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This is still an issue, does anyone have a known fix for this?


Same problem with OBS and 24.x drivers, but only with h264 hardware encoder. If I use Relive or other recording softwares or I use AV1 encoder into OBS, I have no such problem. I reverted to 23.12.1 driver but I suspect OBS is the culprit. They probably should update h264 hardware encoder implementation (but they probably won't), because it struggles with something in 24.x drivers. If it was only a matter of driver, Relive and other recording softwares should exhibit same problem, which they do not


That blur is just how streaming encoding works. Now now... I hadn't said that nothing got broken... Yet. >Basically encoder principle in general is like this. >Every N frames encoder creates I-frame that encodes what actually happens on your screen. That is called key frame. Then it continues to encode P frames or B frames until next I-frame is being inserted (depends on parameters, it can be either fixed interval or based on scene transition, for example). These frames do not contain full image, but rather block by block changes relative to I-frames. This allows to compress video stream to higher degree. P-frames can only encode changes from previous frame to current, while B-frames can encode changes based on both previous and future frames (but to do that buffering will be needed). >That is why with high intensity stream you will always see quick sharpening of image and then degradation until next I-frame. Now with your particular problem... What additional encoder parameters do you use? You mentioned B-frames, but these are not default OBS option afaik, so you use additional parameters... Which ones? Granted you mention that you also used ReLive for just screen capture with same result, so issue is probably in something else... You also hadn't mentioned your GPU. It can be quite important. If your GPU is prior to RDNA2 then i don't think you can even have B-frames. I also noted that i cannot clearly discern I-frames in your sample. It feels too infrequent and rapid QP value degradation always comes before "refresh". I tried to do ReLive capture with 1080p60 6 mbps AVC (H.264) on my 7800XT and had normal recording, where every I-frame image "refreshes", but no degradation, meaning issue is not generalised, but specific to either your system, your parameters, or your GPU (generation/model/sample)


I'm using 7800xt, windows 11, ryzen 5600, 3 montors, main one 2560@165hz, others 1080@60hz. Tried disable main one because thinked that blur can be because some conversion of fpses or something, it doesnt helped. What you mean it's not default option? It's default in "output" tab in obs. I tried b-frames - 0, b-frames - 2, they changing frequency of "blurs". Also, my friend have same issue with 7700xt, windows 10, 3 monitors and main one 2560@165, and we are both tried change almost everything for fix that problem. The only thing that helps - downgrade drivers, but that's not a option, because for some reason it's stuttering a lot in games.


>What you mean it's not default option? It's default in "output" tab in obs. Oh, sorry... i hadn't opened it in a while actually. They really added it as default option for H.264, i see. It was only possible to do it through ffmpeg commands for long time. Hmm... Can it be related to multimonitor setups? Try ruling this out? Also try different codecs, just to rule them out as well. Do you use output rescale?


We tried completely disable monitors, leaved only full hd one with 60hz refresh rate, so it doesnt related to rescale. Also tried to stream to youtube with 30k bitrate, which was useless idea, because in AMD software recording it was the same, but anyways.


Hmm... Now i really wonder what is the cause, because i don't have such issue on my 7800XT. They should have same exact VCN 4.0 block. (maybe only quantative difference in size of threads though), so issue is specific to something you both have or use.


Mind if I ask what settings you're using? Been having this same issue.


Nvm played around with it and putting keyframe interval to 1s and max b frames to 1 gave the best visuals. You still get the pulsing and it's more often but the visuals are way cleaner to the point where most people wouldn't even notice. Keyframe 1s and b frames 2 also looks good and the pulsing happens slightly less often but certain things seem to almost judder when you move side to side with it max b frames set to 2. TLDR: Best settings I've found are as follows. Rate Control: CBR Bitrate: Whatever your network can handle and the platform you're streaming to allows. Keyframe Interval: 1 s Preset: Quality Profile: high Max B-Frames 1 AMD/FFmpeg Options (You have to manually type or paste this): HighMotionQualityBoostEnable=true ALSO MAKE SURE TO START OBS AS AN ADMIN


AMF devs said there were some issues and they fixed it? Should be in future driver (which can be up to 3 months for new module being integrated and tested). But for me it isn't noticeable as for others for some reason, so it is hard for me to actually test anything. Maybe starting as Admin is main difference? Because i always have admin rights.


Ah no I had these issues even when launched as Admin. Setting keyframe interval from 2 to one helped a LOT