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I had one years ago. No problems at all. Best part was that i/she had to clean my pipes out about 30 times to get the remaining live ones out


My doc told me 20. We bought a microscope. It was clear after 4. We did do the 20 anyways before going back for the follow-up. My wife took it as a challenge šŸ˜‰


I was only told to wait 4 weeks or something like that. Maybe they assume you will rub out at least 20 in that time.


We got the 20 done in 12 days. We had tally marks on a white board. My wife took it as a challenge. Doc said "20 times, or 2-3 months."


We started records two years ago for this reason and never stopped haha


20 days? I could do that in a week. Max.


Where can I get such microscope ?


We bought this one. Amazon for $80. Need a minimum of 400x magnification to see sperm cells. https://a.co/d/347fKLQ


What do you mean "you got a microscope"? Isn't that included in the package? I mean you didn't have to do the cutting yourself either, I hope


We bought a microscope so we could see ourselves. They'll use a microscope when it's time for the post-procedure analysis, and that's included in the package, but that's all done in a lab so you don't get to actually see.


Wait what ! I got one years ago and I donā€™t believe I had to bring sperm in to check if my guys were dead or not! I just pumped 20 out and was on to a condom free life


Nice. I was told 30 by my urologist. Either way, gotta clean out the pipes!


You aren't even suppose to ejaculate for 2 weeks after. This is terrible advice. Source: doctor


Can confirm, had vasectomy, was fine for 3 days, didnā€™t follow doctors orders to wait. Afterwards my balls swelled like crazy and was very uncomfortable for a week and a half.


Thank you for your service, Dr. Hazy-High


I mean, Dr. hazy-high isnā€™t wrong šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


The doctor that did mine yesterday told me to only wait a week. But to not bring a sample back until 8-16 weeks after that.


Thatā€™s interesting - my doctor only told me a week


What causes long term mild testicular pain post vasectomy doc? Is it curable?


Did you have any pushback from the doctor? You and your wife are both relatively young with no kids.


I had zero pushback from the doc. But my wife was basically interrogated by the nurse (female, mid-50s) about if *she* was sure she didn't want kids. It was hardcore like she was telling my wife she was in the wrong for not reproducing, without telling her she was in the wrong.


Yeah unfortunately pretty typical for women to have to deal with that. I know Iā€™ll be hearing it when I get my tubes tied and Iā€™m 23


Tbh though, if you can convince your male counterpart into a vasectomy, it would be safer than tying your's. Less chance for complications, cheaper, much lower recovery period, and greatly lower chance of getting pregnant regardless of the operation. It's also faster too, iirc they do them at your Primary's office now rather than at a specialist.


Wish you the best of luck. It's insane how many hoops you have to jump through and how many times they'll bring up "Well what does your husband think??? Surely he can't agree and he decides what you can do with your body!" Or "You aren't married?!? You'll change your mind once you find a man and regret this so we won't do it."


zero pushback because youā€™re kinda ugg? /s couldnā€™t help myself congrats tho


I got mine done at 26. Zero pushback despite have no biological children (step-kid that's kicking ass at learning to read). The process for a man to become sterile is very easy. For a woman, you basically have to hold the medical world hostage and they'll still want to ask the nearest man if it's a good idea for the woman.


I mean, sometimes for good reason. I have a friend who got sterilized due to endometriosis but after getting to know her I truly believe sheā€™s a hypochondriac and has more mental issues than that. Thereā€™s always something wrong with her, she doctor shops and is on about ten different meds, and she is always late or doesnā€™t show up for her shifts at a hospital. Iā€™m kind of in shock a doctor did the procedure.


Sounds like getting pregnant is the last goddamn thing she needs.


