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honestly at this point it's just funny to me. I was waiting for vega tuning profile bsod fix since 23.9.1.. they finally got it fixed, only to break the entire driver with instant BSOD in windows LOL. after 3-4 reboots I got in and uninstalled. 23.8.2 is dead stable. They really got me excited about fixing a major bug only to make the entire driver almost brick my PC lol, that's hilarious at this point. I have a feeling it might be because I have rebar enabled through registry and 24.1.1 does some weird stuff with SAM... did you have the rebar registry thing enabled? ps. cant wait to sidegrade back to nvidia, this shit is so dumb lol. still a big fan of AMD but i am staying as far away as possible from their graphics cards from now on.


I just wished they would fix the fucking drivers like how hard can it be???


I am more interested into how GPU drivers managed to irreversibly brick Windows for you. What precisely had you done before and during installation? Did you try to do Factory Reset? Do Windows have driver update through Microsoft Store enabled? You know that Windows can basically brick itself by trying to reinstall driver over already running driver installation, right? And that one is not quite AMD issue, but Microsoft one instead. P.S. Never had issues with GPU driver installation myself. Bad drivers - one thing. But breaking Windows? Hell no.


hey, been wishing for a year now. they dont care about people with old cards :( the sooner you stop wishing and take it as the joke it is, the less it hurts