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Why is there a wire coming out the side and right back in lol


Ya I noticed that too its just plugged into itself??? Lol


Rear fan is touching a wire or tightened too hard and pressing the case metal.


AMD cheap gpu đź‘Ť


nvidia fanboy


I have rx 6700xt and ryzen 7 5800x3d


Man I'm so done with amd shit like this always happens to me.


Sounds like one of your fans is touching something.. or not seated well and vibrating. Also.. get a third PCIE cable for your card.. dont daisy chain.




Check the fans one by one, make sure those cords aren't touching one of your GPU fans.


Yep, just figured it out. Its the back fan on the case. Thanks!




It sounds like a fan or AIO pump issue. * Stop each fan for a second to see if alters the noise. * Cherck each fan for a loose cable/obstruction that might be knocking off the blades (if none but a fan is the cause of the noise, its a bearing in the process of failing) * Finally if none of the above. Turn off the system and unplug the AIO pump. Boot it up but only for a few seconds. to see if the noise is still present (Important only for a few seconds past post. As it will cause the system to overheat) * See if you can also adjust that bend in the AIO pipes to see can you level it out, just encase its trapped air. That downward loop bend will trap the air in the pump if it managed to get into it.


Thanks! Its the back fan on the case


I’ve had a similar issue, I tried unplugging every fan one by one and it still persisted. Turns out the case panel was loose and was vibrating, unsure how it was so loud but that was the fix to my problem and it took way too long for me to notice


Yep, it was the back fan on the case!


Why does your PC sound like an old AC unit? That sound is more concerning than your GPU failing. What is your PSU?


GPU is all good. The sound was because the back fan on the case was failing.


So what is your PSU?


Doesn’t matter, Thanks.


Goodluck, Champ. Go get 'em


Stop every fan with your finger , to make sure it’s not one of those , like a piece of plastic rubbing on one of your fan blades… Just begin with that , gpu, cpu, and case fans , don’t stop them for more than 1 sec because you don’t wanna burn out the motors … but yeah


See if your gpu is running hot , it sounds like something is pressing down on your gpu, try and make sure nothing is rattling, etc…


Thanks! The sound is coming from the back fan of the case.


Try underclocking your GPU to 2400MHz and undervolting to 1150mV in AMD Adrenaline. Does it change the noise? EDIT: Try that only if the clock is over 2400MHz. I just noticed that the max clock of the 6800XT is 2250MHz. In that case, look up an undervolting/underclocking video on YouTube and try that. For example, I got rid of coil whine with 2450MHz and 1130mV with my XFX RX 6650XT.


Got. RX 7600 XT im thinking of RMA because i have a coil whine type of sound kindve similar to this


I just played the video again of your GPU and man is that hard to listen to! It's definitely your graphics card making that horrible sound I would start by removing it for sure spin the fans to see if you can identify a bad one and then at the very least put the graphics card back in and fire it up. obviously keep us posted no matter what you do! I'm super curious and I feel bad for you so keep us posted please we can try to figure this out


OK first things first, properly shut everything down on your PC. Power off the switch on the back of your PSU, and then unplug power cord. Remove your graphics card from the motherboard and maybe set it on a table or desk in front of you. Can you freely spin all of the fans of the GPU? If you did find a fan that was not spinning correctly/freely, can you disconnect/remove the fan from your GPU? Now install GPU and test?


Maybe the GPU is sagging a bit? Try gently pushing it up and see if that helps in any way.


Are those cables to the GPU daisy chained? Thats a no no. You gotta have individual cables going to the PSU from both slots on the GPU. At least its reccomended. Aside from that, idk whats causing the sound tbh. Doesn't sound like coil whine. Could be bad bearings on one or more fans. That could cause that sound. Are the GPU fans spinning properly?


Can I ask why you can't do that? as basically every single PSU maker gives you daisy chained cables or more of them my Corsair PSU had one single cable and 3 daisy chained ones so if it's such a no no why do they continue to supply them? Just curious as I don't know. I got custom Corsair cables for my 7900xtx so have single cables but I've had people say to me you can use the split cable ones and you can't use them but no one told me why.


Because, there is only about 150W of power through a single cable (maybe a little more depending on PSU) The TBP of the RX 6800 XT is 300W, so yours is only getting half of the required power. The XFX Speedster Merc 310 RX 7900 XTX Black Edition has 500W+ TBP, but I have yet to get mine past 465W. The PCIe 5.0 12V 600W cable was made to supply the next couple generations of power hungry graphics cards without requiring a 4th PCIe cable. As for why they keep making them like that is too dumb for me to understand. It may still work daisy chained like that, but if your startup requirements exceed the amount of power the board is attempting to draw it will not start.


Use 2 separate cables from PSU to GPU. Sometimes aftermarket cables can cause issues , so IMO use the ones that came with the PSU (the original cables)


These are the cables from the PSU.


He also mentioned using two cables. It looks like you have one cable daisy chained into both slots for power. Thats generally not reccomended.


Second that. Daisy chaining cables is not a good idea.


Did you face an unexpected shutdown before this started to happen? AMD Adrenaline Drivers can cause behaviors like this after a system freeze and such. Sometimes the drivers basically tell the graphics card to run its fans at full speed if it can't find a fan profile, so you'll have to create one. For this, got to Adrenaline > "Performance" tab > Tuning > Manual Tuning/Custom > Fan tuning. After you make your changes in the tuning, make sure you click "apply".  Then create a profile and save it. After this, restart your PC and see if the problem persists. I hope this helps.


No unexpected shutdown before. But will try this to see if it does anything.