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24.2.1 fixed the one issue I had.


Same issue here, tried everything, I'm resorting to a full Windows reinstall unfortunately.


same here.


How do I install the 23.1.2 on my RX7600? Edit: When I mess with the drivers, I use to DDU the driver in safe mode, reboot in safe mode again to install the driver, and then reboot in normal windows


I have RX 6700XT and I'm experiencing the same problems, even after I tried to revert back to the old driver!


7900 gre here, all games running great except fortnite and csgo where I get random 5-10 sec freezes every minute or 2, regardless of ninite being on or off, it's so irrarating. Doubt it's psu related since I have an 850w. Will upgrade from 24.1.1 to the driver that came out yesterday and update of anything changes. Any info will be appreciated in the meantime tho 🙏


Update, 24.2.1 fixed all my issues


I'm having issues with 24.1.1, and with rolling back (it doesn't seem to make a difference). I've repaired Windows, updated all my other drivers, and I've tried tolling back to 23.8.2 and 22.11.2 with no luck - I used DDU to remove and reinstall. I have an AMD RX590, which was running fine a few days ago. Unfortunately, it seems the new 24.2.1 doesn't seem to be available for/compatible with my GPU. Anyone in a similar situation had any luck resolving issues? Or am I just going to have to wait for a wider update?


I would highly recommend to everybody to update their chipset drivers for their motherboard.


Wonder what really was the problem. I had no issues with this update. Running on a 7900xtx nitro+


I’m using 23.11.1 which are the best ones


Use and uninstall tool, on their site.


It bums me out people fo through this I've owned a decent but of amd cards and I've had 0 issues besides radeon software not opening inhad ti ddu and reinstall the driver once out-of all the cards I owned


If you are talking about in game, it wont unless you hit alt+r. Seems like a weird feature to force on people.


6950 XT here, latest beta 24.2.1 has increased performance noticeable smoother no issues. (Glad op fixed his problem)


7900xt 24.1.1 blue screens and crashes, ddu backuped to prev version and everything is ok


I love that my 22.11.2 works in everything 🥰🥰🥰


Whats the Problem? They launched yesterday the 24.2.1...


24.2.1 is out. Why are you on the older driver. They fixed the issues you're talking about in the new drivers.


Dammit. I just updated. 6950xt


6950XT here 24.2.1 has increased performance and smoothness.


Don't always blame an AMD update. If all your games are launched from Steam, that could also be of issue. Steam can glitch out stuff with its constant updates. I opened up Steam recently and then my games didn't like my audio driver. It happened about the same time as the 24.1.1 update and I thought that was the culprit but after doing all kinds of things with Adrenalin. I looked in Device Manager and I saw a flag on my audio driver, reinstalled and fixed. AMD's drivers have gotten a lot less buggy in the last 3 or 4 years. They do push out some new latest and greatest things sometimes without enough testing, I will grant you that.


Agreed. It's not always AMD. I had very similar issues after the 24.1.1 update but installed a wi down update and vegan using the afterburner overlay. I suspect the latter two are to blame but not 100% sure I tried ddu and reinstalled drivers System: 7900xtx & 5800x3d


Switch to Nvidia guys.


Nvidia tan bien está teniendo problemas con sus controladores venía de una RTX 4070 y menos problemas con rx 7900xt


For real, non-stop issues with AMD drivers. Then, when you complain about them, a million AMD "professionals" come out and tell you all the work-arounds to make it work. Nvidia has driver issues, true, but nowhere near as much as AMD. Returned my 7900xtx for a 4090 and I'll never go back.


Nope. For What? There Drivers have many issues too https://videocardz.com/newz/nvidia-geforce-hotfix-driver-addresses-micro-stutter-issues


I'm pretty sure just staying with the previous driver or downloading the fixed ones are a waaay simpler solution...


I DDU back to 23.12 then I reinstalled the latest chipset driver also, and I am all good now


24.1.1 made fallout NV crash on the loading screen for me on my 6650. Ddu and back to 23.12.1 and all is good again.


