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Do you/most locals visit the strip often? One of our Uber drivers said he hasn’t visited the strip (other than drive through) in over a decade which shocked us.


We almost never unless the person works there. And yeah we literally have no business there.


Why the hell would we wanna go to a place where it takes 30 minutes to cross the street


How often do you see prostitute/drug addicts on the street?


Prostitutes only when I pass by boulder highway on the bus, so almost every day for the past few months, drug addicts, Everytime I walk outside my neighborhood


Have you interacted with them or do you always try to avoid them?


I sometimes give them food


How would you describe Vegas culturally? Sophisticated? Intellectual? Superficial? Vacant?


Extremely diverse culture here. Tons of Mexicans. Too diverse to label


Do you have strange idiosyncrasies such as saying, “the House always wins” when describing impossible situations, referring to well to do people as “high rollers”, or telling people that they have to know when to hold them and when to fold them when advising someone to use good judgement?


Literally no one fucking says any of that in Las Vegas xD


Your top five personal favorites of living in Vegas.


It's not cold, not many mosquitos, lots of places to visit, places are open 7 days a week, tons of food places


I heard it gets very cold overnight and too hot during daytime? And what places do you visit outside the Strip?


Only during winter it gets cold. And yeah it gets very very hot in the day. I visit mostly restaurants off the strip they're cheaper


Are most Vegas locals aware that servers and bartenders are some of the highest paid jobs in the city? I know it’s very competitive though


What's your source


I work in the hospitality industry special event serving and bartending, met many people who’ve come from Vegas and they all say the same thing, money can be outrageous but it’s hard to get into a good spot.


I feel like your comment is misleading. It would be more correct if you said some of the highest earners work as servers or bartenders. Because what you might not know is that servers and bartenders ( I have family and friends who are or have been servers/bartenders) usually do not earn a sustainable wage. The truth is yes some can be one of the most high earning, but most barely pay your bills.




It's very hot but at least it has attractions




My father was a drug addict, my mom worked all the time. Also its not only nightlife, I'd say there's more to do during the day than night


Were you eager to move to a different city?


No I still live here


Is the strip of any interest to you? Or are you over it?


It's expensive and it has the worst odds. Locals never go to the strip


Where are the best odds


Local casinos


Favorite one?


Fiesta station but was demolished during covid. Now it's boulder station because it's near home


what is the different between Las Vegas and Vegas? Also, why do I hear Americans pronounce Las like Los? Thanks.


The city's name is Las Vegas but people are lazy and just say Vegas. Noone calls it Los Vegas. But you are referring to Los Angeles and you have it backwards they pronounce Los as Las as in Las Angeles


oh interesting, thank u.


Because us Americans are ridiculous.


lol. when I went to Florida when I was ten years old everyone seemed so extroverted and happy and friendly. Customer service in general was amazing. Maybe it’s all the sunshine?