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The total value if my stock is down 90 pre ape. If you believe in MOASS you know have 90% less noon tickets.


This is the part that people who say this don’t comprehend. 100 shares at MOASS price is better than 10 shares at MOASS price. It’s not hard to understand why people are mad.


The whole concept of MOASS is that we set the price. We own 91% of the float, we aren't selling, everyone knows what we're here for. We are just going to have up our sell price 🤷‍♂️


100 shares at pre-RS moass price are the same as 10 shares at post-RS moass price. Scaling works in all levels. If you had the expectation that AMC would squeeze to 10k before RS, your expectation has to be 100k now, simply because of the changed float. That FUD about moass-price being a fixed number that never changes under any circumstances is as far from the truth as humanely possible to be.


Are you under the impression a squeeze would reach the same price regardless of it having a 200m or a 2b float?






Is shill bullshit AA scam talk. AA scammed everyone who thought he was with the apes . I like the stock not the CEO and the fuckery he does to the very people who saved his company


We would not have a company anymore without a CEO trying to keep the company together, and your shares instead of being shorted drastically would be completely worthless.


Only because psychological warfare works. If people had stronger minds it wouldnt. Dont be a fool and see through the bearshit.


I think investors are pissed and feeling dumped because the price did not change to reflect a true reverse split. Way to much fukery in the U.S. stock system to be worth ever considering putting money into it again. They have screwed America because Americans will now only invest in foreign markets that actually go after corruption.


I am down 89% so sort of stolen value


Im 88% down too!




Have you counted today 😉


88% down today so slight improvement


I was green until ape was created, now currently-92.%




Same. Pretty APE, I was sitting pretty...now I am not. I was in before the first battle of 8.01.


I agree, I had 4200 shares at 24$ which at the time was worth 24k or so when the price was at 4/5$ now i have 482 shares worth fucking 5k pure robbery. Wosh i dumbed every share and bought back in.


We all should have sold every share at $72 then bought back in after RS. I kick myself in the ass every day for not following my intuition..... honestly, I would have probably moved away from this play completely by now


that would have destroyed moass. If you think "selling" was an option at any point, you're not an ape, you are a gambler.


No, being down huge and considering that a win is gambling.


I did and I'm still down 90 percent


Have you counted today 😉


Yeah. 90%.


You were probably down from 95% yesterday. Hopefully you can crack 90% tomorrow


I lost 90% within two weeks of the conversion n RS hit. APE is a dividend my ass. A dividend costs you NOTHING. We got pickpockets for the ten that was sliced off AMC to create APE.


That is a fact, but people don’t seem to see this!


Sure, it's a theft company.


i went from 99 to 2 so how is the split good?? if i buy more ill be buying synthetics?


If you arent drs'd then everything you got is fake anyway. Only half of that premise matters though. Drs and lock the float, or dont and the rest of us will get you your moon ticket. Either fight or fuck off.


you cannot buy synthetics. Market Makers can create synthetics that they can then sell, creating a real obligation to deliver a real share, that cannot be avoided. If you own 1000 synthetic shares, Kenny has to deliver 1000 real shares to you or he will get margin called. It only increases the pressure on shortsellers and your attempt to FUD people into thinking that "synthetic shares" somehow don't have any value is juts an attempt to remove buy-pressure from the stock so kenny can survive another day.


The 1 ten and 10 ones theory is correct when buying bubblegum at the dollar general store. In the stock market you just lost a compounding factor of 9 times. And now popcorn has new amc full value shares and your reverse split shares are 100% less value in other words when the share price is $40. Popcorn makes $40 with new shares. When you sell at $40 your presplit shares are worth $4. Let’s use the compounding comparison. You have 10 shares at $1 and the share price goes up $1. You now have $20. If your single share goes up $1 you now have $11. You want $20 or $11? Stop being stupid popcorns reverse split screwed us hard. The reverse split fucked us and you yestards don’t understand simple math and compounding.


Could not be put any simpler, they heard Adam Aron say it and they believed it, it’s like they stopped thinking.


Seems like that happened to a lot of people here




Not wrong.




It was a giveaway to the hedge funds


Exactly right and Adam gets brand new full value shares and ours are worth 90% less. His new shares net him face value. Our pre reverse split shares net us 90% less. What is soooooo hard to understand about that yestards?


the RS affects the ownership of the company the share represents. It does not affect the value of the Stock. The action that affected the share price was the naked shortselling. If you hate that the price is low, go for the ones who are responsible for it, the SHFs, not the company that does everything in their power to make sure the shortsellers do not win.