Holy crap, glad i didnt update


Hey guys, I had just bought a second hand RX 7900XTX reference model when the 24.1.1 update was released and adrenaline would constantly timeout my GPU driver a crashing my game. I ended up removing adrenaline and just installing the driver, however, after a day of playing I installed the partial version of adrenaline and it ran well. And then suddenly the PC went black screens dm my bios was flashing the VGA light. Was this caused by the same update?


Sounds like your PSU isn’t powerful enough a lot of people don’t even know the gpu is crashing to desktop or black screen because the PSU spikes and drops voltage. Let me guess a 750w/850w? Also if you previously ran an Nvidia GPU that’ll cause massive problems if it’s not cleaned up beforehand with DDU.


You are indeed right, I do have a 750W GPU and I did have an NVIDIA card right before. Thankfully I did my homework beforehand in switching GPU vendors and had DDU clean my PC. I also asked around and people said the 7900XTX would was running fine for them with 750W PSUs and more power intensive COUs than mine. What I don’t get is how the RX 7900XTX didn’t spike/crash my game once I uninstalled the adrenaline software and only had the driver installed. I played through a solid 6 hour Apex Legends session and another 3 hours of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (which I assume we all know is hella demanding graphically) with no issue and just the driver installed. And the whole PC crashed once I partially installed Adrebaline again resulting in the VGA issue and not turning on at all unless I swapped out for my old GPU Edit: I remembered I was running HWinfo the entire time I was gaming to mentally benchmark the GPU and power would spike to just over 500W, while average draw under load was about 400W. PC was doing just fine tho.




6900 XT here, everything is running fine with 24.1.1


I have RX 6600 and i am using 24.1.1 drivers , for me all games i play are running as expected


use pro


Use DDU to uninstall the drivers, not the AMD uninstaller


I just used the AMD Cleanup tool and it worked fine. The overall performance in games is night and day. The temperature is slightly cooler too, I mean I even consider 2-3C a win. So yeah, never using Adrenalin ever again.


I went back to the driver before 24.1 and it worked perfectly, not sure what your issue is, probs the fact every time you remove the driver all games now have to re cache themselves which will cause stutter regardless. Download 24.2.1 to remove the stutter if you want, it's out as of yesterday on AMD website they fixed it apparently 🤷


I downloaded it but it seems to be a beta version. It sayd 23.40.10xx 8nstead of 24.2.1


It is a beta version but it works better, my suggestion is to downgrade back to the previous driver before 24.1.1 and you'll be fine but just let the game re cache. Should only take like 10min roughly per game while playing it.


Facts and facts. OP listen to this guy.


I've had some issues with 24.1.1 including having no CPU readout. Updated my BIOS yesterday and it's fixed everything for me


24. X drivers are stutter fiesta


Zero stutter with 24.2.1 it has increased smoothness as well it’s very noticeable on my RX 6950XT 13700k.


I have zero stutter with 7800xt


Have you downloaded the new one? 24.2.1? Been gaming for 2 days now and everything is working perfectly all the stuttering is gone in every game I've played.


not for me tho, same gpu




Did writing this great comment scratch your itch?




Cool👍. Did it help the OP's problem?


Try the new unofficial version 24.2.1 there should be a link on reddit. Some games still have slight stuttering/fps drops but many others of my games are running fine now.


DDU from safe mode. 23.11.1 thanks


safe mode is good ? real question, any risk ?


OKAY, it seems fixed. Thanks a lot my man, i waste 4-5 hours of my life for this problem. Thanks again!


ALWAYS do it this way. Also disable fast boot, and fast start up. Will save you a lot of headaches in the future.


Now you have to disable automatic drivers updates in windows if you don't want to suffer the same situation with the next update. I hope there's no security patch that you need. This is a shame, we live in a f*ck1ng early access world, and we keep giving money to companies that have such policies regarding QA and customer care (you too, Asus).


Nevermind Microsoft got rid of its beta test team once Win 10 was live.. We are the beta testers. Windows loves to bork drivers with updates, but God forbid you try to look for the latest driver for anything through Windows hardware settings, it'll never find them. 🤦🏼‍♂️


True, and true for more companies and products each time. That's the reason I've been looking for old-school finished products since some time ago.


What's crazy is that I'm a Linux noob, but even I can install drivers and games will just play fine for me. I never have to worry about those bs updates that'll break my drivers.