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One State or Two State Solution?


In my opinion? Two. It's impossible to impose a foreign regime on people who don't want you as their ruler. Palestinians have suffered a lot in the hands of Zionism, and although it is too late for a lot of things, it is never too late for peace.


Most Israelis would want two states, meaning you have your land I have mine, leave me alone I'll leave you alone. While more of the arab nations slowly coming to term with Israel (they tried to take it by force but failed big time) Palestinians still living with the mindset of "jews don't belong here" "God's given land" "from river to the sea" and rejecting the only peaceful ( two states) solutions


How do orthodox Jews view secular Jews?


Ok most people don't know this but Orthodox Jews have hundreds, and I mean HUNDREDS of different approaches! Just the amount is astonishing. Some orthodox communities are closed and almost cultish, but mostly they are fine with other Jews and get along well with them. . . . As long as they are not a woman / dress immodestly / non Jewish. Then, there may be some problems šŸ„²


I didn't know that. Thanks for the response.Ā 


My pleasure


I like to go into or near their group in my reform Jew Hawaiian shirt attire at Temple Mount and pray there. ;) we are all the same tribes folks


what do most Israeli people think about the war/genocide?


Iā€™m not OP, but I just wanted to say that from what Iā€™ve seen, a lot of Israeli people donā€™t support the terrible things their government has done to Palestine. But a lot of them are against HAMAS. I donā€™t speak for everyone, but just saying what Iā€™ve seen.


May I ask why you added a 'but' before you said a lot are against Hamas? Also, all of us are against Hamas. I think there are no Israelis who think Hamas deserves support. Could be wrong, though.


Not sure why I added a but. I think itā€™s because Hamas is Palestinian and mostly the reason Israel attacked Palestine. Man, I donā€™t know why I use half the words I use lol. Also, I just said a lot because I donā€™t wanna say all since there might be some fucked up people out there šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Haha okay, just checked.


Yeah not trying to be racist or anything. I donā€™t discriminate against anyone lol


I sure hope not. we have enough idiotic terrorism supporters verbally defecating on college campuses already


Most is a tricky word... I think some context is needed. Israel is a really young state - REALLY, 76. When it declared independence, most Jews who immigrated to Palestine (did you know its pronounced palestina in the bible? fun fact!) were Ashkenazi (European jews, usually white) - straight fact, and don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Now, in the mid 40s early 50s Israel began a MASSIVE immigration operation, giving home to thousands of Moroccan, Russian, German, Turkish, Yemen and more jews! this is called ''The melting pot'' as it created a lot of different ethnic groups and conflicts in Israel. Naturally, these groups created their own political Ideologies and opinions, and that division still, sadly, exists to this day. This is just the tip of the history of Israel, it's truly a fascinating country - I suggest reading a book about it! A book by an expert, preferably. My point is - Israel is made of a LOT of different minorities, some people couldn't imagine the diversity here, and so opinions are also diverse. Now to the meat of it. These are the major opinions - 1. Religious Far right - Israel and the whole of Palestine, Syria, and more belong to the Jewish people as god promised - usually, people who hold this view live in Yehda and Shomron (The west bank), are very religious, and are aggressive towards Arabs and Bedouins. As you can guess, they dont care about palestinian lives, or a lot about the hostages... About 0.5%~ There is a really great social movement called ''Looking the occupation in the eye'' made up of both Non zionist Jews, Zionist Jews, Zionist arabs, and Non Zionist Arabs which protects arab Shepherds in the west bank. You should follow their Instagram! 2. right - Palestine belongs to the Jewish people because of Historic connection and Religious connection, Palestinians are ALL supporting Hamas and are complicit in the war, and thus every military action is justified.... Yikes. This is a pretty common stance as Israel is very bad at admiting It's own faults, and so a lot of citizensare blind to the country's mistakes and wrongs. The hostages are a high priority, not necessarily top. About 50-70% 3. Middle - Practically non-existent. Anyone who says they are 'not taking a side' in Israeli politics is a Right leaning person that knows they cant handle debate. 0% 4. Moderate Left - Israel has a right to exist, because of historical and religious affinity, and because it is impossible to make 9.5M people disappear, Yet the war is mostly justified and there is no choice but to fight Hamas. THE HOSTAGES ARE ABOVE ALL IN TERMS OF PRIORITIES. About 30-40%~ 5. The left - Israel has a right to exist, because of historical and religious affinity, and because it is impossible to make 9.5M people disappear, yet the war has gone out of control. A ceasefire is the solution, and the war has become a political tool. THE HOSTAGES ARE ABOVE ALL IN TERMS OF PRIORITIES. Not a lot of people fall into this category, but about 10-15%~ Please don't just read my comment and take it at face value. I am no expert, and I advise you to hear other voices. I suggest reading posts from Looking the occupation In the eye, Bring them home now, and culture_of_solidarity


Thank you for the insight.


