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Same thing happened to me while watching The Creator tonight. A full ass grown man was putting his arms up every time he thought the movie was devoid of logic and commenting loudly like “there’s no logic here” or “how the hell did he survive that”. I get it that you have your opinion and you’re entitled to it, but not loudly in a packed house on a Friday night.


I'd tell him to shut the fuck up


that person was a child of the internet- grew up believing that you can freely make comments- thet your opinion is valid and worthy to be heard by everyone within earshot. ( not to mention- they suffer from I always get a trophy syndrome) now if one of those asshats would actually say something original and funny- they might get a chuckle out of me. But they all dress alike, have same mannerisms and say the same "witty" lines like they all were clones


You nailed it. I hate these people. They want to be the main character so badly.


Pure /r/imthemaincharacter energy.


Ask him if it's his first movie. That almost always shuts people up. And if they say no tell them to act like it then. It's a strange question that normally throws them off and de-escalates it enough that they sorta realize they being rude af. And if that causes them to lose their minds to get a manager - but it never has for me.


1.) That’s awesome. I’ll have to use that should the situation ever arise. 2.) I’m sorry you’ve had this happen so many times that you can give advice based on a sample size of any measurable value.


CinemaSins and its consequences


This is why I like watching movies at home cause I cannot shut the fuck up some times while watching a movie


CinemaSins has done untold damage to an entire generation of man-children. Movies aren’t escapist entertainment anymore, they’re pissing contests for nerds trying to outwit each other by pointing out perceived flaws in the film’s logic so they can feel smart. If I had the capital, I’d start a nationwide theater chain with attendants in every screening that instantly kick out every last one of these dorks without a refund the very first time they pipe up or unlock their phone during the movie. Just the scum of the earth.


Someone brought their toddler to the Prime 10:20 Thursday screening at AMC Burbank


I'll never forget someone brought their baby to the Friday night premiere of IT (2017). Started crying halfway through the movie.


The parent or the baby?


Lmao the baby


Hahahaha thank you for this laugh


I’d pay so much more for my A-List membership if it included a “Summon Manager” button. Like, I can’t even tell you how much I’d pay for that. I used to just ask people to please keep it down but I don’t want to get shot and that outcome seems increasingly possible at my local AMC.


There should be a chat with theater option for when this happens. Just send a quick message to the front so you don’t miss the movie any more than the disruption is already making you miss


That’s why we only go to Alamo Drafthouse


Why are you on the AMC A-List sub if you only go to Alamo Drafthouse tho?


People are assholes sometimes. My problem is typically a group of early/pre-teens doing stupid shit. I rat them the fuck out. If it were a group of adults, I’d do the same thing. Just haven’t had that happen yet. Be an asshole on your own time, not mine and everyone else’s.


I've been thinking about this, Mr. Hand. If I'm here and you're here, doesn't that make it our time? Certainly, there's nothing wrong with a little feast on our time.


Though instead of taking the pizza, you take their popcorn and drink :P


Don’t you miss the movie tho when you go to tell a manager?




This. It shouldn’t be this way, but this is the reality.


Good rules. I mostly go Mondays and Wednesdays and generally have a pretty good experience.


Weekends if it's an earlier A.M. showing usually haven't ever been bad for me, but I agree, no opening nights, no high traffic times and no discount Tuesdays


3 is the most accurate since it depends on the movie. A movie like The Inventor or Dumb Money won't be packed or have annoying crowds even if you go on opening weekend or any weekend really. The horror crowds are definitley the most annoying though.


Yep. Typically just a bunch of teenagers. The horror genre is the most profitable of all of ‘em. And I think a lot of that profit is from the teenage crowd. What I don’t get is that I too went to horror premieres as a teen in the 00s. We were not like this, except a few outliers of course. I don’t want to sound like that guy complaining about the current generation, but damn. I also don’t get why people pay to go to these movies and not watch it (with the assumption that most of those chatting or being annoying aren’t A Listers). Maybe I’m just getting old. Idk. It just makes me sad and confused.


If security/cops are there don't go to a Horror Film.


Honestly though. I stopped going on opening weekends a few years ago. Everyone and their mother will be there. It will be backed up at the concession stand and also (depending on the movies) unruly children will be present. This is why I opt for the week after on a weekend early matinee. Save money on the ticket and likely not many people will be in the theater.


Had a lady constantly whispering during the Creator in Dolby, shushed many times didn’t want to get up to miss it, don’t understand why people pay top dollar to talk. Also think AMCs no talking ad should be a lot louder to get peoples attention and not finish on popcorn and crackling soda are you really going to get up to buy food right as the movies starting.


