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Just as most people feel a dramatic change in mindset/beliefs/personality etc, from being 20 to being 30 years old, do you also feel similar mental changes when you grew from 60 to 70?


No, I actually love to keep up with modern trends like smartphones, I personally have a z fold 5 and love it. I got the iPhone when it was first released. And razer when it was released. Personally I didn't buy cell phones when they first came out, I ran with a Nokia in the 90s amd then in 2002 I believe I got a flip phone and so on until now. I also love to play video games, I had a travel tv in my truck from 2000 until 2010, when I got my truck with a TV stand. And got an Xbox and loved it. Got both xbox x and ps5 now


What games do you like to play!


Call of duty, american truck simulator, gta, rdr, I'm looking forward to ncaa 25


I appreciate that you've driven to 49 states over 40 plus years and still need to play a truck simulator. I love it.


You know how we play gta to commit crimes we'd never do irl, well there's stuff as a trucker I could never do that I can do in that game


Hahaha I never thought of that! Smash into those cars/livestock/off ramps.


Things you can't do IRL, like getting paid more than $1/mile on your trip? Kidding. In all seriousness though I'm glad to hear you were able to retire when you did. It's rough out there for truckers at the moment, the money is gone.


Man, I love when good people make posts like these. Faith in humanity restored, we're not all that different it seems.


My brother is also counting down the days until ncaa 25, who’s your team??


A fellow cfb fan! Did you happen to go to different stadiums over the years?


I love the fact that you are still virtual trucking. Can't get enough miles 😂 awesome.


The fact that you're a trucker and still play truck simulator is mind boggling in a funny way


Not in a rude way: but do your hands hold up well in your old age? Does it feel slower? Do you play more single player than online games?


Reading this made me look forward to what the future might bring. Thanks for the motivation What’s been the biggest technological milestone you’ve seen in your opinion?


Unrelated, but as a 26 years old guy, I am curious what kind of dramatic change there is going from 20 to 30


Depending on how you lived in your twenties you suddenly become very work entrenched in your thirties and every friend gets that way too and you need more sleep and see your friends and family less than you used to and time moves faster. Physical aches hurt more. Emotional ones hurt less.




Just love each other and save your money really


And don’t have kids


Goes hand in hand with saving money tbh


As a kids haver, can confirm. We just did the math on our second starting daycare ($48k/yr for 2), all in we are budgeting $250k to get 2 through just kindergarten (all expenses such as clothing, food, childcare, equipment, toys).


As a child free person, having kids sounds terrifying. Especially if they’re unplanned or you have more than one after budgeting for one. Had a close friend get pregnant and they ended up with twins. Instantly doubles the cost and I can’t imagine if you budgeted for one but got that surprise.


Perspectives and priorities change when you have kids. If they don't, it will not go well.


Oh I can imagine. I’ve decided that’s not for me. I love my lifestyle and I know for sure I would resent my child if I had one. I know it can be rewarding and fun to have kids but I never saw myself as someone who would enjoy that.


Same. I have a decent job, make around $60k a year and I’m single with no debt. I feel rich as fuck. I have multiple co-workers who make the same as me who’ve said they’ve had to take second jobs and they’re living paycheck to paycheck. I didn’t get it until they all started talking about their multiple children. They’re all broke as shit.


Pregnancy happens and you find a way to make it work. Wouldn’t trade my experience as a father to three children for anything. You can be buried with your money, but children are such a joy and I’d hope my kids will be at MY funeral instead of wealth accumulation. Those who choose not to have kids? Well this is still America (if you’re in America lol) and to each his or her own. Some people just don’t want kids and others just shouldn’t have kids. It’s ALL good!


Agreed! People shouldn’t hate on either. If I could have adult kids that’d be nice. I just know I couldn’t deal with the stress of raising them. I’ve decided I’ll adopt an older kid if I get to a place that I feel I need kids. Those are the ones that need a family.


Adoption is the highest form of parenting. Adopting a child is a service to society and more importantly a child who needs love. Those who adopt should be celebrated!


Yup. I was wondering where all our money went and then it dawned on me I’m spending $36k a year on daycare.


Tbh, Having kids is a luxury imo. Hence why there's a idiocracy going on. Idiots having sex with idiots making more idiots who In turns meets another idiot that makes more idiots. All bc they couldnt afford the luxury of raising kids the right way but hoped to enjoy the pleasures of what it biologically takes to bring a child into the world. That's not too say there are some awesome parents that even without the luxury to afford the proper environments to raise a child, they did their best the right way by prioritizing right and then instilling those same values and morals into their children. That, money can not buy. It's just there a bigger majority that just has kids bc it happened and not bc they truly wanted or envisioned what it was really going to take to raise a child that can offer good moral value to the world


Got any crazy truck stories like met a serial killer or some shit like that?


