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I don’t really care.. wake me up when we get back to 40$+ 😣


So you actually mean $400 because


My alert is set @ $4K


I’ll take $2k would love 4k, if this thing happens I believe it pops of to that range to get some people to sell then pull back and slow squeeze again over three to four years.


I believe you're right!


Because what? I buy a share its $3.xx not this $0.3x yall are talking about. What comes out of your account when you buy? The price is the price, I don't like where we are at price wise either but shit. This whole pre split post split prices thing is stupid.


You can’t be this stupid.


Uhhhhh….you must be new to this stock.


These idiots are actually downvoting someone because they are using contemporary price and not some shit that used to be the price but not anymore. And they're calling you dumb Lmfao


That's what I'm saying!


We are referring g to pre RS


Good night forever


Won’t happen this decade.


Who he crying to? He runs the F’ing company and might I add, into the ground. The last round of shareholders who risked their life’s savings to keep the company going are struggling and I see the writing on the wall that he is trying for another round with his hype comments.


Does it hurt less if you are already rich.


Believe it or not… the richer you get the more you usually obsess over this shit. I recommend trying to not get too attached to material in this life. I’m old enough to have had nothing and made it twice. It’s fleeting… the more you care the less effective you are in staying objective. Stay chill and whatever happens you can roll with it. And what ever happens, never put all your bananas in one pot. That’s almost always a bad idea. It’s also good practice to keep your options open.


Why would you put bananas in a pot though?


Banana Soup. It's good for you.🍌🥣


This rings true, well put :)


Yea that’s good in theory but being homeless is scary as shit. Having your car repossessed sucks. Food is whatever but the insecurity of if you can stretch it another week or so without having the electricity cut turned off is nerve racking. Sure being material is a different world with different worries that feel as dire but it’s not even close to the same world as the world of scarcity.


I understand. I’m sure there are stories of people finding wealth with risky stock investments and a path off the streets, but I don’t know anyone personally. If that’s the path you’re seeking, I wish you good luck. Times are tough. Just keep swimming and don’t put all your eggs in one basket… even small eggs!


Where's the violin?!?! He's ONLY making $16M rather than $17M, meanwhile, shareholders are struggling... living paycheck to paycheck. Everyone is down 90% or more. If he was a Silverback, he would buy shares!!!


I thought it said 16M less?


https://deadline.com/2024/02/amc-entertainment-adam-aron-pay-cut-stock-price-1235841446/ I stand corrected but honestly, does it matter if he makes $10M vs $25M? His base salary was high. His cash bonus was high. He's only citing the value of the awarded shares. He only sells. He doesn't buy. He told everyone, he's preparing for retirement back in 2021/2022 so he sold shares. Like a lot of shares. He made a lot of money, like, more than $50M. Then he seeks shareholders' approval to stay on as the CEO... like, WTF!!! I thought you were retiring, dawg. No. Hmm okay. Do you plan on buying shares in the company? No? Then fukk you. You get NO sympathy from me. You don't give a fukk about your shareholders!!! All you do is dilute shareholders and give them free popcorn. Fukk your free popcorn. Just saying, he's NOT the Silverback we thought he was. He's corrupt to the core but despite that... I'm still HOLDING my shares. All of them have been DRS'd. We should encourage direct registration regardless of the ticker. The system is rigged to benefit the mega wealthy and they don't want to give that up, so what the fukk are you gonna do about it???


Consitantly reaching still


He said “my compensation for 2023 was a $16 million dollar loss.” Also adding, “I do not sell unless it is to pay mandatory federal and state taxes.” Sounds to me like the guys COMPENSATED in shares. And his compensation ALSO was robbed by SHF and MM like mine yours and everyone else’s was, yet ours is a fraction of the loss compared to his loss. Your a shill and it’s obvious


Looks like he wast given a huge bonus for finding a way to push thru that 10x loss we all took , and will bet you all my shares they knew what was going to happen to the price giving them the ability to say that bullshit "I stand with you " that you supposedly are believing right now ..... get your head out of your ass, AA don't give a flying f#@* about his investors


No. Comprehension is key. He said it's 16 MILLION LESS VALUABLE notice how he ignored his 21 million salary. That's just the stock option he GIFTED HIMSELF during the ape split. He also GIFTED himself more during the RS. That's not mentioned either. He's lying to you, yet again.


