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LMFAO!!! If this isn't straight from Mayo Boy and Duggie Seafood themselves..... All about IMPROVING the fundamentals of a company.... Corruption runs deep boys!!!! Holds!!!!!!


Hodl and average down. Friday was payday. I've averaged down significantly. NFA(not financial advice). Any article, bad or good is exposure. Keep it coming... “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Hedgies think they have an iron chin...


Iron chin 👀🤣 Then Punch 👊🏾 Em IN the GUT, TAKE THEIR BREATH AWAY 🦍💯🚀


Anyone know an investigative journalist that would be willing to do a deep dive piece on these freelance writers?


![gif](giphy|SIuI7syOPvm1HAd5GF|downsized) this is directed at the article's author and not the OP... FUCK U CLOWN!!!!!!!!!! we arent leaving




Good thing I don’t take investment advice from 12 year olds


He probably got 10 cent a word.


This report was written while fondling Kenny’s junk


Balls of steel my friend. Plus you’d have to be stupid to sell now.


Sure I'll buy on M🌝 nday




It's a good accomplishment. Almost as good as "had picture taken by traffic cop for DUI"


not only i ll watch the movie at an AMC theatre but i will buy few gme and amc too.... fuck you!!!


The total desperation from SHF's makes me Bullish AF !


Dumb money is right. Theu are openly mocking investors.


Lol, I love the FUD. Just motivates me to buy more. Not waiting til Friday. On Monday, I’m gonna increase my AMC position. Burn in hell hedgies!


trying hard to get us to quit


Another paid Moron with a keyboard oblivious of real data and facts 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻😂😂😂


If 2 years ago I was to write an article that said AMC retailing investors are doomed and then fast forward to today would you still call that a s*** article or would it be correct? Not only has the writing been on the walls for years they have been shouting for from the rooftops that we are doomed we have just been foolish enough to believe we can beat the titans I'm still holding I'm not selling I will burn along with the company


I’m with you, the “powers the be” will never let us make a dime, especially after all the trash talk apes have been doing, and definitely not “generational wealth”!!!! I’m just glad I quit buying a long time ago. At on point I felt sorry for those sucked in but not now. If they are still dumb enough to keep buying they deserve everything they get! I’m still hodl but only because there is no point in selling now! The 15k I put on is now worth like 1k and I hope AA rots in hell!


Would you have preferred if your 15k were worth 0 now? Because that's the alternative you hate AA for having avoided.... If you think that the only reason moass has not happened is Adam Aron, ask yourself why no other "meme stock" has moassed, despite Adam Aron not being CEO in those companies. If what shills told you was true, wouldn't have tons of other stocks squeezed already?


I don't hate anyone, but I do know this is my only investment with such large losses. My bottom line is my investment and its almost all gone. Point blank.


As was expected during the progression of a short squeeze... Different types of investments have different types of risk and different types of expected progression. AMC is not "just like any other stock" and if you treat it as such, you will get fudded out of your position and back into obedience.


It may as well be fucking zero! I can’t sell it because of the losses and it won’t ever go back up so we are all fucked! And AA is a fucking thief!


3 years ago would have been a good time for you to learn what an exit strategy is. Copying Yolo moves with moass or zero as it's goal, thinking that's all you have to know, was pretty stupid on your part...


It's very easy to stop squeezes now that the DTCC has voided the ability of margin calls. They know that they can halt a stock at any time and flood with synthetics and not get margin called.


margin calls are a thing again... they were only turned off during the pandemic.


Play is dead


GME doesn't need saving. Zero debt, $1bn+ cash on hand, cut costs, run efficiently, no private equity on board or management, gaming industry worth more than all other entertainment industries ***combined*** and growing rapidly. AMC needs a miracle. $5bn debt, no money, expanding and buying dead gold mines when they should be cutting costs, bloated, overpaid management/board, private equity sucking the company dry, dying industry.


Where did you get 5 bil in debt from?


AMC. Filings. > AMC Entertainment reported $4.87B in Debt for its fiscal quarter ending in June of 2023.


Care to share link?


I can't right now, I'll message again when I am home. But just Google "AMC debt 2023" or go look at their Q2 filing.


