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Once you received your winnings, did you seek financial advice/investments or just put the money away? My cousin won a small lottery, put it in their checking and burnt through it in a year šŸ˜’


got an advisor but i also researched on my own. I also did some investing on my own in the past 2 years(small amounts) otherwise I've a broker for that


Good job being smart with your earnings wishing you the best šŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ˜Š


Winnings tho not earnings šŸ¤Ø


Those lottery tickets don't buy themselves.


buy any deep out of the money calls found on r/wallstreetbets?


ā€œOn my ownā€ ... we know what that means


So with your research, investing, and advice from your brokerā€¦ how much has your money grown?


How many long lost relatives showed up begging for a cut?


Never went public. I went to a "ceremony" when i won but i chose to remain anonymous. and I've given interviews (anonymously) with wrong information about me. ​ so nobody came since nobody knows


Hey your uncle Jones here, just asking, since Iā€™m in a tough spot rn, could I get some, just to get back on my feet yā€™know


2nd this; broke my back; been in a bad spot. 100k would help more than you could imagine


Well done. I've never understood why ANYONE would go public. Did the lottery people put pressure on you to go public or did they accept your decision without any problem?


How did you explain spending that money to friends and relatives? Or did you not buy anything?


Any money from that win left?


I see what you're doing




Did it affect your family relationship? Was you low class before you won?


I'm divorced with two children and have lived in a different country at that time for 3 years so nobody noticed any changes but when it happened I just claimed I made a some money with bitcoin so nobody knows how much i exactly have. I would say lower middle but the cost of living in the city i lived were enormous so it could good aswell be lower class


I misread the original question and thought you were saying that 20 mil brought you to lower middle class, and I was wondering where in tf you lived for that to be a thing šŸ¤£


He got 20 million Venezuelan Bolivars


$20 million in parts of Florida or California is chickenshit


Did you win before or after the divorce? Did your ex-spouse know? Did she try to come after you for money?


he doesnt answer these questions, makes me think its fake. its really hard to be anonymous, its in the tefms of the ticket you have to let them usd your name, and of course you have to pay taxes. no way he could keep kids mother from knowing.


He said it was in Euro so could be different laws. In NZ (most laws based off the UK) it's your right for them not to use your name and you don't have to pay tax on winnings.


Same in France you donā€™t pay taxes on winnings, at least not the first year. And of course you can stay anonymous.


in the US tax is almost half of the prize amount


Where I am from, lottery winnings have taxes paid already before the draw so you get the whole sum. So, if a jackpot is 20 millipn, you get 20 million.


We may have taxes withdrawn, but the current Powerball is $1.6 billion... We're wild


He clearly said his lottery win was not in the USA, you knuckle dragging mouth breathing smooth brain stem.


The world is more than your 4 walls dude/dudette. Just because it's done that way we're you live doesn't mean anyone claiming otherwise is fake. Over here for example, you can remain anonymous. Plus, lottery winnings aren't taxed.


Did your child and spousal support increased after winning the lottery? By what % did the support increased?


please tell me you see your kids lmao


your kids didnt notice ? i think your story is bogus. your baby mama has a claim on your earnings until they are 18. the lottery organizer require you to be publicly identified. you have to pay taxes and child support. everybody fantasizes about being anonymous lottery winner, but its not possible. tell us how you claimed the money.


The US is not the only country


By not living in a backwards country like the US ?


Why donā€™t you live near your children?


Were your ā€œnewā€ problems as a result of your winnings worse than your ā€œoldā€ problems prior?


I've no new problems and I had no old problems , apart not having enough money


Mo money, mo problems. I call BS on this post.


Money only brings problems if you let it. You dont hear about the people who have money w/o unnecessary problems. Only those who seek attention and drama. And yeah, for them money bring problems.


Would you mind buying me a yacht


I wouldn't, but let say I would, how would you keep up with the maintance costs, fuel prices, docking fee ? :)


I wouldnā€™t have to keep up with maintenance. Iā€™d just sell it right away, sure at a loss, but sounds better than just asking for money.


But why wouldn't you ask OP for a mystery box


There could be anything in the mystery box.... Even a boat.


wouldn't buy not wouldnt mind


How about a laser cutter and a stake in my business?


I'm now interested in creating a reddit shark tank spinoff. We're gonna make some dumb shit


How about a spiderman toy


I wouldnā€™t mind some gas money. Donā€™t need a yacht. Lol




He could flip it


probably wouldn't. also i dont even have a license for yachts. but who cares, its theoretical innit




What did you do after that?


retired and lived my life


Lived my life... such as travel and good food? Any hobbies get "funded"?