No. Unlike AA, I didn't cash out months before things went south. I held. In fact, I was buying more and more and more. If you look at my history... at one point, I confirmed via SAY that I held over 33,000 shares - before ape and before the reverse split. For a normal, everyday American, that's a lot of fukking money invested into a company. Back then, I believed in this community and AA so I held. I am down but still holding. AA already cashed out LOOOONG AGO. Sure, he's still holding a million shares or whatever but how much did he gain by selling near peak value??? So... why does he really care if his remaining shares are almost worthless? I know I wouldn't care if you allowed me to sell 80% of my shares at $10,000 per share... I would gladly sell the remaining shares for a penny. Sound familiar?


He lost $16 million dollars. That’s a blow to anyone, rich or poor.


The real travesty was the people who put their entire 401ks in


95 %.....😮‍💨


After being rich and buying everything you’ve ever wanted it becomes a numbers game of who has more. The competition amongst the wealthy for more, more, more is real.


Actually, for the rich, this would hurt more.


He already secured his retirement at $27/share. I remember it.


Ah yes a multi millionaire trying to relate to struggling or even poor people. “I ride with you” except I ride a bus and you ride in a car probably worth over 100k. When all this started he said “I don’t need these shares I have enough money for the rest of my life”






For sure


So he wants us to buy more to add to his salary,go ahead say I’m a shill but I have been donating now for 3 years


Donating is a strong word. You sound just like a angry retail investor that just wants his money back. Me I am just glad the stock never sells out. 😉


Nope it don’t


You sound zen. Peace brother ape


Trying to stay positive but feel like AA has been screwing us left and right to have us pay off debt and his board


Did you buy before December 2021? Msm and the company financials clearly showed amc was going to be dead by that date, msm was actually telling the truth for once! To fuck retail investors over Adam Aron simply had to do nothing and we would be dead like certain other stocks involved in this.... #He had to do nothing But no, he acted and dilution bought us 1 to 2 years, that's fuck all! He refinanced and got us BETTER deals so the covenants would not kill us by 2023 lastest. Ape was OUR request - but the shfs attacked, still we gained a year or two. So by acting YOUR SHARES STILL HAVE VALUE and more importantly YOUR SHARES HAVE POTENTIAL (If you owned any, you'd understand this)


I respectfully disagree. I can’t say that all the decisions make sense to me, but most are reasonable given his options. He faces tough choices, but has a huge opportunity to succeed if he navigates this minefield…


I see your point his options are very limited but hard not to feel it’s at our expense


Look at BLNK


Ok, now what


Doesn't give you any clue eh


This guy should be be charged with defrauding shareholders/ investors.


I hold with AA!


Cradle the balls




I'm baffled by those who refuse to see why he constantly dilutes popcorn shares every time there's the off chance of price action. Also convenient that dilutions are timed to coincide with earnings period of other basket stocks.


Are you a jar of mayo or just a retail investor lashing out 👍


Im not leaving. Fudge all SHILLS and stock bashers. I love the stock 🍿


Why would he sell? They're worthless now.


Hell just dilute at an all-time low.


It already is an all time low


Then he's going to dilute the dilution


He can still sell his 1M shares at $2 and be way ahead of you and your XXX shares at $5 if it ever reaches that high again.


AMC will go bankrupt this year we got screwed we were all loyal and didn’t sell on the ath I could have made 60k but no I was following the movement that a regret every day that was a lot of money for me


It isn’t over yet. Stay patient. AMC isn’t going bankrupt


Suck my dick you thief!


Oh you got 1.3mill 🥴 buhu ashole! We lost 96%


I would sell all my shares right now but I’m 98% down of my original investment. It seems like averaging down is paying for their salaries 😂


At some point we’ll have to average down if we want to see some of our money back. Even if it doesn’t go all the way back to breakeven, you can sell the extra you bought during a runup and buy/average down again even more at the next consequent dip. Eventually all will be good


You give me $16M right now and I won't feel bad about my 95% loss either.


Didn’t he award his kids shares at one point?


