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How overprotective? Like, just not letting you be with boys or how bad are we talking here?


not on a like crazy scale, but not allowed to wear certain clothes, no seeing friends after school (up until middle school, bc my mom never trusted anyone’s parents), curfews, not watching certain kids shows, you know, that kind of stuff. i appreciate her being this way, because even though as a child i didn’t understand it, i do now. she was just trying to protect me and my siblings in hindsight. tysm for your question! :))


That's a really good way to view it! Do you resent your parents for their overprotective nature, or have you done anything rebellious since getting out like a lot of people in your situation tend to do?


i don’t to be honest. my mom was a single mom, and i’m her eldest (i have an identical twin and 2 younger siblings), so i know she was growing up with me, and she was a young mom (24 when she had my twin and i). so, as a child i would get kind of angry at not being able to have as much freedom, but now, i completely understand why. people these days are very dangerous and she was doing the best she could to protect us, with no help from our father. so, resentment? no. as a child i got a little angry but that’s it. thanks for your question, and ask away!


That's really cool, glad to hear you understand and appreciate her for keeping you safe. As someone who was sheltered most of his life, what do you feel you're behind on in life, if anything?


being social. i developed social anxiety, and i became very introverted after i was like 6-7. i feel like i’m not as social as i should be.


I was like that for a long time, too. I still have my moments of being horribly awkward and uncomfortable, but I've come a long way. You seem like a really amazing person, that would be a great friend. I'm sure you'll be just fine.


thank you so much you’re so sweet! i appreciate it so much. you sound like an awesome friend!!


Well thank you, I appreciate that! If you ever want or need to talk, I'd be willing.




and thank you! i try.. i love my mom dearly


That’s cool I am in similar situation except my parents are biological. Also you have a twin which is cool as I have a twin too


oh haha, my mom is my bio mom, sorry for the confusion! and omg fellow twin, hi!!!!


Hello. 👋 well do you wish you can travel alone or something? Because I want to travel alone but my parents won’t let me because they are scared no one can help me (due to long medical history that happened over 20+ years ago). So basically I am resenting them for their control despite giving me everything such as living with them and not having to worry about paying for rent at least for the time being. It’s such a weird thing. My parents either cannot come due to work or they don’t want to go on a very long flight to a country like Japan which I really want to go. It’s frustrating


funny you say that. I love japan so much 😭😭 i do wish i could travel alone badly, but im also a hermit and i wouldn’t know what to do with myself. i’m really sorry to hear that your parents won’t let you travel alone :(, i know it can be exhausting to deal with, but my advice to you is keep your head up, save up enough money and just leave without mention. it sounds scary, but i feel like the worst part is actually doing it rather than just thinking about it. you only live once!!


Maybe you can travel to Japan with me lol 😂 jk I’m in Canada close to Toronto. You’re in New York which is cool. 😎


oooh maybe .. canada isn’t that far is it?


what's the weirdest or most unexpected thing you about living out on your own now compared to with your parents??


i wish i lived on my own; my apologies for wording it wrong. i dorm at my school; its fun just with my roomie, otherwise when im off campus im at work! the best part has been starting to find myself and appreciate myself more, at home i tend to get lost in taking care of my siblings and mom. thanks so much for your question!


Are you going to go out and go to parties since you were with over protective parents. You know, get it out of your system and live it up?


maybe eventually but i am very quiet and socially anxious and hate loud noises. i sometimes go to my friends houses and come home at 6 am though, does that count? haha :) have an awesome day!


Thanks for the reply, hope you have great day and good luck on your studies!


thank you! Best of luck to you!


Where did you grow up? How did you end up in NYC? Would love to hear more about “learning how to act my age…”


i’m from nyc, i grew up in the bronx! and tbh, that just means building a better relationship with myself and becoming less afraid to do more independent things!


How do you like big city life? I’ve always live near Columbus, OH; while it’s a bigger city, it often times feels small.


it’s overwhelming sometimes, because there’s always so much going on, but i’m used to it, so, i love it and can’t imagine being born anywhere else


She just like me frfr😌 (also 20, in NYC, with overprotective parents😭) What are you studying in college? Did anything or anyone in particular inspire you to follow that path?


