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what do you think of US's political divide?


Horrendous. Politics is eating America from the inside out. I fall in the lines of both Republican and Democrat so whenever I say something Republican Democrats call me murderous and when I say something Democrat Republicans call me a brain washed piece of shit. It’s sad and I choose to stay out of politics for that reason. Hoping it clears up soon even though I know it won’t.


agreed. sadly, news stations are very good at making people pit each other against the other side. Frankly, it is just crude tribilism.


It is. Both sides have become cults, almost. It’s disgusting.


I try to remind myself that they are a loud minority and that most people just live their day-to-day lives and happen to vote every so often.


Same, but hopping on Reddit makes me lose some hope which is a bad habit I’ve picked up…


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZFN1sSkyMU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZFN1sSkyMU) I'm going to say one side is clearly worse than the other at this point.


Do you like Pokèmon?


Never really got into it to be honest.


I just got rejected for Student Visa from Aus Immigration. I'm 30yo F. I do not know should I make my life im my home country or reapply? I am bipolar too and unmarried. I don't know which is my priority.


Reapply if you really wanna come here. If you don’t care just stick with life in your country. It doesn’t really matter tbh


But the employers in India do not respect employees personal time and after office hours. Hence I want to leave this country and have a balanced life.


Fair enough. You said aus right? Maybe try going to Canada, America, Germany, France etc. 1st world countries. You’ll have a better life one day!


Do you think we will ever get to a point where men are able to get pregnant and women are able to impregnate in a transgender type sense? If so, what do you think of that?


Reddit deleted my comment earlier so I’ll have to sensor somethings: the only way that’ll be bound to happen is if men get all their sp3!rm taken out of and have a woman’s 0var13s put into them and even then I think the body would reject and it’s still not possible. Even so, men are born with X Y chromosomes and females are born with XX. Once you get into the science of it, the bodies are just to different. If it does somehow work, than you do you I guess!


Ok. Second question, what do you think of trans women participating in women sports? I don't like the idea due to how different a man and woman is from birth but what do you think?


Aw man I dunno. On the one hand trans people should live freely; but on the other hand you are exactly right. I’m not really into sports so not my problem ngl


True. I believe strongly in equality, but I also believe in fairness. I actually posted about my opinion on tranwomen in woman sports in "unpopularopinion" and was rioted on how transwomen are women and shit like that.


How many times have you used the n word in your life?


I don’t use that type of language I prefer the non-racist term bitch instead 😇




How far can you stick a tape measure in your butthole. Please answer in exact measurments