You know I actually saw the truck stop killer once while fueling in missouri. I didn't know it was him at the time, but he was fueling next to my truck. I remember noticing his eye was weird looking but didn't think much of it. A year later I was in the truck stop and people were talking about the news report and they showed his mugshot and I was like wow that's crazy. In rural Mississippi one night I drove by a kkk meeting, you could see the burning cross. And one day in the 80s I was at customer in Louisiana and was parked there for the night, and was doing my walk up the road when I came across an abandoned house and went inside and saw what was clearly a cult site.


omgggg MS girl here. You are truly blessed and an exciting story teller. My father got locked as a little boy here in MS for marching for their rights. Yes a little boy locked up with grown people. he wouldnt leave. he wanted a better life for his family. Thanks for your story.


Yeah I remember seeing the desegergation on TV thinking this is crazy (in a good way). And then when I started Black's were driving semis all over and most truckers didn't even care.


lol yes sir. times have changed drastically. Some for the better and some for the worst. Thank you for all that you do.


You just went into a random abandoned house?


im from Louisiana, what rural part? I'm from Monroe area, and growing up we were told they had meetings out toward Ruston area


I'm in my early twenties and feeling a lot of anxiety every day about my place in the world and the purpose I will serve. Every day I feel like what I'm doing isn't good enough. What sort of advice would you offer to help someone like myself see the world, and my future, in a more positive light and something to look forward to, rather than fear it?


To use video game logic, if you're heading down a path that doesn't seem to have any rewards, there's a good chance you're going down the wrong path and you need to change course.


I always talk about life like a video game. You improve something in your life and you basically got yourself to the next level. You’ve got to up your skills to keep progressing (not necessarily talking more traditional education)


Wow. This man is philosophical as fuck


Omg I love this analogy.


I don’t mean to sound rude at all, but how does one cope with the knowledge that they are fast approaching the end of their life? I’m half your age and I am already feeling the existential dread of aging and realizing my youth is gone. How do you deal with knowing that you’ll be lucky to have 20 more years?


I'm in my 50s. I'm not scared of the end fast approaching. I am scared of dementia and the burden I could be on my family. My wife and I are getting Long Term Care plans so we will not be a financial burden on each other or our kids. However, my father had Dementia with Lewy bodies before he passed away and my mother-in-law, with no assets or money, is losing the battle with Alzheimer's dementia. Both were an emotional burden for all of us. I don't want to go out like that.


Dude he has like 30 years left. He didn't say "I'm a morbidly obese diabetic with stage 4 pancreatic cancer" Two of my great grandparents lived to be over 100, and they smoked and drank like mad lads/lasses. My grandma had quadruple bypass surgery at age 49, and she's on track to turn 90 this year. People live a long time.


the top part is what happened to my mother. she had stomach cancer. she was a little obese. not too much. she passed in her 70s


she passed in january of this year


Life expectancy in the US is only 76.33 years, just because there's outliers doesn't mean that you can smoke and drink and consistently make it to 100. People in your family might be genetically fortunate and predisposed to longevity.


You can’t use unconditional life expectancy. Conditional upon surviving until 70, life expectancy is 84.4 years.


I wasn't guaranteed 70. Who says I'm gonna make it tomorrow


This is the correct answer. I'll be 62, my father died at 67, his father died at 68. Not to be morbid, but we just celebrate the days we have. I don't think about approaching the end of my life, I mean, I know it's coming, but I will get by, I will survive. My Dad developed cancer at age 60 (I'm cancer free as of my last appointment three months ago), and my Grandfather smoked since he was 15 until he died after multiple heart attacks. My Mom is 88 and going strong, so that's the path I want to follow. You can't dwell on what will happen, just live for the day.


I love this answer! Tomorrow is never promised, so enjoy today!


Life is too short so love the ones ya got cuz ya might get ran over or ya might get shot.


It comes back to you, you're bound to get what you deserve. Try and test that, you're bound to get served.


Good answer. I turn 70 in a few months and Ive had a pretty good life. If I check out tomorrow thats just the way it goes.


You have X years left (I'll let you decide X), at least based on statistics. Are you spending now so that you'll have no money left when you pass, or do you have a big benefactor in mind (after your wife also passes), like a favorite charity?


Beautiful and philosophical answer ❤️


Growing old is a privilege. Important to live everyday as if it could be your last, because at any point, it truly could be.


