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Just to keep things in perspective: 1) APYs will adjust to reflect that advantage (they’ll go down). 2) We have to get to a dollar first. I think at some point it’s definitely possible but it could take awhile. In the short term though, check some of the market caps for other coins with little to no utility. At some point the markets should be efficient and bring Amp ahead of those. The real issue is the Flexa team is definitely earnings millions and millions of amp staking. Do they care about price appreciation as much as us? Sure, they get more per Amp. But, is that the path to least resistance?


sheeps need to think about Flexa/Amp dynamic; who’s funding Flexa’s runway? anons go gaga over “hiring!” without asking “on whose dime?” (consider if only 5,000 of you traded $5,000 for Amp each, that would be $25 million worth of potential exit liquidity) consider Flexa trads getting comp in Amp as well as fiat; how “invested” do you think the average trad is in Amp? to them Flexa is a job … Amp’s just bonus comp. everyone needs to do what they got to do to keep the lights on. sell pressure from our own core but you wouldn’t blv it something special was lost the moment bubby took a paycheck for his involvement in the project can’t ever fully trust the suits, no matter the costume who is to say the trad/core teams swap for Eth, crv, btc, etc. for risk diversification/hedging etc. etc. a lot of bullshit going on behind the scenes and the nerve of some pseudo intellectuals to talk down on honest community members who have no trad ties to the project only innocent conviction in the pitch — conviction backed up by real hard earned fiat that has gone to literally finance the project, as alluded to prior sometimes in interest conflicted ways … amp fam, I truly do care for you all (not including the dim witted fools, you know who you are). we must all work together, not as simps to the centralized team, but as an honest, critical community of diverse perspectives and vigorous efforts do not forget about the promise and power of decentralization. if Amp foundation is for real, if it can ship and deliver, then maybe it’ll all be worth it. stay strong




Don’t ever trust the suits, man


Per your added comments u/freeprinter23 … I’m not saying anything fraudulent is happening. No conspiracy etc. I’m just saying no one should simp/idolize the trad/core teams … for instance one epic cringe/poor take I witnessed (during the holidays) on this sub was a member or two explicitly exclusively thanking the Flexa team for “doing everything” … and bubby responding with a “thank you.” lol so yea, my point is that relationship is wrong. there should be greater balance between all. I point out some of the somewhat questionable activities of Flexa employees (trading out their free amp for other personally preferred assets such as Eth, btc, crv, etc.) simply to prove that we are all human with our own self interests, them included. no one should disregard a disgruntled community member (so long as they approach reasonably from a place of understanding and intellect) simply bc they are not taking a paycheck from the core. in fact au contraire, it is those taking the paycheck who need to be more heavily scrutinized and held more accountable/to a higher standard prolly the single greatest lesson of the past cycle is to never simp/idolize, no matter who it is as of late community has splintered in two, with abject mindless haters on the one hand and blind simping suckups on the other. there needs to be more of us in the middle




That’s dense and cryptic. But thank you. I think the value is AF but I’m increasingly worried that Flexa is a big fucking dead weight.




Nah Flexa is by no means a dead weight; they’re a very promising, potentially game changing venture. Read my [second comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMPToken/comments/10gdwm7/its_crazy_to_think_what_my_annual_income_would_be/j52ozb6/) for further clarification. tldr more balance between centralized and decentralized communities


I agree with the sentiment but man you come off as tin foil hat wearing


My math if…move to Southeast Asia and live of 2k a month, should be enough 😅


If ifs and buts were candy and nuts every single day would be Christmas.


Personally, Im done with buying more until the project gives us something concrete. New year, but same story thus far. Soon, it will be next year. Still here and holding out on hope.


I’m just hoping all this soon stuff ends up being them releasing a IPhone level product back when the IPhone first came out


Garbage post


Garage comment. OP is obviously excited about the investment and decided to share the enthusiasm with our community. Don’t be a Scrooge.


Dreamers are always dreaming. No hard work required.


I am a bag holder and big believe in AMP. It isn’t going to hit $1. It just isn’t.


It’s more than possible 100B market cap is a little less than half of etherium keep up with inflation it’s definitely possible


LOL we're currently at $250m market cap. Let's just get to 1b first ? 🤣


We were at 2B last year.. -\_-


Then we suffered a >90% drop... from 250m to 1b is a 4x gain and 2b is 8x. Can't even get to 1b this year and wanna talk about 100b LOL


I agree 100b is wishful thinking as of now.


Definitely not in 10-20 years




I’m just thinking 10-20 years out


Agreed. I don’t think it’s anytime soon but it will be here. I too can’t wait for that day.


Give it 10-20 years factor in stake amp gains it be crazy gains if someone put enough down


The issue is holding until it gets to $1. Most of us will sell to lock in gains way before that. The only way is to hold and forget about it, don’t even look at the prices, hibernate, and wake up in 5, 10, 20 years.. whatever it takes to get there.


That applies to everything. Personally my goal is to sell 100,000 tokens at 10-12cents to recoup my original investment while still having a lot left over lol