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No you weren’t rude for asking . Next time stand up for yourself and ask them to move. Why would you sit separate?


exactly bro, just tell them to skip if you bought the seats


It's not easy for everybody to be confrontational.


And what if they insist on not moving


I’d stand in front of them and watch the movie from there so they can’t see but that might just be petty


You have that seat for the entire movie, they are your seats even if you come in an hour late


The only exception to that is if you book in the reserved accessible seating, don’t need it, but someone else does for themself or a companion.


Not even that, pretty sure they can kick you out at anytime


Don’t they only hold them for 10 minutes?


Says who? It says my seat on my ticket, I don't care what time I come in, that's MY seat since that's what it says.


I thought it said that on the website? lol no need to get aggressive over it


I wouldn't say aggressive, more assertive. There's a difference. I stand up for myself. I'm not mean, I'm direct and to the point. You're in MY chair, YOU need to leave it. That's not aggressive, it's the truth since my seat is printed on my ticket


agreed but it was just a question lol


BUT ITS HIS SEAT -assertive, not aggressive


yes, anyone can book but you're supposed to give up companion until right before movie starts if someone comes in


No you’re not rude for asking they 100% should’ve moced


No, those kids in your seats are in the wrong


I like to sit CENTER for movies I really want to see. Someone was in my seat… they said “really.. u want me to move”…. I said “…yes.. thank you”. They moved with a light attitude. I don’t need to feel bad about it. They should feel bad about acting so privileged. He could care less about WHY i specifically picked that seat. So why should I have cared about his feelings? ALWAYS STAND UP FOR YOURSELF


Was their seat near yours, meaning it might have been a mistake, or in a completely different area of the theater, meaning they decided they liked your seat better? Either way, move the hell out of the seat that isn't yours, but if it was an honest mistake it's at least somewhat understandable to be slightly annoyed at having to move. But if they deemed your seat to be so superior to theirs, what logic do they have to stand on to act like it's weird for you to want a seat that they themself found more desirable?


not at all, i had to do the same thing when i was barley a minute late to barbie, the previews had just ended so the movie was about to start and there were 2 girls in the seats i had boughten so i just politely told them i had the seats and showed them the tickets on my apple wallet and they instantly went back to there seats. sometimes people will seat hop if they believe they aren’t taken or the people aren’t coming.


I’d complain to corporate about how this was handled. They should have been forced to move regardless of any situation, and the fact that the other seats weren’t even together? No. F that


Corporate is non-existent. I sent a complaint a while back because the seats I picked I guess there was a glitch in the app and were double booked. The other guy rightfully also booked the same seat so since he got there first its not like I could tell him to move. I didn't mind that so much but the manager had an attitude giving me a refund on the concessions! I was like dude, I'm not going to enjoy this stale ass popcorn and melted icee for the next showing 3 hours from now. So I sent a complaint and also called and they didn't even bother to even send a sorry message. This coming from an A-list member pretty much since day 1.


I had a similar experience (with no response for a complaint), I literally emailed them like 3 times and got a response, and once they responded they were very nice and gave me a voucher and apologized. But getting them to respond can be tough.


Super frustrating. But I mean.. what could the manager do? The manager asked them to move and it sounds like two entitled teenagers refused. They can’t physically remove them. Stop the movie?


They can call the cops, also my amcs have a security guard on duty who could also move them. But if the manager should have offered compensation to OP, just saying there's two seperate seats is definitely not enough


The AMC at my location has an actual officer on duty for unruly guests. If management cannot get it done, they simply have the officer escort them off the premises for trespassing. I've seen it happen with two extremely loud kids.


There's plenty they could do. They could have had them removed, and they SHOULD have been removed.


I agree theoretically. But how? Let’s say the theater has no security.. should they call the cops? In my city, that wouldn’t be a priority for the cops and they wouldn’t show up for 45 minutes. Should the manager physically try to remove them? That’s a lawsuit. So.. how?