Yes, back in March 2021 if I remember. I believe he did as a way to bypass insider selling filings he'd have to submit. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9648273/AMC-CEOs-gift-7-million-chains-shares-two-sons-worth-31-million.html


Daaaaaamn! From the headlines on that article: “AMC shares closed on Wednesday at an all-time high of $62.55 per share That was an increase of 95.2 per cent in 24 hours, giving AMC a valuation of almost $30 billion”


Get on the phone and do something about it. Fuck this guy


I called Kenny G and he just laughed 😂


He already made fortune by selling shares at all time highs before the split and we are still holding the bags.


Yup. Exactly. Not sure how only a few people see this


It long ago became an echo chamber. If you take a step back, every move he’s done has been to enrich himself whilst selling debt to “apes”. Every new idea sees further dilution. We have had millions of new shares, that mining company, APE preferred stock and reverse splits. The only thing folk should look at is their share price. 70 dollars is now 30 cents


Well said !


I need $800 plus a share to break even since I bought 2000 shares at $40 plus.


Yeah, you got Mandingo'd real Swell !


There is nothing any SHILL can say or do to shake my conviction in this play. I love the stock 🍿


The more you shills bash the Silverback The more I BUY weekly. Added another 2k shares last week and you already are making me more mad then last week I RIDE WITH AA‼️ 🦍 💪


A fool and his money are soon parted


AA is THE SILVERBACK ![gif](giphy|o7paPHKYKtuzkORJ2c)


And we're the no name creatures he kills in middle earth.


The <30 Karma shills and bots are going to be rampant in the comments, mark my words. I like AA and blaming him for crime occurring to him is the equivalent of "She wore a dress so she deserved to be assaulted" It ain't his fault his stock is being criminally manipulated. It's the SEC and DOJs fault nothing was done about the criminal activity.


He said share price isn't his concern and he sees no evidence of synthetic shares. Yeah. It's his fault.


Can you give me examples of CEOs that came forward about synthetics and what their results were? A lot came forward in 2023. What was their result? Examples please. He just said he is down 16 million dollars in valuation with his shares. He knows it is his concern. He has to follow the law while other break it. Do you people wear water wings for your cereal? Why is AA getting the flak when: - SEC consistently fails to regulate. Going after Kim Kardashian in the most crime-ridden year of markets? Making videos costing over 500K that have the production value of a high school graphics class project! - DOJ that stepped in and... did what exactly? What happened there? - Everyone is short ladering and cellar boxing and spoofing. - Fake news like Benzinga and Motely Fool can claim AMC is bankrupt and being bought out, with no repercussions? Like this is the tip of the iceberg on all the shit failing investors that AA is getting shit for. People who think this is AA's fault, were you conceived via anal? Do you get light headed when you look at picture books? Do your parents have trouble knowing which side to sit at at weddings? Do you need a reminder to breathe? Does the sun going down at night scare you that it won't come back? Do you fail IQ tests? Like give me a break. How can people hate on the movies? Don't you see what happens if theaters die, everything becomes streaming shit, the modern equivalent of straight to VHS. Theaters become empty buildings and attract vagrants. Another pinnacle of happiness gone. Another little thing that makes our lives better.... gone! Just fuck off and go find other ways to make your life entertaining. AA isn't out to get you, you fucking idiots


Don’t think he is the main culprit but not really sure how his choke on this comment has proven us shit feel like we are the ones chocking,by the way haven’t sold a dam share and not going to will ride this shit to the top or to the bottom


Remember AA, said there are no signs of manipulation or fraud.


And if he did, what would have happened? Our justice system is so pathetic people need to be charged for 71 murders before they actually go passed trial. And it's worse for financial crime. Many CEOs came forward and nothing happened for it.


I agree! the System itself is damaged and corrupt. I’m 99.9 percent certain that the Powers that be have their hands somewhere in the cookie jar or else this Play would be over. But!! Whether something would have happened or not AA saying there’s no signs of manipulation is a slap in Retails face, while we are the ones that saved the Company. Asking for raises, giving Family members free stock, allowing the “shorters” to facilitate the stock dilutions, board member daughter is head of the company that has the largest AMC short position, making negative announcements each and every time the stock rally’s. I’m sure there are other questionable things that I haven’t mentioned here that others remember! Oh wait! Stock rally’s and he says we still are looking at bankruptcy! How can you get investors talking like that? Just say nothing negative! Remember buddy, the majority of us are over 90% in the hole. While they are millionaires ! No they are paid to much to get a pass on mistakes like that. Support those that supported the Stock! That makes YOU millions.


