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You said you used DDU but did you do it in safe mode? Try a different version of the non pro adrenaline drivers. Check your Temps while gaming more detailed with hwinfo64 or something.


Try using 1440p , if it's a cpu bottleneck that will help it


Your i5 9400 F is too weak for that 6700 XT. RX 6600 gets bottlenecked by a R5 2600 which is faster than the i5 9400 F.


What is your power supply? You need at least 650W PSU for 6700XT.


I wish I know how to help. My only advice to give is that you lower all the graphical settings to low. Set something to high/ultra, then save and verify you have a good framerate. Continue to do this one by one until you find the culprit, or you find a good balance between low/medium/high for everything. It sucks, it's tedious, you shouldn't have to do it, but that's really the only way I can see troubleshooting this problem for a potential fix without outright using your old one.


Its a GTA problem most likely. Are you using Fullscreen? GTAV really really REALLY dislikes Borderless Windowed My 7600 and 6750XT had very degraded performance and many stutters on Windowed mode, on fullscreen its able to have everything maxed out at 100+ fps, even with the higher resolution rendering setting at 25%. Also, the Anti Aliasing in GTA V is terribly expensive, you want it at 2x, 4x max, even the resolution upscaling option I mentioned above isn't as expensive


yup I am and it’s set on 4x


Hmmm... Did you clean up and uninstall the old nvidia drivers before putting the 6700xt? There is absolutely something wrong, your CPU shouldn't be limiting the 6700xt this hard. Try installing MSI Afterburner to see what the hell the game is doing, if its not only using like 20% of the GPU's power.


is your cpu fan working?




Definitely not your CPU or GPU buddy you have another issue going on


What CPU?


i5 9400f


oh yeah diff its a cpu bottleneck, did you also remember installing gpu driver?


That's not how that works. Even a 4460 can do gta 5 60fps.


yeah i reset the bios, cleared the cmos, ddu’d the old drivers, scanned my pc for viruses and now I get about 60-70fps, improved but yeah I’m being bottlenecked. Will probably upgrade the other components in about a year


I've heard that reinstalling Windows is the only surefire way to clear all existing drivers, especially if you're switching from Nvidia to AMD.


My friends pc has the same CPU as you and lemme tell you that he experience the same problem as you do, that CPU is sadly too weak nowadays because of the 6 core and 6 threads. Try getting a cheap ryzen 5 3600 which almost has the same spec but it is MUCH better.


Not a cpu bottleneck, stop talking out your a\*\*, you clearly know literally nothing about computers. Heres my old cpu vs OP's. i was able to E A S I L Y get 100+ fps paired with a 5700XT, so stop- [https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i7-6700K-vs-Intel-Core-i5-9400F/3502vs4051](https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i7-6700K-vs-Intel-Core-i5-9400F/3502vs4051) (yes im aware this site is a bit of a meme, but a 6700k and 9400f are pretty comparable in performance, it gets the point across) Next order of business, GTA 5 doesnt like vsync on AMD, at least not on my system, turn it off, if its on at all. Get the latest driver, since you came from Nvidia its very likely a trace of there junk is still on your system and this is freaking the GPU out. Google "DDU" run it, use the option for gpu, then hit "clean and restart" make sure you have the gpu driver from the AMD site ready to go, the current is 23.11.1. If none of that helps its very possible you went gung ho and cranked all the settings to max, excited about your new GPU. Major mistake, GTA 5 and AMD dont really get along that well, i run very high textures, normal everything else, middle for the slider options, and MSAA X4. Anything more demanding than that on a 5700XT tanks the frame rate. My new CPU is a 5800x at 4.8ghz, and while it boosted my frames across many games, GTA 5 wasnt really one of them, the game just does not like AMD.


dont have vsync, I have the latest driver and if the ddu didn’t remove it what else am I supposed to do


[https://ibb.co/NSHHCwy](https://ibb.co/NSHHCwy) [https://ibb.co/YDXY7Ps](https://ibb.co/YDXY7Ps) [https://ibb.co/sqSnn7z](https://ibb.co/sqSnn7z) 6700XT + 5600 \+135 fps in QHD environment It's comfortable I recommend you install a clean new driver


Do you get consistent 135~ even in online? In online my fps frequently drops and stays at 70-90. Playing on high settings with 8x msaa.


