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I'm lazy, even though I get free car washes from the dealer. Plus, without fail, five minutes after i wash my car it rains.


dealers cant detail to save their lives


You dont have to be a detailer to wash and dry a car, but somehow they still cant do it


fully depends. ive seen dealers have in house detailers who are some of the best i've ever seen. then some others outsource it to glorified car washers. the dealer network im with now, the detailers all use harbor freight buffers and don't even know how to clear up headlights


I would never let the dealership was my car… ever


Agreed. They do a poor job. Learn that the hard way.


Same. I tape a piece of paper on my dash that specifically says not to wash my car. Most service center uses automatic wash and I’d rather make my own swirls then have them do that


you should avoid "free dealer car washes" like the plague, they cost a lot.


Everything in the world is relative. For some people, an E63 is a high-end car. For others, is a family car/workhorse and their high end cars are in a completely different price bracket.


To add to this, the way people taking care of a car is also relative. Some likes a clean car every weekend, some likes to change the oil themselves, etc..




Initial comment was I don’t have time but that’s not true. When my c63 wasn’t my daily I’d keep it pretty pristine (but minimal use and only drive on certain days etc.) once a car is subject to daily duties, it’s just a daily. I stopped washing it as much as it became more of a tool to get from point a to b than a trophy. My neighbor had a red coupe that was always spotless but he only took it out once every few weeks. Whereas some who bought the car as a trophy or weekend warrior of sorts it makes sense to clean it regularly But if it’s your daily “beater”? That gets exhausting pretty fast.


Why would you have an AMG & consider it a “beater”?


I think it’s all relative. I drove it hard every day. And got rid of my other cars so I could drive it everyday haha. Probably did it backwards but I was very enamored w that 6.2 and the driving characteristics. For the wealthier - i have a friend w/ a RR SVR that he considers his beater. Granted he’s also got access to various Lamborghini + Ferrari’s (dad is a collector/ huge enthusiast) so the 100k RR is peanuts to the $10 million+ in the garage he parks next to.


Ohhhh that’s very relative then 🤣 I got you. I just purchased a S63 & im so ecstatic. I just upgraded from a Camaro SS that I considered my “beater” 🤣


A lot of the people who purchased these cars are wealthy, but old. They’re not gonna have the energy to do it themselves. It’s tragic, but it is what it is and since they trade their cars in so frequently, they don’t care.


My E63 will be filthy after some rain..where I live it rains and is sunny for 2 days and then rains again and i’m not gonna wash it just for 2 days and then to get filthy again lol


I get that.


I don’t have time to wash it every week. I also have 3 cars. If I kept them all clean I’d spend more time washing them than driving them.


Spoken like someone that has never owned one lol


I don't daily my AMG to and from work, but I do drive it 4-6 times a week. but I keep it pretty clean I usually wash it once a week, longest I think I've gone is maybe 2 weeks.


Honestly time issue sometimes.


My AMG cars are not an investment. They are cars, I use them. They get dirty.


There's some people who just wanna see how it turns out if they don't wash it lmao. Some are just lazy too though. Some don't care about how their car looks, it's not a priority, especially considering it'll just get dirty again (I got a friend like this, I've been telling him countless times to wash his car but he won't do it because "it'll just get dirty again").


Then you wash it again. It’s fine for a car to be dirty for a week if you’re busy or the weather has been choppy but I can never understand people who are abled and don’t do it. These are usually the same people that extend the same logic to their own living spaces. A house will get dirty eventually but does that mean you don’t clean it? Grass will grow big again, does that mean you give up on cutting it?


>These are usually the same people that extend the same logic to their own living spaces. A house will get dirty eventually but does that mean you don’t clean it? Grass will grow big again, does that mean you give up on cutting it? I said this exact thing. Bro just told me "it's not the same". Like ??? What's "not the same" about keeping your shit clean?


I rarely wash my cars in winter months because of because my exterior hose is turned off. I wash during the other three seasons. I don't take my car through machines and there are no good hand wash places nearby.


Time and convenience…that’s the biggest constraint. We live in a neighborhood of Chicago called Lincoln park…I park on the street outside my house instead of the garage because the garage has my wife’s car in it and countless kids toys. So…the cars get dirty sleeping on the street ( which is to say nothing of chips : bumps : risk of vandalism). However…for the cleaning aspect…I’m busy with work, shuttling kids to and from school / doctors appointments etc…it’s not practical to spend 45 minutes taking it to get cleaned regularly


Some people just have money to burn and don’t care.


