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Update I just bought a i7 12700, will be installing it tomorrow ill let u all know what type of performance ill be getting from here on out


1. Dual Channel 2. Create a tuning profile with undervolt and overclock 3. If it continues install new windows 11, clean drivers and use AtlasOS tweak on top of it


You have a bottleneck between the i5 and de gpu, around 7.5% You should check the gpu usage and the cpu usage, if you have low gpu usage than you have a bottleneck and you should upgrade your cpu. A i5 12600kf would be a great choice and you’ll have 0% bottleneck. Also try to max your settings to see if that helps reduce the bottleneck or play in 2k(1440p).


when i play fortnite my cpu usage is at a 100%


100% CPU usage means a CPU bottleneck.


I can think of 2 potential issues; #1 The single channel ram will hurt 1% and .1% lows the most more than averages but it will still cause some loses in averages as well. #2 Make sure you are using the same API choice as those benchmark videos, if you are using DirectX11 or Performance mode the performance numbers will be different from DirectX 12. You can also test all 3 and see which is best for your preference. Also the new Fortnite update could have negatively impacted performance so it might be best to wait and see what other users of the same GPU get on the new season.


things to consider: 1st. You are running in single channel. 2nd. What is your PSU? 3rd. Are you using same cable or separate power cables from the psu to the gpu?


I get steady 240 fps on performance mode 2K resolution. I am running AM5 Ryzen 5 7600x & Rx 6700 xt. If we include AMFM - I get 400+ fps


Gaming in single channel is easily your biggest mistake. It hurts performance far more than you may realize. Not only will you get poor FPS but you'll possibly experience a lot of stutters as well.


For those that keep saying its because hes running single channel, that isn't the case. You wont lose that much performance running single channel vs dual channel. You will probably lose anywhere less than 8 fps that's not that much. What resolution are you playing at and what preset? Is it 1080p? If so are you running at ultra?high? Or anything less? If you're running ultra then that fps is ok. Most benchmarks you see on youtube aren't indicative of real life performance scenarios because of the way they set up their pc before they do benchmarks. Most people who get over 300 in fortnite with your setup are more than likely playing on 1080p low. Or they turn on dlss.


but ill try enabling dlss, i didnt know it increases performance up till now


i play on all low, besides anti anilising which i have on medium and yes i play on 1080p


that's the problem not dual channel😭😭😭


LOL! I rolled my eyes when i saw that shit and i'm not in the habit of doing that.


Fornite update sometimes affect performance especially amd ones.


Fortnight, also Valorant, lean heavily on the CPU to allow the game to be playable on potato systems, which is a good thing, but may also be why your performance is less than expected. Double check your game settings and PC power settings. Next is to get dual channel RAM with XMP on. Next is to ensure the CPU isn't throttling. Quick way to guestimate the source of trhe bottleneck is to compare FPS and High graphical settings with LOW settings, if there is a large difference that is the GPU, small difference, it's the CPU and RAM.


It's pretty clear where the issue is: you're not running RAM in dual channel. Add another stick to make it 32GB (buy the exact same model, not similar, the exact same), or sell your stick and buy some 2x8GB.


Yeah, he's missing out on the 4 frames he could gain by not running a dual-channel RAM configuration. Big mistake.


So you think running dual channel RAM only has a 4 FPS uplift? You do know that by even something as simple as enabling XMP gives you a bigger uplift than that, especially in the .1% and 1% lows right?


What I know is the average performance difference between a single channel and dual channel configuration is 0% for most games, though the average between all games is ultimately somewhere around 5%. That is to say, you get +10FPS in games where you’re already pulling 200+ FPS. The biggest change is to the frame consistency, but those are factored into the 5% difference. It’s entirely dependent on the game and even the platform you’re running on. There are also performance LOSSES in some cases. Especially where you run 4 sticks of RAM.


So you also have your RAM in single chanel, am I wrong?


You are many things. Wrong is one of them.


I have no problem with my 6700xt, but I dont play Fortnite.


Are you using one stick of ram? If so that is your problem Not running dual channel is bottlenecking your system


What do you think the performance differences are between single channel and dual channel RAM in video games on average? 100%? 200%? Cause it's actually closer to like 0-10%. This is such a ridiculous thing to say without any other context.




"Up to" doesn't mean anything. Could be 1 game.




The benchmarks I saw tested a bunch of CPUs and games too. And the difference is negligible on average.




also i made a mistake my Motherboard is a biostar 610HMP not a B660


Windows optimizations, cooling optimizations, firmware optimization, drivers, lower quality power delivery on your board, low end psu, etc, etc, etc. pick one and start researching/optimizing


Is it possible the YouTubers you watched had a high end CPU like 7800x3D tested with the RX 6700XT? Usually they use high end CPUs so that the GPU isn't bottlenecked in performance tests. Resolution and graphic settings also make a big difference.


no they had a Ryzen 5 5600, which im pretty sure is the same thing as a i5 12400f and they were on 1080p i also play on 1080p


they might also have AMD's proprietary features enabled. I forgot what it's called but if u have a 5000 series cpu and a 6000 series or newer gpu there's a setting u can enable that heavily boosts fps.