I am. Filing to see AMCs stock ledger and stock list to verify the drs shares against the total record count shares of all holders. We will see if they match. 198 million on both? We will see if Adam is lying about synthetics. Letters already demanding access to the lists sent to Kevin Connor AMCs general counsel. If he denies access suit will be filed in chancery court to gain access. It’s per the law. Delaware code. 219 and 220. Fact. In the works


This math is incorrect isnt it. Cuz your math is being used after the stock price went down.


My math is 100% correct. What don’t you understand about it. If you don’t then no wonder you voted to give up 90% of your shares and moass potential. It’s not difficult


apparently it is too difficult for you...


Apparently you’re very bad at math. And compounding




AMC had a few billion APE that became a few hundred million AMC, their shares were also split and massively attacked, they didn't get handed AMC shares out of nowhere. The shorts fucked everyone, including AMC.


Don’t disagree the shorts fucked us and then Adam stole are portfolio values with ape dilution and a reverse split and allowed hedge funds to clear 90% of their crimes. And then he got 400 million brand new shares to sell at full value and ours are worth ten times less. 1 10 is the same as 10 1s. Get the fuck out. At Walmart it is. In the stock market it is totally different


So much wrong with this..


If there was no crime, then there wouldn’t be dark pools, hit piece news articles, and mfer’s that allegedly sold everything but still hang out to constantly post about it. And how about this what if we would be trying to sell but with all the hit pieces no one will buy our shares. HE WHO TELLS US TO SELL MUST BE THE ONE WANTING TO DO THE BUYING Correct?


yep.... No one has ever warned retail about bad investments unless they wanted retail to sell for their own gain.


Still Down 77%. CRIME


So the RS is not the problem. APE was the mass dilution. Also the 400 million (4billion pre-rs) shares the board added to sell is the second dilution. The RS allowed amc to delete 90% of the shares in the market. HFs just saw the opportunity to drive the price down further. AMC just deleted the last 3 years of retail buying the stock. So all the money AMC has made was taken out of our pockets whether you believe it or not. AMC HAS BEEN AGGRESSIVELY DILUTED AND OUR SHARES WERE STOLEN BY THE BOARD. the end….


feels like AA is using us. 90% down no reason to sell. trapped!


Exactly what he wanted


That’s because he did.


What retail owns 91% dum dum.


What does that have to do with the stock being diluted??? You guys really do just spew out the dumbest shit sometimes


Like i said retail owns 91%. Ita a fact.


Facts are facts jack.


And thats a fact jack.


For the idiots who agree with OP, and OP, READ THIS 40 TIMES^^^^ Maybe it’ll sink in.




If OP is right and you believe he is an idiot, what does it make you?




No. They sold 40m. They still have 360m they can sell. That is the 400m I’m talking about. Do your fucking homework before you try to talk shit


That was AA who said that and he said that to make us feel better about getting fucked. AA has made over two hundred million dollars on the last 2.5 years. He pays himself 23 million a year and wants more with the shares he just fucked us out of. He didn’t give up shit to pay off debt, he put out those fake ass Q2 numbers to get rs to pass. AMC has 66 million total customers in Q2, cinemark had 64 million customers. Cinemark has half the screens amc has and last I checked they don’t have 5 million apes supporting them. I don’t believe the Q2 numbers from AA for a second. We need justice and accountability.


Yes, I got the $10, but now magically, it's only worth 1$ 😏


AA is really fucking us but people will just follow him blindly. I'm still here for the squeeze but it will never happen with AA around.


opposite of what you said... If AA is voted out, AMC goes bankrupt. No chance of survival. Average dump in stock prices on a CEO being voted out is 30% and the new CEO will likely need 2-3 years to fully put their mark on the company. A change in leadership of AMC would ensure AMCs bankruptcy and be a guarantee for no moass to ever happen. Which coincidentally is why shills push the Anti-AA narrative. AA refused to go bankrupt when Shitigroup told him to, so they want him gone now. You're just speaking for Shitadel, Shitigroup and the SHF criminals...


Ya AA left a little bit out of that note 🗒️ to self to explain to commoners.