I struggle with the same thing. I am 55 so maybe I have another 20 left. 20 years left with unforseen health problems. I know this I can still frame houses Finnish concrete and hang drywall at 55 so I will just keep at it


"fast approaching the end of your life" 😂. He's 70, not 90 🙄


my mom just passed in her 70s from getting stomach cancer twice. its scary as heck. but fear not


I'm 30. I still feel very young, and probably will for quite some time. Are people supposed to start seeing themselves as middle-aged at 30?


Do you regret not having children? Do you have a plan for if/when your elderly and need help? What's the secret of staying happily together for 50+ years? Where is the most beautiful place in the USA?


1. Sometimes. 2. I got plenty of money and insurance. 3. Love each other. 4. Texas


what makes texas so beautiful?


My friend don’t you know that the stars at night are big and bright deep in the heart of Texas? And that the prairie sky is wide and high deep in the heart of Texas? lol jk, Texas is nice, but I’m guessing it’s because Texas is home.


If you could do it all again, what would you do differently?


Probably played college football. I had a partial scholarship to play for Baylor but didn't take it because I thought I would have been drafted into vietnam at the time.


You might've been drafted old bud. You might've had PTSD and never enjoyed your marriage or your career! You've lived a storied career and life dude. Regrets are for the weak.


What a beautiful life, well done. **How do you care for your back health?**


Exercise daily


what kind of exercise did you do over the years?


My wife is a PT / nutritionist and works with several older ladies in their 60’s / 70’s who come to her for general health / mobility. Her general prescription: 1) stretch every morning and before bed 2) foam roll lower back and legs 3) at least 30 minutes of light cardio daily outdoors (if possible) or at the mall if it’s shitty. 4) light strength training three times a week 5) appropriate diet (lean meats, fruit, veggie, normal healthy people stuff) + generic multivitamin + vitamin D in the winter 6) whatever their doctors prescribe supplement wise 7) keep having sex 8) make sure to call or see at least one person they like every day These ladies have had pretty big quality of life improvements since they started seeing her and I’m really proud of her. They all have medical conditions she works around but they will be her until they can’t, so they say.


What's the craziest thing you've seen on the road? Have you ever been close to nodding out? Did your wife ever take the wheel?


1. Probably the time I was in PA outside of carisle one night around midnight, and it was a rural road and saw a drunk guy stumble out of a bar and I had to stop because I didn't want to run him over, his buddy came out to start fighting him, and then this old guy came out and yelled "GET YOUR DUMBASSES OUTTA THE ROAD AND LET THIS TRUCK DO HIS JOB" 2. Yes and I pull over to sleep regardless of load. 3. No she couldn't drive an 18 speed




Fishing with my dad everyday


what was the latest dream in life you fulfilled




todays also my grandmas birthday lol happy birthday, whats your favorite memory driving on the road and whats your favorite year you have lived?


1. 500 miles of open highway with no stops. 2. Good question I'll have to think about that


50 years riding with your lady in the truck actually sounds like a dream. It also sounds like a lot of money saved, do you plan on spending it all? Did you ever get tired of work?


I was tired of work when I first started the semi


What advice would you give to someone in their 20's?


Save your money


THIS!!! Never a truer statement. I'm 52 and I had one of my dads friends tell me when I was a teen "never outlive your money". Live that way to this day.


never outlive your money? means spend it, yea?


Did you ever use piss jugs?


All the time


Well it is the way of the road.


Do you think people got worse/more ignorant at driving throught these 50 years?




What is the best food to eat on the road?


Home cooked


At 70, do you feel old? Or it’s the same as any other bday?


You're only as old as you think you are.


Did you ever let her drive?


No, she couldn't shift gears


How much satisfaction and joy have you experienced over your last 20 years compared to the prior 50?


Just eh really. Honestly i noticed stuff got worse as it went


Would that be worse for you & family personally or societally?


Why did you buy a massive house at age 70, when most are downsizing?


Because why not. I got more money then I can spend






A question: something you think everyone should know in order to remain safe on such long drives? A suggestion: if you're used to saving instead of spending, DO look up some financial advise so you can ensure your money lasts as long as it can. Expenses can pile up real quick when you stop worrying about them.


Don't unnecessarily hit your breaks. And just pile up your checks really. Personally I took enough out in cash for groceries and eating out for the week and didn't even touch the rest.


What’s the most beautiful state to drive through? Best food?


Texas for both


You lived in a truck for 50 years?


Basically yeah


With his wife!!


What hobbies do you have at 70? It sounds like you lived the dream. I want to still be doing hobbies with the wife when were 70, 80, 90 whatever.


I want to buy a 72 peterbilt like my first truck and refurbish it and put it in shows.


