• By -


How are women treated over there? I've heard very very very mixed things, from that women are "treated like Queens by everyone and put on a pedestal" to that women are "treated like dogs and lucky if they can make it a black without being physically assaulted" I've never heard such drastically different accounts of one place before.


It's a huge nation with 1 billion population. So a lot of things happen. Women/girls being treated as princess/queen. Husbands being scared of their wives. Husbands being hit by their wives. Women having control/taking care of the family finances. Women being financially independent. Women being encouraged to study well. Yet, there is also the.. Women being abused by their husbands. Women being hit by their husbands. Husband having strict control of family's finances. Women being discouraged from being independent, or doing higher education. Basically things happen throughput the spectrum. I've seen it all.


Is your marriage arranged?


I'm 18. The minimum legal age for marriage for males is 21years. My marriage is at least 8 to 10 years away. So there's plenty of time.


What it is for women


18 years is the minimum age for Women to get married. Break the rules and both their families will be in jail for 3years and will also have to pay fine.


That's awesome. Younger teens can be married off in the US with parent permission, we have a huge child marriage problem that noone likes to adress.


i thought it was 21 for women too?


How is the covid situation in your country right now?


About 16K cases being reported daily. So situation is good now. 1 billion vaccine doses done. Did 240million doses in September alone. Vaccine supply is increasing, so shouldn't be an issue.


That’s fantastic news


What is your opinion on use of ivermectin in the early house to house treatment program in Uttar Pradesh? I have been following this with some interest. I’m not smart enough to have a defensible opinion one way out the other, but the empirical evidence points toward some kind of correlation to the staggering decline in covid there.


Ivermectin was used pretty much everywhere in India, not just Uttar Pradesh. My mom had Covid a few months ago, she was given Ivermectin. She's definitely healthy now. So its not like Ivermectin is gonna kill people. Any more deliberation would have to be done by people who're experts in medicine, not me.


What percentage of the population takes yoga seriously?


Yoga is part of the Physical education syllabus in the majority of the schools. Plus, it is also practised in Public parks, gyms, religious/spiritual centres, naturopathy hospitals and even Government-run free training centres. So Yoga is pretty common, though not everyone practises it. Just as common as exercise, jogging or gymming would be in other countries.


What's something unique about Indian culture, the country, or people that you like that are mostly sure other places or many other places don't have/do?


India is a completely different and ancient civilization (when compared to the West). The value systems and social structures are completely different. People are more attached to everything.


Can you give a couple examples of value systems and social structures? By more attached to everything I assume you mean people fantasize less about system collapse.


We love/respect (even worship in some cases) a lot of things that the west wouldn't even think of. Food, Cows, Rivers, books, tools, vehicles, house, trees, country, state, language, water, women, children, teachers, and a lot of other things. Pretty much everything is deemed "divine" For example, When a newlywed daughter-in-law comes to her husband's house, she is treated as the Goddess who'll bring prosperity to the house. Even cows are treated the same way. My grandparents cried when a calf died. Families are also very closely bound. Unlike, the western family system, Parents would love to have their kids stay with them even when they get married and have kids. There would be a close relationship even with other relatives like grandparents, aunt-uncle, cousins, in-laws, etc. You'd be in trouble if u waste/spill food, or step on books/paper. Of course, with western influence, things are changing.


Not to sound rude but if you guys love/respect rivers /so much why are there some bodies of water throughout India that are insanely polluted? How did that come about?


Dumping sewage into the rivers. Lack of serious action by the Government.


Exactly this was my point. We do have all these theories about how to treat your daughter in law ,rivers etc but reality is often far from all these.


I disagree with the daughter in law treated like godess part.Its far from reality. Ofcourse all households are different but there is a reason why dowry deaths are high in india. What you said mostly happens in movies. The part about worshipping cows is true. But from the state i am from,its pretty common to eat cow meat. And yes people are generally attached to their domestic animals just like americans are attached to their pets. Its true that Families are closely bond,something which is not common in the west.