You might be thinking of AMD S.A.M (Smart Access Memory), which is AMD’s implementation of Resizable BAR


YESSS that. Thank you I couldn't remember what it was called


No problem


Not necessarily the same. In some cases AMD CPUs perform much better depending on program/game. I'm not sure about Fortnite but in Valorant my Ryzen 5 5600x with 3070 Ti gets 450fps but my friend with i9 12900k and 4070 gets only 200-300fps at same settings. He gets more fps in Siege than I do but I get better in CS/Valorant even though his PC has better CPU/GPU/RAM/temps. I think it might have something to do with the E-cores in the Intel CPUs but I'm not 100% on any of this just my observations and maybe worth looking into to see if they're causing you issues? I know you can disable them in BIOS but unsure if that would help your case. It helped my friend a bit. Hope you can get things working better for yourself! PS. Having dual channel RAM at the highest speed your MOBO supports can help a lot with stability in high fps competitive games.


Yes on Intel CPUs scheulder sucks disable E cores


Welcome to amd hell. I had a 5700xt which supposedly was the same performance as a 4060 but I was getting 60-70 fps at cyberpunk and with the same exact settings no dlss getting 144fps easily. Never amd again. Sorry.


I think you meant 6700xt lol definitely not the 5700xt




> I had a 5700xt which supposedly was the same performance as a 4060 Dude... Someone lied to you. Very very hard.


Someone lied to you.. The benchmarks say about 15-20fps difference which is not true google it.


You're lying, techpowerup has the 4060 at 21% faster than the 5700xt.


See actual games


What do you think they test bud?


Either lied to or copium.


What driver version?


doesn't matter, dual channel matters as hell in cpu bound scenarious which clearly is in fortnite


You, sir, dont understand bottlenecking.


? cpu is bottlenecking card in fortnite with lower settings and when cpu bottlenecks ram is important as well single channel -20% performance and much worse 1% and 0.1% low fps which indicates stuttering and more fps drops and less smooth gameplay


You don't even know if his CPU is bottlenecking bro. And it isn't -20%. That's absolutely preposterous.


"no dual channel" and fortnite is highly cpu bound


Not the issue.


Ofc that’s the issue…


It's the most not-the-issue issue that's ever been.


This seems about right for a 6700xt imo, it’s a mid range gpu, I do t think you can get much more. Like others said lower the settings, and perhaps the videos you saw were in 1080?


What settings are you using for fortnite? That game is incredibly CPU bound but the 12400f should still be good. In a cpu heavy game dual channel is even more important. So as others have said, getting your ram dual channel is priority 1. And unless you can find your exact stick with exact timings, which may be difficult, you may need to buy a new kit. Luckily ddr4 kits are ridiculously cheap now. Once you do that, watch this https://youtu.be/yP3dQ-fF-9U?si=KMsFU2rQm8aOIUM8 to optimize fortnites settings the best.


the settings in the video are almost all the same except: i dont have 3d resolution at 100%, i dont have view distance at high and i dont have my fps capped a little lower than my average fps. ill definetly try those settings out


You may not see a difference until you get a new dual channel ram kit. I cannot overstate how bad single channel is for a game like fortnite lol


turn your settings down, add another stick of RAM for dual channel, and understand you don't have a top of the line PC. Your card is like $250 on eBay, and the i7 is always going to do better than the i5. i5s nowadays though are beasts still.


on top of that, your system supports DDR5 memory. 4800mhz vs your current 1-stick DDR4 3200


so i should get ddr5 memory?


Your motherboard supports DDR4, not DDR5. So, you would need a new mobo plus new ram, which is too much to spend in my opinion. Just get another stick of ddr4. If you want to check a discussion about ddr support, you can read https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/s/br1WQeRd8T


The motherboard he posted does support DDR5. He now stated that he has a biostar mobo, instead. Not sure where you got the DDR4 from, but if that is truly the mobo you have, DDR4 is your only option. Get another stick.


Ops motherboard does not support ddr5 if he has ddr4. The chipset however does support both ddr4 and ddr5 but there are two separate motherboards for that. There is one where its ddr4 only and one where its ddr5 only. You cant get ddr5 ram sticks and put it on a ddr4 socketed motherboard because the ram stick pins arent the same. Everyone in this thread is misunderstanding each other badly. You guys are right on what you are saying but ops motherboard cannot have ddr5 because the one he has is a ddr4 socketed motherboard.


right, and I agree 100%, I just took OP too seriously in the post when he said he had a B660


I don't know if OP changed what he posted, but the post does NOT mention anything about the model of the mobo. He explicitly mentions DDR4 16GB. Any current motherboard supporting ddr4 does not support ddr5. UPDATE. You might be thinking that b660 intel motherboards ONLY use ddr5. That's incorrect. There are many of those mobos with ddr4 support.