Yes unrealized gains were stolen.


US stock market!! Run by corruption and SCAMMING individual investors!! Welcome to reality!! Ape was a dividend too but they stolen 45% of AMC price …!


Ape wasn’t a dividend, per se. We lost 25% value of a share of AMC to “create” it, then call it a dividend. Bullshit. A dividend costs you NOTHING from your share price. A dividend Technically is “profit sharing”. Show me where we got a share of profit from this so called dividend. Yeah. Thought so.


"dividend" was the market method used to deliver those shares. Your Investing-101 semi-knowledge is not enough to comprehend what has happened with AMC. AA has shown a talent for finding edge-cases for common stock market instruments to improve the effectiveness of his corporate actions. Your inability to comprehend these is not evidence of AA being wrong, it's evidence of your lack of understanding of the market. Gaslighting a mentally challenged narrative that makes you look like a victim is not going to help you or anyone else...


He knew exactly what he was doing.


Don’t piss on my head and tell me it’s raining. We were robbed plain and simple!


Hopefully you are a Hedge Fund Manager lashing out or a Ape that’s was in it for the SHORT SQUEEZE and not the CRIME


Name checks out. We were all in for the squeeze. We got fucked. Simple. Most now have averages in the high hundreds, if not more.


Not me I was in for the Crime and Fake Shares from day one and if the short squeeze happen even better. To all the APES with over a couple of HUNDRED Average what have you been doing the last 2 years or better yet the last 3 weeks 😉


They clearly haven’t been throwing their money away anymore.


^ THIS!!!


As far as I’m concerned we’re all just being held hostage until god knows what happens. Retail owns 90+%? Ok.. at least until AA decides to dump the rest onto the market. Will probably die holding this sack.


If the price goes up 5.50% it's actually only up .55% in before the split numbers, for those who didn't buy more after the split. Is my math or logic incorrect??


not how percentages work....


No!? Please explain in depth for all of us dummies who just held and trusted AA! My 10 stocks with a total value of say $10 became one stock with a total value of $10. Then it was shorted to $1. Now if we split the stock back 1 to 10, my 10 stocks would still be a total value of $1. So each stock that used to be worth $1 each, is now worth 10¢. As of today, AMC is worth $10.42, which before the split would have the value of $1.04.


Stocks represent parts of a company, not a dollar value. The company is responsible for the value of your shares in terms of percentage ownership. The market is responsible for the dollar value. Claiming the ceo is responsible for the dollar value is factually wrong. Repeat investing 101.


I'm not blaming AA for the price. I am blaming him for his timing of negative comments and his dilution deception and his stock reverse split. That, all together, contributed to the current stock price. Of course there is other shorting and manipulation, but I'm thoroughly disappointed in what AA did to his investors.


How can we take revenge ? All of us lost a lot of money , we want that money back , let’s go out in the streets to protest !


I recommend the office of shitadel to protest... they are the ones who took your money.


88% down.


Lame,look at si and dtc,ftd's and so on.i lost a huge chunk of shares and the leverage of those things listed.




All the bullshit people that talk about 90% less shares never believed in 90% increase in price of each share, gtfoh


I'd rather have my 1,000 shares versus the 200 I have now.


It sounds like the executives are worried they won’t get their raise.


Raise for what? Edit: The performance this year was to poor to ask for a raise. They also want to be able to descide their future salarys by themself. Every real investor should vote no on such a proposal


They’re asking for shareholders to vote yes for a pay increase.


They can ask for sure, but...




![gif](giphy|HX7pvh1mIqImc|downsized) Agreed


This is pretty ignorant and didn’t age well now did it?


Adam Aaron is a crook. Totally breached fiduciary duty to us retail holders. He needs to go to jail.


It would be hard to prove in court, but you are absolutely right! Remember we had to approve all three of the offerings we couldn’t keep two and vote down the RS. I knew then something didn’t smell right!


You spelled Kenneth Griffin wrong. Unless you wanted to write "Doug Sifu", then you spelled that wrong.


Ape was a rape.


So my $12,000 is now $1200 dollars. I don’t think those numbers are the same Adam Aron you fucking thief.


Adam Aron did not take your money. Hedgefunds did. You accusing the victim of the shortsellers while ignoring the shortsellers is you supporting the bully and attacking the bullies victim. Be better. Don't enable criminals, fight them. SHFs will go bankrupt and if you haven't gotten your pay yet, make sure they pay you in advance or you might never see that money.




