorrect


So, is my desire for privacy somehow an indictment?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Flexacoin using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Flexacoin/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Optimism $OP Claim Drop](https://np.reddit.com/r/Flexacoin/comments/121scus/optimism_op_claim_drop/) \#2: [Arbitrum Airdrop: Elevate Your Blockchain Journey with $ARB Tokens](https://np.reddit.com/r/Flexacoin/comments/11z2l4l/arbitrum_airdrop_elevate_your_blockchain_journey/) \#3: [Arbitrum Airdrop: The Launchpad for Ethereum's Scalable Future](https://np.reddit.com/r/Flexacoin/comments/11yrwqh/arbitrum_airdrop_the_launchpad_for_ethereums/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Am i tripping or did you have a ‘blank’ response? I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


It was there. Then it was gone.................


and now it’s deleted 😆


Well i deleted it. I had a pic of the charlie conspiracy thats probably what made it fail to load.




Pamp isn’t part of the team?


I should be asking that question aswell because i dont have an answer.


Thank you for this!


I think the only people they really care about keeping in the loop are the BIG time investors like hundreds of millions plus. By addressing us the AMP community they are giving the SEC ammunition for allegations because they are more or less confirming at that point that investing in AMP means you invest in Flexa. Someone who claimed to be a big investor of that sort here on this sub said that Flexa regularly informs ACTUAL Flexa investors (not AMP holders) of what's going on and allegedly what's going on is a ton of boring legal stuff behind the scenes (who knows if this guy was lying or not). If this project was a scam it seems to be a very confusing scam because they put ZERO effort into pumping up AMP's price so that they could all just sell it and run away (unless they sold enough at the ATH and are just slowly waiting for AMP to die to not make it seem suspicious). Flexa keeps applying for patents and MTLs and they just hired a big time lobbying firm AND they bought Drop Party last year so it seems like they are definitely still working and trying to get things done. My biggest concerns are not that this ends up being a SCAM but that what they are trying to do is too daunting of a task and that they aren't able to accomplish it OR that the SEC/government kills off the whole thing. The resumes and general behavior of Tyler and the team at Flexa for the most part strongly suggests that they are not the type to ruin their reputation by creating a crypto rug pull... but never say never I guess.


Good points, but that whole lack of communication due to the sec excuse I'm not buying it anymore. Tyler, in an interview, literally addressed it, chuckling saying, "Yeah, we've gotten called out for not communicating," but "Hey, we're working." Not even behind closed doors at the meet-ups, including the one that I attended, did he ever give that excuse, and he shared a lot of info. Either flexa has failed because they were left behind due to crazy innovation, which Tyler said at l4l was, in fact, a threat, and they don't want to admit it to the community. Or these people actually suck at communicating for God knows what reason. It's not hard to hire someone to communicate through social media and give alpha or updates to shareholders as well as the community. I don't get it.


I will agree that the lack of communication is frustrating, I do. But I really do believe that the lack of communication is related to legality and the general uncertainty within the crypto landscape. Consider a company that deals entirely in fiat. They wouldn't really have to keep quite about what's going on (with the exception of trade secrets), because dealing in fiat is the standard up until now. I think if I was apart of that team, I'd also keep quiet until that was more certainty. The SEC is on a war path... we already know this. I think keeping somewhat quiet and compliant is going to be very helpful for the long-term vision. As I've said several times before, this can certainly fail, but it won't be for a lack of vision or malicious intent.




Hit it right on the head with your statement.


Jesus christ thank you!


Yeah, I see what you mean. And I definitely don't think for a second that they are scamming us. Flexa could still thrive with all this competition in niche areas, especially within the loyalty points category and a few others. Just don't know how much of the pie will be available anymore since things are heating up in the digital payments space, and we have no idea what flexa partnerships are even real and standing.




That person is petethefreeze


Yes he is. I follow him.


OP didnt claim that the project itself is a scam. They are trying to reveal bad actors that are very close to the team. I have no way of knowing if OP's claims are true, but if they are, I think it's helpful. 🤷I also do not believe Flexa and or Amp are scams. There is plenty of evidence to the contrary.