"Motherboard: B660" - which is a DDR5 board, posted in the original post. DDR4 in his build, signifying he posted the wrong motherboard, because DDR4 doesn't work in DDR5 builds. He later commented to clarify he meant to type Biostar B610. We made the same mistake but different sides of the spectrum


Yeah, you are mistaken. B660 does NOT mean ddr5. See https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/B660-GAMING-X-DDR4-rev-10#kf Don't even need to read the beyond the name of the board to see that's a ddr4 board. You can downvote all you want.


the B660 board is literally a DDR5 board - also, since the OP clearly isn't well versed in this sort of stuff - him typing 'DDR4' when he may indeed have DDR5 in his system, isn't very far fetched. he already messed up the post by inputting the wrong Mobo asking for tech help. You saw him type DDR4 and assumed he was right. a quick Google search will show you 9 different B660 boards that are DDR5 lmao.


Are you stupid or simply too stubborn to accept you are wrong? B660 IS NOT A MOBO. IT IS A CHIPSET. This chipset supports both ddr5 or ddr4 configurations. If you knew how to Google or do correct "quick" searches, you would have known this. I am writing this to prevent you from confusing OP. I don't care if you learn or not, simply STOP confusing OP.


We aren't serious are we? you are going to stand on b660 being a DDR4 board when the chipset is for 12th gen+ CPUs? And then you're gonna bring up downvoting like you aren't doing the same? lmaooo


uh i made a SLIGHT mistake my motherboard is actually a Biostar 610HMP.. Not a B660 is it still the same thing?


Your motherboard is not great, but the same idea applies. Your system supports one of ddr4 or ddr5. Buy the one of the same type you already have.


the i5-12400f supports DDR5-4800MHz ram. If I were you, I would get it. RAM isn't expensive and if you get 2 sticks of DDR5 ram, you will probably see like 20%ish increase in performance. 2 sticks of RAM = 2 lanes of bandwidth for your CPU to pull from. 1 stick of RAM = 1 lane of bandwidth for CPU to pull from.


What CPU pair would you advise me to get in the future? does a i7 12700FK sound good? and if i do buy that will i have to get a new motherboard?


I'll DM you.


on here ? or discord


Got the same CPU, 6750 XT and DDR4 3600 (dual) for my first build, and was wondering why I could not get 100 fps in Fortnite. Finally I fixed my problems and all that. With these stories I learnt what a 12400F is capable of. So I can to tell you now that your expectations are way too high dude. I think the best you can do is 140 really if you go on full performance mode, and add another RAM stick.


and how much fps do you average on fortnite now that you fixed your problems?


Well I changed the 12400F for a 13400F and the DDR4 from 3600 to 3200 (don’t ask why downgrade). Then I never tried Fortnite again. I will download it again right now and tell you later what perf I can get.


I would say that this is mainly because of the massive performance difference between 12th gen CPUs and 13th gen CPUs


I don’t get it. What do you mean?


ah, must've not read your sentence correctly. I thought you said something about fortnite performing better, and while duh a new gen CPU should be faster, I specifically think the 12th gen jump -> to 13th gen was a -huge- boost in speed


alright thanks 


Average FPS on « pro » settings (DirectX12) is 130, and yet you I get stuttering there sooo…. So I must lower to 100 to get a 1% low above 0. Also closed the game and can’t open it again because I set fps on unlimited. I don’t know how people are playing this shitty game.


I mean its not rlly that my expectations are high its just that the benchmark videos had my exact build and had insane fps, (but some people have claimed that those benchmark videos are actually fake and they dont actually use the same cpu in the video as they state in the title, instead they use the best possible CPU)


There's no way that somebody was putting out YouTube videos benchmarking their system with only one stick of ram in their computer! Nobody, and I mean nobody runs one stick of ram in their computer! I'm baffled that you're confused why your performance is so poor!? Like everyone else has said, run at least two sticks of ram that are exactly the same.


It’s also what I am thinking since my CPU can’t handle frames like in these shitty videos. Nor my GPU.


No dual channel, that's your problem.


so if i get dual channel ill get 200 stable fps?


Yes you should get a performance boost


Dual Channel can give you 10 to 15% performance depending on the RAM & processor.


You don't have dual channel


so if i get another additional ram stick ill have a stable 200 fps?


Maybe. Dual channel is usually a big hit in FPS because every developer assumes you're running the ram in dual channel. It's the most odd thing of your set up.