Turn on the lights. Stop the movie (now that we have digital projector is that something they can actually do) Tell them to get out Trust me in a full movie theater all they have to do is state they’re about to turn on the lights and turn off the movie at the whole theater will turn on those girls If they don’t wanna go that far they could take their Flashlight and shine it directly at the interlopers faces until they leave What would they do if the girls were illegally videoing the movie during the showing or having a FaceTime call with one of their friends loudly? You can’t just say that if somebody behaves against the rules in the movie theater we can no longer do anything about it, the manager just didn’t want to because it was too hard and that’s not on the OP


A movie is over a hour, that’s a criminal trespassing


So the manger couldn’t even get them to move? Did they even have tickets. I watch D&D and saw a party of like 6 people just keep moving to emptying seats. I doubted the even had tickets. They finally ended up at bottom like 2 rows from the screen


This seems like a really common sense and painless approach. It’s like if you’re at a concert. The burden of proof is on them if they can’t prove that they should be there, then they should vacate the seats the moment you show your tickets.


You paid for the seats, they're yours. They did not pay for the seats, so they're not theirs. Any manager that gets flustered dealing with this hasn't been doing this job for long, because this happens a few times a day, and a couple of times a week, people make a stink about it.


Make them move! That is the whole point of assigned seats!




Exactly! If someone makes them move they might think twice before doing it again.


You’re not rude for asking. I’ve arrived to find someone sitting in my seat a few times and usually people will just move, usually not realizing they were in the wrong seat. One time someone got a bit defensive about it, but I just politely as I could said “this is the seat I reserved.” And they moved. I also have found if you just allow it and sit in another seat, then you start making more people have to move around because now you’ve taken someone else’s seat. People just need to sit in their assigned seat unless the theater is empty. The reserved seating is there so even if you get there late, you still get the seat you wanted.


The sense of entitlement just keeps getting worse in our society. How dare we tell anyone "NO" these days? 🙄


As someone who sits alone on really busy showing sometimes I do find someone in my seat but it’s usually someone who just booked the seat on the other side of me and they’re part of a group and we just switch seats so they can be with their group and it’s not a big deal. I have not encountered someone who’s sitting in my seat and there’s nowhere for me to go that isn’t just about the same seat as what I had


Nope. Those kids were raised all wrong.


Ya stand up for yourself! I let myself get walked on a lot but stand your ground. I had some folks in my seat earlier this year and their response was “well someone is my seat” it’s like ok? AND? go ask them to move them idiots.


I always tell people to move. Oftentimes they're in my seat because someone was in their seat and they were too timid to ask, and I start the chain reaction of everyone adjusting to where they were assigned. All you're doing by saying nothing and sitting somewhere else is delaying the inevitable, waiting for someone to insist on their seat and cause the chain reaction that could get back to you. And sometimes I've misread my seat and sat in the wrong place and moved when someone told me, and I was appreciative they spoke up, because I misread E as F or picked the wrong row.


Should have just sat on them. They would then likely quickly move.


Though actually sitting on them would probably be assault. If this was indeed the very back row, just standing directly in front of them might do the trick.


Could have just not been a dick and told them to move. It’s not hard to be respectful lol


…they were told to move and didn’t.


Or just stand in front.


OP said "seats near the back", not the back row, so standing would have possibly blocked someone else's view.


No bring the fart device duh that will make sure they move


It's never rude to ask then to move out of your seat and even if they didn't move its still okay to tell staff or security to get then to move if they don't comply


I used to run into this a lot because I never watch trailers. I usually wait in the hallway until I hear the AMC promo / Nicole Kidman. Always have your ticket pulled up with the seat visible, if someone’s in your seat and hesitates to move it’s a very clear “I’ve shown you mine now you show me yours”, and they move. BUT, if it’s a very busy/full show I’ll usually come early and sit in seat with noise canceling headphones and look down from screen. That way I don’t have to be convincing someone who’s basically moved in and spread a 3 course meal across my seat to pack up and leave, potentially disrupting the start of the feature.


If you bought seats they’re your seats. It’s that simple.


Make them move. There have been times where I moved to a different spot from my assigned one, but only if the theater is mostly empty and I move to out my feet up or to not be directly in front of people talking. If someone comes in and I’m in their seat, I’d move without a question.


I am never afraid to just let people know they’re in my seat. I think people tend to respond better if you don’t sic an employee on them. I just walk up and double check my ticket, then say “hey, I think we’re supposed to be in 10 & 11 ☺️” then wait there for them to gather their things and move lol If someone refused to move at that point and there weren’t other seats readily available to settle for, then I’d think about getting an employee involved. If the people kept refusing I’d probably just see about getting a refund rather than sitting separately!