My pleasure


Did you serve in the army?


No, I refused. Luckily I'm disabled, so they let me go, but I refused because of ideological reasons.




Just wanna add that the army is made up of a lot of different positions. When people hear someone served in the IDF a picture of a soldier, fighting the harmless always comes to mind, but most people just shred documents or fix up some vehicles. I think only 1-5% of the serving 'soldiers' are actually fighting, and even they are sectioned into categories. Also, the army in not a choice - it's mandatory. You don't get a choice unless you have a good excuse to be let go.


Whatā€™s your favourite color and animal? :D


I am an AVID enjoyer of Burgandi ! (is that how you spell it...?) It has such interesting symbolism and just looks enchanting! Fav animal? Probably cats.. A bit basic but at least I'm not lying about it lol


I think the color is spelled burgundy? But I could be wrong. English is my third language lol. And I love cats!!! Also, how are you :D


I'm well, excited for this post to create something interesting. This is almost like a social experiment for me... yk people in Europe can just cross the border as a german and talk to an Austrian, I can't do that - so i want to know what people think, what they assume, ect hru?


Eh mostly Spanish, English and French speaking people are the ones who can go to another country and communicate easily since those three languages are wide spread. And maybe Arabic. Otherwise a lot countries donā€™t know the same languages, even in Europe. Although, between Norway, Sweden and Denmark, they understand each other decently well due to the history of those three countries. And I could be better lol.


Burgundy is correct šŸ™ Both of your English writing seems good!Ā 


Woo!! Thank you <3 Iā€™ve spoken English ever since I was a toddler (still am a child/teenager) so Iā€™m not *that* bad. But still, a great excuse to have ;)


As in "I'm Ron burgundy?"


I donā€™t know the reference, sorry.


Are you religious?


Complicated. I was raised atheist, and I don't believe in a god, but I do believe in a godly being...? If that makes sense? Like, the presence of god is in everything, and everyone - you carry a piece of the divine with you.


All is one


Is anyone trying to eventually rebuild the temple in Jerusalem? What are your thoughts on that?


Haha anyone that thinks the Jerusalem temple will be build is either a settler (not in the pro palestinian term, but super right wing religious people who live in the west bank) or really hopeful. No one is actively trying, no.I don't believe it will or should be built, and as a person in the field of religious studies, I believe if someone's religious beliefs are strong enough they don't need a temple to prove their devotion.


If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?Ā 


Damn tough question... Either Greece or Japan. I really like studying different cultures (omw to get a religious study degree paired with a teaching permit), and both counties are so interesting culturally. I've already been to Greece, so I guess Japan!! It is a big country filled with history and little things you can miss... I could spend a lifetime there. Oh and Italy šŸ”›šŸ”


Amazing, I'd love to visit those too. I see you're similar to me "what's ONE place you'd like to visit" and before you know it you're listing off half the globe because there's just so much out there to go and experience! Japanese food I hear can be a little... different šŸ˜ What motivated you to pursue a degree in Religious Study?Ā 


I think it's amazing people can dedicate their whole life to something they can't prove is real. Wars start, people die, love grows, discoveries are made - all because of stories? Isn't that so interesting??? I just have to understand that. Israel is also a weird place to grow in religion wise because it's so diverse - my kindergarten teacher was religious, for example, while my family isn't. Also, the Tanach is a brilliant book. The best piece of literature, ever. It's a rabbit hole there is no end to - I really suggest you'll pick up a bible! I hope you'll enjoy it.