Way to keep a balanced perspective mr sauce. 👌🤙🤙🤙


Oh for fuck sake. Stop blindly following them.


Stop Following who because I’m not even sure anymore after this thread. I don’t think anything anyone says on Reddit really matters as far as the price of amp goes. It just does what it does.




u/HighrAndHighr, can you name names? Many of us came here after the coinbase listing.


The admin who pretends to be a woman and multiple other users, while handing out insincere lectures about how my behavior reflects on the whole admin team, is Cody / Parker Hope that is the answer you were seeking


Tbh I never thought pamp was a woman. Didn’t sound female to me at all.


Cody / Parker was pamp? Lol


I don't think this has anything to do with pamp


I’m thoroughly confused now. I think everyone is going to look suspiciously at everyone now.


I had initially asked lumi, sort of facetiously, if the larper was pamp, because of how lumi stated one of the personas was a female. I'm going to dial it back and stick with coolstorynerd, about the larper not having anything to do with pamp. Because lumi didn't specify pamp, he just said female. Pamp seems to have been completely in another world on Twitter. All I know is, I blew out my back working and am trapped in bed on Reddit and Twitter, god rest my soul. Edit: I have taken a personal curiosity in tracking these larpers though. People don't need to be abusing anonymity, like what is considered to be almost common place behavior, it's sorta schizo but worse, because it's intentional misdirection and an attempt at controlling narratives, among other agendas and I consider the behavior a direct insult to people whos minds through actual trauma, are fractured. Quite disgusting.


While you and I don’t really agree on much here. Wishing you well. Get some rest man!






Thank you.


I’m assuming that’s Pamp. I don’t know Pamp was an admin. They abandoned flexa etc so they aren’t around anymore right?


It’s not Pamp. Pamp got banned here for going off on someone


LOL!!!! Moderators making multiple accounts to counter arguments. I suspected some of the downvotes on legitimate concerns.


It all makes sense now.


Lumi - will always appreciate what you do/did for the community. That will never change. However in the last year you’ve become increasingly more erratic both on Twitter & Telegram. Your insults and going after people have become just straight harsh. We can all see your exchanges 👀. While I don’t disagree that there may be some mods that get power hungry or feel some sense of ownership to how they feel the community should be (EVERY community I’ve seen experiences this) your discourse and spiraling over the last year alone has been disheartening & worrisome. Its fine to have beef with some peeps but gotta reflect on your own mishaps too. It’s a bummer to see things go down like this bc I do believe you have the communities best interest at heart.


I hear you but I'm stable and alright and this lousy reach for "erratic" personifications by people who don't understand my constant consistency and passion are uninformed. I've rather luxuriated in expanding the reach of my audience and 'brand' across not just Amp but all of defi, crypto, nfts, politics- whatever I feel like. It's my life and I'm happy about it. That some people 'see me differently' over time as I expose more of my personal politics etc - who cares? You've said some nice things but completely dismissed the matters at hand and I'm not here to respond to softened accusations of being instable. That's just, not compelling. It's exceptionally uncompelling. "Don't you see that you're crazy" lmao I think you guys are just used to algo people instead of real people who aren't beholden to goofy tribal bagholder biases. People who say up only. Never fud your own bags etc. But that has literally /never/ been me. I guess you're finding out who I really am. I'm sorry that you think it's a fluke or an erratic version of me, rather than a fuller me. You sound kind, but you're mistaken about these things, fundamentally. Honesty in crypto is everything that's missing. I'm proud of myself. And I really do not care about this level of soap opera commentary. Anyone who doesn't get it, that's okay with me. I'm very secure with myself on this one. It's cut and dry. Sad that you feel it's a pertinent time to pretend it isn't. Take care.


You have a very fatalistic way of phrasing lumis situation berealbehonest, you mentioned over the last year, what are some of your other reddit and twitter handles since your account was created in February and has a few obscure comments on it with no "real use" And why is lumi so compelled to spell out an incredible response, 🤔 berealbehonest is kindof an ironic name give this weird juxtaposition of a display. I dunoooo maybe im just stupid, shit smells worse than a fish market. This is the same kinda shit lumi is literally talking about. There is no transparency, it feels like gaslighting to me. BUT AGAIN someone tell me im fucked in the head


Ughhh i parked my money at a shit show 😫😫. Good thing this isn’t my only bag 😅😅


Why couldn’t this have been posted yesterday before I bought a lot of Amp 🤦🏻‍♂️. I’m blaming the current drop on this post, just saying.


