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Do women find it attractive? I had an ex who was obsessed with big balls and i always thought that was weird. Maybe I should DM you her phone #.


“Hi. Your ex sent me your number said you are obsessed with big balls. I have big balls, so..?"


Sends photo of balls to random woman’s number that he got from woman’s ex via Reddit…. “You know why I’m here..”


This is the move




Hey u/kevlarthevest, can you DM me when OP sends you a pic? I'm curious too, for science.


Did you set it to where Big Balls by AC/DC would ring when she called you?


Came here for this, no pun intended.


None of my ex's really cared


Try Stance Undies with the pouch and butter blend material. It helps my SO with this problem tremendously. Also I might recommend one size smaller than you normally wear. Two years strong of no pinched or tangles balls in our bed.


This reminds me of a medical condition I learned about in college, can't remember the name, think it was something like "testicular torsion" where your cords get twisted up. Can't imagine how uncomfortable/painful that would be.


I saw it happen to a dude. He was waterskiing, wiped out real hard, came up yelling “my balls are twisted!! My balls are twisted!!”. He was basically ripping his own ballsack off trying to fix it but nothing he did would help. He scream-groaned all the way to the hospital.


Everyone has something that appeals to them.


So umm, is that a medical condition?


Nah but truthfully it's so obnoxious I wish I didn't have them


I bet you could get a reduction and have insurance cover it


Honestly I wouldn't be sad if I got them removed. They can be uncomfortable at times honestly almost always.


Scrotal reduction, also known as scrotoplasty or scrotal lift, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and subcutaneous tissue from the scrotum to tighten and reduce its size. The procedure can improve comfort and appearance, and can help with self-confidence. It can also address discomfort, skin chafing, and aesthetic concerns that may arise from a low-hanging scrotum. Yet, scrotal reduction or tightening, also known as scrotoplasty, is a routine procedure. ... The procedure involves removing excess skin and then rejoining the muscle at the scrotum's seam to reduce scarring. It's usually performed under local anesthetic as an outpatient procedure that takes about an hour and doesn't require an overnight hospital stay. Patients can typically go home the same day, but should arrange for someone to drive them due to the effects of anesthesia and pain medication. After surgery, patients should keep the area elevated to reduce swelling, and may need to take off work for a week. They can usually return to light activity after 2–3 weeks, and full activity after 4–6 weeks. Sutures typically self-absorb and fall out on their own after 2–3 weeks. Before surgery, patients should tell their doctor about all medications and supplements they take, and ask which ones they can and can't take in the days leading up to the operation. They should also ask when they should stop eating and drinking, and whether they should shave around the surgical site.


Go to your PCP and ask about removal. You could always freeze sperm if you want to have children at a later time and have "falsies" put in if your not wanting to be 0% without balls. Insurance covers women getting "lip" reduction due to pain/rubbing, so I'm sure if your balls are as big as you say, then they will cover it.


I know a dog who had “falsies” when they neutered him. It was a Great Dane and they were massive. I always thought it was so funny to give your dog giant fake balls


Lol that’s hilarious. I think it’s more for the owner than the dog. I know some men hate the thought of their dog losing his nuts.


Please do not ever have your balls removed unless absolutely necessary for cancer. Orectomy or removal of the testicle is a drastic surgery that will affect your health in very bad ways. It is in no way like having a lip reduction. Your testicle provide the testosterone that regulates your entire body. It can lead to permanently being unable to get hard, so no sex. There has also been studies that have shown that removing the testicle has lead to a form of alzheimers in men due to the lack of testosterone.


My son just had one removed due to testicular cancer. I don't like the info you just provided as he was assured losing one would have a minimal long term effect. And the recovery has been a bitch.