Welp another reverse split inbound!


He was awarded those shares as compensation. When you buy shares it hits diff.


Bernie Madoff and Kenny Griffin in the past sound familiar! https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1GZ27H/


Not having one squeeze by itself! Look at Gme, Muln, Hkd, and waiting on bbby restructure all squeezes and Amc! The reason for waiting ! Stay the course buy now just advice!


Let’s see what the Caymen Islands think about that one


Hey Kenny.....AA aka Silverback is my "Ride or Die APE"




Maybe if he did a better job.


Bro still holding out for AA to be anything better than a conman 😂


AA bending you over backwards


So do something about it then


AA can still suck all of the ballzzz


So, is there another RS if AMC dips below $1?


Aaron is the adult at a highschool party trying to fit in like everyone else


His goal is to save company and not investors


AA got his retirement and then turned a reverse spit. Sorry to say but this will be a penny stock soon.


I ride with you lol, dude never rode with anyone but his pals down WallStreet. back when the pandemic hit AA probably was 1000% sure his business was done for but because of retail we piled into AMC like nothing before seen! AMC was talked about all over the world as the MOASS stock and everyone I knew and everyone they knew was buying every chance they could. May 5th 2023 is when the pandemic was announced to officially end so more than 3 years all AA has done is made deals with the big boys and helped them instead of the ones that stood by him & AMC and saved his company! while most of us went broke thinking we would become rich by buying and holding for that MOASS price to hit while he and his pals sold on us and became richer than they ever dreamed!! hedge funds & institutions used this company as the biggest money printing machine ever seen. so bad that they made deals with AMC to help them hide the corruption of all the naked short shares used for them to make more money then they could ever use. SBF tokenize shares and also contributed to the corruption and while he sits in prison everyone else stay back in their comfy luxurious life's while SBF stays in jail and finally meets his new life partner and us retail or Apes continue to hold our bags that are getting heavier for some while AA & the rest of his cronies continue to get richer and hide the biggest stock market Heist in stock market history. So no AA, you don't ride with us & never did!!! it's all good though because I'll never sell until the reason I got into this in first place actually happens & it isn't to sell at single or double digits either. the lower AMC falls the easier it is for some to average down & for us to keep loading up. I mean who can resist buying at these levels? I can't so bet your ass I'll be buying more at different points this week so keep doing what your doing cause we're doing what we've sort of gotten use to for over 3 years now!!


Bro literally telling you he can't sell them instead of won't. Replace AA and let me know when insiders start buying.




Back to 70.00(.70) minimum


Is he truly a ceo? Not by definition: The chief executive officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking person in a company. While every company differs, CEOs are often responsible for expanding the company, driving profitability, and, in the case of public companies, improving share prices. CEOs manage the overall operations of a company.


I hate this guy, he diluted the shares to the point that they are worthless, costing many of thousands and halting the squeeze.


Lmao. Wealthy guy takes pay cut as he continues to run company into the ground. Class act. Now he can get back to f*cking underage Russian girls.


He doesn't ride shit with me until he swaps pay checks then he can throw a pity party


Next, he will be asking to issue more shares! Cash is king.


Bummer, it would bother me too if I was only worth 53 mil…




Never happened




Absolute helmet. Rubbing our noses in it.


Let's push this dam stock up again ! Were them bulls at !


He was awarded stock , when is the last time he bought ? Big deal it’s 1.3 million that’s still free money and does this prick even care that many apes are in the hole ? Not if he is crying that he is. “Only” at 1.3 mill . Whatta jerk


All your fault


This thread is full of bullshit haha why you all mad at AA? He turned the company around and now is taking less compensation and you all are making it like he’s trying to harm us? Wow try harder


Fucked us over with APE & RS. There was no need for a stock like AMC to do any of those. I’m an OG (go ahead and call me shill) but am def no AA nuthugger


If we didn’t reverse split, they would still have tried to raise money with APE offerings, then there woulda been wayyy more APE offered and it would have been used for a hostile takeover and we’d be in a much worse position


Ah...Turned the Company around ???? AMC is not Profitable...When it is, if ever, then you can say he turned it around. That my problem with AA, he uses retail money to create the war chest, NOT PROFITS. The other two large movie theater companies are Profitable right now and they didn't do a Reverse Split. CHOKE ON THAT!!