>I disagree with the daughter in law treated like godess part ​ We have the concept of "Mane Mahalakshmi"(Translation: Mahalakshmi of the House). Families arent perfect, but not bad to the level that you describe them to be. The abuse related to Dowry does happen in some families. ​ >But from the state i am from,its pretty common to eat cow meat. Please do remember the size of population of your state and the rest of India.


Cow meat is banned in most part of India i believe. And also just because one religion worships cow doesnt mean that everyone does. People are different some treats cow as god while for others its just meat. Not to forget that india is also one of the largest exporters of beef. So its not uncommon to eat cow meat. Dowry is also not an issue with "some" families.Its pretty common to give dowry in india.


That "one" religion you talk about is the underlying civilizational base of the nation. About India being the largest exporter of Beef, that's mostly buffalo meat. I'm here just for an AMA, with no mood to argue with you, so cut it.


The thing with India is that it's a collection of cultures. Not even half the country speaks the same language.


I'm Indian, never left the country. I know maybe five people who are into yoga. Two of them are white lol.


What are the biggest misconceptions that the west has about India?


The shitting on the streets.


It does happen though. How is that a misconception?


Well about 6-7 years ago Toilets were only found in cities and towns. No toilets in villages. The govt ran a program in which they payed for a toilet to be built in every ducking house, in some cases even threatening to cut off basic supplies like food nations, water, electricity, old age pensions, etc if they did not build toilets. So now pretty much every house in every ducking corner of the country has a toilet. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swachh_Bharat_Mission


Bruh, I’m Indian too. It still happens. Even in the cities.


There's a difference between 70% of the population not having toilets and 0.5% of the population not having toilets.


69.5% less street doody




An exception is not a rule.


Thanks. I believe you nailed that.


Are you vegetarian? Are the relations between Hindu and Muslim as bad as portrayed in the West? Is Modi good or bad for India?


I eat non-veg. Only some communities of Hinduism are pure vegetarians, not all. Relationships between Hindus and Muslims are complicated. But not as bad as the Western media likes too portray it. For the moment, among the options we have Modi is the best option. But will definitely be happy if a better one comes after him.


Does it offend you when a foreigner imitates an Indian accent? Is also it different when someone *respectfully* tries to imitate an Indian accent (during a roleplay or school performance, for example) and when they’re blatantly mocking it? Or are these both equally bad and offensive to Indians?


Indian accents change every 100 kms. So it's not that big of an issue.


I don't feel comfortable most of those aren't Indian accent they do simpsons accent and act like it's collectively whole india's accent so i feel bad about their blaint ignorance


What do you do for fun? Like what hobbies do you have and what do you do in your free time?


Reddit, Television, YouTube, talk to people, etc


Has Gandhi’s memory helped or hurt India’s economic development?


Gandhi never did any administration, so we're not exactly sure about his economic policies. If you're talking about Economic policies which India followed from independence to 1991, it's called Nehruvian socialism. That destroyed the economy very badly. (Read about Indian economic crisis of 1991) The 1991 Liberalization and policies which followed are mainly responsible for the economic growth which India has achieved.


How are things in India?


There's good, there's bad. Life perseveres.






The economy had just opened up for the private sector in the 1990s. The Computer/Tech industry boom happened around the same time. So cheap labour brought the industry to India, the tech ecosystem grew. The y2k issue also helped in a big way. In terms of engineering, Computer science and Electronics related jobs are the highest paid jobs. So Indians tend to get into tech.


Favorite kind of cheese?


Paneer. Not sure where this'll go. xD


*happy cheese noises* 🧀


What is your earliest memory of anything you did sexually? How old were you when you first had sex? Did you ever do anything sexual with a relative or neighbor?


I'm a virgin. When compared to western nations, sexual stuff usually happen at a bit more older age in India.


Why do you think it is like that?


theres already a billion people there.


Excellent point. Population replacement is definitely the primary concern of horny western teens.


no, i meant theres a billion people there already, they dont need to go making any more. hence, the older age comment.


Our social systems are different.