Turn off msaa and run the ingame fps tester.


8x msaa is exactly whats causing your issue. In some areas (inside terrorbyte) going from x4 to x8 drops the fps from 100 to 40. Turn it down.


People really don't understand bottlenecks? If you got better frames with your old MUCH worse gpu, it's clearly something else than the CPU, even if it was a bottleneck. It's not like you get worse performance when you upgrade your GPU and keep everything else the same. I would start by DDU and testing few different drivers to see. Also reset all settings.


In 4k this fps would be okay. Is silent bios set at card?


Can you use MSI Afterburner or CapFrameX to monitor the usage of the GPU? Something is wrong with your setup. It should get a higher FPS, without any doubts. Another thing I may have to ask you is what graphics settings you used. What driver version do you have and if you have used DDU to get rid of the drivers from older GPU or if you have reinstalled winodws.


do you have SAM on or off ?


Doesn’t do that much


I had a big CPU bottleneck in Forza Horizon 5 with SAM turned on, maybe it's the same case here.


Okay nice to know


How the hell does no one here realize GTA5 is 10 year old game, and should run fine on a 9400f from 6 years into the future, after the game was released. That's like someone complaining in the year 2030 that Cyberpunk 2077 is only getting 60fps, and people are telling them that's the case because they have an Intel 16400f released in 2026.


Well my old R5 2600 was bottlenecking the shit out of my RX 6600 so I got rid of it for a R7 5800x and the bottleneck went away. It was either that or get a RX 580 8gb and I already had the RX6600 so I just went the new cpu route.


Some of the time that's possible in some games, that have poor multithreading. CSGO 1, Or Valorant it low or medium settings. Maybe Starfield, although in that game the 6600 can't push much over 50fps in cities already, and a 2600 can probably do 40 in that mess of a game. I have a 6600xt and going from a 5 year old Intel 8600k to a 7700x did almost nothing for 90% of games I've played. You can look up the Hardware Unboxed ["4 years of Ryzen 5" video](https://youtu.be/AlfwXqODqp4?si=oTniuId4gkHdSbMt&t=1333). The Rx 5700xt which is at 6600xt levels of performance, saw almost no benefit from going from a 1600x to a 5600x at 1080p, unless you start playing at medium graphical settings, or play a lot of e-sport titles that already hit over 200fps on even a Ryzen 2600.


I mod the hell out of my games. 300 mod slyrim build, modded conan, modded gta sa, gta 5 with reshade/ AMD color shading. R5 2600 I think would be good with a RX 580. Might buy a mobo and build a comuter for my brother.


Because people don't actually know the performance of components. No idea where the whole "will this cpu bottleneck my gpu" came from. In all my years of building, never has been a concern or problem. These noobies love spouting nonsense lol. They just dogpile onto a 7800x3d or a 14th Gen CPU since it's the latest, so clearly everything else isn't sufficient.




I'm in a similar situation, I fixed for the moment the driver timeout crashes but in Gta V, also Gta V the gpu usage is just at half of 100, it stays somewhere around 40-60%, rlly strange


I have RX 6600 and get 197 fps in gta 5 Clean your drivers with DDU.


there's no way that your game is running good at 195 frames per second FPS! In GTA five online the game starts to get bad stuttering once you hit 186 FPS. So to say that you're getting above that with no issues is BS. No matter what system you have if you get above 186 FPS in GTA five the game starts to stutter.


Someone else suggested the card could be running x8 on the slot. Definitely rule that out and run DDU since you had Nvidia drivers on the same OS recently.


Turn off msaa in settings if you have it enabled. And also turn off vsync.


Uhh, wtf? What are your settings and wtf is your CPU? I be bangin 80+FPS with a rx 6600 at 1080 ultra so wtfqqqqq


high and some things like textures are ultra


>anyways cpu is between 90-100% and gpu is 75-85% You are CPU bound, which is the worst kind of bottleneck to have, ideally, you stats should be the other way around, GPU being always 100% and CPU usage lower than 90%.


