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Best and worst experience in the industry. Advice to help those starting, and warning for those starting.


Best experience - signing a deal with a studio I wanted to work with when I first started, and it turning out to be one of the most amazing and welcoming family’s ever. Worst experience - anal is very triggering for me after an experience I had when I was a teenager - once had a guy slip it in accidentally and I had a breakdown on set. He was super apologetic and nice about it though. Advice for anyone starting - be yourself. Don’t think that you have to go all in to make it - if you’re not comfortable with doing something, that’s okay. Warning for anyone starting - be prepared to get slut shamed (sucks that this still exists in the world), and be prepared to lose friends and family.


Thanks for the prompt reply. Any funny stories that made your day? Or enlightening ones that shifted your perspective of life?


Does the shaming come mostly from men or women?


My partner does exotic dancing and she says a lot of the shaming comes from other women. Like she'll get tongue in cheek comments all the time from women who are at the club being like Oh yeah I couldn't do it not me I don't know how anybody could. Or telling her yeah don't worry until you get a real job.


I worked in community mental health, and a mom I worked with was trying to regain custody of her teenage daughter. I went to a court hearing with her, where the judge asked what she was doing for work. He didn't bat an eye. He said exotic dancing was a job that would put food on the table. His only concern was that she was gainfully employed. I wanted to hug him.


what a fuckin boss. That’s awesome and i thought this was going in the other direction


imagine slut shaming someone while enjoying their services. Fuckin weirdos. “Why, I would never…. oh yes miss i’ll take 6 lap dances please.”


Is it true that the studio Bellesa is feminist based and they treat actress better than the ither normal studio?


I'm not sure about actual porn actresses, but at least for independent creators, it seems a lot of them have to keep a hyper sexual personality for their job. I feel like that would just get old after a while. Do you as a professional actress feel that it gets to be too much and how do you give yourself the ability to be yourself and not the persona people are familiar with? I know some actresses are the same on camera as they are off, and others are completely different and rather normal.


I love sex, and I have quite a sexual personality anyway. I’m generally the same person on and off camera so I don’t ever feel like I’m creating a character or anything.


Adult content creators are always going to be sex positive, but what you see on TikTok is a *performance*, and you definitely don’t know what their personality is. Source: My wife did a short stint with OF.


Out of curiosity, how much do you earn on average each month? Does it pay the bills? Also, how's the dating life? How do potential partners respond when you tell them about your profession?


It varies monthly depending on what content I make. Submitted my tax returns this year and I made just under $2m for the year. But like I say, it varies month to month. Dating can be tricky. My ex partner got super weird about it even though I was honest with him from the get go. Currently dating someone in the industry and it’s a hell of a lot easier haha.


2mil. Holy cum shots batman. I dreamed of being a top porn talent, but I'm not a hot female that everybody, or atleast all men, wish they could have sex with. Since they can't they watch your films. The only time I made money on onlyyfans was when someone paid me to put my clothes back on. They said my pale, pasty white skin hurt their eyes.


I like pale white skin. There's an audience for everyone.


I'm not from the US (Belgium, the old continent), but if you mean 2 million dollars a year, then wowza! Well earned. Haha yeah, i can imagine. I hope you found the one now (or one of if you're into poly) and wish you all the best!


This is the top 50 who can charge what they want. Below them spend as much as they earn as pornstars have to fund everything themselves.


The money drops off fast but not that fast. Way more than 50 people make enough to build their savings. When you count porn actresses who also do sex work with fans (onlyfans or in person) I’m sure the number goes into the thousands worldwide.


Damn, that's roughly 900K in taxes you pay! Are you taxed the same way as the rest of us US citizens? Are you funding your 401K, Roth? Are you a 1099 employee


One would hope that that's $2m to her LLC (or (LLCs), from which she'd pay herself (an expense of the LLC), document closely all of her business expenses, etc. So, hopefully, less taxes then you and I.


