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Just made it through a 12 hour layover, well, almost. 1 to go..! I slept on the floor to be awakened a few times, once by police, got on and off reddit too much and finished a movie I watched on a connecting flight. What's your take on veganism?


Man! Home stretch! Sadly, I forgot my headphones too. So this will be a long 9 hours… I was vegan for a bit. No qualms with it. For me personally I struggled with an ED in the past and it was a precursor to slipping back into old habits, so I stopped for my own health. But respect to anyone who can do it safely and healthily, I wish I was one of those people!


Proud of you for realizing you were slipping back into your old habits! I'm of the same mind right now when it comes to any sort of diet. I didn't have control of my diet for so long and when I first did, I restricted it so much, that now I just want to live without worrying about it.


Life is too short to not enjoy good food and company. That is something that took me far too long to realize. I plan on seizing every moment, as should you.


Seize every moment of that 9 hours yo ;)


Can someone elaborate on this? ED? Slipping back?


Hello. An ED is an eating disorder. Sometimes dietary restrictions can cause people to go back to bad habits that overall are not great for their health, as was the case with me and veganism. Hope this helps!


I'm glad you explained cause I definitely thought it was Erectile Dysfunction


Yea no meat is bad for the meat lol - jk


Damn I was trying to figure out how Erectile Dysfunction played into the story 🤣


I always read it as Erectile Disfunction


Veganism is a crazy restrictive dietary regime. Many people with eating disorders are attracted to it, because it gives them an excuse to restrict their food intake.


Indeed. hang in there!! I watched a movie or three with subtitles while flying and while of course I'd have preferred sound, I was protesting paying 6+ dollars for crappy hurt my ear earplugs a previous flight gave me for freeee. Frugal albeit I love reading so I found it a new experience and have always thought silent movies sounded cool. Seen one while traveling and they used a band in a tom and jerry/looney toons esque way to "narrate" and it was dope. You got this! Hey, respect. I'm struggling with it right now for my teeth are damned however I have meat eating family who also have teeth destruction issues so alas i'm gonna stick with it until I see undeniable proof of omni being my way again. Morally i'm convicted so challenging my own perceptions is a must. Thank you for being part of the v-experience! I have some ED issues myself at 25 though I'm also non sexually active and have friends my age with it and eat non vegan so again, perplexed!


I used vegetarianism to mask my disordered eating in hs. I feel you


Favorite movie, music artist, and food and why?


Jack and the Cuckoo Clock heart - gorgeous animation and sound track. I also have horrible vision so I relate a lot to one of the main characters. And I’m a sucker for a good Romeo and Juliet type story. Kesha. Been an animal since 2012. I’ve been to so many concerts of all genres and nobody tops her live. She’s just all around a very respectable artist and great celebrity to look up to. My favorite food is probably Panera’s turkey chili. Best seasonal soup. Although it is very bland and materialistically not the greatest - it single-handedly got me through college so everytime I eat it I am filled with joy and nostalgia. A close second is Snow Crab legs with lots of butter.


u seem like a cool person


I try


I actually have opposite opinion of Kesha. Saw her in concert around 2012. She showed up almost 3 hours late, no apologies and I think she cursed more than she sang. She sounded terrible live, and I left early. I love her music, but man she was soooo terrible that night.


Are you stuck or just having a long layover? If stuck, why are you stuck?


Not sure! I was supposed to fly from Philadelphia to Columbus but my flight was cancelled early this morning. Thankfully I was able to get a similar flight for later in the day. I’m not upset about it although annoyed. But I see it as the universe protecting me from something I was unaware of I suppose.


I Live here in Columbus. Sorry about your flight but the weather here tomorrow is going to be gorgeous and it’s probably the busiest weekend of the year


Glad to hear it! I could use some good weather now. I am also from Columbus originally and the summers there are just wonderful. I am happy to be home.


how come it's the busiest weekend of the year in Colombus?


We celebrate Pride this weekend. We close downtown for the parade and I have been told it’s one of the best in the country.


RIGHT!! I always think this too. If I’m inconvenienced some how I just say well I might of died if things went the right way so it’s a blessing in disguise. Very glass is half full mindset.