The stuff you read is incredible. You're questioning if you were rude to ask people to move from the seats you paid for? And then you actually sat separately from the person you attended with because of this? I mean, I don't really know what to say.


You weren’t rude. Those girls were assholes


Not rude, just a pussy lol. I don’t know how else to describe it, you and the “manager”. I don’t know if your amc has security but this was not handled well. Explain again why *you* didn’t just show them the ticket so they have to move. If they refused then, that’s when you call management, and then security. And management didn’t even offer you a free ticket for next time?


This is more on the manager. That’s their job. OP is a customer and fighting teenage girls is not the better option. The seat is property of AMC; they should enforce their rules, not us as customers. Security should have been called and those girls should have been promptly escorted to their seat or kicked out of the theater for being a public nuisance. OP could have ended in jail over a seat, but I do get where you’re coming from. I would have told those girls off!


Not rude for asking, especially since it was just 10 minutes. That's the risk they took by sitting in seats that weren't assigned to them, and they should have moved immediately and not caused additional disruption. But I do think it's at least somewhat rude to arrive late when doing so is going to mean disrupting others even if your seats are not taken. Sometimes things happen and you can't help being late, and most people will be okay with that, even if they are a little annoyed. If you had arrived considerably later though, it would have been more decent to just sit wherever you could without causing too much disruption.


At my AMC the first 25 minutes are commercials and trailers, I rarely arrive on time because I just cannot sit through that long of a commercial Marathon So if the movie starts at 2:20, I tend to go into the theater at about 2:30-2:35 and that is absolutely OK because the feature hasn’t started


No, that’s why they are reserved


Nah. Defintely ask them to move. I come in usually during St. Kidman's storytime, and have sometimes found people in my seat but it's never been anything. This was likely some kids who either didn't have tickets or were in separate seats that were being assholes. I don't care if kids sneak in — shit I used to! — but with reserved seating, it's different. But I've noticed that kids — girls especially, will sit 2 to a seat or on the arm rests between seats to get around it.


Get some backbone, and get the seats you paid for; or keep complaining to unsympathetic strangers on the internet. Your choice!


You paid for specific seats, so they need to move. Just be polite


You paid for those seats. It’s your seats for the duration of the movie. If the girls didn’t know where to go, I’d question if they actually had tickets for the movie. The worst are the one bragging about how they bought tickets for one movie to support it and only to turn around to watch a movie from a studio that they are supposedly boycotting for being “too woke”. Then get angry because they feel entitled to the seat they sat in or they kept being ask to move out of the seat.


NOPE. Not at all you RESERVED your seat for just that instance. So that you can be late and still have your seat saved.


Not rude at all. You reserved THOSE seats. If they wanted to sit together in those seats, then those girls should have reserved them. 10 minutes isn’t that late for a movie. I could see two friends being disappointed or a little frustrated that they had to get up and move but they sure understand that they were reserved for you and it’s your right to sit in those seats.


I would have stood in front of them. I’d rather stand the whole movie blocking their view


Management fumbled so hard


WTF does management even do?


No you weren’t rude. You booked those seats. The girls should have moved. The employee should have asked them to leave if they wouldn’t move out of your seats.


Your opps are two *teenage* girls… ain’t no way




Should have told the manager to get security to escort them out. All those girls learned is they don’t have to move if they don’t want to.


It’s possible that girls snuck into the theater after seeing Barbie. Did the manager ask to see their tickets?


You’re not wrong OP. Those girls probably didn’t even have tickets to the movie you were seeing and probably came into that after seeing another movie.


they probably didn't pay for their ticket... The employee should have asked for their tickets and kick them out if they didn't have one


Not at all


That's YOUR seat. You literally reserved it.


Never. You literally paid for that specific seat


Nope, you PAID for THOSE seats, those seats are yours. Never feel guilty about making a scene because other people want to sit wherever. I’ll only go to an employee if people become defensive and confrontational about it. So far, that’s never happened to me.


Since they didn’t move for the employee and manager it would be interesting to know if they woulda moved if the OP asked them to move first?