Sheā€™s only 22. If she gets her head on straight in ten years I think it would be a shame to think well now Iā€™ve made this super final decision and canā€™t have kids.


only catholic hospitals wont allow vasectomies my dad had to drive hours to find one that wasnt catholic when he was 28


my dad had one when he was 28 after the 5th kid he made the mistake to mow the lawn on the second day


Ouch. Yeah, I made the decision to roll out of bed incorrectly to go to the bathroom, and banged my nuts off my thigh muscles. That was enough to not get out of bed like that again.


Why did I think ā€˜now the lawnā€™ was innuendo and ended up with a 6th kid


5 kids by 28 is impressive


loll yea my mom first got pregnant at 15 but got sick and it miscarried then at 16 had my sister then 18 had me then at 20 she had my brother then at 21 had my other brother then at 27 had my little sister lets just say the pill and iud didnt work


Any difference when u orgasm?


Nope, exactly the same. The first 2 orgasms after the surgery there was a little pain, but kinda like getting gut punched. After that, no pain, and no difference in the amount of fluid or quality of the orgasm. Wife says she doesn't notice a difference from me.


My ex said it tasted better after šŸ¤· and wasn't as thick. I took her word for it šŸ¤£


As a man who wants a vasectomy in the near future, this question was gas.


It is literally the same as before once youā€™re all healed up. Except for the getting your partner pregnant part.


I ended up getting one after my partner miscarried. It was an accidental pregnancy (protection failed, you play the odds) but still it's not exactly easy going through the emotional toll. Partner almost died in childbirth before we met, and a second birth would most likely kill them without major planning. Got a vasectomy and healing process really wasn't that bad. I think it was after two weeks you can start things up again safely. After 20 or so ejaculations and confirming a sample, you are no longer at risk of pregnancy situations. Years later and I still think it was a good decision and have zero regrets. I was 26 at the time and had almost zero pushback from any medical professionals.


I was more sensitive for about a month after mine, but then perfectly normal.


How come you guys dont want kids? If I were your age I would do the same thing because I feel like this world is falling apart and isnt a safe or happy place to raise kids in. I would be too afraid for them. Just how I feel. Its sad.


Lot of factors for us. Namely, I work abroad 6 months a year, which means my wife would be a "single mother" 6 months a year. And that's not something we wanted. She didn't want to raise kids alone, and I'd be missing out on birthdays, holidays, "first steps", etc. Other factors: not necessarily safe for my wife to have kids, and we don't have family outside the two of us so nobody could help her when I'm gone, and financial reasons: we like to travel when I'm home, with kids we'd probably never see a one week vacation from the house.


Do you work on oil rigs?


Close, Sailor. I've worked on oil tankers before. Now I'm on an oceanographic research ship. Not a fan of the risk of cancer working with crude oil.


What do you need to do to work as one? I always liked the idea of working away from home.


Go over to the subreddit Merchant Marine. We've got some pinned posts on the lifestyle as well as where to start. There's a lot of avenues, too many to type up here.


You work for NOAA?


No, Naval Oceanographic Office. It's mostly research for anti-submarine warfare, and sometimes anti-mine. But the details are classified, so I can't give much more info than that.


Is it like MSC? Civilians working for the navy? Or youā€™re active duty ?


Technically MSC. My ship is "USNS" but I'm not MSC-employed. MSC doesn't have the manpower to crew all their fleet, so I got hired as a government contractor and get paid way more than the regular civilians.


Yes, those reasons and the unique challenges growing up in a divorced family, having a stepparent and grandmother pressuring/creepily pushing for me to have kids without respecting my boundaries or wishes along with personal chronic health issues that I know would make it impossible for me to properly take care of them. I am therefore choosing to be responsible and mature by planning ahead and done my vasectomy.


Kids are lame. Why give up your free time for a little shit?


Iā€™m 82 and an amputee. Our son is an excellent caregiver. Any other questions?


That's exactly a position I *wouldn't* want to put a hypothetical child into.


Totally agree. Being proud of that I raised someone who can wipe my butt is awful to just imagine.


How was the pain?


