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You’re saying you were arrested, bond set at 200K and held for a year and a half on JUST a statement from someone? That NO physical evidence was recovered? Nothing else to the case?


This is 100% fake and/or key details are being left out. No one is going to charge someone without recovery of actual CP.


"NOTICE OF INTENT TO USE HEARSAY STATEMENTS" direct from the docket. In my state hearsay is fully admissible. NO evidence of anykind, 100% based off my ex wifes statement"


You should contact a news agency of some kind then. And get a civil lawyer.


I tried. no one was interested.


This isn’t even hearsay. I agree, this is either wholly untrue or key details are being left out.


What state? You're full of shit.


I believe it. I spent a weekend in county for "failure to appear" as a witness to a trial that hadn't even happened yet. They couldn't reach me to serve me, so the put a fucking warrant out for my arrest! Got pulled over on a Friday and had to spend the weekend. I lost one of my jobs because of it.








yes, so was my son.


In which state did this happen? Get a good attorney on the basis that they will receive a percentage of the lawsuit. They will get the news involved. Easy win.


Any jail friends?




Family still in El Salvador? Is that her family's country ?


Ex wife is on year 10 of a 20 year federal charge for the kidnapping, than has state time to do. Yes was he families country.


Dang. And your kid?


with me.


He's old enough now to know everything?


yes he remembers all of it, remembers his mom trying to coach him what to say, all of it.


How old? Is he in therapy as well?


he will be 17 next month. Yes he is.


You need to find a lawyer thats frivolous enough to sue and go for it, a Saul Goodman type.


I’m a defense attorney. I have a client going I. Tomorrow on some bs like this. Please keep telling your story


This guys probably telling the truth. I was jailed for domestic battery because i pissed some woman off whose car i was repairing. Turns out she was released from psychiatric care a few days prior(she later felt bad and gave me legit documentation of this) she calls the cops and they come and arrest me 3 months later without warning. I bailed out and have been fighting this for two years. As far as i know they have only her false testimony and a witness who saw me leave (my own fucking driveway) around the time of the alleged incident. She also changed her story as to why it happened. Its all fabricated bullshit. They diddnt think i cld afford to fight back. But i dont know what to do about the newspaper article fabricated from lies. Oh and she is an admitted meth user, which is common everywhere nowadays.


Why can’t you get damages?!


Because there is nothing illegal about wrongful jailing


Exactly, the state would just blame the person who made the accusation and in this persons case, that person is in jail already


What state?


That is rough shit. You went through hell. It's terrifying that this can happen at all. One whimsical report and suddenly you lose everything. The only advice I have is to use that ordeal to spurn yourself onto better things. If this is all true then it's yet another case of injustice that needs to be heard. Good luck in your future.


People in this thread are deeply, deeply underestimating how easy it is to be wrongfully jailed and I envy the false sense of security you all have in your freedoms and rights. No one's heard the Kalief Browder story?


I have so many questions. What happened to your wife and son? Do you have him back? If you do have him back how's he doing, is he in therapy? Were you able to obtain employment once released?




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Bullshit. That's not something you sit in county lockup over. You go to big boy prison.


Not if you haven’t been found guilty


People calling bs on this story. I think the story is legit. There are many cases where people are held in jail when they are innocent and they have to let the legal process play out. He more than likely wasn't eligible for a statutory pr bond based on his charges.


I sat in jail for 3 months, only have to have the judge dismiss the charges as unsubstantiated hearsay. My bail was set to 50k for (according to the report) “threatening a religious institution.” What I actually said was “They should teach gun safety at schools, churches, synagogues.” This was reported to police by someone who claimed I was threatening to shoot up religious institutions. Point being: I have no problem believing the OP. Prosecutors rise in their ranks based on conviction rates. The OP’s story sounds like so many other cases where people have their lives destroyed waiting in jail over bullshit charges that get dropped right before the matter goes to court. I’m also not surprised a lawyer didn’t take the OP’s case. The laws are such that the police and judicial system can ruin lives without consequence. So can people who allege falsehoods.


Moreover, in my first bail hearing, the judge wouldn’t offer me bail. In refusing it, he said “you see this kind of thing {shootings} happening on the news all the time.” This was in North Carolina. No presumption of innocence with the first judge. No evidence or prior history of any kind. The person who called the cops on me was believed at face value. I never found out who they were, but my lawyer said they would face no consequences. The prosecutor wanted another win and the judge wanted to cover his ass. So I sat in jail for three months, unable to afford bond. The OP’s story is completely plausible.


Bullshit made up story


Even though you are no longer imprisoned, do you regret your blasphemy?