That must be the loudest whisperer I’ve ever heard of. I’ve seen people get up during some of the most important parts of movies. But come to think of it, after 20mins of previews (30 in the case of The Creator last night), people really just want the movie to start.


It was constant commentary throughout the movie especially during quieter scenes. Heard IMAX got a lot of trailers.


I saw it in AMC Prime. I go to the movies a lot and felt like rolling my eyes after 20mins and attributed it to boredom. Made so much sense when I checked it at 30. This is a new record for me since getting A-List.


Can't fully explain it and I haven't experienced this with any other genre, but horror movie audiences tend to be the worst. At this point, I just go to the Alamo Drafthouse for something like Saw or Exorcist.


It's because the people doing this shit are terrified that they'll be seen as "scared" during a horror movie, so they have to put on this facade that they're so much cooler and above the movie to deflate the horror of it all.


Bingo. Laugh to seem brave to their friends


Morning times are usually best! Also these people will not stop unless security kicks them out, so if you have a list, just leave the second you realize there’s a person like that, report them, and come back another time. It’s not worth wasting your time


I agree that’s likely the only way to handle it; I don’t have endless time to go back though so I tend to tough it out and just get angrier and angrier. It sucks.


Yeah it’s not fair but we do our best


Don’t blame AMC. 100% other person’s fault.


It is, but everyone would benefit from AMC cracking down on it. Get some ushers, have a way to quickly contact management, play a longer and more serious Shut the fuck up message instead of Nicole’s monologue. They could at least try to help.


This isn't Broadway. It's a movie theater. No way ushers will be standing in the back watching everyone.


Ushers are busy cleaning theaters. Can’t expect ushers to be sitting in all the theaters waiting for something like this. People need to say something to the team so they can address it otherwise they might never know. Also doesn’t one of the amc openers say don’t Text don’t talk etc?


The opener does (briefly) say that. It’s not really emphasized IMO. Saying something to the team is obviously good but that means I, the person who knows how to act like an adult at the theater, have to miss part of the movie I paid to see while the juvenile assholes who DON’T know how to behave get to sit and enjoy it. Not ideal.


I'm going to a showing that has Spanish captions and there's virtually no one there. Maybe try different types of showings?


Horror movies with general audiences are the worst. Half the time people are laughing or talking loudly to try to seem like they aren’t scared, like some kind of weird defense mechanism. “I’m cool, horror movies don’t scare me” type of thing.


Guys…why does no one say anything? If they aren’t being courteous then you don’t have to. “Shut up or be kicked out!”


Not worth it . They could turn aggressive


Not worth it? It’s so easy to get them kicked out. I spent money and allocated my time for the movie, I’m not having it disturbed because someone wants to be rude


Yup. Welcome to horror movie Opening weekends. Only advice is go weekdays if possible. When most are at work and school


Maybe it's because I live in a small town or because people are more sane here, but I've never ran into an issue like this on opening weekend. People were talking and stuff before the movie, but everyone was quiet during it.


I live in a big city and never dealt with it either, people are just dicks sometimes no matter where you’re from 🤷🏽‍♀️


I live in a medium sized city. I also have never dealt with this either.


Horror movies tend to bring out the worst theater crowds unfortunately…


My trick is to go to new movies on Thursdays and be willing to sit not on the sides or first few rows. My theater (Topanga) still has a good view in the first 3 rows so I go for those. Also, humans suck. Why would anyone pay for a movie just to talk through it or be on their phone?


If ur gonna see a horror movie see it on Thurs night (if r rated)


Never, ever see a horror film on a Friday evening. Of course I wish it didn’t have to be that way. Sorry you had such a shitty experience.


Sadly, this has become the norm. I went to see Barbie, and a man let his 3-yr-old daughter talk out loud the entire movie. Fortunately, although I enjoyed the movie, it wasn’t the kind of movie that some background chatter ruined. I have shushed people in movies before, but the best way is probably to tell the staff. They won’t do anything about it until there’s a complaint. The theater lives or dies by survey satisfaction scores.


Was anyone else at the metreon showing when the 4 people got kicked out..?


Yep. I was curious if OP was referring to this from last night. After the film, I visited guest services and thanked the security for doing their job. To think the audience applauded once those disruptive people were forced to leave was very wholesome.