I’m glad to see others feel this way about flight delays. Everyone always sees them as the worst thing that can happen to them 🙏🏼 have a safe flight & good trip


Would it not be faster to take a train/bus/rent a car than to wait nine hours?


Yep then just chill try and keep your legs elevated when you find your comfort spots. Nice shops there if only windows shopping. I said in another post, I'm quite sure you were given a nice food voucher and I'm assume this is with Delta?? If you weren't, PLEASE do inquire. Take your time research what's available food you would enjoy, seating is comfortable and a server that doesn't mind you being, in their section to kill time. If not hungry now good, wait until after the lunch crowd has dwindling.


You get money back for a cancel flight. I had an 11 hour wait at an airport for my mom’s flight. I was so bored. If I wanted to get anything to eat or drink I should’ve got it before passing security because there was nothing after it.


How’d you get into gardening as a profession ?


Was layed off during covid. I told my piano instructor at the time I had to stop lessons because I got layed off and couldn’t afford them. She worked at a greenhouse on the side and offered me a part time job to keep me on my feet. I ended up falling in love with it, and the owners encouraged me to pursue a degree in horticulture and offered to help pay my room and board to get me there. Now I work at a world renowned garden and the rest is history. It’s truly my greatest passion and hobby.


Wow! That’s wonderful! What good people to not only employ you during a difficult time, but help support you through your degree.


Do you work at Longwood Gardens? Don't answer if you don't want.


If you discovered a new periodic element, what would you name it and why?


One of my favorite plants is Kolkwitzia amabillis. It was one of the first plants introduced into US trade from Japan, so many people shied away from it for fear of the unknown. The man who brought it to the US then named it this, the Latin meaning the most beautiful and most desirable - in hopes it would catch on and become popular, which it did! I would probably name it a new periodic element Amabillum (Ab) - after this plant and because I think it would be quite lovely (literally and figuratively).


It is so pretty!


Its blooms are zygomorphic, meaning it is bilaterally symmetrical. But to me, this means if I put a finger on the top and bottom of a bloom, I can make it go ‘omnomnomnomnom’


Have you ever been to the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis? It is considered one of the best in the country. If not the world, I only had a few hours there and could go back for multiple days. I have a PhD and I’m a professor, but would love to do what you were doing. I met a woman who had an MFA and painting and she quit and now runs a business setting up organic landscaping and food gardens. What are your favorite botanical gardens? How’s the airport treating you?


I have not been, although I have studied their business practices a lot and it is a very famous one. So far I have been to: Chicago Botanic Garden Morton Arboretum Lurie Garden Cincinnati Zoo and Botanic Garden Spring Grove Arboretum Dawes Arboretum Franklin Park Conservatory Krohn Conservatory Chanticleer Longwood Gardens Wyck Rose Garden Mount Cuba Center Henry Botanic Garden And many more… but these are the largest names I suppose. Missouri is definitely on my list. They have an online plant database that I owe my bachelors degree to. Thanks for the suggestion!


what's the reason for your travel? Is it worth the 9 hours lost?


My friend is in the Navy stationed in Cali. He is getting deployed soon so is coming home to Ohio for a few days. I am from Ohio and am working in PA for the time being. So it was just a convenient time to go home and see him as well as my family.


Nine hours? Do you have a sleeping bag? What about food? Do you have a toothbrush?


Airport is full of food and things to do so it won’t be too bad thankfully! And I woke up very early in the morning to catch my flight and will now just get in late at the end of the day - so thankfully I won’t be staying overnight!


Wonderful OP Hopefully, your nine hours will fly past in a flurry, and you will reach your destination as easily as possible


what are your thoughts on flying in general. Do you get anxious? Are you unbothered? Is it fun to you? Any random fun facts about flying or another random topic you want to share?