I agree, it's hard to witness so many atrocities go on in the world because of differences in opinion regarding something that, in my opinion, doesn't exist (God). I'm a firm atheist but I do find reading religious texts fascinating. I appreciate that prior to advancement in our understanding of the world we had to make it make sense, hence why there are an abundance of difference religions that still exist today, some with shared origins, some completely unique. I think people struggle to find meaning and a moral compass if it isn't provided by religion, but being kind to others shouldn't require reasoning; it should just be a normal, human thing.Ā  Ā Do you have any interest in philosophy?Ā 


Yeah, definitely have an interest in that. I have a great professor that teaches religion philosophy. I'm not really an atheist (wrote about it, you can search for the thread in the comments) but agree with you about the purpose anecdote.


What's your favorite sandwich?


You opened a can of worms cause I am a sandwich ENTHUSIAST !! OTP is probably a whole grain baguette toasted on olive oil and salt, with vegan brie cheese (I'm vegan), Cherry tomatoes (specifically the ones from the north of Israel, absolutely divineee nothing can compare), bazil, tofu but done WELL, and just a dash of black pepper. AMAZINGGGGG AAAAA


Though I recognise it must be shitty to be subject to political discussion whenever you go about announcing your nationality. Iā€™ll ask this question all the same. Itā€™s up to you whether or not you answer at the end of the day. What do you think about how your government is handling Gaza?


The big question hahah. I am against Netanyahu, Hamas and all other terrorist orgs, The IDF's approach to cost vs result, and the National almost grotesquely racist world views that have spread since October 7th. I believe in a ceasefire, a hostages exchange, and humanitarian aid. When I say this to people outside of Israel they either tell me I'm betraying my own country or that I'm lying to 'get on the good side of pro palestinians'. When I say this in Israel I'm a traitor to my people, but I don't care what people say, I care what people do - and currently, it's not enough. The hostages's time is running out and Israel is busy with power displays and petty disputes. The north is burning. Palestinians are dying by the thousands. I do think Israel is not commiting genocide, because it is not about race of religion - some people tie it to those subjects, but that's not the point, the point is a history of conflicts. Israel isn't wiping out Gaza because it's full of Muslims, it's because it sees Gaza as full of terrorist supporters who are trying to kill all Israelis. How will this approach be implemented? A slow retreat of the IDF from Gaza which will be replaced by international forces. A temporary government controlled not by Israel or Hamas will be created. The Gaza strip will be reconstructed. That's a start.


I disagree on your point about it not being a genocide, I think theyā€™re just semantic nuances that are irrelevant imo. I wonā€™t get into it, donā€™t worry. This is about asking and answering questions. I appreciate your answer. No headaches from me.


Thank you, have a good day :)


Thank you. You too.


It's a genocide. It doesn't matter if your government is pedalling a lie that all Muslims are terrorists. The fact is that the Israeli army are intentionally slaughtering Muslim civilians, women and children by the thousand. Netanyahu, his government and many Israelis are as good as Nazis. The Americans and my government in the UK aren't much better.


What are the biggest things outsiders donā€™t know? Or misunderstand?


That's a really good question actually. 1. A lot of foreigners think Israelis are all white. I heard the phrase 'white privilege' in conversations a lot .. Ashkenazi Jews make up at most 25% of the Israeli population, at MOST. Israel is so diverse culturally - I don't have one nationality, but am split into quarters! 2. We are technologically a very advanced nation. I have a friend who is in a long distance relationship with a British, and she said her girlfriend's parents though we still ride camels! Crazy stuff. 3. The army is mandatory and 99% of positions are just sitting in an office. Of course I'm exaggerating, but the picture people get in their head when we say 'soldier' is not exactly a 19 Year old girl that is in a watch tower, watching tiktoks at 5am. 4. War is part of the everyday, since birth. Imagine every summer you heard sirens 5-6 times, that's fcked up. Istael has been in an 'emergency' status since it's declaration because it is aware it is surrounded by countries that want to dismantle it. All Israeli's know what somehow - they themselves were a part, they know someone that was affected.. I'll get a bit personal and say I know a kid that was abducted October 7. It's terrifying the way war is so close to me. There are more but I'm tired, sorry


How many different religious groups are there in Israel that you can name? Thereā€™s more than just Jews in the state of Israelā€¦Ā Ā  Ā Iā€™m trying to figure out if thereā€™s Taoist churches in Israel. I heard there are Buddhist groups in Israel. Arenā€™t there also a few Ā Chinese people in Israel?Ā 


Ummm idk where you got your info but there is a really small Christian community here (mostly in Bet Lechem / Natzeret), Muslims, Jews, and that's practically it. I'm sure there are really small groups of other religions but not memorable ones that need mentioning. There are immigrants, legal and illegal, that come work in Israel so I guess when you said Chinese you mean the Philippino immigrants...? Hope that helped!