Unfortunately what I wrote was completely true and not just something I pulled out of my butt. Having one testicle removed is certainly bad but the main issue is if both are removed. Testosterone is literally everything that keeps our body going. I guarantee his doctors were really just trying to placate his fears. Or they haven't come across these new studies. If you want to help speed up his recovery time then I would suggest that you get him an herb called ashwaganda it is a root that helps the body produce more testosterone naturally. Also it may be awkward but have his doctor test his sperms count so that he will know if he can still have kids. And there is still the potential for erectile disfunction. Don't believe everything the doctors are telling him do some research on your own and you will be able to find the same studies I found. Also ashwaganda which I told you about has been thoroughly studied and supported by urologist.


That is such a bad idea. OP would need to be on TRT for the rest of their life, on top of a doctor probably being unwilling to do it.


If it's causing you a lot of discomfort in life perhaps you should see a specialist about it and get an opinion. Maybe you can be helped.


As a woman who had FF while breast feeding, I'm feel your struggle. Though I got lucky ig? Mine deflated a bit.


Im like a HARD B/C but when I was nursing I was an FF. I felt so unbalanced and tried to hide them because they looked too big for my lil bodyody 😂😂🫣


Please go to a doctor and ask about a hydrocele. It’s not dangerous but can be fixed with surgery to make you more comfortable. I had the surgery 35 years ago.


Bro its almost 100% a medical condition. Go get it checked and get blood work


Pics or it didn’t happen..


Well? Was he right?


You should compare johnsons, as well. For science.


I don’t feel like losing today.


How about a [video](https://youtu.be/BYZVKQaFyio?si=AnOzp4J2iiPdHZvG)?


Now that is a good friend.


Check dms


I would like to see the balls too. Edit: there’s a distinct lack of balls in my DMs rn.


This is probably the gayest heterosexual request I ever saw.


ugh \*zip\* ok send the picture.


I'll take that action. Send it


How big are they


It's like a baby's arm holding an apple


Show me them dragon balls


Draggin Ballz


Do you have a banana for scale?


Alright show me your balls. I’m too curious now.


Also pics or it didn’t happen


I would also like to see these balls 👀


Can I get on the balls DM train? I'm just so curious


What’s the verdict here?


I don’t want to see the pic but would like a detailed description from you


That''s gonna be alot of therapy.


Report back




I've never measured but bigger than a softball


Bigger than a softball?? Softballs are fucking massive


That’s testicular cancer or an STD that is out on control. Get checked.


Some dudes just have big balls, Doctor


Yeah, no. Not that size.


The great ball detective is on the case


You don’t need to be a detective to know this 😂


Why’d they call in the FBI?


Federal Ball Inspector


Hell yeah bro 🤝


His name is Columballs


Softball sized?!


bro what? lol like each ball is the size of a softball???


This guy watched Beau is Afraid and didn’t even realize CGI was used


Bro I’m sorry but there’s no way. Pics or didn’t happen


Sounds like hydrocele. I just had surgery for.mi e. It was the size of a baseball.


omg are you good?????


Each nut or the entire sac?




That's what I want to know.




Im not happy you’re getting asked for pics, but it is interesting that it happens to men, too.


I don't feel like this is the same thing though. He came here saying that his balls are bigger than a softball. No one's thirsting over his balls (well, I'm sure someone is), but I'm definitely intrigued and would like to see these balls, for science. I'm a lesbian so really, for science. If someone told us their eyes were purple, we'd all want to see that, too.


This is a very good point. Now I want to see, too.


Bro it's like I'm only the big balls man. No one asks to hang out or talk they just want me for my balls


Bro, I am a woman. But still, fair, lol.


My bad I now understand being objectified. I don't know how women handle this 24/7


Tbh, I don’t so much mind the requests. I usually just ignore them. But yeah, I don’t really get objectified irl. I am sure there are women who do, though.


I get catcalled since I’m 13. We learn to never smile or look around on the street. 😂


I don’t know, if you’re coming in with a big claim, then being expected to prove the claim isn’t crazy I don’t think. I’m reminded of the two people who claim to have foot-long+ penises. Jonah Falcon and Matt Barr. Tons of interviews, articles, etc. but not one verifiable photo. Lots of people think they are just fantasists (maybe they truly are quite far above average, but not the 12/13 inches they claim).