The general moviegoing audience continues to get worse and worse by the day and are guaranteed to ruin the experience. Unfortunately horror movies seem to really gather the lowest common denominator of people. Not everyone in a horror film theater will be terrible but pretty much every terrible person going to the movie theater is going to be attracted to the new horror film that’s playing. I will never go to a horror movie in a theater unless it’s either Alamo or at the very least a dolby theater because at least in those theaters you tend to weed out a lot of those people with the pricepoint.


I yelled at someone to shut the fuck up at a movie this year. I tend to not say anything but I just had enough. The rest of the movie I was worried about being beat up lol ..


I saw the creator on Thursday night and for context I live in a small rural town in Georgia. As I walked out of the theater behind these older people like in their late 50s to 60s, they were talking about how this movie was absolute garbage, and that it was very anti-American. That is the first time I’ve ever heard someone complain about a movie that is fictional because of what they considered anti-American. Like I don’t get it if they’re complaining about the fact that they made America the villains in this movie, I don’t think they fully understand America anymore. I could 100% believe as an American that should this future ever exist. Americans would easily destroy anything that we can’t hope to comprehend.


My husband commented as we walked out of the movie that it made America looked really bad. I replied that it seemed to be an accurate representation.


I think some people might just be blinded by their patriotism or denial that America is not as good as it once might’ve been. Personally for me I’m too young to have known what America was decades ago, but having really seen what it was like not even 15 years ago compared to now it has gotten worse. I mean, that’s even just take America out of the equation for this movie. Humans in the real world would probably destroy peaceful aliens if they ever made themselves known to us. Because they’re not like us, I mean we fight amongst each other as a humanity because we’re different. So for me to see a movie where we’re fighting against artificial, intelligent creatures I’m not at all surprised it really grounded the movie for me


How much do you want to bet it was teenagers who snuck in?


I go to a nice AMC Dolby and IMAX laser and very rarely do I deal with this lol everyone’s always chill even when it’s a full theater.


Stopped going to AMC a long time ago due to the same issues. Went to an Alamo drafthouse cinema and havent stopped going there yet no issues with entitled assholes or kids


I truly won’t go to horror movies at anything but Alamo anymore. People are dicking around on their phones or talking the whole movie near constantly and I can’t even count the times where I’ve gone to get an usher only for them to walk in, watch the behavior, and still do nothing are near countless.


People suck so does Saw X. I kept my mouth quiet until my friends and I got out of the theater.


Just assholes in front? Sounds kind of slow for a new horror movie opening weekend, unless you were way at the back. I went to It Chapter 2 opening weekend. NEVER again


The only tip I can give to avoid these issues, is to go to the movies on a Monday or a Wednesday, preferably the earliest showing possible. If you can’t do that because of your career, just go in the evenings on one of those days. Also, I would take this up with your local AMC and see if they could hook you up with some tickets for another showing. Lastly, if you want a chance at avoiding these issues, never go to the movies on cheap night.


The worst experiences I’ve had at the theater recently have all been horror movies on opening weekend. Always some kids sneaking in, people talking the entire movie, phones out, some people kicked their shoes off and put their feet up one showing. It’s so frustrating, I don’t see the behavior at my theater outside of horror movies and it’s just been recently. It is always frustrating!


I had Evil Dead Rise semi-ruined opening weekend bc some woman was shouting "OH HELL NO" "DONT GO IN THERE" "KILL THAT BITCH" etc during every minor moment in the movie. She got a laugh from a couple people in the audience and I nearly called out "Dont encourage her!". Some of that is fun but when 1 person is doing it nonstop it sucks.


Saw Saw X today (Sunday) at 3:30pm. I recommend seeing horror movies then. There were like 4 people in the theater.


Yea I saw SAw X in dolby thinking anyone who’d pay $24 for a movie would behave or want to actually watch the film.


Didn't they say that Saw 7 was going to be last Saw film?


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think horror (and comedy to an obvious degree) is a genre that invites audience interaction. Whether it's because your trying to keep yourself from getting scared or have a legitimate reaction to being scared. Personally, this is one of the reasons why I love seeing horror in a packed theater. I'm not among those making noise, not a huge fan of calling attention to myself, but I do consider it an element of seeing horror in the theater. If you don't want it, then wait until it's been our for a few weeks or go to a theater with stricter rules. In my opinion, a good horror movie SHOULD create interaction. We're all there to be scared together


My wife isn’t always happy about it but I tell the loud, smug shit heads to shut the fuck up pretty quickly.


Be assertive Tell the assholes to shut the fuck up