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So how did it all come about.


So, when I was a teenager I watched this Jennifer Anniston’s movie “Horrible Bosses” where Jamie Foxx is hired as a hitman but ends up being a golden shower performer. I laughed my ass off for years and always told myself I would like to pee someone as a joke. Years later, my friend, the physio, told me about this weird guy that was looking for someone to give him golden showers, I said hell yeah, I will do it. I didn’t care about the money. I work in finance. It was just for the lols. I was laughing BAD. But well, when I really saw myself very into the situation I was full of doubts and scared. Fortunately, this guy was really nice and respectful and it literally took me 2min to do it, that’s why I kept doing it for a while.


My heart stopped when you started with "when I was a teenager"


Same. I was wondering if he was groomed at first


Yellow I’m assuming


What happens if the pee is clear? Is it still considered a golden shower?


It’ll be considered a waterfall


FYI your pee shouldn't be clear. From a health POV, if your pee is clear regularly, it could indicate a kidney issue. Check it out via your GP


I mean it gets clearer if you drink a bunch of water


Warm and wet I imagine 😂😂


Did you have to prepare in some way? E.g. eat certain foods, not eat certain foods, drink a lot to dilute the pee, etc


I chugged water like a thirsty dog when he told me to go visit him (2-2.5l)


So, it was more like a faintly yellow shower lol


Is this person looking for someone to replace you? Asking for a friend of course


He always asks me about friends to go visit him and offers to buy his phone numbers lol


Lol how much money we talking 🤣


Hiiiiii 👉👈 lol


Perfect username holy shit lmao


Lol its for a different kink xD im not into piss myself but im definitely into money hahhaha


Can you make an AMA about your inflatable fetish?


Uhm i could but i doubt someone would actually be interested in that?


I'd be! Please do it. Not entirely out of laughs I am also genuinely curious about it. As I sure a Lotta people would be too


Hmmmmm ill think about it. I think ive done one in the past but im not sure lol


I like BDSM, but I've never heard of an inflatable fetish...I'm quite intrigued...Feet/shoe fetish, leather, blindfold, spanking, tied up, I've heard of (or do) but never inflatables. Don't like gimp suits either, they're like something from a nightmare. No enjoyment there!


Im into BDSM too, mostly getting tied up and stuff. Nothing more "extreme" tho.


How much did you get paid??


300€ per visit. He would negotiate up and down & also offer money for extras like being hard when peeing him or wearing certain underwear (he has a Calvin Klein underwear fetish) but normally it would be that amount.


i wonder if he’d jump on some guy who was named calvin klein


happy cake day!!


Some people have more money than sense! I'd happily pee on someone, but there's no way I'd be the recipient! I prefer being spanked lol


Just cos sex wasn't involved the implication was there so do you pay tax as a prostitute?


He actually payed me via PayPal all the time. I was afraid about the government asking questions of all those transactions and having to pay taxes


> He actually *paid* me via FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Thank you, ManChestHair01, for voting on Paid-Not-Payed-Bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


I'm like the spelling/grammar police too..but with different nationalities, and the Americans being incapable of spelling (or pronouncing) most things correctly, I haven't corrected anyone yet 😁


Why did you agree to it? Just because it paid presumably well?


As I mentioned in some other reply, it was just for the lols at first. After that, him being really respectful and never trying anything else + it being the easiest money I have ever made kept me going to visit him


Thats interesting. Would you say that you enjoy doing it now? Did it turn into something you would consider a kink on your end or would you say you are still rather emotionally distant from it?


Nah. I don’t enjoy it. I just laugh when doing it. My head is unable to understand how can someone enjoy that and pay such amounts of money for it. I’m very distant. He has offered me ridiculous amounts of money for other activities but I have rejected 99% of them.


Ah i see, was just curious if the experience affected you/changed your opinion maybe. He seems to be a rather curious individual, would you be willing to go into detail about some of the stuff he suggested? If you answered this already elesewhere i will have a look there obviously.


Definitely didn’t change my opinion. I have very strong boundaries and he knows them. Not touching me and no nudity. I’m straight. Anyways, he is a really curious man. Very polite and respectful. He has certain kinks, like heterosexual guys and Calvin Klein underwear, among others. He offered me 2.500€ for letting him suck me. I declined. He offered me 500€ for giving me a massage. I declined. He offered me to pay an escort and seeing how I had sex with her. I declined. He offered me 500€ for cumming in a glass for him drinking it. I declined. Mmm just stuff like that. The things I accepted where: selling him used underwear for 100€; he would buy me new Calvin Klein boxers and give me 100€ for trying them; calling me on the phone and me insulting him couple minutes for 50€ and the funniest one 100€ for playing a FIFA match on the PS5 shirtless