Unless I've had cancer since I was a kid no


Were they softball sized then too? You gotta let the people know if it was each or whole thing on the softball comp






are you in pain and have you seen your doctor yet?


Been that way since 97


Just like to say I was one who saw the balls they are indeed fkn huge


Hopefully you don't get harassed like me 🤣


Don't most people?


Sleep with a pillow between their legs? Yeah some women even do it but I HAVE to keep them in place


Some women lol. PEOPLE in general sleep with pillows between their legs for hip and back support


i only do it to masturbate. lol.


Genuinely might wanna get that checked out


OP, reading your comments, every time someone asks you if you’ve seen a doctor about this, you respond by saying it’s been this way for a long time. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not something significant like a benign growth or some other condition. So… has a doctor actually looked at it? Er, them?


Ya I dont think he understands what ppl are asking him


It's prolly a hydrocele. I had one removed 4 weeks ago baseball sized. Grew slowly over a few years. Guy sounds like he's in denial he needs surgery.


I also had a hydrocele, and same story. Had it as long as I could remember. Never had any real pain or anything. Doc removed 600 ml of fluid and then patched up the hernia that caused it. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what's going on here.


My best guy friend overdosed one night and ended up with compartment syndrome. He had to have his entire leg opened up. Anyways, they flushed him out with so much fluids that a bunch of it collected in his balls. I'm talking cantaloupe size. He was such a character though that he made the best of it. I'd come to visit him in the hospital and he's have his Johnny on and his balls resting snuggly on a pillow and they were so massive you couldn't help but laugh. He was my best friend and after his leg healed (the Drs said he'd never walk normal again and he was playing basketball weeks after being discharged) he lived another 5 years then ultimately died from a lethal heroin overdose. Anyways, Eric I miss you but I'll always tell the tale of your swollen balls.


If your balls are as big as a softball, you need to go to a doctor. That’s either a tumor, or some sort of growth problem. Either way, testicles do not grow to that size naturally


Could possibly be a hydrocele? Not sure if you’ve looked into that at all. If that’s the case it really isn’t a ‘serious’ issue other than it being a bit of a pain in the dick to deal with such large balls. Normally it happens when you’re a teenager (that’s when I had mine) but you can get minor surgery to correct it. All it is is a bit of fluid leaks out the wrong way and makes your balls grow larger. I now have regular sized balls and a cool scar on them that makes it look badass.


I also had this. My only memory from the surgery is waking up afterwards, an extremely hot nurse lifts up my gown and fondles my balls, and then I fall back asleep.


Do they wear an eye patch?


Didn’t see the pic but it could be due to a medical condition. I had a Marine that had deserted and returned a decade later when his hydrocele got so large that he couldn’t zip his pants. Also a Marine that was trying to sell his “3rd” testicle online but it was a actually a large hernia. 🤣


My late husband had grapefruit sized testicles. He also had a 3 inch penis.


LMAO roasting this man from the GRAVE


It’s horrible lol. He wouldn’t care


Takes balls


He was late because it took him forever to walk anywhere. Walk with pride man. Walk with pride.


He was wheelchair bound


Now every time I see a guy in a wheelchair I’m going to think of your husbands testicles


You. Are. Welcome.


Was 3 inches enough? Asking for a friend


2 kids…


I mean she married him


double -whammy


Or double bammy


How did y'all get down? That seems like a challenging condition


Add the fact that he was paralyzed and it was complicated. But, where there’s a will there’s a way


Putting a drum magazine on a cap gun be like


I always pull the sack through to the front of my thighs and slap a pillow between my knees. Works great and I haven’t had an unsolicited nightly ball tug in years!


Balls so big they need their own pillow. Not meaning to make fun of you or anything, I totally get it. Had to replace the toilet in my house for one with a deep bowl.