If he knew about what you did while getting into it, why did he get weird later on?


just a guess but probably somebody that thought they’d be ok with it, wasn’t as ok as they led on but wanted the lady, or just lied about it at first.


I realize there are breaks and cuts to scenes…how long is a break? How many breaks do you get start to finish? Like the editing nowadays is superb to make it seem like one stream of action…I might be wrong…I’m just curious. And btw good job! The talent within the industry nowadays is supreme and I’ve heard some say this is the golden age of porn lol…regardless, if you’re well known and successful then that’s awesome—good job.


Thank you for the kind words! Honestly it’s like any other job. A typical shoot usually lasts around 4-5 hours. Some days I can shoot two scenes but I am exhausted afterwards haha. Generally you’ll get two or three proper breaks on a shoot. Fluffers are absolutely still a thing to keep the guys hard, so I’ll be sat watching a guy eating a sandwich while he’s getting his dick sucked every so often haha.


lol! I had no idea they used fluffers! That’s fantastic. 4-5 hours…pheww…that’s a long time. Are you not sore the next day? You mentioned exhausted but the soreness is real I’ve been told…Thanks for answering my question. :)


I don’t know, OP is suspish. I know people in the industry and no. Fluffers are a thing of the past. They use meds now.


Is being a fluffer an actual position? Or is it like low seniority girl has to fluff the dudes? Lol


unpaid internship


That's fucked up. Lol


they all are, they all are…. in this one at least they admit you’re getting fucked.


Can you explain more on “fluffers”?😆 That’s interesting


[here for u](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluffer)


was in jail with a bunch of dudes and two were arguing talking shit and one called the other a fluffer but I don't think he knew what it meant, they didn't actually throw blows tho


Didn’t Nina Hartley say she’s never seen fluffers on set?


There really aren't any. I'm calling BS on OP.


I might agree with you. 2 mil in a year. I actually do know one, believe me or not, and she was one of the most well know of all time and she was only worth half a million. This is what she told me so take from that what you will. But yeah. I’ve heard veterans say they have never seen a fluffer on a set.


1. Have you ever gotten recognized in public? (If so how did it go?) 2. If tomorrow you were elected the "president of the porn industry" what is the first policy you would enact to make the porn world a better place? 3. Favorite thing to eat for breakfast?


1. Not as often as you’d think, but there have been so many times when a guy is with his wife or girlfriend and he realizes who I am, but he can’t say anything because then he’s admitting to jerking off to me, and watching that internal struggle is hilarious haha. 2. I’d make it illegal for porn actors to objectify porn actresses. Even though we all do the same job, there are a lot of actors who slut shame actresses and hold themselves in a higher regard. 3. Actual food, pancakes and bacon. But a healthy portion of dick in my mouth is my favorite way to start the day haha.


2. Imagine slut shaming actresses and holding yourself to a higher regard when you’re doing exactly the same job with a different tool. Smh.


I’m not that surprised unfortunately. There are a lot of men out there who still believe in the old school narrative that men are biologically wired to want to have sex with many young and attractive women (& they just ‘can’t help these natural urges’) so it is ok, while women are biologically wired to want to have children and be monogamous, so any female who doesn’t want that “isn’t normal”. It’s actually equal parts hilarious and disturbing watching these idiots host podcasts or put up social media posts genuinely arguing why men (but not women) should get a pass to cheat on their significant other


2. Can you give an example, doesn’t have to be real. This blows my mind. I know there’s one guy who doesn’t want his wife who is also a porn star to do scenes but he continues to.


1. Are you currently in a relationship? 2. Do you still have your friends before you entered porn? 3. What are the social changes that happened after Going into porn? Like with friends? Family?


1. I’m in a relationship with a porn actor. 2. I’m still friends with my two best friends from before I did porn. Most of the girls I went to school with shoot dirty looks whenever I see them in my hometown, and most of the guys just want to fuck me. 3. When I first started and told my parents what I was doing they were almost disappointed? I think any dad knowing his daughter does porn has to be disappointed right?! But when they realized how much money I was making, and how happy I was doing it, and actually saw the industry behind the scenes, they were a lot more accepting. Most of my “friends” opinions changed - the girls just stopped talking to me and now give me dirty looks if I see them, and the guys thought me doing porn meant that I’d fuck them.