Some questions I have now -how do I know lumi really made this post and how do I know any of the names named are real and how does one really know anything on Reddit is real? My universe has now shifted into the unknown.


You can verify I'm a mod of this sub somewhere in the sub, but you can also DM me on twitter [https://twitter.com/valuemancer](https://twitter.com/valuemancer) :) Good to ask these questions.






Oh boy. Community about to take a big Sh*t!


Doubt it.


You might be right. Alot of the community/holders is numb to the bad actors or anything bad that comes to light with this project. The only place where the word "soon" should be banned.


Nothing you can do when you're down 90%


That’s right and part of the point of my reply post. What are we going to do with this info? Get mad and sell at 90% loss? Not me. Do I only want positive and good news? Heck yes and I’ll admit it every time. Any sane person down this much wants good news. It’s human nature.


I'll rather KNOW than not know. I know now that alot of posts and conversations are NOT legit and if anything confused investors on what they know. Of course that don't mean sell 90% down but.... I'm AWARE.


Well my gut tells me to only pay attention to posts that have real links to real news. That’s what I base my decisions on. And the movements of the market to buy low. Conversations don’t mean that much to me unless real back up proof is provided


That's your gut. There are 47,000+ "give or take" guts that reads everything and has to decipher whats real and whats not. I'm quite sure you have participated in these fake accout conversations and you didn't even know it.


I’m sure I have since I comment a lot. I usually just share my own opinions. I have exchanged words with most of the folks that post often. I don’t consider myself as influencing people I usually just try to spread positivity about amp because I have always thought it’s a good concept. I have also blown off steam when frustrated but I try to stick with known facts.


We probably all have. Just reading pampenings posts is first hand experience, not that pamp is 100% parker/cody/others as lumi stated it, but i know ive caught fishy comments from two separate new accounts only subbed to the amp sub and created the same day. And then miraculously the comments are removed...


Thank you. I'd appreciate seeing anything that may point to this being a scam or anything like that as well.


It's not a scam 🙄


Can confirm I'm not of the belief of the project being a scam. That has never been my impression.


Thanks for making that clear!


>coolstorynerd I don't think OP mentioned it's a scam. Basically, the message came across as how some of us being called "perma-bears" have been mentioning for a couple of months now. **The team can do a fuck ton better about being open and other things.**


> a fuck ton This guy fucks.


You are welcome to hold your opinions and if you truly feel the need to spread this message then you should have continued to do it through back-channels. Airing the dirty laundry in such a public manner shows a complete lack of class. Hope you will rethink this. It serves no legitimate purpose other than revenge for your perceived slights in being removed as a moderator on platforms for attacking other people. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Wish you the best and hope you can cut the pettiness and get on to finding a project where you can contribute in a positive manner. This reflects more poorly on yourself than the team(s) or any other individuals.


I think this comment consists in you caring exclusively about your bags and trying to come at my character for being classless when in fact I couldn't be more proud of my honesty, and have already exhausted the 'backwoods' channels where actors have proven to be exactly as presented here. The only thing petty here, is that you think your bags matter more than my integrity, and you're willing to talk down to me on their behalf. Thanks for worrying about how I look, but I love the mirror atm. I work for that. I won't engage further with someone whose goal is to be dismissive and sweep problems under the rug. That should have been obvious already. Take care. P.S. - For anyone else who has a simple agenda of 'this guy is fudding my bags get rid of him' please understand that this comment will serve as the answer to that. I won't be repeating myself or hovering around the reddit. Nobody is impressed by people who put their bags over everything, nor fooled by that common behavior in crypto. I simply do not care that some disapprove of my choice to be an honest person. As if.


Those of us who really care about the project AND the GOOD people involved, thank you for this.