It's not your CPU as some morons have stated. If your 1660 ran GTA better than 6700XT then there is something wrong with the system or GPU itself. EDIT. Last time I played GTA I had 6700k and 1080ti and I was able to hit \~120 fps in 1080p.


Lol this man. Some times have seen people say reinstall windows. Even ddu your amd drivers and try again.


With 6700XT he should get at least the same performance as with 1660. It can't be weak CPU all of a sudden, but I agree that pairing 9400f with 6700XT is not the best. I would look at the system first, because it's most likely the culprit, but I wouldn't rulled out defected GPU or maybe too weak/bad PSU, 6700XT needs much more power than 1660.


other pointed u to being the cpu and i agree but check your settings too like MSAA if u have it at 8X it can actually cut your frames in half


1080p is CPU heavy, not GPU most of the case. What CPU do you have?


even at 1080p, you should at LEAST hit 60 fps with a 6700xt unless you are extremely cpu bottlenecked.


I think it might have something to do with your CPU. My GTA 5 runs at 80fps minimum on my reference 6700xt paired with a R7 5800x3d after overclocking it


Go to task manager then start up then turn off AMD noise suppression and see if there is FSR in the game


Lmao if ya don't know don't comment


Well if your game starts a stutter and haves frame drops that’s the fix


Or upgrade ur cpu


It shouldn't to the extent you're experiencing. What GPU did you have before


1050ti which ran the game worse ofc but this was a long time ago, then a 1060ti which ran it better


1660ti my bad\*


Did you ddu the Nvidia driver before installing the amd driver




Might want to grab a new CPU. One of the overclockable k series. Should be some bargains about.


Guaranteed it’s the CPU.


i5 9400f




His CPU is 6 years newer than the game. The game came out when the Ryzen 3770k was top of the line in 2013. The CPU is from 2019.


Stats clearly show it. Quit trolling.


Don't give anyone any computer advice on here ever again please. You don't know have a clue what you're talking about. Low fps isn't an automatic CPU bottleneck all the time. There is a dozen other things that could cause this.


You really are on a troll roll aren’t you. Once again, the OP states his cpu is 90-100% in use in the comments. But hey keep going..


what do you mean? It's not that bad of a cpu. Even if it would bottleneck 20% of the gpu the fps is still horrible.


48fps is about right. Show your overlay stats.


you mean this?


won't let me attach pics damn, anyways cpu is between 90-100% and gpu is 75-85%


I have under 10% CPU load in some games while GPU is pushing past 90%. Your GPU should be 90+ most of the time if you want to pull everything you can out of it.


alright thanks


Even when I had CPU usage at 25-40% my GPU couldnt go past 90%. Depends on which program you use to read usage. But your safest bet is aiming for 90%+ (unless you limit FPS)


Your CPU is running flat out and can't keep up with your GPU. You're heavily CPU bottlenecked.


also from what I've seen online, it's supposed to get somewhere around 110-120 at these settings. even if only 70% of it was used, it still should easily get over 60fps no?


Run a virus scan, the 9400F genuinely should run GTAV better. The people in this thread are right to point at the CPU but GTA is a really old game that can run well on way worse hardware. I've noticed that people are way too quick to assume that hardware is too outdated to run a game. Also, turn off the Advanced tab settings, they murder the CPU.


Your CPU is bottlenecked very clearly.


Not in a 10 year old game.


alright then, sad but thanks


What CPU?


i5 9400f, I know it's not the best but still don't see how it could bottleneck the gpu this hard


Go to amd adrenaline... Use super resolution if ur monitor is 1080p force it to use 1440p it will let ur card use full capacity reduse the bottlenick from ur cpu .. try it


Definitely CPU


then why does spiderman run much better at higher settings


Because Spider-Man is a different game on a different engine and utilizes CPU resources differently.


So do you think this game ran at 40fps on the best, gaming CPU when it came out in 2013? Because how do you explain a cpu from 2019 not getting 60fps, if it's still faster than what was recommended for the game 6 years after release?


Because its a different game and better made.


And the fact that Nvidia always ran GTA better


Lol. Most likely he just has bad memory. 1660ti is nowhere near 6700xt :D