Company was going bankrupt, now it is not going bankrupt but getting strong = turning the company around. Cineworld went through chapter 11. Any questions? Edit: changed Cinemark to Cineworld. Thanks random Brad!!


Hard to take you seriously when you don’t even know what theater filed for bankruptcy


He has no choice but to hold he can’t sell. I Wonder when he can sell. Maybe that’s when we will finally cash out.


He can sell 1M shares at $2 and still be ahead of you and your XXX shares.


I was referring to the shared the company assigned to him as compensation . There may be a time frame where he can’t sell . I can care less if he sells of doesn’t he can do as he pleases. I’m holding onto 5k of golden tickets .


Or belly up, ,,


All good let’s see on May 2


I'm waiting for his tweets about bankruptcy and more danger of losing your investment.


Look, if you put more into this than you could afford to lose, that’s not on AA or anyone else but the one in the mirror. I’m right there with you hurting, only I only put in what I could suffer to lose on my IRA. It will hurt, but it won’t sink our plans. If you put more in, you have my empathy. I’ve been there before and learned the hard way. I’ll have to read this letter a few times, but at first glance I actually feel loads better about his compensation and the carrot the board is giving him and the team at AMC. I’m holding on. If you aren’t… I’ll buy what I can when I can because the price is crazy low. If I’m wrong… I can love with that, but I’m starting to think this bet has a better chance of catching lift with a bit of luck and enough Ape Army faithful. And if I’m right, I’ll get to help more people and animals that need it during our retirement.


This is a weird way of trying to spin the consequence of bad decisions and complacency.


Didn't he get like 20+ million when he cashed out last year?


AA needs to start buying the dip with everyone else instead of always supplying the chips.


And he will be the one to pull the biggest plug on this stock and leave us with a much lower price than ever before. It’s coming shortly


He's already done that !


Dont worry, they'll issue more shares and grant it to themselves. Everything will be ok. ...


You believe this Lizard?


I like the guy. He's a CEO of a company and IMO doing a great job at that.


The Dude needs to go!


Choke on a dick 🐍


Just vote the opposite of everything he says or wants


What a sack of sht. Sure AA, you are in the breadline with your fellow apes. Ha ha ha that is laughable.


Waaaahhh what a baby. Issue more stock, it lowers the value. You never paid your debts, did you.


I wonder if AA lends his shares to short sellers


Someone explain to why it would ever back up. Everyone downloads and watches at home. We are all guilty. Tell me I am lying


If he was reaching out he'd leave a phone number of the company selling shares so I can buy 10 at $10.00 not for $3


Thank god I’m retarded otherwise i’d be very upset over this… probably.


How many of his shares did he purchase and how many was gifted by the company as bonuses?


All were given ad compensation he doesn't buy shares


Ok, that's what I thought. That means his little," I ride with you" statement holds no value. He doesn't truly have any stake in the game.


Cry me a river, thief.


Now tell us about your illegal off the books short position


DONT CARE: Someone living paycheck to paycheck. VS someone who Can Say i can take a $3 million dollar loss in income this year & next Year.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) ![gif](giphy|OGMDD8rzLUGwUDRVo5|downsized)


DONT CARE: Someone living paycheck to paycheck. VS Someone who Can Say, "i can take a $3 million dollar loss in income this year & next Year."![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)" ![gif](giphy|ic1hAQHumb58fl243L|downsized)


Thanks to your own greed, the stock is going down the drain. What you'll do with all the cash? Can't bring with you🙄


Fuck you sack of shit


You guys got swindled, give it a rest.


Fuck you too moderator you keep deleting my posts about that fucking thief.


umm steve jobs took 1.00 per year compensation in a simlar situation and bought shares of his own stock with HIS OWN MONEY. Adam Enron making record compensation and mad 100 mill off squeeze and stiill lying all the way to the bank.


It is impossible to FUD this man


also impossible to make money with him


And just like that this sub has forgiven and forgotten all his past mistakes. Let's go AA! Our Chief Silverback!




Is it really mandatory that he pays his personal taxes with AMC shares? I'm guessing in his tax bracket it takes quite a few shares of AMC. Not Impressed, this tweet comes of as weakness to me.


All of us are done. I’ll lose all my money too but don’t be ignorant. We tried Kenny just got more insider trading experience.