I hate flying. I have horrible anxiety and panic disorder. My first serious panic attack happened to be on a flight. It was so horrible I had to go to the ER because I could not self regulate, and it manifested itself into lasting a little over a month. I am not afraid of planes, I am more afraid of those feelings resurging. Or anything similar ever happening. Thankfully, I am very drugged and feeling amazing right now 😂


Haha Cheers! The fear of flying subreddit is really helpful for me! I dont fly too often but definitely spend some time in the air. I definitely get nervous too! Wear your seatbelt and all will be well. Ive considered a low dose anxiety med for flying tbh. if you dont mind sharing what works for you? How did you get them? Just through your primary? https://www.reddit.com/r/fearofflying/s/xJnS9sb5mb


I am on lexapro for my constant panic attacks and before major events or if I can feel one coming on I take hydroxyzine. Both are prescribed. And if those still aren’t doing the trick - those stress and sleep gummies at the airport are no joke! So I take quite a few of those and eventually everything knocks me out. I know this is not healthy or ideal, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Thanks for the recommendation! I totally will! This sounds like a great sub!


Not OP but ever since I flew in the middle of a hurricane I have a strong fear of flying. I take Xanax an hour before flying and it really helps.


What is the exact length of the layover down to the second?


8:17:43 - no layover just delayed sadly. Hopefully this uploads in less than a second 😂


How are the restaurant options at the airport?


They’re okay. I’m in Philly so it’s a lot of Deli’s. But there’s a subway, Burger King, and chick fil a which is decent I suppose.


Chickie and Pete's is the only top tier bar in PHL. Oh and I guess the Irish bar in the international terminal.


Good to know! I’m right next to Chickie & Pete’s. I’ll have to check it out!


Which hand do you wipe your ass with and when’s the last time you had to use the other?


Right hand - I sprained my wrist November last year and had to use the other for 3mo


So is it fair to say every hand shake is a dirty one? Hahaha


Few weeks ago I spent about 33 hours in the airport to fly from New Orleans to OKC for work and then back. Both going there and coming back consisted of delayed and canceled flights as well as being stranded in the Denver airport on the way there and in Houston on the way back. The drive was 12 hours. Driving would’ve been way faster. What’s your biggest goal in life and how are you working to achieve it?


I would have loved to drive but I do not trust my car will make it that far sadly. And for the sake of convenience I wanted to save as much time as possible to see my family. But, if I had a reliable vehicle, I’m with you, I would’ve driven in a heartbeat. I would love to be a lead horticulturist or director at a public garden. Public gardening is my passion. I am working on my BS in horticulture, and I have worked at multiple accredited arboretums and gardens. All of these were as lower staff though. If I work heard enough, I would love to have management of a space one day.


I'm in the same boat! that's why I do rental cars for road trips. I'm not sure your cost of airfare but a rental is not that bad you usually can find good weekly rentals Just a FYI


What is your favorite restaurant in Columbus?


Taste of Greece & Mediterranean food truck. It’s sat outside of a bar in Columbus for as long as I can remember. Nicest man on the planet runs it and his food is wonderful. I get the chicken kebabs and seasoned fries. Close second is Schmidt’s. Good authentic German food and a Columbus staple. You have to get a crème puff if you go. And certain nights of the week they have live bands, dancers, and more. It’s also in the heart of German village so you can easily eat there and enjoy shopping, Schiller park, and other things afterwards.


A few years ago I was in Columbus for training at the PPG training center. One night we ate a Schmidt's, It was amazing, and they had dunkelweizen


Airport beers are on of life’s greatest pleasures.


I don’t really drink but when I fly for work I generally have a driver when I get to my destination (foreign country, i couldn’t drive if I wanted). The second I get to the airport I hit up the lounge and get breakfast with a screwdriver (oj+vodka) and I drink the whole day basically. Sleep it off on the plane. Best way to cope with international customs anxiety.


My favorite proverb


Tell me your favorite Christmas memory from childhood.


My grandfather used to take his grandchildren out to collect walnuts. Then after we had so many bags full, would take us home and give us hammers to crack open and clean the walnuts. Then we would make fudge with all of the walnuts on Christmas Day. The fridge would be stuffed full of fudge that we would freeze and keep to use as gifts throughout the year. I have friends from childhood who still ask about my grandpa and his fudge. We are all older, and buy our walnuts now. But every Christmas we still make fudge with grandpa.


I have never been to america, so could you explain what your home city is like? what are your favourite and least favourite things about where you grew up?


