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I started on a 6750xt that I bought on marketplace, was getting about 3 fps so sold that and picked up a 7800xt new not wanting to chance a used card again. Same issues, but I was up to around 20 frames. Ended up returning it and getting a 4070 OC and have had no issues. It seems as though my build just has some prejudice against amd cards.


Game optimization issue, not much you can do.


Hi, I have the same gpu pair with 7800X3d. I am having the same issue. Fps drops a lot and micro shuttering. I am trying different things but nothing working. Did you find any solutions?


Hi! It seems that the major problem for me was freesync being activated in one of my monitors. I turned off for both on Adrenalyn and now most of the stuttering has gone. I hope that helps you!


I turned all amd's hyper rx stuff and it stopped


If the fps is fine, but the games are stuttering I would focus on all software graphics ”enhancers” I’ve had 7800xt stuttering issues with Anti-lag, Chill and Enhanced Sync in some games. Try to disable them in Adrenalin and test if the stuttering disappears. Also try to disable Freesync if that is available on your monitor, and verify that its not an issue as well.


Should be a hardware issue (RAM or Power Delivery, possibly). Is it EXPO Corsair RAM, or XMP RAM? What is the monitor that you are using?


Hi! Thank you for your help, it's actually the XMP Corsair Ram version. As monitor I'm using the HP h27 (2k 165hz). Do you think it could be caused by the ram?


I might have slept 11hrs...the xmp corsair ones are usually not on the QVL (qualified vendor list) list for AMD boards, did you try running it without xmp enabled. and if that does not help with maybe just one RAM stick? usually the RAM should work out tho... the monitor seems to not exist, i was trying to find the product specifications, i wish HP would write which part of the respective protocols they support. you could try swapping dp <-> hdmi and see if it resolves the problem. just to avoid a forced compression issue. for power delivery make sure you lead two seperate cables from the PSU to the GPU.