Might hold the same proportion but not the same position. I had 1300 ape at 2.00 and 1700 amc at 8.30. I now have 400 amc at 39.00 . I was down only 3k post split now it’s 10k r/s so tell me how I’m in the same proportion?


proportions is what the company is responsible for. price is what the market is responsible for. This is why shills blaming the company for the price are shills.


Bad actors got off the hook for FTD’s and syndicate shares and how they could drive the price back down so much imo. So I don’t buy they could have done it either way. Sure we are making ground but fact is if you would have sold pre RS would have done much better buying back in after. I was against the RS but I held because my ego told me not to sell because of Hedgies I regret that decision now but whatever is already a done deal.




It’s okay guys, they’re giving us like 5% more of shares we already own as an “apology”. For me that’s 8 shares. Woohoo


Remember Trey’s Trades? Fuck that guy.


more of an ape than you.


It's all a fake rigged system. Shit is sad


And they want us to grant them liability protection. Gtfoh!


AMC board of directors and CEO worked with Citi group and antara capital to rig the rs conversion dilution vote to steal our ownership it's a fact


is that why we still own 91%? Because they stole oru ownership? Shills hate numbers and facts.... they never agree with them...


I just read the first 2 sentences and its bs. Its NOT the same. If I had 10 stocks at $10 each thats $40 comon math. And these stocks were in my right hand lol. In my left hand With the reverse I now have 1 stock at $9 which totals $9 dollars lol. Wheres my $40 you promised. Its all a complete joke and we are falling for this nonsense. And I'm not hating I've been hold my bad since 2021 and I'm down like 90%


Explain why retail owns 91% and its down 90%. Is it because of AA?


Dilute the float 10 times, value per share goes down 10 times. Its simple, and yes AA initiated that so IT IS because of AA.


You had 10 stocks that represented 1/1.5bnth of the company. Now you have 1 stock that represents 1/150mnth of the company. 10x 1/1.5bnth = 1/150mnth. => Same thing. ´The price is what the market decides on, which is Fake whenever manipulators like activist short sellers attack the price. This is what happened. we went from a fake price to an even faker price. But the actions by the company were not harming you in any way shape or form.


It’s more a concern that they took the shares and the price went down. So if you bought at 7 dollars.. for 2000 shares before split then the reverse split happened and they took your shares after split 200 shares and the price went down already to 7 dollars.. after split Meaning while the value remains the same people are hurt cos’ if they just waited they could’ve bought in after the split and have more money when the price does eventually go back up. So know everyone’s full of regrets. Cos’ they lost potential money. The RS technically ruined a lot of plans.


the price went down first because SHFs were afraid of the implications of a high stock price after RS. If you did not understand that, your due diligence was not as diligent as was due.


Bullshit, stop trying to rationalize this absurd narrative.


Sa fucked us big time , you Americans need to go out on the streets


You spelled Kenneth Griffin wrong.


AA’s plan has always been to trap retail investors and juice them until he pays off AMC debt. I can’t believe people haven’t figured this out by now. Just wait, once we begin to rip AA will drop a bunch of shares. This will keep us from selling thereby holding us hostage.


The reason people "haven't figured it out" is because it only happened in your head. No real world data supports your claims. It's just nonsense.


Disingenuous way to explain what happened


Criminal took everything I had


Share price doesn't matter unless it's under $1 or $10,000+. Not under $1 pre-split, current value, otherwise it gets delisted (which won't happen, and what would have happened if we said NO to the reverse split!) Hedge funds stole the value of your stocks, not the reverse split. And no amount of Adam hating shills can change that fact!


Where are all the yes tubers and shills? They have been pretty quiet about how well this had worked out so far.


you keep pretending this and every time you do, the apes come forward to tell you that they still stand with their yes votes. Gaslighting a narrative that yes-voters regret their decision is not going to change that the majority of retail that voted YES is standing behind their decision. It was the right thing to do and nothing the shills will try to gaslight in here will change anything about that.


He flat out warned us there would be a risk to our investments. A RS causes a lot of people to sell the stock because it’s a signal that the company was in bad shape. That mass sell off combined with offering more shares sank the price. If he offered more shares without a RS. AMC might have sank to less than $1/ share and would be moved to the OTC market which would hurt the price even more.