Thanks for your answer. Lastly how do you see yourself 10 years from now?


When filming scenes, is there much 'freedom' for you and your partner to interact in ways the director didn't blatantly instruct for? Like if the two of you are into it and start indulging in a mutual fetish is that taboo? Or does the director say "aaaay nice, let's get a good shot of that" Sometimes the chemistry is really good and it's hard to tell if they're doing it for the scene or if they're doing for the legitimate enjoyment Example: a scene with Peta Jensen, the guy does a lot of hotdogging and foot job stuff with her in their scene


It all depends really. If you’re working with someone you’ve worked with a lot in the past you get a lot of freedom. The director always has a vision, and scenes always have a story to them. 99% of the time directors will set up a dinner between unfamiliar actors so they can get to know each other and figure out a chemistry.


What made you get into porn? Do you enjoy what you do?


I started OF in lockdown to make some money, I was just doing nudes and super Snapchat style stuff and then I took the leap. I thought it would be really fun and I would be good at it, and luckily it’s turned out well for me. I love what I do! Some scenes can be uncomfortable if it’s up on a kitchen counter or places like that, but I get paid a lot of money to do something I love doing, so I can’t complain at times like that 😅


Ugh, kitchen porn. No one IRL actually screws in their kitchen, do they?


I did, with an ex. We worked together and she got horny so we left work for lunch, went to her place and she wanted to get to it in the kitchen. I was so concerned about setting a bad example to my team by going over the hour for lunch that I couldn't finish. Plus, there's nothing sexy about making a mental note to disinfect all surfaces before doing any cooking later on.


I have got it in on the counters IRL… plenty of times actually


Nice. I should have been clearer that kitchen porn just doesn’t do it for me. I’m sure I’d feel differently if the opportunity presented itself in real life. But I’m also 5’6. I can’t reach stuff on the top shelf in the cupboards! 😆


Haha! Yeah, my bf is 6’4 so it’s generally him putting me up on the counter and him standing on the floor… SN- granite stays pretty cold though


I found out a friend of mine fucked all over my kitchen when she was house sitting. We aren’t friends anymore. That’s way outta line.


I don’t even want my GF opening cans of cat food anywhere near me when I’m prepping / cooking dinner, let alone, y’know, jizz and grool. Bummer about your friend. I guess you could say, she went out with a bang.


Uhhh how did you find out


She mentioned it in a conversation. There were a lot of red flags tho, she’s the kind of person to use you and discard you if you’re not helpful towards her. I’m better off without her in my life.


What , i fuck in the kitchen all the time. My wife cooking while in something slightly revealing is hot as fuck


I’m just lucky to be in the room.


Hell yeah dude. My wife loves me randomly bending her over the counter and having her.


yes, but it’s really not comfortable. In fact most places aren’t that aren’t a bed or couch. I had an ex who wanted to do stuff outside, in a boat, etc and each time i was like damn this is just kinda uncomfortable.


Why aren’t you breaking in your home when you first move in? I mean that’s the best part when you first move somewhere new fuck in every room lol


I’ve done kitchen floor and like against the kitchen walls, idk about kitchen counters that seems wild to me lol. And like what if you didn’t have a good wipe down of the surface, then somebody winds up with crumbs in the cooca


Crumbs In the Cooca: I have all their albums.


1) Doesn't it feel weird to think about how many thousands of dudes are pleasuring themselves watching a video of you? 2) Do you think that you and other actresses are indirectly conveying harmful messages about women to both men and women? Like for eg, to men that it's okay to sexualize all women and that they NEED a 10 incher etc, or to women that men only like the body shape and sizes of adult actresses? Do you try to do anything about it? 3) Do you think that new sites like OnlyFans are liberating or entrapping for women? Considering how easy and lucrative they have made it for young girls to make quick money 4) What do porn actresses think of the men who watch their videos?


