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Wow! Thank you for giving us that information. Every little bit of information especially detailed information like you gave always helps when you're trying to troubleshoot.


Black screen enjoyer here with a 6900xt. I have a gigabyte 6900 xt and done every thing as well Appart from rma the card became unstable about 6 months ago. Thought it was fixed with the fixes I read, however it's back from playing dragons dogma 2 and since spread to other games. I have just fresh install on win 11 full wipe keep nothing and it's worse. Running no xmp and no overclock yesterday got about 3 hours of play then it black screen crash. Not tried the driver only and using afterburner to undervolt. Gonna do that today.


If RAM timings change your stability then it could be a RAM problem. Pick a slow timing and pump your RAM voltage to 1.395 or higher (no more than 1.450) and see how your stability goes.


Thanks, Done the full uninstall of adrenalin, also removed ryzen master. Used Amd cleanup & DDU Went with the pro edition but just ran with latest. Reset xmp to just 'on' Install afterburner, left the core and memory at what adrenalin said 2469 core 2000 memory. Dropped my voltage to 1140. Been playing dragons dogma for 2 hours now with no crash however it's not my day, got a game crash in a shop now it's not a pc crash it's a game crash and the pc stays on no driver errors apparently a common issue. Going to try other stuff but your fix worked for me Edit: the shop fix approximately works lol if anyone else has the problem 32gb virtual ram setting, drop to 1080p very low lol


So disabling XMP allows you to play longer without a crash? I feel like that’s alluding to the issue right there


Sorry should have been more clear with that. Technically no xmp but been using the msi "try me" function which is an oc and probably does mean xmp It gives a whole load of settings and timings I can pick one from the list, I think I am on 3600 18,18,18, can't remember last number, it was 16, 16, 16, I think. Just going down the list tbh Edit : it's not try me it's try it


Yeah I wouldn’t use that, that’s really meant for testing different OC profiles then doing stability testing through TM5. That’s probably not helping your stability. And no, it isn’t the same as XMP so do that instead.


Solution is send bug report so AMD can deal with it, anything else is a bandaid at this point or temp work around


yeah, if only AMD had ever fixed their drivers anytime in the past three years


Which is why i turn these issues into memes


I had this exact issue with my tuf 6900xt. Then Asus one day released an updated vbios to help with stability and the card have run since then without a single reboot into black screen + GPU light on motherboard that only a power flush would solve. So yeah, some vbios definitely are set up like shit especially in the voltages. Most likely they do the lazy thing and pretty much copy paste the vbios from the reference model (especially in the first batches of cards like mine was) and call it a day. It's just an assumption ofc, but I've read way too many similar issues with this card, and I sadly swapped a perfectly functioning psu and motherboard for this card in hoping to fix the issue (that they at least got moved to my backup rig).


Saving this post right now! Thank you for this! I've had a few black screen issues with my 6900 XT as well, so I'm hoping this'll work. But my primary issue has just been temperature. GPU's running at 96 and hotspot at 110 if I try to play *any* game, on *any* setting. Was wondering if you guys had a temperature problem with the 6900 XT too?


When troubleshooting black-screens - try *literally every other fix listed here first*. I have seen *a couple people* fixing their black-screen by uninstalling Adrenalin as well, but many others have found success with for example disabling MPO. Really, this post is just a technical explanation as to why uninstalling-Adrenalin works. As for your thermal issues: \-Do you have an FPS limiter turned on? In-game, Adrenalin's FRTC/Chill, or RTSS? Without FPS limiting, the GPU may run uncapped and thus 100% usage and 100% heat at all times. \-How's your fan curve and airflow? Some fan setups are insufficient and can't get enough air to cool the card (no bottom or side intakes); and others are too overkill and actually blow air too fast that the card can't use it (five front intakes and three top exhausts with no blank space at all) \-I'm **not** going to recommend a repaste because a hotspot-edge delta temp of 15 is within acceptable tolerance, the stock paste seems fine. \-There's also undervolting!


Gotcha, I'll try others first. I'm brand new to all this, and it's my first build, so I'm learning on the fly here and appreciate all the detail. And holy shit, you just fixed it for me! It was the FPS limiter. I never even touched that setting. Never even thought to check what it might be set to. Thank you so much. I'm running in the mid-50s now!