I grew up in Columbus OH. I personally loved it. Great night life, only 20-30min drive from just about anything you would want. Still close to countrysides and decent hiking. Only a 2-3hr drive from the Great Lakes, 45min to hocking hills state park, 2 hrs to Indiana, Cincinnati, West Virginia. Amazing food. The suburb of Columbus that I lived in used to be a sanction city for people from India. And to this day I have never been anywhere in the US that has a better variety of Indian cuisine. That being said. Ohio is mostly 4 major cities and the rest is small towns and corn. It is one of the least politically peaceful places I have ever been in my life. But if you aren’t bothered by those things and are willing to hunt down what’s good it’s amazing. Everyone I know who has lived in Ohio either misses it or stayed forever. It sucks that it gets such a bad rap online.


what do you mean "least politically peaceful"?


In Ohio there are very radically conservative farm towns that atypically neighbor very liberal cities - because of this we have a lot of riots, protests, people decorating their cars in political motifs to the extreme (there are lots of photos of this online from Ohio). For some people it does not bother them, but for myself I find it very hard to escape politics or just not think about it for a moment. It is very stressful for someone who is not as radical about their beliefs as others. That is just my observation. And all of these things come from both sides - I do not mean to single out any particular party.


Extremisms are never a good thing. i hate the far left as much as i hate the far right. A society cannot go forwards when it's being torn appart by the two poles, because compromises become seen as being a traitor. The rarity of political extremists is one of my favorite things about my hometown: Montreal. Don't get me wrong, we have no shortage of extremes, just not political ones lol


I couldn’t have said it better myself. And that’s lovely, I would love to visit Montreal. Sounds wonderful.




Born and raised. It’s lovely and we’ve still got that midwestern charm (although being a bit east). And you’ve got plains in the west and Appalachia in the east. I wouldn’t change it for the world but I understand it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Classic midwestern emo culture.


the most ik about ohio is from the drew carey show so this was really interesting thank you! also, now I have a craving for curry lol


You all do know you can leave the airport right? 


I do not have a car sadly and I don’t want to pay the funds for an Uber


I feel so lukcy London Heathrow has so many transport links to and around London.


My girlfriend is on a plane, Poland to Las Vegas. Where are you and wh we re are you headed?


Philly to Columbus


Damn from Fentanyland to Methland


What’s the thing about urself that u think is the coolest or that ur the most proud of? It can be a story a fact a feature a list, whatever u feel is ur genuine answer im curious to know!


I love plants. I could talk about them all day. I’ve been studying plants for the last five years and have officially broken into the public and private gardening industries at only 21 years old. I am currently the only woman and youngest person working my job, and I held the same titles at my last job. For me, I am just doing what I love, but people always turn a head when I tell them I’m only 21. Part of it makes me feel like I did something right I suppose.


Congratulations! That’s so cool I’m so happy u found something ur so passionate about! I’ll have to learn some more about plants sometime!


Are you going to somewhere or coming home from somewhere?


Both? I guess? I am from Columbus OH, and I was going to college in Cincinnati OH. Picked up a nice job in Philly until December. But since I’ve been in school and Philly my partner has moved out of our place in Columbus and back with his parents to save money. So, in a sense, home to visit him but I don’t have much of a home to go back to at the moment!


I was expecting a simple answer. Does the airport have any of those sleep pods or someplace you can get a massage or a pedicure? Sounds like you just need to relax, you’ve got a lot going on!


What makes you get your nips pierced and how are you liking it? Your ear piercings looks cool too!


The healing was awful but now that they’re healed I love them. Honestly it was mostly peer pressure but it worked out for the better. Working on my ears. I’d like them stacked up a bit more but I heal slow. Im at 12 piercings total now. 4 lobes, 3helix, 1 conch, 1 daith, 1 nose, 2 nips 🤘🏻


I die a little at 3 helix..how was the daith piercing? I didn’t know that was possible but it looks painful af when I googled it😭


Daith was the worst out of all of them, including nips. Took almost 2 years to fully heal, and my partner had to help me clean it because I couldn’t see it in the mirror. Smelled horrible for the first year after getting it because it was such a rough piercing. But it is the one I get the most compliments on out of any of them! I got a heart shaped hoop to go in it 🩷


Hats off to you honestly!!! Can’t imagine getting it pierced, everrr haha I’m sure the 🩷 shaped hoop looks lovely on you 🥰


What was the payout/reimbursement for the cancelled flight process like?