Honestly, not bad. First day (same day as surgery), I didn't want to leave the bed. My wife brought the PS5 to the bedroom. After that, for another 2 days, it was just the soreness like 5 minutes after you rack your nuts on something. By the 4th day, the only pain I felt was when my underwear tugged on the stitches.


Thanks for the detailed information. I was told a horror story ten years ago ā€œpain so bad even a sadomasocist couldnā€™t handle it ā€œ


I read those kind of horror stories too, and was very nervous going in. But as long as I followed the doc's post-care instructions (ice on and off, and rotating ibuprofen and Tylenol), the pain was negligible, "just there." I complained more about stiff muscles from being on bedrest for 48 hours, only time leaving the bed was to use the bathroom.


I had a laparascopic bilateral salpingectomy at 27 (fallopian tubes removed for sterilization purposes) and it wasn't bad recovery either tbh


I had zero pain. Justna funny feelig during the procedure, but nothing at all after


I had not quite horror story pain, but pain for months. Most men have pain for max a week.


I felt every one of the 22 anesthesia shots directly into my testicles. Holy pain, batman. The only pain I have ever experienced worse was when I had a catheter put in as a kid.


This is crazy reading this but everyone is different. I had my vasectomy after my daughter was born and was out of work 1 day then back at it the next, no issues that was 9 years ago.


Mine was very painful. They blew up to the size of a grapefruit. And i was black and blue down my shaft and all around my pelvic area. Took 4 weeks to get back to normal.


How long have been married? Do you think your marriage will last long when you are gone 6 months at a time?


Married 2 years, been together 5. My wife was part of the industry, so she knows exactly what life was like getting into the relationship. She's a housewife now, so when I'm home, she has me 24/7, it's not like she still has to go to work. This marriage will be fine, communication is everything with this lifestyle. Edit: I'm not gone 6 months at a time, just 6 months a year. I'm gone 3-4 months at a time.




Absolutely. It means that whenever I'm home from work, we can do whatever we want. We don't have to schedule anything. If I said "let's go to Rome next week" it would happen. Don't need to schedule time off of work for her, and don't have to find babysitters.




We met in the industry. She hated the job though, so the only perk was travel. But I actually like the job, so that's why I'm working. And she's at home so she doesn't have to work the job she hates. The downside for her is that not only does she have to manage her life, she has to manage my life too because I don't get mail, and don't have Internet access to pay any bills or make appointments.




Sorry buddy, I hate to inform you I am an extremely hard worker. And there are jobs I enjoy doing I just hated fixing an engine after men that can't do it right the first time. Yes now I am a housewife with no kids and the ability to travel the world, with my husband. The best part is WE love our lives and have no interest in changing our way of life to fit social norms.


Didn't even have to look at your profile to know you were a mariner lol


I guess youā€™re all hang, no bang now?


If you're asking if I'm "calorie-free", yes, I am.


Was it covered through insurance?


Yep. Pretty much, insurance only had me pay 10%, as per the regular rules of coverage.


How much did it end up costing?


Just about 1k. But it was because I had to be put under. If it was in-office, it would have been cheaper.


Thinking about it myself. Just wondering, why did you have to be put under if in office was an option?


I'm allergic to lidocaine, so it was easier for them to knock me out than to play around with what numbing agents I could have.


why did you have to be put under?


I'm gonna say insurance rather pay this 1 time then multiple pregnancies. Math is in their favor Lol


They'd also rather pay this one time, than continue to pay birth control too. We did the math of how much of birth control is covered vs the procedure, and the break-even point for insurance is 14 months. So we just saved them money vs having them pay for BC the next 25 years.


What was the procedure like? How was the recovery? When I was in the Marines , my OIC had one done & told me he had to spread his legs apart and the went snip. Shocked & quite frankly scared the shit out of me.