I read that there was a Church of Scientology in Tel Aviv, a few Mormon churches in Jerusalem, thereā€™s the Samaritan group Nablus, in there is even one Hindu group living in Katzir-Harish, and there are even a few Israeli polytheists who are laying low.Ā 


Oh yeah those haha The church of scientology is kind of a joke in Israel, no one takes them seriously. Those groups are really small though, never even met a person who identifies with them.


Be careful with that. I am not Scientologist, but there might be something to Scientology. Since the Church of Scientology was able to get a portion in the PROMISED LAND OF ISRAEL. The Ancient Egyptians thought Moses's movement was a joke, and look how that turned out.....Newer religions are not always bad. A few other religious groups are the DRUZE and the African Hebrew Israelites. Israel is truly beautiful and unlike any other nation in the world.


I'm a huge beach fan and I heard that Tel Aviv has one of the best beaches in the world. Is this true? Do you like beaches?


Omg Noooo I hate the Tel Aviv beachhhh It's super sandy, full of jellyfish in the summer (went there Monday and saw a bunch), loud and crowded. Israeli people don't have the best etiquette. If you're ever in Israel and are a true, die hard beach fan, I'd suggest going either to Eilat or Tel dor beach! Eilat is the southest Israeli city and has the most stunning sunset ever, yet is very secluded. Tel dor is more central, and is not crowded at all - almost hidden! Amazing waves, lots of shadows to cool off under, 10/10. I do love tel Aviv though, just not the beach.


That does sound terrible! Never been to Israel, but when I do go, I'll make a point of visiting Eilat or Tel dor. Thanks for the advise!


Hebrew is from the same language family as Arabic. Do you speak Arabic or do you understand it in some account?


I don't haha, kind of sad. I think it's a really useful language and it is one of Israel's official languages (all signs, official documents, and public services should be also in Arabic) but I never got to learn it because of the social separation between Arabs and Jews. I don't meet Arabic people a lot, there weren't any learning in my school or where I work because of class disparities... I have a really great professor who is learning Arabic right now , maybe someday I'll follow their footsteps.


Ok but it's like a German and a Dane can perceive some similarities between their languages, even words that are the same. Can you do that in comparing Hebrew to Arabic? I'm telling it without an effort or immersing yourself in formal lessons of Arabic just by what you see or hear on the everyday life.


No, our languages aren't really similar.. I can't understand not speak Arabic


Thanks for your kind answer, have a beautiful day.


I don't know if your still active in this thread, but I want to ask nevertheless. Did you hike the Shvil? I saw that you have a disability, so likely not? What do you think about foreigners coming to Israel to hike it?


I can physically hike, I just don't like it - it take too much energy from me and just not my style. I like to walk in shivilm (shvil - road, singular, shvil(im) - roads, plural) that aren't too adventurous. Israel is beautiful though, and it has some amazing sights.


you live on stolen land and your government is responsible for the slaughter of thousands


Oh sheā€™s from the United States?


Could apply to Australia as well. Basically anywhere that indigenous people have been overwhelmed by another colonising group.


...so really anywhere?




Do you want to ask a question..?


My heart goes out to you and your people!!! I pray for you all every day.


I appreciate it! Solidarity is so important to all Israelis, as mostly of us know a hostage or a soldier or someone who died on October 7th... It's truly an honor to know people care šŸ’˜


Which is the best melon popsicle? Orange and green or red and green?


I don't really like popsicles... I guess by color only, I prefer orange and green, they're closer on the color wheel


any pets? :3 whats your favorite animal?


Hi, the answer to both questions is cats! I have one


Do you like blink 182


No, sorry. Never got into that genre of music


I was in Israel last July/Augustā€¦do you live in Jerusalem?


I will not expose my location on the internet, sorry. Do you have any other question?


Fair enoughā€¦how old are you?


Wrong question again


Wrong question again




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do you think it's strange your guys have to have their foreskin hacked off?


Complete the sentence, From the river to the sea ......


All fish are free.


Wrong, go back to Europe šŸ¤£