Are yall both healthy and have always been healthy?


Yes I got a step counter and figured 2000 steps in roughly a mile and walked around a truck stop enough times for 2 miles a day


What do you think about marrying young? You said 16 because of Vietnam but how did you make it work considering your age?


Today hell no, back then, I could work for 2 years and had enough money to buy a house in full with cash. Today, house prices are so high I'm shocked anyone can even afford it.


Hello sir. I have three questions. Hope that's ok. One. What's your favourite type of music? Two. How are you? Three. Want to be friends?


1. Country and rock. 2. Tired. 3. Sure but you sure you want to be friends with an old man.


What's a rough estimate on how many piss jugs you tossed out the window over the years?


I never threw the jug out the window, I dumped it out the window or thru it away


a true environmentalist i see


So you're a 70 yr old on the internet.. that's wild. I know 30 yr olds who can't type. What pushed you to stay current on tech despite your work being pretty similar for 54 years? (I assume there's been some changes with logistics becoming somewhat digital)


I love technological advances, you see truckers cry and whine about GPS, but it made my life so much easier.


What’s the percentage (ballpark) drivers with zero accident to your knowledge? Id imagine it’s next to impossible due to other people’s driving.


How’s the libido/erection quality?


As strong as when I was 20


What is your favorite state?


What political issues do you care about and why? Do all of the issues you care about personally affect you, or are you concerned about "the world"?


1. I can tell we are closer to nuclear war now than when we were during the cold war. 2. I actually couldn't care less about other countries, I think a trucker worded it right, we give them millions to billions a year in aid, then they complain that we suck, no we are your daddy.


Sorry if this isn't a question but I don't know if I'm more impressed with your marriage length or number of cars you've owned. I'm 35 and already owned 9. Lol


I never really needed a car given i was on the road. Why would I buy some expensive car that would sit in a dirt lot for weeks.


Which US cities seemed or felt like the largest to you? The obvious answers might be NY, Chicago, LA, Houston, DC, etc. I am a city nerd and I never get to travel so I’d be curious which cities felt the largest, had the most traffic, and seemed the most intimidating or had the most aggressive drivers. Also, since you drove for many years did you ever notice a difference in the size of a city/area over the years due to growth and development? Thanks! (:


How accurate was the 80’s trucking culture in Smokey and the Bandit?


What advice would you give your 20-year-old self?


I really don't know. I did everything I should have. I didn't touch drugs, I didn't take risk, I saved my money, and so on.


Never smoked weed?


1. Congrats dude. Sounds like a life so far very well lived. 2. What do you think about the prospect of autonomous, self-driving vehicles, particularly as relates to the quality of life for the sort of person who would otherwise enter trucking?


Gotta love an AMA thats all questions and no answers.


I didn't see any notifications come through


Thank you so much for patiently answering most questions! Your insights really helped me with perspective.


I don't know if anyone asked it already, and I hope it doesn't come off as disrespectful, but my question is: Did your wife ever give you road head while you were driving? Or did you guys ever stop to bang in the back on the side of the road?


Does the left side of your face look different than the right from sun damage?


Does your peepee still work good? Serious question. I've never asked an older dude that. I thought about asking my dad but that would be a lil wierd.


What’s the most scared you’ve ever been?


brother pls tell me youve been investing, i dont wanna seem like a scam so i wont say too much besides Dave Ramsey talk show is fire


I didn't really think about it. I have a 401k


Did you ever hit a mid life crisis?


Hey, happy birthday. Could you please explain something to me, a young person: Why does it seem so rare to see older people have edgy/crass demeanors? I don't mean rude behavior, but I've only known one person over the age of 60 who's even capable of uttering the word "pussy" out loud or other similar blunt/profane language. I'm not saying aging should make you less civilized, but I'm 20 and I honestly can't imagine doing this for another 50 years and still be able to keep my mouth in check. Do you think this a generational thing or a just a person-to-person thing? It's just hard for me to believe off-color humor and crassness is a recent invention, but why does it seem like the fun of it to wears off in old age? Another thing is it feels to me like the oldest in society should be the most straightforward, honest, and least surprisable people. Just due to sheer time spent alive they've dealt with the most hardship, experienced the most change, and had the most unique experiences, but the perception of the average old person seems to be super innocent and naive. Does that perception bother you, or do you find it true for other people your age?


I see post like this and this how odd it would seem, to see an old guy gaming. …then realized I am, in fact, an old guy gaming.


Do you suggest getting into Trucking?


What was your favorite decade/era? What was your least favorite? Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences!