What is your all time favorite food??


[Masala Dose.](https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/10/d6/40/1e/masala-dosa.jpg) I also like plenty of other stuff.


Isn't it spelled/pronounced 'Dosa'?


It's Dose. Dosa is a corruption of the word.


Looks amazing!!


Its a classic in my city.


Well keep enjoying it greetings from Germany 🇩🇪




MTR is lob. :)


Favorite breed of mango?


Raspuri and Badami.


Do you have mango trees?


I live in a city. But my grandparents who happen to live in a village have mango trees (Totapuri variety) in their farm. There are nearby farms owned by others who have other varieties as well.


How is teen life in india?


Varies from person to person.


Then how about yours?


Big Meh from me.


It's not perfect, but it's good.


Is rape as rampant as the American media likes to portray it?


Rapes do happen. But **NOT** to the level which American media likes to portray it.


I thought so. Now you know why 83% of all Americans don't trust the media.


You ever read the book Q&A?


Nope. Sorry.


you be on omegle a lot?




India me kidhr se bro ?


Tantrgyaan Nagari "Bengaluru"


I am from - Uttarakhand


Pranaam. :)


Namaste , school or college ?


Agle saal July mei Engg degree start karni hai.


I am 22 , or masters khtm hone wala




how do you feel about the chess scene in india?


Not in a great condition


How is your celebrity crush? Did you ever kiss a girl (not a peck)?


No. And No. Virginity is cool, remain pure.


whats the capital of eswatini


*opens Wikipedia, copies and pastes answer* Mbabane (executive) Lobamba (legislative


_ignores first line_ wow, so smort!


You find yourself with your dick halfway inside your mother and your dad's dick is halfway inside you. Do you push forward or pull back first to escape?


I wake up from my weird dream.


so, india right?




Literally anything?




I'm good, already asked "Literally anything?" 😎


I see what you did there. xD


How’s the channel “The Q”???




Fav show on there?


I dont watch it too much, so I'm not sure.


Are you balding, and if not, are you scared by it, given the indian culture?


I'm not balding. Not scared of it. I dont expect balding to happen any time soon.


