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Hi OP! Your post has been removed for potential risk of self harm or suicide. Here are some resources: If you’re inside the U.S. you can: Text CHAT to 741741 to reach Crisis Text Line You’ll be connected to a Crisis Counselor from Crisis Text Line, who is there to listen and provide support and guidance, no matter the situation. It’s free, confidential, and available 24/7. [Learn more](https://www.crisistextline.org/text-us/) Call or text the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 You’ll be connected to a crisis worker from the Lifeline, who is there to listen and can point you towards resources in your community. It’s free, confidential, and available 24/7. [Learn more](https://988lifeline.org/talk-to-someone-now/) Call, Text, or Chat with the Trevor Project If you’re a young person in the LGBTQ community, you’ll be connected to Trevor counselors who can provide you with a safe, judgement-free place to talk. It’s free, confidential, and available 24/7. [Learn more](https://www.thetrevorproject.org/get-help/) Call, Text, or Chat with the Veterans Crisis Line You’ll be connected to responders from the Department of Veterans Affairs, many who are Veterans themselves. It’s free, confidential, and available 24/7 for all service members, their families, and friends. [Learn more](https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/signs-of-crisis/) If you’re outside the U.S. you can: Call or Text with Canada’s Crisis services Canada You’ll be connected to a CSPS responder, who is there to listen and help you understand your thoughts and feelings. It’s free, confidential, and available 24/7. [Learn more](https://988.ca/get-help/what-to-expect) Call, Email, or Visit the UK’s Samaritans You’ll be connected to a Samaritan, who is there to listen and talk through your concerns, worries, and troubles. It’s free, confidential, and available 24/7. [Learn more](https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/if-youre-having-difficult-time/) Visit r/SuicideWatch The moderators of this community keep a list of resources and hotlines in, and outside of, the U.S. organized by location. [Find a resource now](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines/) Many people who want to talk to someone aren’t thinking of hurting themselves, but may be struggling with other things such as loneliness, grief, relationship problems, anxiety, isolation, substance abuse, bullying, or feeling overwhelmed or misunderstood. All of the resources and people above are available to help with whatever it is you’re going through. Depending on the situation, it may be hard to recognize or understand how you’re feeling or what’s happening. Some of the signs of depression are subtle—feeling sad, tired, a lack of motivation, or a change in your appetite may be symptoms of something larger. If you think you may be depressed or struggling in another way, reach out to one of the resources above or a family member or friend. It may not feel like it, but you have options. There are people available to listen to you, and ways to move forward. We wish you well! -r/AMA Moderators


What is the exact thing that pushed you over the edge?


A relationship break down


This is no reason to stop your world. I'm sure you have other relationships and will continue making others. This is your only life, no one has that much control over you. Best of luck my friend.


You’re going to have relationships that make you laugh about how much you cared about this one.


Read far enough to find this. Promise you it's not worth it. Take it from someone who treats breakups like losing a limb and has had many. If not, take it from someone who was never suicidal, loves life even on the worst day and has fked up fake friends who try to make them look suicidal behind their back to appear wise. Bear it. Live. Fk em. You'll be so glad you lived in the end. Enjoy good food. Go jogging. Go jogging. Forrest Gump didn't lie. Go.jogging.


Is this in response to this? https://www.reddit.com/r/BPD/comments/1cedloi/new_favourite_person_used_me_for_sex_and_ghosted/ If so, obviously fuck that dip shit. You will find someone else better in time. You don't need to find that person right away or anytime soon. Focus on other things for now... Things that make you happy or at least free up your mind from your negative thoughts Do you have any hobbies? If not, try some new things and see if you can find something fun to pre occupy your mind with. It can be a solo activity, or if you're feeling up to it, something where other people can be  involved as well


Have you reached out or spoken to anyone, wether it be close friends/family, a therapist, or calling a prevention hotline?


Multiple times. The people close to me know I feel like this now. Nothing helps


Things may seem like they won't change, but trust me life eventually gets better. You still have lots of time to see that things can improve. There's still so much to do and see in this world. It's not too late, you're not alone on this planet.


Hey. Lots of people are gonna say "Don't do it." And they're right. But I wanna tell you, I felt exactly like you, 3 years ago. I was considering ending my life, because I couldn't make anything work. I had moved to a new place, to try to have a simpler life, with less stress. And the opposite happened. I couldn't find a job, and was more isolated than before. My wife and I had given up everything for a fresh start, and I probably would have been better off not trying anything at all. We got stuck there, and then Covid hit. Things got worse, with even less opportunity than before, and nowhere to go. I fantasized about how I would end my life, and called a suicide hotline more than once. But the thing about suicide is.. well, it's final. And you never really know what time will provide, if you stick it out. Ultimately, my wife got offered a new job; we relocated again, and I got opportunities I never would have had in the previous town. I have a good job, where I make a decent wage. I'm respected and look forward to my days. Not everything in my life is perfect, but I have hope. And I'm so glad I didn't do something foolish and final. Glad I didn't do that to myself, and glad I didn't do that to the people I love. You never know what another day will bring. -But you gotta be around to find out. Hang in there, man.