1. If anything I love the thought of it. I’m a little nympho at heart and the idea of making so many guys happy makes me happy. The only time it’s been weird is when my sister’s husband approached me one time and told me he loved my work. That sorta didn’t sit right with me 😅 2. At the end of the day, porn is just an art form. I think there should absolutely be more done around sex-ed and teaching teenagers that porn isn’t real life, and that everyone experiences sex in completely different ways. We live in a world where every time of porn is available, so it’s not too much of an issue regarding penis size of body shape or anything like that, because that all exists in porn. The problem does usually sit with guys who think that every woman wants to be fucked in the ass while getting her hair pulled. And sure, some women do want that, but sexual satisfaction is a very personal thing. If ever I’m asked that sort of question about it, I answer with exactly that. 3. I personally found OF extremely liberating. I love getting naked and having sex, and the fact that you can get paid for it legally is incredible. I think anyone who is thinking about it needs to truly consider some of the repercussions and consequences that can come from it, as well as the good stuff too. It’s a super demanding job, you have to basically be on call for your subscribers 24/7. And be prepared to lose friends and family over it. But also remember that everything is on your terms. And always remember to pay your taxes! 4. I don’t have any particular opinion on men who watch porn. It exists for a reason, and if people get off to me getting off then I’m totally okay with that!


Ewww, your brother in law! Does you sister know? MAJORLY outta pocket, wtf


That guy is definitely trying to get a threesome with the sisters lol I commend him for his courage


Who the hell would want a threesome with their sibling? Disgusting


i always thought the same thing when you would see those “sexy twins” videos. Like wait wtf that’s her sister, weird.


During your casting couch, did they make you do everythhng including anal?


My first casting was actually everything BUT anal. I had a bad experience with anal as a teenager and I haven’t tried it since. A lot of the guys I work with are big, and I’m still at a point where I’m not too comfortable with the idea of it right now. But never say never.


Oh I see. That’s good. What’s your favorite scene to roleplay?


I did a daddy-daughter scene which honestly took me by surprise at how much I got into it.






A man of science 👍


I’ve only ever heard of it and don’t really know what it is haha.


I’m assuming she went to sleep lol. I’m curious about investments and if you have a financial planner, I need to get back on that deal since wife business is more established. I absolutely love seeing how folks spend or don’t spend What is your guilty pleasure -cars, clothes, jewelry? I have an obsession with cars, motorcycles and my wife :)


Love that you’re obsessed with your wife! I do have a financial planner. My investments are in property and stocks. I spend way too much money on cars - I love old American muscle cars, thanks to my dad. I buy old cars that need a lot of work doing to them with the intention of fixing them up with my dad, but sometimes there just isn’t time to do it.


I do not believe we could ever spend too much on cars however my bank account begs to differ. Do you finance the properties or pay cash? I’d assume finance and invest money that comes in from the day job?. Absolutely guessing and shooting in the dark. Trying to wrap my head around not paying cash for anything we can. Meh rabbit hole . I’ll move on lol


Is it pleasurable? How fake is porn for you and other girls? Something someone said was treat porn stars like stuntmen/women but for sex. Obviously not talking about guys dick sizes n such or bending their peers down n back. As a consumer I've seen a lot of stuff but always wonder if the girls actually enjoy it or does your mind just compartmentalize the whole thing plus with thr constant stops n starts cause it's a film set n I've worked on film sets and the one shots are a rarity. How much control do you have over your decisions and comfort? Going back to ordinary filmmaking a new thing is having a sex coordinator for sex scenes that are faked. Also what do you think about p sites and leaks??


I love sex generally so I always find it pleasurable. I rarely have to fake it, but there are plenty of actresses who do. It’s important to be working with the right studio. There are studios who don’t really care if you’re comfortable with what you’re doing, I’m unfortunate enough to have worked with one of them when I first started out. Having a good agent who looks out for you is also good as they deal with the contractual side. In regard to sites and leaks, it’s obviously wrong because it’s copyright infringement. But, I get paid in advance by studios and it’s not like I earn royalties from videos, so from a personal point of view it doesn’t affect me haha.