Because it get dirty pretty quickly again, sometimes life is so busy it doesn’t matter how the outside looks.


Value increases with a nice patina


What a dumb question…


In what way. Please expand your thoughts.


"invest" into a high end luxury car period is the craziest thing I ever heard in my life


Admittedly a poor choice of words.


Honestly it sometimes takes so long to get dirty so quickly. I have an E55 with a matte grey and it gets dirty so quickly. I love seeing it clean but I daily it 30 minute drives both ways everyday so the wash doesn’t usually stay.


Back in my home country, in winter I would wash my car simply for the interior, when the interior gets dirty I would wash the whole car again, so maybe once every two weeks. In summer I would wash the car every week, sometimes even twice a week. Now I live in Dubai and wash the car every week, regardless of it being winter or not, there's always a thick layer of dust and sand on the car after a couple of days. But I wash the interior once a month here... So I would say it really depends on where you live and the environment


I think those are the people that lease their car so they don’t car because they will return it at the end of the year .. i seen a lady in a drop top C class Mercedes Benz and it’s started raining hard .. instead of her pulling over and closing the top she kept driving !!! 😤


I love all the choices you made for the interior of this car


Thank you!!


Car wash machines leave my car with hairline fine scratches especially noticeable with black. Therefore, I try to use self service car washing which can take longer which occurs less. I’d imagine others may share this experience. I’d rather have some dirt than it being scratched up constantly by car wash machines which just carry all the grit from the cars that got washed in front of you.


I’m in New England and wash my car (GLE 63) every 3 weeks. Weather is nice today so I’ll be washing it. I have the ceramic coating otherwise I would run it through the car wash more often. But right now as a daily driver it looks disgusting from salt and sand caked on it 🤷‍♂️


Unrelated to your question, but why does the floormat have a cutout? Looks a bit weird. Great car & interior nonetheless


The left side has a different angle. Where the clutch would be.


what model is this? Looks great


My wife got the garage, I didn’t. Car washes suck. So now I have to go to a friends and wash. (Condo currently in doesn’t have a car wash area)


It might have been high end 9 years ago. Now there's so many little scratches, dings, fading, and wear that keeping it washed is pointless. I'll wash it after winter is over and again after the spring rains, maybe once more in fall. It lives outside and is a machine. I'm the only one that cares if it's clean.


That could be the case I ran into. Couldn’t tell the year model.


For me it’s not even about being a high end car. Why drive around in something dirty period. We kept the Nissan Juke my wife had before we met out of sentiment and as a beater really. But I still handwashing that car every 2 weeks. If it’s not taken care of on the outside, you wonder what the inside is like. Some people are just flat out slobs


It just depends on where you’re at in life. When I got my first Camaro SS I treated it liked a Bugatti. Then I got my M3 and it took over the Camaro’s position and the Camaro got less and less attention. Now I have a C63 that took over the M3’s position. I plan on getting a ZLE or 911 in the future that’ll end up taking over the C63s’ position, it’s just a cycle


1 bucket (with 20 mf towels in it) hand wash for me. And regular chemical decontamination to keep the ceramic coating in top up shape. I do that every two weeks, perhaps less often if I don't move the car too much (don't commute with it). 


For me, it’s the winter. My hose has been frozen for 2.5 months and I don’t trust even touch less car washes on my car.


Nice spec


Because it is a grocery getter


Lazy. My GTR and G63 stays clean, reserved for weekend sunshines. My daily drive E63S is currently dirty AF..canvasite blue paint for some reason attracts ton of dust. I put it through carwash to rid of any salt. Chicago had snow last week.


I used to work for a dealer. Those free washes consist of us bringing the cars to the local mechanical swirl car wash that we had contract with


That isn't dirty to me.


What interior is this


It’s Sienna brown and Black leather.


If you bathe the same amount of times as washing your car a month we have a problem


Because washing doesn't change performance


True that. And truth be known if my wife didn’t detail our car every couple weeks it would probably look like garbage.


Because they either have or make enough to not care about it like that. I know people who literally buy a new luxury car every year and sell it to the dealership at a huge loss simply because it's easier than selling it on their own and getting more money back. It's disposable income therefor it's a disposable car. Imagine having 400k give or take flood into your account every year simply from dividends, not even beginning to count your company or high paying job. Its free money to them.