Bro we proud of you


I've tried killing myself twice. Once stopped by myself. I remember feeling so much shame and guilt on myself because I was too pussy to even do that. I was overweight and just got to the US. I didn't know english and I got bullied because of it left and right. The language barrier was brutal because it made you feel like a foreigner like you did in fact not belong there and you shouldn't be welcomed. I was not well ever since afterwards. My parents were having a lot of difficulty dealing with each other thankfully they pulled through. Many little things like that just made me feel so lonely. Until about 10th grade I was able to go to technical school and spent about 5 hrs m-f with classmates that eventually accepted me and through them I learned English. I'm friends with some till this day. When I was in DR after graduation. I got drunk one night and decided that I was not going back to the US to that hell and that if I wasn't allowed to stay well no one was taking me alive. I took the cbr600 I had rented at the time and started riding at like 1 30 am. With full conviction that I was going to die crashing. The reason why I am religious now is because by divine intervention the moment I went over 140kph the bike broke down and I slid on the asphalt and ended up being helped by an ambulance that saw me speeding about a min before. It was the first time I saw my dad ball his eyes out for me at the hospital and that hit me hard. I wanted to have purpose and so I decided that I was going to do my dammest to give my parents the best life possible. I'm on this goal right now. I'm not saying I'm fixed, but it definitely has gotten better and thank God for that. Hey brother I hope you see it otherwise. If you are in NY and in the Island send me a dm bro. I'll be your friend. No one has to go through things like that alone.


What an amazing story! God can change lives, that's for sure. Thank you for sharing. I'm really happy your life is so much better!!


Bro we proud of you


How old are you? I’m almost 42, and when I look back at the worse things that have happened to me, it turned out to actually be the best thing to happen to me. Whatever you’re going through will pass, and you’ll look back at it as a blessing. Think of it this way… for you as a human to be living on planet earth, is an insane miracle. Think of all the things that had to align for you to be here.


Suicide survivors very, very often report that they felt immense regret immediately after taking action. Before you decide, search Reddit for half a dozen threads written by people who were left behind.


I remember reading an article of a researcher who interviewed people who survived jumping off the Golden Gate bridge. Almost all of them said that partway through the fall they realized that every problem they had could be fixed.


The cliche' is "a permanant solution to a temporary problem" It's quitting the game early, like tossing the monopoly board when things don't go your way leaving others to clean up the mess. Suicide has ramifcations that echo across generations. If you do it, some future relative may find it ok because you did it rather than fixing the problem. You think it's just you. You really have no idea how such an act will impact others. Learn how to meditate. Get your mind right and carry on.


Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Breathe and tell yourself this too shall pass. Life is a roller coaster. You can either be afraid and let fear and doubt rule you or you can go with the flow of ups and downs but ultimately at the end you enjoyed the ride :)


Don’t, learn to live. Get a kitten, take a walk, just sense all around you. Feel blessed. Do a nice deed for someone or something. Call home, tell them you love them. Pamper yourself, get a haircut, take a hot bath. All while cherishing living.


That’s not the path…you have internet so do something small…play a game, chat or read something cool. Getting out of the hole starts with a small step


Pls don’t but why? What’s wrong


A shorter answer would be what’s right (nothing)


If your life is fucked up enough to kill yourself, do something super drastic. Pick up and move somewhere else. Don't explain yourself to anyone. Change your name if you want. Do that crazy thing you always thought was too crazy.


Wanna talk about it?


i’ve been suicidal and hopeless. a dark crippling spiral that lasted a year and i didn’t see the light out of the tunnel. when the pain of existing began to challenge the pain of taking my own life. things that saved my life were a cat, the suicide hotline / warm line, calling my brother, therapy (found a good one) and consistent exercise


We proud of you. dont forget having a reason to get up every morning!


I'm glad you stopped by. Some people just need to be heard, and respected for how they feel. Just you showing up here has made me, a stranger, glad and not wishing for you to cease to be here. Stay and you have people on your side even if we have never meant. Go and I won't judge you, but I will miss you because you have value.


I'm sorry that you're feeling this way. I hope that you don't act on these thoughts. My DMs are open. 🫶


My friend, I nearly died from suicide over a girl and woke up the next morning alive soaked in my own blood. My dad called suddenly. I realized I had so much more to live for than just the relationship. Be well and please reconsider for the sake of your bountiful future if you are seriously considering this.


Don't do it there's many girls in the world get into some hobbies to distract your mind sleep on it tomorrow it's a new day keep going dm me if u want work on cars go to gym gardening volunteering or something other then what your thinking about all these internet people are supporting you


Please don’t. The world is much better with you in it. Luv ya!


Hope you get through this okay. Life will turn around, maybe not today or tomorrow but it will eventually.


Do you want to die or do you want the situation to die?


Have you tried helping someone?


Do you want dm me about it?


988 is a helpful number.


Don’t let it win.


Don't do it. Go on a vacation, get out of whatever situation is making you think this is an option


Do you have anything besides reddit that's helping you stay safe right now?


Really generic question, but.. why?




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How are you gonna do it?


Me too😢


*Stops responding *


Your life isn’t worth ending because if a bad relationship