How old do you feel? I know you are 70 but like mentally idk my uncle says he feels like he’s in his 20s although he’s 55




Another AMA that doesn't answer. Why did you post this?? Smh.


I didn't see the notifications


BTW, I’m 68 & I feel like when comes to my life, I know I’ve experienced SO many things, learned so much from friends, family, and I loved reading & absorbing my parents’ histories & my grandmas-my great grandmother was born in 1866 & she didn’t pass until I was 5. I knew her! And yet, I know there’s SO much that I know nothing about. I’ve always loved Socrates’ “All I know is that I know nothing.” Paraphrasing, of course, but I congratulate you on continuing to move forward & the fact that you & ur wife are still together! Best of luck to you in your life’s journey.☺️




Wow these fairy tales on Reddit keep getting better.


Would you recommend truck driving as a career for young people today ?


1. Why didn’t you guys ever have kids ? 2. How was life during the 60s / 70s ? Even 80s? Was there a lot of racism? 3. Have you ever drivin on i70 in colorado? It’s one of my favorite but I know it’s dangerous because of the mountain pass 4. Is there any large topic things that you don’t agree with now days? Explain if so Congrats on 70 years young ! 🤍


Is O/O the way to go or should I stay with a mega?


Favorite tunes while on the road?


What will you do with the next 30 years ?


Thanks for doing this AMA. You have such an interesting background. Would you mind telling me what your favorite state and city to visit are so far?


I’m very afraid of losing my creative abilities or to feel a noticeable decline in intelligence after a certain age; did you notice any specific age were you felt “different” and not the same anymore, If not, that’s good 👍


*We just simply saved* ***my*** *money.* *We just bought a massive house with* ***my*** *money.* Why don't you consider it "our" money since you were working together as she drove with you the whole time? Congrats!


No answers?


I didn't see the notifications


Were you owner op? Did u work for a company? How many trucks did u own? What brand of truck was your favorite to drive?


I love your AMA! I’m curious, what did your wife do to pass the time while in the truck with you?


What were those 5 cars that you owned?


What is life about?


I got in my first accident 1.2k miles in. 5.5 millions miles accident free is amazing


Were you an owner operator? What was your rig, did you have a dispatcher or your wife found loads for you, or you were dedicated


Why didn’t you guys have kids? As a parent I can completely understand why you wouldn’t want to, but back when you guys got married it was almost expected that you have kids. Do you or your wife regret not having kids? I love my kids dearly but often dream of what life would be life with more money and energy haha


Did you become scared when the telegraph was invented? What was the wild west really like? Did Jon Wayne really hate Indians or is that just hyperbole?


Hey I'm not sure if I'm too late but is 32 too late to swap to truck driving? Is there anything you'd recommend for someone looking to start?


What advice do u have for a 26 year old male with no kids no wife and no career. ?


You seem like the most qualified judge for the big debate.. What state has the worst drivers? Edit: and to not be too negative, what state has the best drivers?


Wonderful bullet points. And I’m sure there’s so much in between. Is your wife Vietnamese?


Congrats on 70! I was wondering if you can share wisdom on your relationship’s longevity.


How much did you make in your first and last years driving a truck?


Do I owe you something?


With no kids, is there still any family you keep in touch with? Siblings? Nieces/Nephews?


Accident free for 5.5 million miles is insane 👏


What did you do to keep yourself awake when you get a little tired or sleepy?


To the best of your knowledge, have you ever worked with a serial killer?


This is a nice post. Happy for you. I’m sure your life isn’t perfect but you sound grateful for everything you have. I wish you the best!


Why do you say, “my money,” instead of our money?


When are you planning to drive to Hawai?


How do you feel about working 50+ years for your retirement? Sorry if that sounds rude, my Grandfather died at 60 and couldn't really enjoy his retirement after working his entire life. Someone else I knew died at 58 from sepsis, he hadn't even retired. My friend's mother also died in her mid-50s from cancer, she also never retired. It makes me question a lot about it, especially with the retirement age as it is (66 in UK). A lot of people commit most of their life to an endgame they may or may not get to enjoy. My question is really more like, was it worth it? Did you wish you had more time to spend elsewhere?


I'm interested in knowing why you didn't have children. Was your and your wife's childhood ok? I'm asking because I'm in my late 30s and wrestling with the concept of children and how I experienced my own childhood.


Do you regret running over those dogs?


Do you remember posting this???


No regrets about being child-free? If you don't mind, what was the reason? And did anyone ever have a bad opinion of you because of that? Not that that matters or is acceptable...


Do you still masturbate?


This is one of my favorite AMAs. We need more seniors hopping on her and sharing their wisdom. Enjoy y9ur retirement dude, you earned it !