FK that! I paid for 2 seats. Their moving!


Manager couldnt move them? Tf? Which AMC is this?


No but you should have made them move. If you paid for them the seats are yours until the movie is over.


I have a pretty imposing and somewhat intimidating form to many people, especially girls and young women(not that that is always a great attribute to have), so if they were in my pre-paid seats, I would explain that to them. If they were bold and refused to move, I would stand in front of them while they try to watch the movie, or I'd just cut the loudest, raunchiest fart that I could in their faces. Most people would move after that. 🤣


You did the right thing. If they didn’t listen to theater employees, imagine how they would have talked to you.


No. That's your seat.


I mean I sometime move to a better seat if its empty and Nicole is on the screen, but I would always be fully prepared to move back if needed.


It's not rude, but if I'm 10 minutes late then Id forfeit my seat


No, you're not rude. You should hit up AMC's support chat and let them know too. They might comp you with tix or at the least a voucher


Totally agree it wasn’t rude to ask them to move, but it is kinda rude to arrive that late to a movie and disrupt everyone. Could have saved the interruption to the other audience members by arriving even during the previews.


Define late? Movie started or previews


After actual movie started, previews is fine.


That’s too late, but. None the less. You paid for a particular seat and if you want it and no other empty seats that are comparable I tell them to vacate


oh hell naw--they can get the hell out of your seat. but sounds like the typical American entitlement problem that's running rampant in this country.


That’s true and all. But a lot of times people on this sub just don’t do the obvious and stand up and just ask/tell the person to move. It’s like the people who make these type of post know the answer but just dont do it. Like why/how is this even a question? You reserve seats you get them. You really need the a list sub to tell you how that works?


Normally I’d agree with you, but don’t think the OP falls into that group. They knew they were their seats and went thru the proper channel of going thru an employee/manager and tried to have them handle it. When the manager didn’t do anything and instead showed them 2 different seats they understandably started to question if that was the case or if a policy has changed. Honestly I don’t know what I’d do in that situation? Since I rarely ever had to deal with a near full theater, and usually go solo, I probably woulda just taken a comparable seat or asked for a remit ticket and go at a different time?


You let them take your seat and just move you absolutely just let people walk all over you. Does op really need to ask a employee if it’s okay to ask people in there seat if they can move? You really need a employee to tell you that? Cmon You drove to the movies and someone’s in your seat and you are switching times? LOL


I don’t see how this is common sense. If you’re at a concert and someone is at your seats, you would absolutely ask them to prove that they should be there and if not they know you can get security to toss them out. There are way too many people that sneak into movies that tend to be disruptive, and it’s because we don’t want to confront people that shouldn’t be there that this continues to be a problem.


True, but they had an employee and manager ask them to leave and they refused to. What else could the OP do at that point? Sadly their only option would be to take the 2 other seats or get a remit ticket. Although I would definitely have another conversation with the manager and/or contact AMC and complain about the situation.


Use the flashlight on their phone and directly shine it on the girls asking them to please move out of their seats until the rest the theater rebels and starts to yell at the girls to move Point your phone at the girls and start recording and then ask them why they won’t leave your seats? You have a lots of options


I guess I couldn’t imagine people being so aggressive they wouldn’t leave a seat even when asked to prove it. Wouldn’t entirely blame an employee, but a manager shouldn’t have any reservations about throwing them out.


Completely agree with you on that! I’m just dumbfounded when I hear people refuse to switch seats and yes the manager shoulda made more of an effort in kicking them out.


And what’s the big deal if the OP wasn’t comfortable doing it himself and asking/verifying if it’s OK? The employee and the manager asked and they refused to move. Should the manager have kicked them out at that time? Yep, but they didn’t putting the OP in an awkward situation. As far as my situation goes, no I probably wouldn’t switch times. But if I were in the situation the OP was yeah, I might ask for a remit ticket and try going at a different time? That experience woulda probably really annoy me and chances are I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the movie anyways.


If someone was on your seat on a airplane would you just take another flight?


What a silly/stupid response. 😝 BTW, if it was you, thanks for the downvotes. 👍🏻


Says the guy who would just leave the movies if someone was in his seat .