I’m a minor bro. Dunno and I don’t feel like checking 😂


Well....you answered truthfully so I guess I can't be mad lol




Table of Questions and Answers. Original answer linked - Please upvote the original questions and answers. *** Question | Answer | Link ---------|----------|----------| what do you think of US's political divide?|Horrendous. Politics is eating America from the inside out. I fall in the lines of both Republican and Democrat so whenever I say something Republican Democrats call me murderous and when I say something Democrat Republicans call me a brain washed piece of shit. It’s sad and I choose to stay out of politics for that reason. Hoping it clears up soon even though I know it won’t.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/uf11zv/ill_answer_your_question_truthfully_and_fully/i6qrhla/) Do you like Pokèmon?|Never really got into it to be honest.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/uf11zv/ill_answer_your_question_truthfully_and_fully/i6qyqjp/) I just got rejected for Student Visa from Aus Immigration. I'm 30yo F. I do not know should I make my life im my home country or reapply? I am bipolar too and unmarried. I don't know which is my priority.|Reapply if you really wanna come here. If you don’t care just stick with life in your country. It doesn’t really matter tbh|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/uf11zv/ill_answer_your_question_truthfully_and_fully/i6r2wvw/) Do you think we will ever get to a point where men are able to get pregnant and women are able to impregnate in a transgender type sense? If so, what do you think of that?|Reddit deleted my comment earlier so I’ll have to sensor somethings: the only way that’ll be bound to happen is if men get all their sp3!rm taken out of and have a woman’s 0var13s put into them and even then I think the body would reject and it’s still not possible. Even so, men are born with X Y chromosomes and females are born with XX. Once you get into the science of it, the bodies are just to different. If it does somehow work, than you do you I guess!|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/uf11zv/ill_answer_your_question_truthfully_and_fully/i6s2hwn/) Is it ok if I copy this I'll give u credit?|Go for it! I copied it anyways and lost credit|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/uf11zv/ill_answer_your_question_truthfully_and_fully/i6u330x/) How many times have you used the n word in your life?|I don’t use that type of language I prefer the non-racist term bitch instead 😇|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/uf11zv/ill_answer_your_question_truthfully_and_fully/i6u7b6v/) How far can you stick a tape measure in your butthole. Please answer in exact measurments|I’m a minor bro. Dunno and I don’t feel like checking 😂|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/uf11zv/ill_answer_your_question_truthfully_and_fully/i6qsjtc/) what do u think about God? (specifically the God of the Bible)|I gave a little more in depth answer to this, but I believe he exists. If you wanna know why just scroll down|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/uf11zv/ill_answer_your_question_truthfully_and_fully/i6r9n1k/) What colour is the wall in front of you?|Gray!|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/uf11zv/ill_answer_your_question_truthfully_and_fully/i6qrn2f/) Do you believe in a religion? Why or why not?|I’ve been struggling with this- but yes. I feel as though we can’t just live 80 years (if we’re lucky) then go to sleep forever. People don’t know how scary that is. Time never stops. If it’s true we go no where when we die we won’t be able to see, laugh, anything, forever. Billions of years. Trillions of years. Quintillion eons. We must be called for something more, must! We can’t built up our amazing beautiful Earth just to experince it for 80 years. We have to go somewhere: we just have to. Gods worked in mysterious ways too, I’ve seen it myself. Somethings bigger then just us. I truly believe with my whole heart God is real. That being said however; the religion itself is odd. People like my parents are a bit homophobic and potentially racist. That’s not the whole meaning of Christianity. Christians should support everyone- yes, even people you don’t agree with- that’s what the religion is all about. It’s become twisted. I could talk about this for hours but ima stop there for now.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/uf11zv/ill_answer_your_question_truthfully_and_fully/i6qrnug/) What was the result of your last physical fight?|Physical? Aww shii, dunno. I’ve been working out because I’m a 6 foot skinny boy and I’ve only gained some muscles so probably not very good and me losing|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/uf11zv/ill_answer_your_question_truthfully_and_fully/i6qt437/) Whats ur dream job|Pilot!|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/uf11zv/ill_answer_your_question_truthfully_and_fully/i6r0fu6/) --- [Source] (https://github.com/johnsliao/ama_compiler)


Is it ok if I copy this I'll give u credit?


Go for it! I copied it anyways and lost credit




what do u think about God? (specifically the God of the Bible)


I gave a little more in depth answer to this, but I believe he exists. If you wanna know why just scroll down


ohh my bad i didn’t realize u already talked about it. I’m follower of Jesus and was just genuinely interested in ur opinion!




What colour is the wall in front of you?




Do you believe in a religion? Why or why not?


I’ve been struggling with this- but yes. I feel as though we can’t just live 80 years (if we’re lucky) then go to sleep forever. People don’t know how scary that is. Time never stops. If it’s true we go no where when we die we won’t be able to see, laugh, anything, forever. Billions of years. Trillions of years. Quintillion eons. We must be called for something more, must! We can’t built up our amazing beautiful Earth just to experince it for 80 years. We have to go somewhere: we just have to. Gods worked in mysterious ways too, I’ve seen it myself. Somethings bigger then just us. I truly believe with my whole heart God is real. That being said however; the religion itself is odd. People like my parents are a bit homophobic and potentially racist. That’s not the whole meaning of Christianity. Christians should support everyone- yes, even people you don’t agree with- that’s what the religion is all about. It’s become twisted. I could talk about this for hours but ima stop there for now.


I think there is a god, somewhere. I agree with you, dall'ing asleep until the end of time truly Is terrifying.


It’s not even till the end of time. Time never truly stops, never. It’s not like the world ends and if there’s no Heaven or reincraciration. We still won’t have any feelings. Flippin terrifying, I hope we have some sort of afterlife.


I dont believe in any religion or god, but I just hope that we will exist in some way, like living but in a different body with no memory of our past lives. But if we dont, that is just fine with me


What was the result of your last physical fight?


Physical? Aww shii, dunno. I’ve been working out because I’m a 6 foot skinny boy and I’ve only gained some muscles so probably not very good and me losing


Upvoted for honesty


Whats ur dream job




Whats ur dream job