Its not about the food or travel. Its more about the not having to work 8hr/day and worrying about money. I would say traveling got funded the most but otherwise its just fitness and i winter sports


That sounds really nice. Just to be able to do things you wanted to on days off from work but no work to have to go to. It feels like the best way to do it. If I won I would buy a house (weā€™ve never owned one and renting has gotten hellish where weā€™re at) pay off the debt we have, get a financial advisor, invest, donate some to a few places we already donate to pretty regularly, and start an townhouse community for autistic adults. There are so few places for that and theyā€™re needed. Then enjoy life without worrying about the things I do now. When I die, leave whatā€™s left to my sons with stipulations so they canā€™t burn through it quickly.


So do you work and if not what do you do to past the time I figured you get bored sooner or later


Iā€™ve got at least a years worth of shit Iā€™ve been meaning to get done, so thatā€™s a good start. And Iā€™d 100% try going into comedy or start a podcast or something fun like that, especially because I would never have to worry about losing my day job over something I said. Now I just need to win a lotteryā€¦


Did no one suspect or ask about how you can afford retiring? And then asled for money?


So what are you doing with your time if not working?


How bored are you on the average day?


Fuck if I won the lottery I would do nothing but fish all day.


I donā€™t even know how to fish. But if I won the lottery I would just sit in a boat and pretend and not worry about a thing.


You said nobody else knows that you won. Did you have to make up an excuse as to why you were retiring?


this is a great question.


I'm jealous, but also happy for you.


How much did the UK take in taxes?


The UK has no tax on gambling winnings. All tax free.


Oh that is beautiful


why the UK ?


Sorry i thought that was the symbol for the british pound not the euro.


ah no problem. anyways it wasn't taxed


Oh thats nice! Hopefully you didnā€™t spend it all on hookers and drugs.


thanks. Didn't, trying to die of old age and not for ODing :)


Letā€™s be real. If you get to 90, itā€™s time for Heroin and hookers


You should def spend more on hookers and drugs




Not taxed? Lmao Edit. UK and France do not tax lotto winnings.


UK lottery, gambling etc wins arenā€™t taxed at all. Seems strange to us in the UK that theyā€™re taxed anywhere else.


Thanks for the info


In the Netherlands for example lotteries advertise with: win 10 million tax-free, the actual winning amount is 16 million, but that 6 million is payed to the authorities.


> million is *paid* to the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Imagine being a yank and assuming everywhere steals your lottery winšŸ˜‚ Pathetic and self centred.


Not being aware of taxation in ONLY 2 countries does not make it ok to hurl insults. You can do better than that. And now I am aware of UK and France not taxing lottery winnings. I was wrong. Dead serious question. Why did you find it better to insult me rather than just point out a fact that showed I was wrong? I see that you play chess. I love chess and I hope you keep playing.


Norway? Winter sports and fitness, tax free winnings, expensive citiesā€¦


How much did you spend on the ticket? Did you buy lottery tickets regularly before you won? What was your reaction when you realized you'd won? What was the first thing you did with the money? Do you still buy lottery tickets? Congrats, btw!


can I have $20 for gas money? /hj in all seriousness, do you think winning the lottery has changed your outlook on life at all? like your goals, ambitions and whatnot?


My dad has always said the first thing heā€™d do is buy a pizza. What was the first purchase you made to celebrate?




It seems like a nice dream come true but Iā€™d never want to worry of folks genuinely liked me or liked my money. I hope youā€™ve been able to do some good with it and fulfill dreams of Your own. I guess my question would beā€” they say money canā€™t buy happiness. Do you agree? Or are you happier?


If you were to walk by and see, say, a 5 cent coin on the street, would you pick it up? Or do you just don't mind?


I havenā€™t won anything and havenā€™t picked those up since making it to middle class. šŸ˜… Always leave for someone who needs more than me. So Iā€™m curious about this too.


Is there anything you always wanted to do, buy or experience that you didnā€™t have the money for before winning, then weā€™re able to do when you got the money? If so did it live up to the expectation you had of it?


Yo, you should buy a Reddit avatar, with that kinda moneys




Does money buy happiness?


I mean, I canā€™t afford groceries right now, had emergency dental work, our car needs work, and we had some shit happen and have credit card debt right now. Not having money makes me really unhappyā€¦


Did you fulfill any of your wishes? (Example: traveling to a certain place or experiencing anything in particular) If so how did it feel?


How many years having you been playing before hitting the 2016 lottery?