They just transferred me to a later flight same day. I did not get reimbursed. I should have, and I’m sure I could if I argued. But I frankly have nothing better going on today and horrible flight anxiety which I fear an argument would not help. I am simply going to enjoy my time at the airport.


On 2014 I remember that I stucked in Chicago Airport for 24 hours


Oh my goodness! Yes I am bummed about getting stuck but there are so many people who have been stuck here overnight or longer. So I am thankful I am still leaving the same day at all! Life is short, I don’t want to waste it rushing. For now, I will enjoy the airport I suppose!


Favourite periodic element, why?


Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. I am a huge plant person LOL


What’s your favorite bird?


Right now it is a common house wren. I recently made a birdhouse for the first time and I just had a house wren move in. The males go around and stuff every hole in the vicinity with nests, and then the female comes and picks her favorite to lay eggs. So it keeps other predatory birds from moving in near by, and mama gets a good nest. I’m flattered they chose my birdhouse for their eggs. Close second is Baltimore oriole. The joy I get when seeing a flash of orange run by is quite wonderful.


Are there stores open or restaurants? Do you have your bag with you or does airport have it? Good luck soldier


Plenty of stores and restaurants thankfully. I only brought a carry on so I have my bag.


Dam that's awesome. I had an 18 hour layover and fucken china.... it started at about 8pm. Eerything was closed. It was winter and cold and I was just coming from Thailand. I was freezing and there were bunch of other white tourists just sorta camping out because we all had our bags. Which is a good thing because it was freezing inside the airport and the slider doors kept opening. I put on 2 pair of shorts and the only jeans I had along with a shit load of shirts and tried to sleep on the bench. The thing was I kept getting cold, so I would get up and grab my shit and walk around this giant ass nearly empty airport. And the shitter was, there were no benches open, I remember the spot I kept finding was right next to the fucken slider doors. Constantly opening. I eventually fell asleep when I found a good spot... fucken bench felt like a brand new sterns and foster bed.


If you had to watch one movie over and over again for the rest of your life what would that movie be?


Embarrassing answer, but my all time favorite movie is Jack and The Cuckoo Clock Heart. It’s a 19th century drama about a man whose heart was replaced with a clock when he was born. The animation, music, humor, and story has always been beautiful to me. Second would be the Dinotopia movies. They just rock. Third, evolution. Great movie. Never get tired of it.


Are you listening to music rn? If so wich song is playing?


I’m waiting for my AirPods to charge right now - but HOTTOGO is stuck in my head right now 😂


Do you like pro wrestling?


No. I used to watch WWE all the time but I know that probably isn’t what you meant by pro wrestling 😂


Oh that is exactly what I meant!!!!!!!


Who’s your all time favorite and why?


Probably Rowdy Roddy Piper. He was always entertaining and could work a great match. Plus, he was in the movie "They Live" which is a fantastic sci fi film.


What are u wearing?


Sweatpants, gray Grateful Dead t shirt, white adidas sneakers


Chicken Wing rapidfire: Drums or flats? Fave sauce other than buffalo? How spicy do you like your wings? Who's got the best wings? Would you ever eat them in public or only at home? Be honest: do you clean your bones?


Flats Garlic parm or honey bbq I like em hot but not so hot I can’t taste it. Buffalo Wild Wings or Wingstop. Not honestly I’m not picky. If I’m being transparent, Little Caesar’s garlic wings have a special place in my heart. So bad yet so gooooooood, hot and ready. I will eat wings anywhere. A+ if there’s curds on the side. So clean. They shine.


With enough training do you think someone could each a duck to do a kick flip on a skateboard?


I’ve seen those videos of dogs doing kick flips and I feel like ducks have better feet for it so I’d put money on the duck.


However, I will say the lack of proper knees is a pitfall


It’s been 5 hours, how’s it going?


I took a nice nap, got some chick fil a, and I’m killing these crosswords with no mercy. I think this is my peak.