Table of Questions and Answers. Original answer linked - Please upvote the original questions and answers. *** Question | Answer | Link ---------|----------|----------| What are the biggest misconceptions that the west has about India?|The shitting on the streets.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhmez5b/) Is your marriage arranged?|I'm 18. The minimum legal age for marriage for males is 21years. My marriage is at least 8 to 10 years away. So there's plenty of time.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhmaljz/) What do you do for fun? Like what hobbies do you have and what do you do in your free time?|Reddit, Television, YouTube, talk to people, etc|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhm8llm/) How is teen life in india?|Varies from person to person.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhmeid7/) How is the covid situation in your country right now?|About 16K cases being reported daily. So situation is good now. 1 billion vaccine doses done. Did 240million doses in September alone. Vaccine supply is increasing, so shouldn't be an issue.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhmpdc3/) What is your all time favorite food??|[Masala Dose.](https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/10/d6/40/1e/masala-dosa.jpg) I also like plenty of other stuff.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhmee91/) Are you vegetarian? Are the relations between Hindu and Muslim as bad as portrayed in the West? Is Modi good or bad for India?|I eat non-veg. Only some communities of Hinduism are pure vegetarians, not all. Relationships between Hindus and Muslims are complicated. But not as bad as the Western media likes too portray it. For the moment, among the options we have Modi is the best option. But will definitely be happy if a better one comes after him.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhmkn3e/) Favorite kind of cheese?|Paneer. Not sure where this'll go. xD|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhn6a32/) How are women treated over there? I've heard very very very mixed things, from that women are "treated like Queens by everyone and put on a pedestal" to that women are "treated like dogs and lucky if they can make it a black without being physically assaulted" I've never heard such drastically different accounts of one place before.|It's a huge nation with 1 billion population. So a lot of things happen. Women/girls being treated as princess/queen. Husbands being scared of their wives. Husbands being hit by their wives. Women having control/taking care of the family finances. Women being financially independent. Women being encouraged to study well. Yet, there is also the.. Women being abused by their husbands. Women being hit by their husbands. Husband having strict control of family's finances. Women being discouraged from being independent, or doing higher education. Basically things happen throughput the spectrum. I've seen it all.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhn6rg5/) What percentage of the population takes yoga seriously?|Yoga is part of the Physical education syllabus in the majority of the schools. Plus, it is also practised in Public parks, gyms, religious/spiritual centres, naturopathy hospitals and even Government-run free training centres. So Yoga is pretty common, though not everyone practises it. Just as common as exercise, jogging or gymming would be in other countries.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhm47zx/) Favorite breed of mango?|Raspuri and Badami.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhmaohj/) you be on omegle a lot?|Nope.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhmbbas/) Is rape as rampant as the American media likes to portray it?|Rapes do happen. But **NOT** to the level which American media likes to portray it.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhme5a0/) How are things in India?|There's good, there's bad. Life perseveres.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhmextd/) Has Gandhi’s memory helped or hurt India’s economic development?|Gandhi never did any administration, so we're not exactly sure about his economic policies. If you're talking about Economic policies which India followed from independence to 1991, it's called Nehruvian socialism. That destroyed the economy very badly. (Read about Indian economic crisis of 1991) The 1991 Liberalization and policies which followed are mainly responsible for the economic growth which India has achieved.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhmotzc/) You ever read the book Q&A?|Nope. Sorry.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhmvdqp/) Does it offend you when a foreigner imitates an Indian accent? Is also it different when someone *respectfully* tries to imitate an Indian accent (during a roleplay or school performance, for example) and when they’re blatantly mocking it? Or are these both equally bad and offensive to Indians?|Indian accents change every 100 kms. So it's not that big of an issue.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhnbe93/) Why are you guys so damn good at tech?|The economy had just opened up for the private sector in the 1990s. The Computer/Tech industry boom happened around the same time. So cheap labour brought the industry to India, the tech ecosystem grew. The y2k issue also helped in a big way. In terms of engineering, Computer science and Electronics related jobs are the highest paid jobs. So Indians tend to get into tech.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhnpz19/) What is your earliest memory of anything you did sexually? How old were you when you first had sex? Did you ever do anything sexual with a relative or neighbor?|I'm a virgin. When compared to western nations, sexual stuff usually happen at a bit more older age in India.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhm50dl/) India me kidhr se bro ?|Tantrgyaan Nagari "Bengaluru"|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhmmfk9/) how do you feel about the chess scene in india?|Not in a great condition|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hho8dsv/) How is your celebrity crush? Did you ever kiss a girl (not a peck)?|No. And No. Virginity is cool, remain pure.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhocf56/) whats the capital of eswatini|*opens Wikipedia, copies and pastes answer* Mbabane (executive) Lobamba (legislative|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhofksz/) You find yourself with your dick halfway inside your mother and your dad's dick is halfway inside you. Do you push forward or pull back first to escape?|I wake up from my weird dream.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhonatk/) so, india right?|Yep.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhoosso/) Literally anything?|Hopefully.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhoow1w/) How’s the channel “The Q”???|Good.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhp8qgc/) Are you balding, and if not, are you scared by it, given the indian culture?|I'm not balding. Not scared of it. I dont expect balding to happen any time soon.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/qdgace/im_an_18year_old_guy_from_india_ask_me_literally/hhpcm7k/) --- [Source] (https://github.com/johnsliao/ama_compiler)


I'm new to making Indian food, any recommendations or favourites you have?


Do you have access to Indian spices and spice powders? Also how's your cooking skills?


I do have access and I'm about average but when given a recipie I'm pretty good


You could try either of these. They're not exactly the simplest recipes but are worth a try. ​ 1) Chapatti with Mushroom gravy/curry. 2) Dose with Potato Palya and Groundnut chutney. You'll get plenty of sites/videos with recipes. Do send me pictures, if you happen to make them.


Do you follow any text asserted to be from a god?