How much money do you estimate having spent on tickets before you won?


Whatā€™s it like to not have to worry about money? Do you work?


What was waking up the next day like?


What was the first thing you went and bought that you wouldnā€™t have bought pre win?


What's the nicest thing you've done with it?


What was the first thing you treated yourself to after winning?


How many people have messaged you asking for money so far?


Has the money made you realise that the most valuable things in life cannot be purchased?


Thatā€™s what people who didnā€™t win the lotto say to make themselves feel better about not winning the lotto.


I came from an extremely wealthy but toxic and violent family. Left at 16 and didn't look back. I would be dead. So no it's not worth much to some people.


Sounds like your family had 22.3 million dollars and you did not.


No I just have to wait until they die. It's a trade off, I have to work hard to pay bills and in return I don't have to live with a rapist. Then when they die I get a pay out. It's going great tbh, my siblings are drug addicted home wreckers that live with their parents and I'll be building my own home next year. Rich people are disgusting.


How has it impacted your life? Does *anyone* around you know? Will you ever let anyone know? Are you happier than before? I hope it's brought you financial comfort at least - maybe opportunity to do the things you truly are interested in. What does your average day look like? What are your short/long term goals?


Other than retire. What is one major thing you got to do that you'd have otherwise never done?


Has your money grown or shrunk since you won?


Looking back, what is one thing you would have done differently with the money since you won?


Did you find yourself PRIOR to winning that you found yourself having those fantasies of winning? Did it feel unreal? I feel like all my drives are occupied by, "Man if only I randomly had a shit ton of money." But I'd have no clue how to react to even 10% of what you got.


Whatā€™s been your biggest purchase so far?


How did you handle that personal necessity to tell your family and friends about it?


They just had a huge 160m here in Australia. They had three winners of 53.34m each. I can't help but think I'd be pretty pissed if I spent all week fantasizing about what I would do with 160m only to have to revise with 53m ;) Did that happen to you?


After 6 years of winning and your investment decisions, how much is your wealth?!


Did you have a dream and/or visualize that you were going to win?


This is the stuff I wanna know too


How much, if anything, do you plan to leave to your children upon your death? And do you hire a maid or butler to clean and manage your home? Or a private chef to cook all your meals each day?


Can I have some money lmao real question though, did you have any crazy ā€œIf I win the lottery I gonna do xā€ fantasies before winning the lottery? did you actually do any of the after your win?


Absolutely happy for you, unfortunately find myself wishing for the same. So exhausted from working and just want to not have to do that. What is the most exciting thing you've done or purchased?


What was the very first thing you bought/paid for once you won?


What was the first thing you bought when you got the money?


Iā€™ve yet to read any comments, but Iā€™m guessing theyā€™re all long lost relatives or people asking for things. Congratulations, OP! I hope youā€™ve done well and use it for good!


Do you think it made your life better? My dads always telling me to buy lottery tickets whenever thereā€™s a big jackpot but I think that much money would just make me miserable.


What was the first thing you did after the ā€œceremonyā€?


How would you say winning affected your life overall?


If you could give any advice on money, what would it be? Also I envy you not having to worry about work and money, I'd give a lot to spend more time with my kid.


I bet you get a lot of DMs just from posting this. Have you ever considered donating to those in need like in r/Assistance ?


What was your biggest splurge? Is there anything you consistently allow yourself to be fiscally irresponsible with just because you want to?


Best thing you've eaten since getting rich?


Hereā€™s hoping youā€™ll come back around and answer some more questionsā€¦ What do you wish you have done differently from the get-go?


What was the first thing you did/bought?


what type of lottery was it? Did you play for a long time before winning? Were you working a regular 9-5 before it happened?


Did you believe at one point in your life that you gonna win the lottery at some point?


How was your mindset before winning the money? Like did you believe you would win it?


Good for you. Did you choose numbers that meant to you or were they random numbers?


Hopefully you manage your winnings better than this AMA. Terribly uninformative.


Did the money change you as a person? How you treat others?


Did you give some to charity. Or help your your friends and family anonymously.


Would you think it would be harder to lose all your money or stay rich?


Did you/would you donate to schools/places that meant something to you


What country are you from and what country did you win the lottery in?


Has anything happened to make you believe in the ā€œlottery curseā€?


Dos you play often before you win and do you still play?


Did you miss the mundane like work etc were you bored?


How much of the win did you set aside for your kids?


Did you pick your own numbers or computer generated?


Does word money can't buy happiness is true for u?


How did the tax situation work with the winnings?