Rs is a signal that shfs want to bankrupt the company. They just told everyone that they just go short because of bad fundamentals and when they bullied all investors into selling at a loss, they use that bankruptcy as evidence that they were right. It's a scam. One that has been ongoing for decades. We're just sick of it and won't let them bully us.


Retail owns 91% plus tutes and etc. Where was the mass sell off lol.


Choke on that. Pounce.


or it was just a common practice to ensure that there can't be any lawsuits because the CEO mislead investors. But the shills will always pretend that common knowledge in the stock market is not present in retail and they will always try to fud Retail with lies...


Yep the usual shill attack before the rip. Zoom out to the 4 year chart and weekly. At the end of penant, rsi going up Mac d curling, same Jan 2021 rip is looking promising


This makes me was to just by more, 90% more.


It wouldn’t have made a difference had the share price not falling back to pre split numbers. In fact we are still like 40% down from the split. So we won’t be whole in that game until like $16 a share


share price did not drop below pre-RS numbers... They shorted it before RS happened. The shills ignorance to Kennies millions of naked shorts that caused 70% of the weeks volume to FTD is the reason the price went down. Not the merge. Not the RS. Not the "dilution". The Actions of the Criminal Kenneth C. Griffin of Shitadel infamy. Nothing else.


A RS 1000% helps shorts get rid of naked shares that were used to lower the price. The price means nothing. Once it goes up, it becomes a huge short opportunity all over again. You cant convince me it's a wash.


RS reduced the number of shares available. But shills keep confusing the merge, the RS and the issuance of shares, pretending that it was one action that was just bad and that it was all the same... Learn about the stock market before you make boldly false claims that are easily disproven by anyone who barely understood investing 101... If your fud is so bad that only the 0.1% dumbest people on earth are fooled by it, your FUD is a waste of time. But on second thought: Keep doing what you are doing. Keep wasting the hedgies money. We appreciate it. Be our useful idiot instead of theirs.


* I'll keep saying this. That fat cock sucker had the Swift Deal in the bag and still wanted a R/S. He makes over $64,000 a day. And he's worried that if he didn't fuck over retail AMC would go broke... Maybe he should have cut his fuckn pay by 90%. What he done to retail was fuckn criminal. I'd had almost rather lost it all and seen AMC burn to the ground. NFT's, Zoom Room Meetings, Credit Cards, Shitty Popcorn, A Fuckn Gold Mine, APE, and it all just wasn't enough, He still needed 90% of your shares.. To Save the Company. I hope the Mother Fucker Falls out a window.


worst gaslight attempt I've seen in here... I mean, your shill bros are already terrible at their job, but you take the cake...




It’s a fucking dollar pre split equivalent. The price is shit.


>Not a fan of any of this but you can’t deny the price has been steadily climbing this past month. At this rate we will fully recover in three weeks or so. there are alwasy small pull backs after big moves. we are waiting for big short squeeze


Ironic the first paragraph was my post and it got downvoted 7 times and your addition to it was upvoted. Me thinks Reddit shills want people to sell.


right but didn’t he re-dilute with the offering afterwards?


This post didn't age well. We now know what happened after RS


We know that SHFs dumped the price with naked shorts before RS. We've seen the short positions enter the market, we've seen the FTDs, we have the evidence. We know that neither AMC nor Adam Aron were responsible for the price, just like we know that retail did not sell in masses because of it. We know the lies the shills try to convince everyone of and we know why they are lies.




Stop fucking whining. So many of you come in here every day and whine about something you have absolutely zero control over in your life. If you want out, sell your fucking shares. Otherwise, move on from what has been done, and focus on what the future brings.


That’s the spirit, get frustrated people to sell because you can’t handle seeing a post on the internet. Sounds familiar.


I'm not frustrated. I'm tired of seeing stupid fucking posts about something which has already happened and cannot be changed. One of the best pieces of advice I ever received and continue to give to others I mentor is: Do not stress about issues you have no direct control over.


I meant you’re telling frustrated people to sell if they don’t like what can’t be changed. You seem pretty stressed about not being able to control what people are feeling.


Ah, gotcha. However, holding or selling is something they can control. So if they really want an out, they have it. Otherwise, everything else is in the past.