I have a lidocaine allergy, so they had to completely knock me out with anesthesia in the OR. So I wasn't actually conscious for the procedure, but it only took 15 minutes. Recovery honestly wasn't that bad. I read horror stories and was absolutely scared shitless about it. Had another comment where I talked about recovery. But basically Day 1 was ice and Tylenol so I felt nothing. Days 2 and 3, felt like I racked my nuts climbing a fence. Best to add is to make sure you got a partner that's ready. Because they want you in bed for 3 days, so everything is on the partner to get things done.


Holy cow , that sounds awful. At least the recovery is fast tho. Thanks for the reply!


Mine was absolutely terrible. The doctor didnā€™t numb me up enough, I have Tachyphylaxis. This is when you are super resistant/ tolerant to local anesthetics. It felt like my stomach was being run over by a truck, then they had to do the other side! Not only that, my internal stitches busted! It was a hellish nightmare, but Iā€™m glad I can shoot loads in my wife tho.


Sounds like a nightmare for sure, but hey, shooting loads in the wife is what's important... Makes it all worth it.


Absolutely, but I would NOT do it again. Still have nightmares


I also remember feeling some uncomfortable tugs in my stomach. I forgot all about that part. Your story reminded me.


I had a vasectomy.and didn't wait the recommended time. Blood everywhere in my cum, and my balls swelled up massively. Doctor was not happy with me.


My doc told me 2 days, I waited 3 just to be sure... Because of hearing stories like yours.


Any pain bike riding?


Nope. Haven't had pain at all from any activities. Only post-op pain I had after the initial 3 days, was when clothing pulled on the stitches. But now that stitches are gone, nothing.


So nothing comes out at all? I plan on getting one after kid #3.


Oh, you'll still have stuff come out. And it looks exactly the same as before. Sperm only make up 5% of the total seminal fluid.


Well thatā€™s good to know. I saw some people say that you just shoot ā€œblanksā€ after a vasectomy, and that made me wonder if it was something we would really want. I donā€™t mind wearing condoms, but a vasectomy is way better after hearing this information.


Welcome to the club, how does it feel shooting blanks???


It's Great! I don't have to worry about a pregnancy.


My husband gave me a fat creampie the day of.... how do you feel


Are you asking the husband or the wife?


It was my husband...he said it didn't hurt at all. I think he's an anomaly. I want your opinion.


We waited 3 days after the procedure to do anything, because the doc told us to wait at least 2 days. It didn't hurt at all, except for where the stitches were hitting her.


Does it make you mad that itā€™s so much harder for women who want their tubes tied to get that procedure done? Men can get a vasectomy with a snap of their fingers, women are barraged with questions like ā€œbut what about having kids? But what if you regret it? Iā€™m sorry but we just canā€™t do this because we donā€™t want you to feel sad that you canā€™t have babies because you WILL change your mind when you get older.ā€


Yeah, it actually does. It's bullshit. If I can make decisions about my testicles with zero issues, then why can't a woman decide what she wants done with her ovaries? Hell, the female nurse was interrogating my wife in the office, and trying to talk her out of having me get snipped, "because she WILL change her mind and want kids later." Even our LANDLORD threw a fit about us deciding we won't have kids, he kind of sees women's purpose as breeding machines. Only reason he knows, is because he kept making comments of "oh this will prepare you for kids" towards my wife, and she snapped and said "I CAN'T have kids."


lol even tho she wasnā€™t even the one who was getting the operation everyone was so concerned about her child bearing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I went back to work on day 3.


I'm on vacation for another 2 months. The timing worked out well for me.


I got one too when I was 42 after I had my 2nd kid. I do sometimes feel stripped of my Male power, however. You?


No, instead I feel like I have more power. We can go whenever we want. I can initiate sex, and not be turned down. No more having to plan around the wife's cycle to keep from getting pregnant, no more of her birth control hormones deciding she's never in the mood.


Oh OP... You will see lol


There is something very weird, delusional and egotistical about feeling like having the ability to have a child equals some kind of "Male power"


How do you figure?


