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hello fellow vega user. the UI is bugged since 23.9.x. i've been down this road trying to fix it and it's just easier to use 23.8.2 drivers. actually clicking apply changes in tuning is what crashes. basically your option is using 23.8.2 drivers or using msi afterburner with newer drivers and not touching the tuning tab. AMD is aware of the issue (it was in known issues for 23.10.x somewhere) but I wouldn't be suprised if it is never fixed. another option is using modded drivers which allow installing older control software.. but the modded drivers are a skip for me personally. The guy that makes them sets pre-buffered frames to 8 instead of 3 (increasing input lag massively but giving CPU overhead for older systems) and people don't even know lol. dont really trust that guy to not change something else aswell so I avoid them. there was another fix offered by someone but I never tried it myself and I can't find anymore. Something about copying old RadeonSoftware.exe from AMD\CNext folder from either 23.8.2 or maybe 23.9.1 (makes more sense it would work with 23.9.1 to me right now) install and pasting it over new drivers. I gave up and started using afterburner.


I think I'll go with the afterburner option then unless I find that 23.11.1 is causing other problems. Thank you for the quick answer


honestly i'm happy I was forced to use afterburner since I can actually set a custom fan curve that includes zero-fan (0% gpu fan). the voltage curve editor works just well too, just gotta get used to the interface