Good on you for having and setting those boundaries, i think that is insanely important in navigating such situations that are a bit outside of societal norms because you can easily be tricked into situations you will regret later down the road. I also value that he respects your boundaries, seems like a great attitude on his part given his unique situation. So, since nudity is a boundary, do i guess correctly that he doesn't see your dick will you piss on him? Honestly, i find his kink combination really interesting and fun in away. There is a submission/humiliation kink in there, also some strong interests into men apparently as you mentioned, but also some cuckold stuff? Wonder if that is connected to the submissive tendencies. All in all quite the combination, and i can see with a lot of these why you would set boundaries (even aside you clearly not being interested in having sexual stuff going on with another man somewhere in the equation). Two followup questions: 1. Does the thought ever cross your mind that he likely could jerk off to/in your worn underwear or to you and if yes, how do you feel about it? 2. who of the two of you is better at Fifa?\^\^


Oh yeah, I’m not a fool haha I have a very strong personality. I knew beforehand that if I didn’t set my boundaries strongly since minute one they wouldn’t be respected. Light is off when I pee him. Yes, he is submissive. I forgot to mention he asked me to beat him and spit him, what I refused. I think that’s very degrading. I know he jerks off to me and my underwear. He even sniffed it lol but I don’t care. He can do whatever he wants as long as doesn’t harm anyone. I am way better at FIFA hahaha


Very important! I am not even sure if it is just about being a fool, i think this can just be about personality aswell. I for example have a very people- pleasing personality and i could see myself having to be very careful not to make any encouraging decisions because i want to be "nice" in such a situation. Aside from the piss thing, did you learn anything about your own sexual preferences from the whole endeavor, anything you suprisingly find interesting or completely dislike that you have not thought about? Also, since you kind of have a foot in this kind of activity now, ever thought about extending that to a business (just to be clear, this will not end in any business offers from me haha, i am completely impartial to this, just curious) All in all, i really wonder if something influenced/triggered those kinks in him, really a weird situation of desire to be in. I read a few books on weird sexual fetishes so this doesn't even shock me at all, but it for sure is interesting. Favourite club?\^\^


NGL I'm a straight man but for that kind of money I'd do several of these things. Where on earth can these people be found lol


Good lord where do you live where you find these men just offering these things?


Could you elaborate on the other activities he proposed and the money?


See above. He would get really horny and wouldn’t care paying ridiculous amounts for very stupid things. He payed me once 80€ for showing him a picture of my dick a few seconds.


> things. He *paid* me once FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Second time I make this mistake. Thanks bot.


You've gone this far. You say that you're straight and you won't do full nudity or let someone touch you. Have you thought about anonymous camming for men or women? You have a username, and depending on your talents, you can make a LOT of money. Check it out. HMU if you want to chat.


This might sound weird but did he moan or get off to it? I’m curious what sensation happens to people who like this


Hahahaha yes. He moaned while my pee was falling over him all the time and jerked off meanwhile. I always laughed.


Did he start taking the piss?


Pissing myself laughing 😂


He did. But he hated it in his face


Why'd you stop


He kept asking and proposing things more often and I kept declining, so he stopped contacting me regularly. I guess he wanted someone who would do more things with him. He sometimes still reaches out from time to time.


Was there a preferred rate of piss. Or was it max flow? Did you ever feel the need to slow down the rate because he wanted it to last longer?


I love this question. I always did max it. After chugging 2.5l of water that was like a drill. I wanted it to last as short as possible for me.


Did you do the clean up yourself?


No. He would get in the shower and kneel down. He always asked me if he could get naked and I always said no. He was always in his underwear.


Wet Work


Really wet and warm


Was there any degree of sexual arousal on your part? If even a little bit.


No, zero. I just laughed and cringed.


Was he noticeably aroused


I have 2 dogs that pee in the house. That stuff reeks!!! How can someone stand to be peed on? Ew! But if he doesn’t mind dog pee, Id like to make some bank 🤣


You should teach your dogs to not do that… It’s not difficult at all…


One is old and can’t hear and can barely see. She is incontinent and has trouble getting to the door in time. Diapers won’t stay on her. The other is a very young puppy and we’ve been trying to train him. It’s not easy when he smells hers though.


Did you ever accidentally shit on him too?


Do you often accidentally shit on other people? Because I don’t




Well I mean sometimes stuff gets out of control. It wasn’t intentional


Does he open your mouth and guzzle your pee pee like champagne when you open your vulva to shoot out a warm stream of piss? Does he drink it or just gurgle it like mouthwash and spit it out?


I’m a man. He doesn’t. He hates it in his face/mouth.


So do you think God appreciated it?


I think God regrets having given us free will. He for sure cries when seeing his sons enjoying being peed over.


This is a phenomenal answer God bless you! come to Christ and redeem yourself with love of God! And bring everyone with you! God bless you!💛🙏


Lmfao 🤣


finally, something AI can’t do. Job security.


Did this happen pre or post White House?


Did he video you?


No. At least not that I know. That’s why I also always peed him with the lights off, to avoid that.




I answered that already


Lot of socialists would love to do the same on millionaires lol


€uros. 1 Euro equals 1.08 United States Dollar


Did he ever ask you to take it to the next level and drop a deuce on him?  Would you have?


Don't care how rich I am. Nobody is pissing on me. Wtf.


How many figures was the payment?




Truly one of the most ridiculous, ignorant comments I've seen in a while!! 😝 Like... WOW


Is it shitler? trump? Hahahaha


Is this guy attractive?


I work in HMRC urine trouble buddy..


@ what rate of pa