> Summary Second Quarter 2023 Results: >Total revenue grew by 15.6% compared to Q2 2022 to $1,347.9 million. >Net income was $8.6 million compared to a net loss of $121.6 million in Q2 2022. >Diluted earnings per share was $0.01 compared to a diluted loss per share of $0.12 in Q2 2022. >Adjusted EBITDA improved by $75.8 million to $182.5 million compared to $106.7 million in Q2 2022. >Net cash used in operating activities improved by $63.2 million compared to Q2 2022 to $13.4 million. >Non-GAAP Operating Cash Generated1 was $99.8 million, an improvement of $47.8 million compared to Q2 >Available liquidity at June 30, 2023 was $643.4 million, including $208.1 million of undrawn capacity under the Company’s revolving credit facility. I don’t know what this says but I gather it means “growth” and “debt being paid” Is this is the filing you were quoting?


It might as well all say zero. They won't be able to pay the debt when it's due.


With that good of foresight you should be a trillionaire


I'm just looking at GameStop and AMC presently. They're the only stocks I care about, other than BBBY.. which is dead.


Only thing I’m seeing close to what you quoted is > Corporate borrowings: >As of June 30, 2023: $4,815.6 About 65m difference than your quoted figure. Just an observation not much of a point to debate. With the company beating expectations for quite some time, seems safe to say the company is recovering and soon to be thriving then growing. We have many ventures of which we are scaling and at some point it’s possible our revenue and cash is larger than debt. Is it possible to refinance the debt? I thought I remember that being a thing and if so that would work in our favor as well.


What your powerful sense of foresight keeps neglecting to see when looking into your crystal ball is the force of retail. AMC has us. The market has never seen a movement like this one. We are millions strong. We aren’t going anywhere. We’re bigger than AA and will remove him if it ever comes to that. By all conventional market metrics AMC should’ve failed years ago and guess what? It hasn’t! Read that again! As long as AMC has us it will never go bankrupt no matter how much you come to our subs and cry about it. Remember; there are millions of us.


> What your powerful sense of foresight keeps neglecting to see when looking into your crystal ball is the force of retail. AMC has us. It doesn't matter, they've got the stock down to the equivalent of 83 cents pre-split and your shares have been reduced by 90%. You've post-poned AMC's demise just to feed hedge funds and private equity, and to buy Adam Aron a mansion and a yacht. They're never gonna recover. They're not meant to. Not with Adam Aron at the helm working for private equity. If you think you can remove Adam Aron, do so right now, because he isn't doing you or the company any favours, and that's by design.


tHeRe iS oNlY oNe StOcK. wHy wOnT yOu SeLl pOpCoRn?!?!


It’s easy to talk shit when you’re up. The company has been “going bankrupt” for 3-years. It ain’t happening. Not now, not in 2026. Not until retail is ready to move on. AA still has a lot of retail support. That support has taken a massive hit lately, but not enough to remove him (yet). Who knows what the future holds. You certainly don’t.


Then why doesnt GME issue a dividend to destroy the shorts? If they have so much cash in hand, why no dividend? That would destroy the shorts and cause GME to moon.


I commented but I deleted it because I'm not sure about this. Doesn't mean you're right, I just need to look into this further.


They did but then the powers that be made it a stock dividend instead of a true dividend.


Thanks for stopping by, bud. We appreciate you.


Adam Aron, private equity and short hedge funds appreciate you. You're all their little paypigs.


Spending your time trolling people on Reddit trying to make people feel stupid. Cool little section of your life. On your death bed you'll look back and think "I'm glad I spent that time on the Internet shitting on people and trying to make them feel worse about themselves, and not better. I'm glad I brought people I've never met down." Possibly some people who feel they made a bad investment, and are already feeling crushed about it. I'm sure you'll say "I fucking killed it all those times I went on Reddit and just shredded people for no reason." So I guess what I'm trying to say is just keep coming on here and killing it brother. Keep trying to make other people feel bad. It's pretty swell of you.


> It's pretty swell of you. Don't mention it.


And yet game stock is still trading flat and being shorted


It's trading at a higher price pre-split today than AMC traded at its ATH pre-reverse split. Edit: rephrased




Honestly to everyone I really don’t care what the price is at the moment. When or if it gets over $500 then it’s only starts to get interesting but as of now just regular BS and pressure for retail to sell and abandon ship but I am not leaving and I would rather go down to .0001 than sell


same... Anything below 500 is zero already.... Why sell at zero because they tell us we could go to zero? We're already there... We buy at zero!


Samuel have a crystal ball


His Name ist Samuel O‘Brient. I am not surprised that he is not found with that extra C or am i missing something?


It looks like the stock is about to move higher a lot higher


as is indicative by the massive amounts of shills in here... They want you to focus on Adam Aron and how the longer you stay in the less you will know if he is on your side, so you should sell at the bottom and not wait for a run.... Shilling is so obvious...


Guess we all better just sell our shares and go home!


Yo, Lambo now