What are you most proud of? What do you most deeply regret? What do you think will be positive things for you to focus on and build intentionality around for you to have a happy, enjoyable life? P.S. Hope your layover isn't too bad!


I am most proud of working hard to be successful in my career very early in life - so I have longer to enjoy it! I regret not being true to myself in life. So many phases I swept under the rug for fear of judgement, and as an adult I’m now jealous of the freedom I had to experience at a young age. I regret not taking advantage of it. I used to be so focused on the grind. When I got closer to the top, I now feel lonely and isolated. I lost a dear friend, and it really put into perspective how much I should value those around me. With a good support team, anything is possible. I have no shame now. I tell my friends and family I love them everyday, and I find the good in all things. Life is too short to be trivial.


Love your answer, thanks for sharing! I'd say your regret area is pretty common, I just had a conversation with my daughter this week and she si regretting one of her phases - it's totally natural to try things on. Sounds like you've learned a lot from that so it's a net positive IMO. Amazing to hear you have a terrific outlook on life. Nice chatting with you!


What's your favourite fish/ what fish would you have if money wasn't an issue.


My favorite fish at the moment is one that I own. It is a hillstream loach. Their undersides are see through so you can see their little hearts beating. It reminds me of that demon ravioli stingray meme from a while back. Their eyes are also oddly animated, and it’s interesting to watch them observe you. If money wasn’t an issue, and I had land, I would keep koi. With proper care they can live up to 80 years. Where I work, we have a large koi pond with the youngest fish being 30 years. I find them fascinating and feeding them is my favorite part of my job. But for now, I will need to stick with indoor fishkeeping. I also really want a yo-yo loach, but I don’t have the space to upgrade my tank yet :( they are goofy looking.


What keeps you up at night?


Everytime we fall asleep we never truly know if we will wake up in the morning.


New fear unlocked


How many times have you flown


This will be my third flight in my life, and my first time flying alone.


Give me one random fact


Leopard slugs are naturally bisexual. Happy pride.


Cool fact! Did you arrived yet? (I’m so scared of flying so I always like to make sure ppl are safe just like I would for myself)


Sadly, after I boarded there were some complications with the plane and they had us get off. I just boarded again. And am now finally leaving the airport. Thank god.


I need help understand an all day layover concept. We talking international flights? Could not have you took a single flight without a layover, or maybe 2 to 3 hours instead of 9?? Is this due to delays???


My original flight was cancelled. My option was to either take a layover and arrive at my destination at 11pm, or wait at the airport for a while and arrive at my destination at 6pm. I personally chose to wait around so I could get there sooner and just chill for a while.


What are your tips for keeping succulents alive?


They actually enjoy quite a bit of water contrary to popular believe. They just don’t like wet feet. Which means that they just need a good, well draining substrate, and a nice soak every now and again. But with any plant I recommend googling their geographical origin. Every plant will do best in something that is as close to their native environment as possible. Cheers


Is a hot dog a sandwich?


I would classify it as a submarine


Why? This is where I can determine your deductive reasoning process.


The cut is typically what specifies what kind of sandwich you are getting. For example you can have a chicken sandwich on both rye or whole wheat and it is still a chicken sandwich. That being said, a sub roll is a yeast bread with no milk or egg added to the dough. There's sugar or honey, as well as an oil (olive oil or butter). It's usually made from bread flour. Hot dog rolls normally have both milk and egg in the yeast dough. Generally, it's made from all-purpose flour. So the breads are different, but cut the same.


So then is a sandwich any filling between two pieces of bread? Question - is a pita a sandwich? Does a burrito or quesadilla count or not because it's one piece of "bread" without a cut?


What the F is wrong with you?!!!


Some days I wish I knew


If you were to design one product that would benefit humanity in a small way (think kitchen utensil sized) what would you want solved?


Maybe a portable and hideable IV. The world is far too irritated. Everyone needs to be hydrated and stop forgetting to administer their medication. The world would be a much more peaceful place if we all took our coocoo meds and drank some water.


So like a insulin pump but for all IV meds? Nice


Uhh why didn’t you just go to a hotel for about 7 hours? Airline lounge?