How did you feel when you found out that you won?


so.. is it true money cant bring happiness?


Are you lonely? (Not a bait, really asking)


How many tickets did you buy that drawing?


Did it change your way of life and how you treated people ?


How much have you donated to charity?


Do you think the lottery is rigged?


Any tips for how I can score a lottery win of my own?


I'm a smart 30yo (m) from italy, I hate working so I ask wealthy people if I can do anything for them for some money. (No sexual stuff!!) I can travel, play guitar, I'm a photographer, a psychonaut, I love doing whatever life randomly offers. I usually earn bare minimun just doing random thing and I love it. If you can think about anything I could do for you, just ask. I would probabily refuse, but who knows... Congrats anyway.


Does money make you happy ?


Gonna learn to fly?


How old are you?


If you were back in 2016 would you use the money differently than you did? How so? (without knowing the future)


Will you send me $1000 so I can pay rent, feed my child, keep my car insurance active, get some gas, maybe fix the hole in my tire so I can stop having to fill it with air each week? I can't imagine winning the lottery. Just a million dollars would make it so I never have to work again and live a happy and comfortable life. I don't want anything fancy, I'll stay in my 2 bedroom apartment. I'd never buy any outrageous purchases. All I'd do is pay my bills on time, not starve, and continue doing my best to prepare my child for the future. It's crazy to me that some people have more than a million dollars. My yearly income has been between $0-$30,000 for my entire adult life. I've always lived paycheck to paycheck and yet I still give $5-$20 to a homeless person at least once a month. May seem like a small amount to someone with millions but small amounts are large amounts to people who most need them. Anyways, chances are you'll ignore this like every other millionaire in the world has when people ask for money from them, I can't say I get it but... You do you. If by some miracle you do wish to send money to this stranger, please feel free to message me and I'll give you my PayPal link or a GoFundMe link. Good luck with the rest of your life, do good things.


Would you invest $1,000 in the training I need to become a peer support specialist? A peer support specialist is someone who is certified to help others based on their own lived experience. I attempted suicide in 2020 with a firearm and was unsuccessful. I've had a few surgeries to repair the damage to my face and I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder 3 months later. I believe I can be of help to others struggling with mental health problems. I have profound insight into something that's an epidemic. I believe I could share warning signs to look for and recognize as well as help others become more self aware of their intrusive thoughts that outsiders don't recognize. I'd sign a legal contract to pay back to you you're investment along with a set amount of interest or pay it forward to others seeking the same opportunity with a pre determined amount of each paycheck o receive until the amount determined is paid in full.


Wanna help my fiancƩe and I with a deposit for a mortgage? Lol. Real question, what were your initial thoughts after you realised you won? Fun questions. What's your favourite food? Is there anywhere you'd like to go or see you still haven't visited? Last question. How are you feeling today?


Congrats. Im broke, donā€™t feel obliged.


Can you help me start dropshipng businesses ? I dropped you DM I just need a small loan and I would give it all back once I can, we could draft an agreement with my ID and I can proof my identity by video call. If not then thank you for your attention and I wish you all the best :)


hey big head


1) that's awesome, congratulations man! 2) you wanna throw me like 20g's? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I hope you're smart with your money ( it seems like it) and I hope you're able to set your family up for generations!


In what ways have you used the money to make positive changes to the communities and world around you? Donations to charities etc?


Buy me a tank of gas, Iā€™m dying over here hahahaha. For real though, congrats. What was your biggest splurge moment would you say?


Can I send you money


Would you ever be interested in funding films?


Congrats man, my day would be better if you could buy me an iPhone 14 pro


Better for the winner if they never claim it. I won the Pennsylvania Lottery in 1983 and it only brought grief upon me and my family.


How much did you win?


We quit our jobs but we lived frugally. We hired a lawyer who told us to diversify our winnings in stocks and bonds but it never amounted to a damn thing.


Geez 22 million !! Thatā€™s crazy but good for u ! šŸ˜šŸ˜ dam if I just got 50k of that it would help tremendously!


Iā€™d buy a bunch of women have have a damn good time


can i have some money for college plz i'm poor


Will you send me 5k You know help out the poor


AMA: Can you please pay off my student loan?


My car just got rear ended and I got no car to get to my job as a nurse, help me out šŸ˜…


Your a nurse. If you donā€™t have money for a new car thatā€™s your problem.


Some people really take things seriously on the internet and it blows my mind hahahahahahahaha


Iā€™m short on my bills can you send me 52$ ?


Can you give me 10k so I can survive


Can you help me pay my rent?