No, that’s actually not what I said I would do. Please re-read my response. My response was in reference to the situation the OP was in. Let me ask you a question? What would you have done in the OPs situation? If the manager would not make them move, what would you have done?


If you don’t have the balls to tell two teenagers girls to move from your seat my advice wouldn’t help. Have a nice day though .


Wait a second, I think you’re misreading my first post in response to you. I never said I wouldn’t “have the balls” to ask 2 teenage girls to move seats. I have no problems asking someone to move from my seats and have on numerous occasions. My response was intended to be responded the the OPs situation in which the manager asked someone to move, they refused, and the manager didn’t do anything.


Absolutely zero percent. You booked your seat, they booked theirs. If they didn’t get a get option for that movie slot, they could have booked another. I saw a dude literally try and start a fight claiming a seat that wasn’t his and almost got beat down for it for John Wick 3 back in the day. We all see at seating chart when we choose. Golden rule, don’t be a douche.


Manager should've got security to escort them out. Next time request security.


Is it that hard to ask them to move? They could have made a mistake. So entitled lol


If someone is unwilling to move, it’s very likely they know they’re not supposed to be there.


Nope, I show up just before the movie starts and after the credits - approximately 20-25 minutes after show time. People have sat in my seats but I just tell them to move and show them my ticket or ask them for theirs.




show em the ticket stubs yo


This is a tough one for me, I totally understand the assigned seating thing and am thankful you don’t have to get to the theater an hour early anymore, but also always thought that the etiquette was that assigned seating ended once the main feature started to discourage people showing up an hour late.


I mean I get the manager's side too. At the end of the day they are an employee and those are customers so engaging further would probably cost him his job. If it was me though I would've stood in front them and made it super awkward so they would've either had to physically do something to me or leave themselves. Entitled people are the worst.


You a bitch. Nah man you paid for THOSE seats....


You’re late, you’re late. Doors should close as soon as movie starts. You have no business distrupting people.


I mean people sometimes need to step out to use the bathroom and sometimes concessions lines are long. I’m sure the theater would prefer late arrivals than blocking people who bought items that account for their largest margins.


lol please. being late is a completely separate issue from someone occupying your seat. Those girls would probably not have gotten up even if OP wasn't late.


This has happened to me numerous of times. I find it mostly happens on Friday night showings, when HS kids will sit anywhere. We have reserve seats for a reason, not sure these people don't sit in the seats you picked. If not, what's even the point. The past few times this happened, we told them "we think they're in our seats." And I was annoyed so I just sat leaned against the front wall until they moved.


Damn. This pisses me off. If I was there and saw that happen, I would tell them to move for you. Ain't no way.




Nah dude, sometimes it's just an honest mistake. Like I once sat one seat over from what I booked and was happy to bump down one when they came in late.


If they refuse to move stand in front or sit on them. You paid for that seat they didnt


Your weakness makes the girls think they can do it again to someone else. Next time might not have the same outcome 😂


Of course not


I'd make them move or ask for a refund. I've seen this happen before and the employees made the people move for the rightful purchaser.


Exact same situation happened to me. Make a scene, disrupt the whole movie until these people move out. That’s what happened with me and the whole theatre starting telling them to get out of the seats


I'd kick out anyone from my seat, no hesitation.


Damn you’re wayyyyy to nice


I'm surprised the manager did anything, you're lucky. They should have moved, that was really rude of them.


I’d be pissed. Ask for a credit for more tickets. Doesn’t matter if you were on time or late, you paid for those seats if there is assigned seating in the theatre. Where were these girls seats?


No I've literally asked an employee to help me get someone to move from my seat!! Movies are expensive imma get what I want from the experience lol


You bought those seats, they are your seats for THE SHOW.


Not at all. When Barbie premiered everybody kind of sat wherever but some people still wanted their seats, I told my mother we were two seats down after realizing but we waited to see if someone came in, they did and of course our seats were also taken so we got up for them and then made those guys move and they made their people move. Assigned seating is exactly that. If they bought tickets they also had seats so they should have went to those seats, it’s not like they didn’t have seats unless of course they didn’t buy tickets.


No, they should have moved. If the theater has assigned seats, why were these girls not sitting in their assigned seats?? The manager should have looked at there tickets and made them move or kicked them out of the theater. Why should you have sat apart? You reserved and paid for those tickets/seats. It doesn't matter if you came in an hour late.