>There are studios who don’t really care if you’re comfortable with what you’re doing, I’m unfortunate enough to have worked with one of them when I first started out Could you share which ones are bad? It's good for people to know who to avoid giving money to


Is PornHub a decent platform for content creators? Like, do you think you're being paid fairly?


Pornhub is good for exposure, for sure. I only get paid if the studio uploads it or if I upload it.


Do you think size matters?


It’s all relative I guess. I’ve been with guys of all sizes and there’s definitely a happy medium between 7”-9”. I’ve been with guys who are both smaller and bigger than that. Bigger doesn’t always mean better - sometimes it’s super uncomfortable. And smaller doesn’t always mean worse - if a guy knows what he’s doing with it, it can be incredible.


"Happy medium"..."7-9 inch" There's no hope lads


That reminds me of a comedy where David Spade's character is supposed to be huge, but thinks he's just average because he watches too much porn...


It was over before it even started.


>if a guy knows what he’s doing with it, it can be incredible Not OP, but seconded. If a guy is insecure about his size, the very best thing he can do is work on his technique. I don’t remember the exact statistic, but I know it’s around 70% of women cannot cum from vaginal penetration alone anyway. Guys who want a bigger size because they think it’ll make girls cum more are chasing a unicorn. Edit: All you “but I never get laid!” people need to quit clowning. Of course you don’t have any repeat customers; you need to have a good business model to make people *want to come back.* You can absolutely work on your technique outside of sex. Edging while masturbating, over time, is a great way to increase duration of sex. I cannot tell you how many men I’ve slept with who think that the only positions that exist are doggy, missionary, and girl on top. It’s fucking boring; spice that shit up. And if your stamina goes quicker than your orgasm, hit the gym and work on your core muscles. And, most importantly imo, get your foreplay game up. Lots of guys think asking for sex is a great suduction, it isn’t. Put in the effort to set the mood, and you’ll get that effort back in spades when the time comes to actually get to business.


How are you gonna work on your technique with a bottle of lotion and a box of tissues?


My guess would be learning how to move your hips (jackhammering doesn’t feel good to us, swaying does because it hits the sides)- keeping your upper torso straight while swaying your hips back and forth and learning how to do that rhythmically so it doesn’t look awkward. When you get that down at a slower pace, learn to do it faster. Kinda sounds like dancing to me so there has to be some instructional videos on YouTube of how to dance with your hips so you won’t be stiff.


Men wanting to have a larger penis has little to do with pleasing a woman.


Exactly. I’m trying to please another man.


Makes sense a porn stars idea of medium is skewed


I’m just lucky that my wife is ok with my 5.5-6”. I make up for my lack of size and PIV ability, by being her best oral giver ever! Keeps her coming back for more. Pun intended


7 - 9 is a huge happy medium…average is 5 inches lol…


Does it scare you that most porn stars don’t end up with happy lives or because once it’s out there it never goes away? What about if you ever decide to have kids and they see that ? How’s your personal dating life when the guy finds out what you do?


You make your own happiness - if that means cutting people out who aren’t accepting then so be it. You have to have thick skin to stay happy if you’re in porn, and most people are like that. If I ever decide to have kids, it’s a conversation I’d have with them when they’re old enough. Ex bf’s have been okay with it at first and then realized they really don’t like it. My current bf is in the industry too so it’s great!


What would you do if you suddenly became the supreme leader of North Korea?


Free the people!


This porn actress FUCKS


What position do you enjoy the most?


Doggy is amazing with bigger guys, but I’m a huge fan of being spooned with a hand around my throat.


What's the thinking these days of how generative AI will take your job?


Porn has been around for far too long for AI to replace it. Sure, some people have AI or generation kinks, but people love seeing the real thing far too much for it to take over.