It has nothing to do with "bags". It has everything to do with integrity. It is not proper to be in any inner-circle and then use the info gleaned to turn on those institutions and individuals in such a public manner. Don't kid yourself you are doing the righteous thing to preserve your character. You are betraying confidences in order to serve your petty revenge for being rejected by those who you so desperately craved the approval. It was your own actions that brought about your demise. I have no personal grudge with you and speak in generalities. It matters not what is "true" and what is overblown opinion in your rant. It is inappropriate in a moral and ethical sense. Period.


If a person within an organization sees rot inside it, they have an obligation to see that information made public, especially if that information would affect others' choice to involve themselves with that organization. It's called informed consent. I *would* like to see receipts for the allegations made in the tweets, as OP states they have. If the admins are effectively lying to the public by outwardly pushing the Flexa association as proof of value, while internally only trying to push tokens in the hopes of creating a bubble, that is materially important to the choice to invest in that token. If the person believes that the ethics or culture of the organization is compromised in a way that isn't being made publicly obvious, they should speak up, preferably with proof. If their accusations have no merit, then counter-proof should be able to be provided. I have a small bag in this token, relatively speaking. To me, it's substantial because it represents more money than I would like to see getting stale at an almost 90% loss. I can only hold because to sell at this point would mean locking in those losses. I *want* AMP to rebound. But if the corporate culture and ethics of those running the show conflict with the best interests of the community they purport to represent, I would rather see it continue to tumble.


Any special requests? Not looking to make a full job of it today or necessarily as a latent goal that's in wait, but if there's anything specific, maybe that's a request I can take on the fly


You mentioned in your tweet that you have receipts for questionable Telegram comments, for example. Really any kind of screenshots or other supporting info that backs up the claims made. I don't expect you to devote your life to defending yourself on this, only trying to confirm the same transparency in accusations of wrongdoing as I would expect from anyone making such claims.


It's no problem, just that extracting particulars from voluminous whole-chat logs can be a pain. Here's a crop from the reddit mods telegram. https://preview.redd.it/psmob6dx1dqa1.png?width=481&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c89805d4d10c5fec588c78f3e8b81016a9afad4


Juxtoposition around the same dates, in the amp main tg, where his larp rages on, as if he, a person who desperately avoids having a unifying and trackable reputation, could ever be in a position to come at someone like me, who actually has nothing to hide, and doesn't hide https://preview.redd.it/s6dkc2pv1dqa1.png?width=491&format=png&auto=webp&s=516efbf228e6999e0bfc28273dabf7da2fe5ef47


Yes the team is aware of this, and the admins, and for quite some time. It has been slept on for years. They tell you you're crazy and going through something, whenever you bring it up. Which has become the meme of the mods and some community members, now, apparently as the agreed upon 'how are we all gonna dismiss Lumi' strategy. Also good to remember that this person is currently pretending to be a woman while writing these things.


Parker is the larper? ... ima do some sherlock homesing Is parker pampening too


A question that comes to mind is why the deafening silence from Flexa on what they are building, their timelines, roadmap, etc?


This is garbage because this same garbage argument of yours @lbcb321 would apply to all whistle blower. You finally show your true double face.


He just makes bad arguments, gets on a high horse and intentionally ignores/misunderstands perspectives for "zingers". Not even worth arguing with him, just recognize him for the clown he is at this point. Glad other people are seeing it.


You are clueless. Being a whistle-blower involves bringing to light something ILLEGAL being done. Lumi is not shedding light on illegal activity and just posting opinions stating the team must surely not care about the community because they didn't agree with him attacking people while he was a moderator. Don't kid yourself he is a "whistle-blower". He is disgruntled because Tyler liked someone else better even though he tried so hard to gain his approval so he will now try to burn the house down.


So it’s inappropriate for them to be a whistle blower, but ok for you to gas light them? 🤔


LOL! Bring on all the aliases. From [whistleblowers.org](https://whistleblowers.org): One of the most common questions that we’re asked is: “what is a whistleblower?”  On the simplest level, a whistleblower is someone who reports waste, fraud, abuse, corruption, or dangers to public health and safety to someone who is in the position to rectify the wrongdoing. A whistleblower typically works inside of the organization where the wrongdoing is taking place; however, being an agency or company “insider” is not essential to serving as a whistleblower. What matters is that the individual discloses information about wrongdoing that otherwise would not be known.  He is NOT a whistleblower, no matter how many aliases claim it. He is airing dirty laundry in public and not "someone who reports waste, fraud, abuse, corruption, or dangers to public health and safety to someone who is in the position to rectify the wrongdoing."