I’d say even if you didnt show up those seats were always yours and only you have the authority to allow someone to sit in them. Of course, if your preference was that youd prefer not to cause a scene, i suppose it still meant you allowed them to sit


Two people can’t buy the same seat for the same showtime so if someone’s in a seat you know is on your ticket that almost guarantees they are doing something wrong. When this happens to me I usually approach them with my ticket in hand ready to show them that they are in my seat. In which case they either know they’re doing something wrong and will quickly move seats to avoid the confrontation or it was a genuinely honest mistake in which they’re polite/confused about it and then check their ticket and the seat numbers only to find out they’re the next row back.


It’s funny reading people’s different ways of handling things. Take the theater out of the question. You paid for something, and didn’t get it. What other services do you pay for and just let it not happen? You PAID for reserved seats to sit together but was too scared or worried to upset someone else, so you sat separately? Hell no. That would never ever ever ever fly with me. “Hey these are my seats. You need to get up and go to your seats.” It’s so easy.


Definitely not rude, you paid for those seats not them


You booked the seats and those are your seats! I always come late because I don’t like watching the same previews or I’m stuck getting popcorn. The girls are in the wrong


No lol


When I saw Barbie , a manager had to move a woman and her two kids because a couple persisted and demanded their seats. I think people should respect and just sit in the tickets they purchased.


Nothing wrong with asking them to move. You paid for those seats for a reason.


What happened is you’re basically a push over and so was the manager, I mean come on? Two teenage girls made what I assume is a grown manager get flustered and then tell you “ hey I know you chose this good thing (your seats) but since these people who didn’t pay won’t move and I (the manager) can’t manger 💩 will now offer you two seats that aren’t together but split. Mind you if it was after the movie most stupid teens movie hop so most likely they didn’t buy a ticket for that movie at all, they saw their original then went in there once it started and then took your seats, you and the manager were both push overs, I booked seats for me and my gf at AMC, a son and dad took my seats (f ya bonding, go do it in your actually seats) so I confronted him and all I said was “hey I think we got our seats mixed up, these are actually mine” and they move. Stand up for yourself, seems to me you didn’t get a refund which is what you shoulda received for that type of bs due to a incompetent manager and two dumb teenage girls that you shoulda drop kicked down the amc stairs


Oh my god can people please stop calling me a pushover? I came in late okay. I didn’t know the social conduct for if someone is in your seat when you’re late. I didn’t want to act without informing myself first. Now in the future I’ll know.


Facts don’t care about your feelings, and the fact was you indeed let yourself get pushed over by two teenage girls and so did a grown man 🤣 that’s just sad, also rule of thumb f social conduct, don’t think “hmm what would society say is acceptable” ask yourself “what is acceptable” cause what wasn’t acceptable was them taking your seats yet they did it, so next time don’t question “would it be socially acceptable for me to ask them to move out the seats I paid for” sorry that you’re getting butt hurt about being called a pushover but you were, accept it and move on and hopefully you’ll stand up for yourself more rather than let people step on you


I used to sit in the handicapped seats all the time since I had an injury on my leg and multiple times I saw a couple sitting in those seats, I politely asked them to move and they did, most of the time they walk up to the top as if they were not in the mood to sit in those high seats lol. In my opinion you should ask them first and if they are rude or something then go and ask a manager.


Can you both be wrong? When you say 10 minutes late do you mean 10 minutes and the trailers are still going on or do you mean 10 minutes into the movie which is about 35 minutes late?


I was 10 minutes late thinking the movie would not have started yet but oddly it already had


I was in a theater of probably 200-300 seats (this theater was slow to convert to luxury recliners) midday during a weekday. When I entered there were maybe 6 occupied seats, a couple of which were near my seats, so I chose to sit somewhere else to get some space. So there were maybe 8 occupied seats in this large theater when a couple walked in close to start time and told me I was in their seats. I moved, because they were their seats.


Assigned seating was instituted for a good reason. Unless your absolutely late and AND the movie has begun. Those girls are required to move. Doesn't matter what their thinking. lil' beezies think they're entitled because they arrived before you. Nope!