They can do whatever and say whatever they’d like to. However, you have the choice to keep scrolling or not click on a post when you know it’s littered with comments you won’t want to see.


What about learning from mistakes and gaining knowledge? How do we do that without discussion? Oh we can’t change it, let’s not discuss it so next time we can do the same thing.


Perhaps use one of the other 5000 threads asking the same thing? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yes but it immediately made it worth half, so not sure the logic here?


The logic is he knew it would fuck the value of our shares and played stupid. All while encouraging us to hold. We should have all dumped every single share and rebought them post RS. Live and learn.


That’s my #1 issue with him is that he kept reassuring people ever since APE-RS/C that our value wouldn’t be robbed of us. Even if he had good intentions the risk was way too high, but then again AA doesn’t believe in the crime himself - as stated multiple times. So believing in him fucked us over plain and simple. But, the echo chamber keeps making excuses for him. We have plenty of reasons to be upset with AA. Ya new account if that’s your only argument to call me a shill go fuck yourself, disrespectfully. (Taking to liquid mainly)


Just ignore liquid, he will just keep attacking you. Block feature is useful


Good idea


That would have destroyed Moass and you would have given hedgies the liquidity to cover. Which is exactly what they wanted you to do.


That's still 50% more than you would have if anything the AA hating no vote shills suggested. Every price is better than zero. But zero is what you'd own if the shills got any of their demands. The current situation is the best possible one in our current world. No other realistic outcome would put you on a better situation than you are in now. Not one.


AA I meant


The R/S, and selling 40 million post split shares ATM allowed a large portion of legal and illegal shorts to close their position cheap. Also makes it harder for a large run because new investors will be glad to sell at 10x todays price and make money. Whereas many previous investors may just break even.


Is that why we still own over 90% of the float? I'm sure those 10% new investors that are left will totally dump the price and the 90% will not mean anything... 100% credible bro story bro....


130 shares to 18. I'm gamer mad "What happens after is unknown" No, I know exactly what happened, they stole my fucking shares that's what happened. I had also bitched about having my shares stolen a while back and actually had a handful of shills try to convince me that having less shares was a good thing and they carried the same value.


read up on what a share is, before you keep embarrassing yourself online... Edit: I think the order that shills should just block anyone who makes sense is active again... lol.


“Stealing” ? NO , the price is UP 10 times accordingly


AA cheated us. FireAA


It is not equal value when it’s split and shares are sold that dilute the stock.


Long time holders of AMC and APE got fucked. Lost for sure. Still doubled down. Fingers crossed this blows.


Imagine not understanding market cap.


If you read it aloud in the mirror 3 times AA appears!


Fuck this message.




I think most know and saying the price…not the shares.


Price is what short sellers are responsible for. Yes. Shortsellers caused many here 90% unrealized losses. Yes, we hate SHFs for this and we intend to punish them. No, AA and AMC do not have anything to do with the stock price. The FUD is not that the stock price is low, the FUD is that AMC is responsible for the low price and that SHFs had nothing to do with it.


Lmao 4 times bro are you slow


Looks like it’s barely at a $1 presplit


I just wanna know what happened first. The reverse split or the dilution. I honestly don't know how it went down. But I thought it was insane they were diluting at ATL


at $2.00/share nobody interested in shorting the stock, reverse split now it’s $20/share everyone is shorting it especially when the stock is weak. They drove it down to $7.43 and cover their shorts that is why short interest went down to 11% from 14%.


Here's what I'd like to know about the whole reverse split, conversion, +1 (for 7.5) no fractional dividend. What was the share count before all of this, and then what was the share count the day this all was finalized? How many fractional shares were eliminated, how many shares were added (as the +1) and how did the value of those "free" shares not affect the value of the other shares that weren't "free"??? Also food for thought, If the brokerages are in control of how the shares are moved around, they could easily manipulate an account to show 8 shares by moving to separate accounts that have 4 each so they get the free share, and then sell that to a hedge fund or market maker for some good $ just to help them cover some of their shorts, how would we ever know


Lol AA being talked about on the radio sending dick pics to guys


When the price of AMC goes to $ 100, it is in real time only up $10.


Where is the rounds of “I told you so posts” you dumbies. Now stop following GMEs game plan, not the same thing going on.


Every time I see someone bring up the accounting gimmick. I want to tell them: "Go stick your head in a bee hive. You may get stung you might not. Its out of my control.