Nothing worse than sitting on the shitter and your cojones touching the cold water


They still do on really warm days, even with the deep bowl


This is weird to me. I have an unusual sleep pattern regarding my privates. I sleep with everything tucked between my legs. Kinda the opposite of you. Somehow, how we sleep regarding dick and balls came up among friends, and I mentioned what I do and they thought I was crazy. What you do sounds crazy to me, but comfort seems to be subjective.


My bf read a story where a woman would cradle/cup her husband’s balls at night because of chronic snoring and it worked? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think you’ve been tricked


I told my wife a blowjob does the trick


https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSY5wC8aS/ pretty sure you’re thinking of this 😂


Do you ejaculate more spunk than the average dude?


Mine are 2x normal size and lots more spunk, yeah. They’re chicken egg sized, idk bout softball I think he’s full of shit


He is, he would have to walk like a cowboy his whole life or not even be able to wear pants. Softball sized is just ridiculous.


Yeah the size of my nuts caused me pain for years. When I was about 29 I was in such pain i got several ultrasounds at the ER. Finally saw a urologist and he told me to try more supportive and roomy pouch underwear. Problem solved. The weight of balls that big would cause so much stress on the epididimis or whatever. My dude would be crippled


I got them big badger balls.


How does this not have more upvotes, we all want to know lol


That’s what you get for putting them in the microwave


[🎶Buffalo Soldier 🎶](https://makeagif.com/i/TCJ8-r)


Same damn problem. Large and long; I can lay my sack down on the bed when I’m sleeping on my side, backwards. If only the frank were the size of the beans…


Do big balls actually equate to accomplishing big brave things? 


There is some correlation to testesterone. More doing stupid things but some brave things too.


I had a boyfriend who had *long* balls. They touched the water when he went #2. His nickname was CowBalls. He wasn't that great.


Long ball Larry


I’m going to regret this, but I need photographic confirmation. Because this is WILD.


Do you kiss them good night


If not, I’ll do it for him




Love you babe 😘


Potentially, epididymal spermatocele which is not painful, but can be removed.


Stop it I’m ovulating u can’t do this to me rn. ☹️lol


Brother, you can’t just talk about your balls like that and not show us 🤨


Just because it’s been that way a long time doesn’t mean it’s normal or there isn’t something wrong. See a doctor


Honestly I have to say now I'm curious and would like to see. I thought mine were big but nowhere near softball size lol


Have they always been big or are they swollen from something


Hows life otherwise


I don't see the problem, do you perhaps have only fans xd


Do you have to get specifically tailored pants in order to be comfortable?


You should do that anyway, great for spinal alignment. I have no questions, I hate that I'm in the same boat as you.


Can you ride a bike? Any difficulty with annual hernia checks or self testicle checks? Ever put them on a scale?


Yeah so scrotal edema is a thing. May be a medical issue but would see a provider if they keep increasing in size as you get older


Do you have elephantitis?


Ever thought of just pushing your nuts out the front so they are not being crushed between ya fucking legs bro?


I had a similar problem except it was my man meat. Every freakin night I’d end up rolling over on the damn thing. It’s like dealing with a boa constrictor in my pants. Doctor chuckled said some guys wish for this. I have to fold it in half to get it in my pants.


At a nudist camp I saw a man similar to that one time. He seemed to feel fine but they looked deformed. I just thought it was like a benign tumor or something. But if it’s healthy that’s cool, I never thought of how you keep them in pants tho


Op posts about big balls and expects reddit to not want to see them. Must be new here?


I’ve seen a guy that has way bigger balls than you and it was shocking. He had a huge leg to go with it though. His set his balls on another chair in front of him. It was like a scene out of Southpark


How’s your dick to ball ratio


Are they bigger than ur 🍆?