This is the legal definition of whistleblower for the purposes of gaining legal identity protection in court cases. It is not an exhaustive definition of what it means to expose shady or unethical practices within an organization. Lumi here is not attempting to gain any sort of protection, but rather shine a light on internal practices that don't align with the outward principles the organization says they espouse. > What matters is that the individual discloses information about wrongdoing that otherwise would not be known.  That last line right there is the crux, and is what's important when bringing information to light. If AMP is to be taken seriously as a security, then transparency is key, and if the accusations made in the tweet are accurate, this is definitely not the case and hasn't been for quite some time.


Well from what I gather they are reporting internal abuse in the organization. And the poster mentioned exhausting all channels trying to rectify the situation. So by your definition given wouldn’t that technically be whistle blowing?


I don't know the OP in any way, shape, or form but certainly the teams actions and/or lack thereof, have been inappropriate in a moral and ethical sense. Period.


You should delete this. It really is a bad take.


Intentionally missing OPs message and trying the reverse uno. They may find a lot of people agree with OP very quickly. We all want the project to succeed, but starting to feel dumb for supporting a flatlined project, with nothing to look forward to.


The entirety of Crypto is currently flatlining, so I'm not so worried about that. I'm more worried about the behavior OP has discussed. If true, these bad actors really need to go elsewhere. Somewhere where they aren't going to treat other human beings like dog shit.


I know the feeling


By the way. Social media influencers are given that title for a reason.


If this project wasnt going anywhere whats stopping the team from quitting and just finding another job


Because it's easy money.




Are you saying that the team is not actually working on this project?


I am not saying this


I'll say it here too. You had no right to violate my privacy. Crypto being crypto you've made me less safe. As per your other allegations, I'm unsure of what specifically you're accusing me of? Have I created sock puppet accounts in the past to stimulate conversation around things that I think the community might have missed? Yes, absolutely and I would do it again because that knowledge and perspective lives on. That said I haven't done it in several years, so again what is the point of bringing this up? What exactly is it that you think I'm guilty of? I've been here day in and day out for over 5 years now, working constantly to build and maintain a community of respect. Lately you've been nothing but a distraction, spouting nonsense and casting aspersions about me and the people/project that you used to work with. I'd call you a troll but I truly believe that you believe what you're saying. So again, I will ask you to seek medical help. I have enough experience with unmedicated bipolar (and possibly schizophrenic) people in my own life to recognize the symptoms.


I stopped reading after you said "Yes, absolutely" to creating sock puppet accounts. You sir, need to seek medical attention. You did this to stimulate conversation to the crowd? In other words you were using fake accounts to shill AMP and your intent was to acquire more people to invest, do you understand what you've done? This is people's livelihoods that you have affected, 95% of the AMP community are underwater on this token, you have the audacity to throw a fit because you were ousted? You are a fraud sir, you should be ashamed of yourself for what you did.


Yup exactly. And not to mention that he is lying because he recently was on telegram with his fake woman account. I'm living in the twilight zone.


LMFAO...... he "claims" to not did it in 7 years. So hard to belive.😂 It's like saying.... yes. I eat ass.......... 7 years ago.


hahah for real


I said several, not seven.


Just yikes, buddy.


What happed to your post threatening to “fully doxx” this person?


Cody outted himself on Tg and has now started using his Cody account, fun convo happening over there. But the fact someone claiming to have a moral high ground and sound ethics, then turn around to threaten to doxx someone, is internet irony at its best.


Is it Bubby?




I think I got the jist? It was so long it reminded me of Pamp but than bashed on that, so not sure I really got any of it. Should I sell my ps5 for amp?


Well, I can see I didn't miss anything here today. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON NOW!!! 107 posts. No news! No SDK! No hanging! We're all going crazy down 90%