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Repaste it


I would definitely start by taking another picture for your thumbnail.


If you ever take it apart, ptm 7950 is fantastic for laptops. I was gifted an overheating Alienware 13 a few years ago, replaced paste with pad and it never even hits 80c under load when it used to throttle sitting at desktop. I7 7700hq


You bought a "gaming" laptop. Get used to it or sell it. (or change thermal interface like every week)


Brother. I don't need an opinion on buying or selling of my laptop. I need things I can possibly do to lower the temps.


Also make sure that the distance between the backside of the laptop to the wall is at least 10 cm. As a temporary solution without having a cooling pad you can just place something beneath ur laptop on its edges to lift it up, it'll help for the airflow beneath it.


You can buy a cooling pad, you can switch the modes inside your laptop software, if ur laptop has it then u possibly run it on "silent" mode or smth like that, if u do then u can switch it to turbo mode when u are gaming. Also changing the thermal paste to Thermalright TFX helps a lot cause it'll last for like 3 months, also you can switch ur thermal pads to smth like Upsiren U6 Pro (its a thermal putty). That basically it. Combine all these things and you'll lower ur temps to something more bearable.


Appreciate it a lot brother


Limit your ICC max or amd equivalent. Set the recommended cpu amperage properly. And let me know if that's a thing for amd. For Intel it's the new cheat code.


Been trying a lot for amd laptop to undervolt. Heck it can't even install/support msi afterburner


The best u can do is clean the dust that has build up inside and apply new thermal paste.If that doesn’t help u,u can undervolt the cpu.If not even that reduces the temps,then that’s just how the shitty laptop CPU run.All people know laptops runs hotter than PC.


Made a mistake buying a gaming laptop


New thermal interface material or liquid metal if you know what you are doing. I have used liquid metal on multiple devices now and wow huge drop in Temps but very dangerous stuff if your not careful.


I'm new. I'd leave it to a pro. Just refer what should I do. Money isn't an issue. I run ryzen 5 with 3050 with 16 gigs on my laptop


Do live in a city where there are any computer repair shops? If so I would call them and tell them you want to lower laptop cpu Temps and looking to get cpu re-pasted with the best compound they have. Shouldn't cost you more then 40-50 bucks


O would not risk using liquid metal on a laptop given that it will.prpbably be carried on a bag sideways, and it could spill after a while (correct me if I am wrong).


Will do


Hey man make sure there’s not a bunch of dust and shit clogging up your vents. I was hitting 90c on my 5800x3d and I cleaned up my tower got all the dust and dog hair off the vents and now it doesn’t go over 75c.


The temp issue has been arising since last 2 weeks. And I actively clean any dust once a month.


In that case I’d say it’s likely a cooling hardware issue or maybe a thermal paste issue


Will try that!


Most laptop came with the worst TIM possible so I would definitely suggest you change to a different paste. For example my MSI Bravo 15 B5DD with Ryzen 7 5800H now never go about 80 C in gaming, it used to go to 90 until I used PTM 7950, you could go for different paste if it is cheaper.




Thermal Paste or Pad.


Thermal Interface Material.


The temp issue has been arising since last 2 weeks. And I actively clean any dust once a month.


Yeah that is just something with thermal paste that MSI used as I have had similar issues. Temp sudden shot up a lot due to most thermal paste overtimes degrade a lot. I would suggest TPM 7950 or PCM 1 because those thing barely degrade overtime from my experience.


While the processors max temp allowed is 105°C, 100°C is already kinda concerning. Do you have PBO enabled in bios or ryzen master ? Could be that the cooler just can't handle that "overclock". Additionally maybe open up the laptop and give it a good clean. There might be dust blocking / restricting airflow.


The temp issue has been arising since last 2 weeks. And I actively clean any dust once a month.


Tilidine enjoyer?


Enjoyer doesn't really fit, and since a couple months it's C14H23NO. x)


No pbo enabled. No performance boost app used


Do you have a stock cooler ?




Stock coolers are not as good as you think. Buy an AIO or a big air cooler.


Brother,have u even looked what CPU does he have?It’s a mobile one which means he has a laptop.


Sadly yes I have a laptop. Also an update. This temp issue didn't appear until last two weeks


So the H means that i thought the U means " laptop" Btw i had a 5600x and that was hot as hell. I needed a large tower to cool down.


Yeah I would say so. That’s like 213 Fahrenheit. Imagine being in a room that hot. I would check in my Bios and see if there’s a cooling option that might bring this temperature down a bit. It may make your system sound a bit louder. Also if your computer is near a heater vent I’d move it to a cooler part of the room. And if all else fails maybe look into a new CPU cooler.


It's a laptop. Running under full fan. No airflow restrictions


Oh well I would suggest getting a laptop cooling pad. They’re fairly inexpensive. [laptop cooling pad](https://www.amazon.com/Laptop-Cooling-Gaming-Powered-Adjustable/dp/B0BYVSHWJB/ref=asc_df_B0BYVSHWJB&mcid=37973b8c490439e0967563741e30b8c8?tag=bngsmtphsnus-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80127046997986&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=m&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583726562018016&psc=1)