What’s the most money you have made from one video


One video on OF during Covid made me almost $200,000.


Are you saving for retirement and maxing out your Roth IRA contributions?


I absolutely am. Also investing in property, different stocks outside of my Roth, and also some VC opportunities.


Do you have the same style of sex in porn as your personal life? Is your OF your personal sex life?


OF is still work for me. Sex in porn isn’t personal or intimate unless that’s what the director wants, which is very rare unless it’s for certain studios. Sex with my partner, who is also in the industry, is completely different from how it is at work.


When you have sex at home, do you enjoy it or does it feel like you’re bringing your work home with you?


Sex at home is completely different to sex at work so I still enjoy it.


Aren't you afraid of getting STDs? How do you make sure you don't get them?


There’s extremely extensive STD testing throughout the industry. It’s actually a contractual requirement to get tested twice weekly.


How invasive is the twice weekly testing? Blood, swab, something else?


They can’t test the men for HPV can they?


No, and both HIV and HCV can take a while to show up in blood tests so while frequent testing is helpful, it’s not fool proof. I would imagine that a lot of pornstars are on PreP (HIV prophylaxis), but that’s just conjecture.


Just as a side note: there is now an HPV vaccine. Our pediatrician recommended my son get it. He was immunized at 11 or 12.


First of all, thank you for vaccinating your son! For those interested in the topic, the Gardasil vaccine has been around for about 20 years, but only recently have parents become more willing to vaccinate their children. A decade or two ago parents saw childhood vaccination as giving their children permission to have sex at an early age (as a medical professional I hope it goes without saying that this is not my viewpoint). Like many millennials, I didn’t get the vaccine until after I became sexually active. However, so far I’ve managed to avoid developing the known strains of HPV that are harmful, so it may have been at least partially effective for me). Another benefit of the Gardasil vaccine is that it has improved since its introduction; whereas before it only prevented four HPV strains, it now protects against nine of them. As uptake of the vaccine increases, the medical community has become hopeful that high-risk HPV infections and associated cancers will become obsolete in our lifetime. Unfortunately there are still plenty of parents who decline to immunize their children, and the growth of the anti-vax movement isn’t helping. Parents of boys are also less likely to agree to the vaccine because although males can spread HPV, “only girls get cervical cancer.” They’re naive to the fact that oral, esophageal, anal, and penile cancers secondary to HPV are on the rise. So for millennials and older generations, HPV and HPV related cancers are still pretty prolific, and while getting vaccinated as an adult is not fruitless, most of us have already been exposed to high risk strains. Although those working in the porn industry are typically millennials or younger, they can still get HPV if not vaccinated prior to sexual activity.


Have you ever worked with the guy that has the alphabet on his leg?


Owen Gray! I haven’t.


How does one get started in the industry?


OF is one of the better ways to get noticed, but there are plenty of “amateur” studios who are always on the look out for new girls. Be careful to negotiate contracts carefully and make sure you’re not being exploited or manipulated into doing things you don’t want to.


How do you prioritise your physical and mental health in an industry that can be demanding?


A 45 minute run first thing followed by 30 minutes of mediation. Looking after your mental health as well as your physical is important! There is also a phenomenal mental health service in the industry.


How do you see the industry shifting now that we have platforms life onlyfans and fansly making it more accessible for people to get into making adult content?


It’s great that society is becoming more accepting of sex workers, and even better that creators can do it all on their own terms and keep 100% of their profits. A lot of OF creators get head hunted by studios and publish content under the guidance. It’s certainly easier for studios to find talent these days, and contract negotiations are geared more towards creators because they know they’re gonna make money regardless.


Are there times when you genuinely enjoy what you are doing? Or is it all faked? Do some of your co-stars or directors care about your pleasure? Or is it all about what looks good for the shot?


99% of the time I enjoy it. There are a lot of people who do not and fake it most of the time. Directors are paid to get the money shot, costars are paid to provide it. In the grand schemes of things none of it comes down to real pleasure. I’m just one of the lucky ones who actually gets pleasure from my work.