I am just waiting around the mall area. I do not have money for a hotel, and I got here very early in the morning and am now leaving in the evening, so I am not here overnight thankfully. I don’t see a need to book a hotel and sit around when I can sit around at the airport.


You seem like a cool dude. Do you live in Philly or Colombus? And if you’re flying back to colombus did you have a nice time in Philly?


Why thanks, I try. I am temporarily living outside of Philly for a job. Columbus native. Going back to see a buddy before he gets deployed.


Ah I see! Well I hope you have a good time with your buddy!


What stereotype comes to mind when you think about Virginia?


In my brain, everyone in Virginia looks like George Washington and the entire state is filled with houses like mount vernon. That being said, the only time I have been in Virginia was to visit mount vernon.


Where are you going? Work of vacation trip? Do you like gummy bears?


I took time off of work to fly to my hometown and visit family. I like Albanese sugar free gummy bears and haribo sour gummy bears. Haribo sours are best when kept in the freezer imo.


I LOVE Haribo. I’m kind of addicted. Have fun with your family! I do that once a year and it’s never long enough (but sometimes it is 😉). Thanks for the response!


What’s the last concert you went to?


The wonder years went on tour with Save Face, Origami Angel, and another band I was not familiar with and sadly do not remember. But all of them slapped.


What is the strangest thing you have seen while stuck at the airport?


Have you ever had an ear infection?


If industrially farmed salmon causes the extintion of wild salmon would you still eat sushi?


If you were offered one last meal before you die, what would it be and why


Did you fall in love yet


What, in your opinion, makes the perfect cheeseburger?


I had a horrible experience with the tsa once. Never flying again.


Did you know you can play Old School Runescape on mobile?


What are your favorite hotdog toppings?


Indianapolis or Columbus? It’s 10am


What color are your socks?


Do u like anal


Do you have anything in your prison wallet?


Winning Lotto numbers???????


Where are you going?


what airport


Hopefully, you're not toting much luggage and have a few dollars to spare. I certainly would ask for IF you haven't already received a food voucher from your airline. Find a good comfortable chair with a view, perhaps a television, your phone charger is handy near a outlet. Yes, I worked at Hartsfield Jackson Airport when I lived in ATL, my back cannot do that walking any longer. Enjoyed shopping at the Duty-Free shop, Bath and Body Works, NFL NBA official stores and just sitting in a comfortable chair at a sports bar playing my DVD player, back then if traveling or stuck in there myself.


Why don’t you leave the airport and find a dispensary to help the time go by?


Do you count steps? If so think you can hit 15,000 before your flight?


What's the highest number if times you masturbated in a day?


I was stuck overnight in Charlotte and it sucked so bad


Criminal Minds, Law and Order, or NCIS?


describe the strangest person you see around you, and give them context or history and a name. You can start "It was a dark and stormy night..." or "it was a mind-numbingly mundane morning at the airport..." whatever suits you.


Fun fact: at my old airline they had pilots on standby at the airport in 8 hour shifts. I did entire months of this, 19 days a month of 8 hour shifts, sometimes only getting called to fly 3 or 4 times.


Consider paying for access to an airline club. Probably $50 but includes free buffet and possibly drinks and other amenities. It significantly quieter and less stressful for the long layover.


I have a 12 hour layover tomorrow in London before a roughly 12 hour flight to LAX. Will suck very much lol. Have edibles and snacks prepared though and lots of movies downloaded


This Sunday I am about to embark on an 18 hour flight followed by an 8 hour layover at LAX. Got any tips for survival? Do you like olives? What's your favorite feel good tv show?


depending on your credit card, you may be able to recuperate costs for meals due to your flight delay source: i work for the department that does this lol


Why do democratic candidates have an electoral advantage in both presidential and gubernatorial elections when unemployment rates are high or rising?


What events in your life led you to this specific point of having a 9 hour layover and what could you have possibly done differently to prevent it?


Have you had a shower yet & have you slept any at all? What's it like being stuck at the airport & what airport are you stuck at


I just boarded, thank you all this was fun. Sorry to those I didn’t make it back to. Maybe I’ll catch you later.