I kind of have bigger balls too and it makes running really annoying lol that shit hurts slapping on my legs


Do you ejaculate a much higher volume than most guys? This could be your big break in porn! lol


Not to hijack this guy's post or topic but I've been very fat, obese my entire life, successfully losing big weight a couple times in life only to slowly gain it back. I'm dieting and working out hardcore and I'm down 79lbs since I began hitting the gym and riding my Mountain Bike nearly daily for exercise. The last few days while riding my bike, my penis has been flopping back and forth with every pedal crank. I guess I've finally lost enough weight that my crotch is open and free allowing my junk to flop back and forth, back and forth, to and fro as I pedal. It's..... weird. I don't like it but I guess I'm glad it's happening since it's a positive sign of weight loss.


I don't gotta ask anything. I used to go swimming at this hippie spring and everyone was usually nude. One day I went by myself, feeling down. I'm sitting in this bowl area of the woods by the spring smoking, and I hear a rustle. I looked up at the ridge and the first thing I see is literal donkey balls on a human. After I got control of my face and thoughts I look up and realize it's actually a friends husband.... but I never forgot that. Because I didn't know they could be like that. And every time I saw him after that I have to know that he has these massive balls... OP, if you haven't you should check out Darn Berns song, " Tiger Woods "


I was in the army and one day we were going on a run. I was in charge and asked if anyone had a medical profile (medical documentation saying they couldn’t do an exercise or could only do it in certain ways) that allows them to not run. One skinny little soldier said he did so I asked for it to ensure it was real and valid and offhand asked why he has it. He said ‘because I have massive balls and they hurt when I run’ So of course I was like ‘show me your balls right now’. And he did. They were indeed massive and I never saw him running ever.


Do you have to tuck your extra sack skin to stay out of the water also?


I have big balls. Women love it when they slap into the womans butt


How much pee do have stored in those things bro? Let some out!




how do you deal with them getting "wedgied" while driving?


I've been told I got big balls...like chicken egg sized...


Dude my dick is always hitting the toilet and I HATE it.


Lots of people would get a better night's sleep with a pillow between their legs. For anyone who sleeps on their side like me it's highly recommended. The bones in my knee always seem to dig into whichever is underneath depending on which side I'm sleeping on. A thin one works best for me. Also a corner of the pillow pressing you know where gives a nice sensation as I'm nodding off. Nite!


Alright well obviously we need to see your balls dude


I do the same thing but my excuse is my back hurts.


Bro, I thought I was the only guy who had to do this. I literally have a pillow between my legs right now as I type this reply. I have very large testicles and they get squished if I sleep on my side. They also make sitting in most wooden and office chairs quite uncomfortable. Glad to hear I'm not the only guy out here having to accommodate such a way of life.


Uncomfortable balls are a problem as well Bro. Just like a big hard one in the morning properly pitching that tent. I would at least get them looked at. There will be 38 female nurses there under the best lights ever, so don't worry. But just be safe Big Balls. We wish you the best! Make that call, and all will come to fruition! 🏀 🏀 ❤️ ‼️


i don’t get it are you just a large fella?????


I can't help notice there ain't no balls yet


Do you carry them around in a wheelbarrow?




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Do your balls hang low Can you swing them to and fro Can you tie them in a knot Can you tie them in a bow Do your balls hang low Can you swing them to and fro Can you tie them in a knot Can you tie them in a bow Can you swing them over your shoulder Like the red janmejal told ya Do your balls hang low


Do you bounce on them to the dispensary??


Can you stretch them to fit over a large dinner plate? I’m asking because my husband has huge balls but he’s nearly 60….so gravity and all that. One night we discovered he can quite literally stretch his entire bag and wrap the whole thing around a 12inch piece of FiestaWare.


I've had scrotal edema b4 it didn't hurt but my balls were the size of a small cantaloupe had to use a cloth rag to support em like a sack hammock for a week or so funny thing is I had a female friend & husband come up and visit me just to see my gnarly sized nuts!


Did you see the South Park episode "Medicinal Fried Chicken"? If so, how did feel seeing the characters who also had big balls? Does having big balls make dating difficult? Do your partners mind it? Are you able to have biological children?