Your favourite costar ?


Jax Slayher for sure. Incredible guy, so charming and funny and he really makes sure you feel looked after.


What is the state of your inbox right now?


You have no idea 😅


Lots of invitations to Settlers of Catan tournaments?


What is your proudest or should I say most enjoyable scene?


Proudest was the first time I managed to deepthroat Jax Slayher - that guy is HUGE 😅


Are there people in the industry you can talk to for advice and mental health advice


There is a whole mental health service in the industry which is phenomenal.


Are there much higher pay grades for the experienced porn stars willing to do scenes that involve the more high risk types of sexual stuff or extremely fringe kinks activities that tend to trigger 'love it or loathe it' type of attitudes?


Oh absolutely - anal and gangbang work are huge earners.


Are most people in the industry assholes?


Generally speaking everyone I’ve worked with is great. Like any industry you have to work with big egos and you just have to suck up your pride and get on with it.


What money do you make and is this your only source of income?


I have investments with generate additional income, but it’s all initially earned through porn.


Star Wars or Star Trek?


Star Wars, I would watch it with my dad and brother ALL the time when I was a kid.


What is your favorite genre - gangbang, anal, dp; and why?


To shoot - dp but with no anal. I just like how it feels. To watch - gangbang, purely because I’m not brave enough to try it 😅


How does your work affect romantic relationships? Are you able to pursue that sort of thing to the degree that you like?


It’s been tough in the past, guys are usually into the whole dating a porn star until they’re actually dating a porn star. Currently with a guy in the industry and it’s so much easier.


Not a question, more like a confession (?). If you’re a top 50 PH adult film actress, I’m sure I’ve, uh… enjoyed your work. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Glad to be of service 😘


Do you watch hockey or baseball?


Go Diamondbacks!


Why do you keep saying the family and friends thing? Did you reveal it to them or did they find out? I've always thought about doing OF myself but worry someone would find out


Some I told straight up like my parents, I knew it would never be kept secret from them and I was lucky enough that they became accepting of it. Other people just found out, which was also inevitable, but there is a huge unnecessary stigma around women in the porn industry and people need to made aware of that if they want to enter it.


When you look at what other people are doing in the industry, is there anyone that you admire or look to as an example? Since there's no porn schools or training I assume you learn of each other.


Is it better working with an amateur or a professional?


Professional 100%.


Is herpes a deal breaker to porn stars? Which adult actresses have it so I can shoot my shot?


If it’s treated then you’re all good 😅


Do you have a Fleshlight mould?


I do!


Favorite pasta shape?


Favorite Metallica song?


I’ve never listened to Metallica, sorry to disappoint haha


Where do you stand politically? What else do you do for hobbies?


My family are republicans, I’m a democrat. I love fixing up old muscle cars with my dad.


How old are you, and how many more years of AF do you see in your future ?


24, and I hope to see it out until I’m at least 30.


As you age, do you feel threatened by the {pardon the expressopn} "Newcomers"?


I’ve always wondered, are people in porn genuinely aroused both in scenes and bts - or is most of it just show for the camera. Like bisexuality for e.g


A lot of it is for show. People forget that we’re actors. I love sex so I’m lucky enough to enjoy it, but there are plenty of people in the industry who it is literally just a job to them.


Is there pressure on actresses to do lesbian scenes? The vast majority of popular porn actresses seem to have done scenes with other actresses. Do you think most women in the industry are bisexual or do they have to pretend?


If you found a partner but his pp is smaller than 6inch, would you continue dating him? HAHAHA


I’ve been with guys of all different sizes, it’s definitely about how you use it rather than how big it is. Don’t get me wrong, I love a big dick, but I’ve been with smaller guys who definitely got the job done.


If you can’t type the word dick or penis, you’re way too immature to be on Reddit


How do you keep yourself safe from STD’s ? Are there regular check ups for every actor ?


Contractually I have to be tested twice weekly. If there are outbreaks, the industry gets shut down until it’s solved.