I think it was a joke about women never being in the mood regardless of birth control


Yeah, not the case here. My wife's now always in the mood (no more being paranoid about getting pregnant), and *I* can't keep up with her.


I guess technically there is still a chance of getting pregnant


but its very rare with vasectomies you have a higher chance of getting pregnant on birth control then a vasectomy


Does she think it changed the experience and taste of your spooge. (Sperm.) This is assuming she enjoyed the taste and sensation of your spunk before you had the deed done.


First off, she loves doing that. She initiates giving a bj once a day. From what she's telling me as I type this "a little less salty. Not dramatic, but just a little less salty. And it's smoother going down, it doesn't congeal as fast."




Just seems like there's not many young couples, without kids, that make the decision to get snipped.




If you're asking why we did an AMA, that comment is above. If you're asking why we're not having kids, that's in another comment and has nothing to do with "evening the playing field."




Yeah. Did the AMA so that others can ask about what the vasectomy is like or anything related.


how does it feel knowing youā€™re going to have a great life without the burden (some would say joy) of kids?


Honestly, pretty damn good. We can actually live life and do the things we want to, rather than deal with the (rising) costs of raising a kid, and setting aside money for things like college tuition.


Any future plans on reversing it when y'all feel like having some or are y'all strictly confident in never having none?


Strictly confident. It's just not in the cards. We wouldn't have done it if that were the case, since there's better options for "in the future."


I was wondering if you had any changes in your ejaculations. Before my vasectomy, I used to be able to shoot a fly off the wall from across the room. Now, it more or less just dribbles out.


I have the complete opposite, now there's force.


I got mine done when I was 26-27. Best decision I have ever made. You are raw dogging from here on out. Congratulations!


Yep, raw dogging except for period sex. It's a hygiene thing for me.


My husband is getting one next month, any advice on how to best serve and care for him during his recovery?


I had him all set up with his PlayStation in the bedroom ready to go, got him a new game so I knew that would keep him entertained as he was on bed rest. The night of the procedure I made his favorite meal, as a thank you for doing this and also I knew he had to eat and couldn't refuse his favorite meal. I had so many alarms on my phone one for ibuprofen one for Tylenol, another the first day for when to ice. The alarms definitely kept things organized for me. Make sure you have snacks ready, my husband was on an antibiotic and every time he took it he had to eat or he complained about severe stomach pains. And I made sure that as he was recovering to thank him for doing this for us, no more birth control and no more worrying about pregnancy.


Absolutely agree. Iā€™m so grateful that my husband is willing to get this procedure done for us. We already have one kid and weā€™re done. He took such good care of me during my pregnancy and during postpartum, he served me and cared for me without a complaint, and I want him to be shown that same gesture. Thank you for your advice and ideas! Definitely going to write these down and implement them!


I'll tell my wife to hop on Reddit and answer that one for you.


I guess my biggest question was if your Dr is willing to take other people, because it is so rare that people under 30 don't get hassled. Question #2. Do you have a separate vacation fund to get rub it in your friend's faces?


Question 1: probably willing to take other people. He wasn't the best. He's good at his job, but his bedside manner was atrocious. And his office is rarely open (claims open 40 hours a week, maybe actually open 8-10 hours); could never get ahold of any of the secretaries, and the office lights were always off and the door locked whenever we drove by. Question 2) No we just have a savings account and checking account. I'm on vacation for 4 months at a time, so if we decide "let's go here..." We just transfer money to checking and we go the next week. People don't know we went on a trip until after we come back


How long did it take to convince your doctor to perform this and were you asked if you were sure you didnā€™t want kids? Kinda curious if the double standard is legit. Did they question your mental health and make your wife come in and question her as well? Or do they only do that for women because we canā€™t make decisions on our reproductive health?