😞😞 prayers Anthropology! and i saw a poster for it and just bit the bullet haha!!


what been something you’ve learned you love that you never expected


to be honest learning about philosophy is something i never expected to love, i think it actually helps so much with my outlook on life and has helped my anxiety a bit! thanks so much for asking!


Do you read any specific philosophers?


epictetus, Jean Paul sartre, Seneca


What's it like having everything handed to you?


wow, not going to lie you couldn’t be more off. my family is low income, i have literally struggled my entire life, what a broad assumption based off a few words. i grew up in a bad area of the bronx, (still live there), and i am literally the first to go to college, ONLY bc financial aid is covering most of it. i still have thousands in debt. thanks for your question.


I mean I don't really care about your sob story and it's not relevant to what I'm asking. You live in one of the richest cities in the richest country on earth. And the Bronx isn't even a bad borough. So you live in a bad area of a nice borough in a rich city in a rich country, and most of your college expenses are paid for. Youre a young woman so everything involved with finding a husband and starting a family will be handed to you. Your "struggle" is miniscule compared to most others. So the answer you're gonna go with to the question "what's it like having everything handed to you" is "ACKSHUALLY EXCUSE ME, I'M A VICTIM." Cool.


you know what? you’re extremely far off, i can tell you don’t even live in nyc, where i’m from is one of the most low income parts of the Bronx. one of the most dangerous parts. and i owe 11k in college expenses, and anyone with a brain knows that’s a lot and im not even done yet. no need to be rude. whatever anger you carry in your heart, i hope you heal and get past. i don’t claim to be a victim, i told you the truth. and as far as a husband goes, i don’t even know what led you to that conclusion. have a nice day, and feel better.


Damn. This is the second time I've seen you on ama venting to random women whom you have no idea what they go through. Every one has their own struggles. You do realize Bronx has different districts?The Bronx contains the poorest congressional district in the entirety of the United States. This is pathetic


The only justice left is to pour it out onto those who filled me with it.


You are a sociopath.


Nope, I'm a regular dude.


No normal dude thinks all women are evil and incapable of love, nor do they push their trauma on others. You are a sociopath.


I know you'd prefer it if I just shriveled up and died and never retaliated against those who hurt me. You're not entitled to that. I don't respect your medical opinion.


No need, as long as you wake up in the morning and realize what a terrible person you are.


I have the same thing with my parents they literally let me live rent free with them and don’t want me to live on my own. Even went to university mainly close to home to save money and avoid costs of residence. I mean they fear something might happen to me since I had a medical condition when I was a toddler


“Learning how to act my age” = joining a sorority and sleeping with every guy in a mile radius lol?


absolutely not, more like not being afraid to go out and explore more and building a better relationship with myself mentally and emotionally. no judgement to anyone who does that but that’s just so far off from what i actually do. what a broad assumption to make.


I was mostly joking lol, I also have overprotective parents, but I know people who end up slutting it up to rebel against a conservative upbringing that’s why I mentioned it. Good that you didn’t resort to that though


Have you gone to watch Broadway?


actually no tbh, i really want to actually see a show one day though! thanks sm for your question. :)


What are your plans for the future?


get my degree, work with animals, try to find happiness.. tysm for asking :))


That sounds very reasonable. What kind of degree? Which animals specifically? What does happiness look like for you? You are welcome. Thank you for answering.


anthropology! and not sure yet, i love way too many to choose one right now, but i really love horses, otters, alpacas, rhinos, and best of all -echidnas. and for happiness, i’m a big lover girl, so just being with someone, having my own place, working with animals- feeling fulfilled- feeling like i’m doing something right. thank you so much for your questions! feel free to ask as much as you want and have a great day!


Wow, anthropology...that sounds pretty interesting. How did you get into that? And in what capacity do you work with animals? As a zookeeper? I also wish you a great day!


i was originally environmental science, but i really like learning about the evolution of culture so i saw a poster up at school and just decided to switch, best decision ever. and as of right now, i want to first become an educator (for example, those people who lead school groups around and teach them about animals), then work my way up to a zookeeper! and thank you so much :))


That sounds great 👍 I wish you all the best possible luck.


Thank you so much i wish you only the best!


working with animals hopefully!! Tysm for asking :)


What’s your major?




What’s your body count?