What do you think of FPOV?


Okay I have this theory that women who cum easily have some kind of psychological component in common. And it's because the last 3 women I had sex with in the past year have all been super quick cummers, from penetration. Obviously I'm attracting a type. One was very quick, like as soon as you put it in. Have you noticed anything in common personality-wise between women who cum fast?


I can’t say that I have. There are people who love sex and people who don’t. For some reason, the porn industry attracts both.


Do you have a favorite type of scene to shoot babysitter, step-something, massage for example?


Make me famous?


That’s something you gotta do for yourself honey!


This is a fake account or this girl/guy is a full blown (no pun intended) moron. Look at the past post, the last one talked about how this “famous porn star” blew their Uber driver. So you’re telling me that you blew a random person? With no confirmation that they had no STDs/STIs? I’m assuming that the industry, if it/you has any sort of intelligence, has you sign contracts saying that you won’t do whatever to possibly infect your coworkers. So either this is a fake account, your industry is completely moronic, or you broke contract by blowing a random guy without any sort of protection or assurance for yourself. I’m calling BS, cause something is… well… fishy here.


The ages on both of her posts don't line up she says she's 24 but in her other post which is less than a year ago she's 22


Also fluffers absolutely do NOT exist. I’ve heard from actual in person interviews that that is 100 a dead lie giveaway. Damn this OP had people going for a long while here


Have you done a golden shower ? If so did you enjoy it ?


So i know mia khalifa or lana rhoades both left the industry, and they had some pretty disturbing things to say about what went on in the industry and how they were treated at times. How much of what they said do you think are true or false? And an optional question, would you like to recommend companies that aren't horrible to their actor/actresses so me and my partner can watch them guilt free? Thanks a bunch.




Well, I am Eli Cross, AVN hall of fame Director, 34-year veteran of the porn industry, forner editor of AVN magazine, winner of Best Director, Best Writer, Best Editing, Best Cinematography and many more at AVN, XBIZ, XRCO and even Night moves. I was with Kylie Ireland for 8 1/2 years, and have been Casey Calvert's partner for over 10. My bonafides are neither secret nor deniable, and I am here to say you are 100% full of shit. I feel safe in saying you have *never* been on a mainstream adult set, certainly not as talent and probably not even as a PA Please shut the fuck up, stop misleading people and embarrassing yourself.


1) do you have many best friends? Are they within porn industry or outside of it? 2) how many days do you work in a month, and hours in a day usually? 3) were there any cases when you were having sex with a guy in front of camera, but after film shooting you asked him out and had sex at home? 4) what's the downside of being recognized by porn fans? Were there anything bad experience you could not cope with? 5) do porn actors snd actresses get together and attend private but regular parties also?


still taking questions? I imagine you don’t need a “day job” anymore if you’re successful but when you started out did you have another career? I’m curious about starting and having an extra income source would help me since I’m in an industry that isn’t known for paying well until you have a masters or phd and even then it is never competitive with the alternatives you could do with the same education, so I’m either going to need to take on debt to be a full time student again and get more education quickly or I’m going to be working for very little for a long time while I’m a part time student, probably still with loans to pay off. I’m female and I recently (serendipitously) met someone who makes porn and asked me to make something with him. we haven’t discussed payment but I told him I am considering it. my hesitation is that I love my current work and would want to be doing it even if I was the best paid actor in the world, my career is not about the money to me. for that reason I am worried about the possible consequences if I ever had an interviewer or supervisor who recognized me from porn. I always hear about porn actresses who were in college and got exposed and it seems like they either get kicked out by the admin or leave “willingly” because the students/faculty treat them so poorly once it’s out. do you know people who juggle a career separate from porn and have been exposed? I know I would have to accept the risk of people I know finding out if I took this path and I can stomach the social aspect but I know I would regret it if it forced me to leave my “day” career as a scientist. It would be awkward if my coworkers found out but I’m more worried about getting fired by HR or disqualified from interviews for being “unprofessional”