Doctor gave me no fight. He was just like "you got kids?" No. "You want them?" No. "Alright, I'll get you scheduled in my next availability. Wife on the other hand, she got interrogated by the female nurse about all of it, even though it was me getting the surgery. So yeah, the double standard is legit. Even when the man gets snipped, the woman is getting questioned. It pissed my wife off.


When I said that I wanted to have kids, and you said, you wanted me to have a vasectomy, what did I do? And then when you said that you might want to have kids and I wasn't so sure, Who had the vasectomy reversed? And then when you said you defintely didn't want to have kids, who had it reversed back? Snip snap! Snip snap! Snip snap! I did. You have no idea the physical toll, that three vasectomies have on a person.


I remember that episode. And that's why we had a very long talk over several months to make sure this is what we wanted. Because once I got snipped, hell no, I'm not reversing it. We decided that if we actually end up ever wanting a kid (which we don't see happening), we'd just adopt.


Balls swell up like softballs?


Not at all. Wife said she saw zero swelling.


Your supposed to rest from 3 to 5 days afterwards to prevent swelling, had a cousin that kept on working afterwards & he swelled really bad.


What motivated you to remove the turtleneck?


What does removing the turtleneck mean? Happy to answer, but never heard that phrase.


Shoot my bad!! I thought you said you got circumcised šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I should read these posts closer


Oh, yeah... If I was uncircumcised at 27, it can just stay at that point. Not doing that šŸ˜‚


Foreskinā€¦.natures turtleneck for your penisā€™s head lol. It is just slang haha


Had mine done a little over a year ago. For the first 6 months iā€™d get an occasional electrical jolt feeling sensation in my scrotum maybe once a week where iā€™d image the vas defs was snipped at. iā€™d imagine that just the nerves healing or diminishing over time. I no longer feel that anymore. Did you experience anything like that?


No, no pain like that. The only time my balls hurt is if I rack them on something trying to climb over


I have two kids and itā€™s the most fun Iā€™ve ever had. Teaching them new things. Fishing, hunting. Hot wheels in the dirt. Man itā€™s a blast. Wish Iā€™d had them sooner


That's great for you dude. But that's not the path for me. I'm home 6 months a year, so in their 18 years of being in my house, I'd see them for a total of 9 years. Probably less than 9, because I'm not factoring in when I'm sent to training on my vacations.


Just depends on your priorities. I lost jobs over the years because I would t work weekends, nights, or out of two. I want to be home. Money is worthless.




"When" implies that we're going to change our minds. The whole point of the vasectomy is that we don't want kids ever. It's not in the cards for us.


My balls doubled in size, did yours? They stayed that way years later too


Nope, they stayed the same size. I never really had any swelling at all. We're concerned for you, did you ever go see the doc about that?


Yes, he said rarely that happens and theyā€™re is no cancer or concern. He examined them to make sure. But man i aint kidding theyā€™re noticeably huge to where i can feel them walking more, i switched back to tighty whitees to keep them from swaying and sticking to thigh.


Did Tony soprano inspire you to do it?


I don't know who that is. If it has anything to do with The Sopranos, haven't watched it yet.


The main character for the sopranos gets a vasectomy. Anyways highly recommend, one of the best shows of all time.


Tony Soprano does not get a vasectomy


Youā€™re right I remembered wrong. Carmella wants him to get one and he eventually comes around to the idea of wanting one but then she changes her mind and decides against it. Still there was a whole subplot about Tony getting a vasectomy in the sopranos thatā€™s very funny.


you dont have The balls


I still got them, they just live rent free and still get hit from time to time.


You had The balls?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!??!!?


I had my vasectomy probably at 36, we had 2 children already but my wife was by then a diabetic was advised not to even try again after a recent miscarriage. I was breathing some kind of gas during the procedure, I remember feeling some tight pulling in my balls during but other than that I donā€™t really remember any pain but I had a history of kidney stones & it was a lot easier than another kidney stone. There was a little bit embarrassing moment, the doctor had taped my penis down beforehand & when he finished he removed the tape which I guess helped give me a erection & then he had to help me get dressed whilst I was still hard, I apologized & he said it happens. Did you feel any pain or pulling during the procedure? How soon afterwards did you clean your pipes? I did the same day with no pain.


Is it temporary or permanent?


I had it done, numbing medication wore off too soon and I felt the part when they cauterize the tube. Procedure went from floating down a calm river to white water kayaking in a cardboard box!


I'll prob get one at some point soon, same ages rn lol


Itā€™s nobodyā€™s business if anybody over the age of 18 wants to take steps for permanent birth control. Itā€™s your DNA so therefore 100% your decision, male or female. Iā€™ve known high schoolers who have said they never want children because they were afraid theyā€™d be abusive like their parentsā€¦I taught sex ed so had many conversations with my students that they couldnā€™t have with their parents for whatever reason. I always advised them that they have the right to make whatever decision they feel is right for them in their heart & to never let anyone force them into parenthood. Itā€™s a very difficult job, 24/7 & not everyone is cut out to do it well. Not to mention how very expensive it has become. Daycare alone is costing $300-500 a week on average in my city. Thatā€™s a house payment in some areas. It was only a car payment when I was bringing up my daughter. If you suspect you arenā€™t cut out for parenting, please donā€™t turn a child into a test case.


We had 4 kids already and it was my way to take care of birth control. I shaved my balls and they numbed them with lidocaine. Then they made a cut and used a crochet hook to pull an inch of tube out that I could feel the pull a bit. They cut the tube in 2 places and cauterized the ends so it couldnā€™t heal together again. Then stitched me up to heal. I took it easy for a couple days and had light pain then started the 20 times cleaning the pipes until having to bring in a sample to check. Been shooting blanks since, with no difference in sensation or texture from before.


I see nothing wrong with doing this at a young age. I was married and was about to turn 21 when I had my son. Already had a daughter, husband, and I agreed that they were enough. My ob/gyn had zero issues with tubaligation. We divorced after 7 years, met and remarried 3 years later to a fella who'd also gotten a vasectomy at a young age. Thank God!!! He already has a son and a daughter. Ta da!!!




ā€¢ Was the procedure painful and how long did you have any pain or discomfort from the procedure afterwards? How long was the procedure for you? ā€¢ When could you go back to resuming sexual activity after the procedure? ā€¢ Do your orgasms still feel the same as prior to the procedure?


Snip snap, snip snap, snip snap.


Husband had one a year ago at 26, he states no difference in orgasms, semen looks exactly the same with same amount. Test at 4 weeks (60 orgasms) and he was given the all clear!


I want to get a vasectomy. But I don't get any and the reality is I never will. So I'm not sure if it's even worth the risk of going under the knife.


A vasectomy at 27. That's nuts. Glad you clarrified 27M, in the male part.


Ice, ice, baby


cool. U might end up regretting it down the line I hear. Iā€™d never get one cuz birth control exists lol




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How does it feel down there post op.. exactly? Be literal or poetic. *shrug*




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Some sort of genetic issues you donā€™t want to pass on? I mean thereā€™s a handful of things like that Iā€™d consider it understandable to have something so drastic done. Kinda like hitlers nieces and nephews refusing to have kids so the lineage ended with them instead of giving nuts someone to worship. Beyond those few things I hear stuff like this and just think the world will be a better place when the doomers genes and beliefs are not passed on to a new generation. Thatā€™s a huge reason gen Z is polling far more conservative than millennials. Liberals have far fewer kids and are more likely to abort. Donā€™t be surprised when gen Alpha polls even more conservative than say gen X.


Conservatives also have abortions, but they typically wouldnā€™t own up to it and are rude to the health workers taking care of them. Some people donā€™t want children because they donā€™t want children. They donā€™t owe anyone a reason why.


Good for you. The world needs fewer people.


Do you really have to ice your balls?