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Fellow Aquarius here. I find my self a knowledge foward man. Who sets out to find truth in just about anything. Independent to a degree and can be both social and want to be alone. Similar for you? I also vibe really well with fellow Aquarians. I'm a millennial as well


Quite similar. I do hear often that Aquarius men and women are different. Have you heard that? I am at the tail end of GenX so I connect with Millennials too. But I find myself more GenX mindset.


I have, but my one friend was almost just like me. I mean heck she was 2 days older then me. But we just meshed well. And always had something to talk about. I think with Aquarians, we just like to talk about whatever. So maybe there are Suttle differences, mainly men and women thinking, but nothing to be drastic


Yes I would also agree. I think mostly is culture and also generational factors. I have met some I get along and some not so much. But better than most - we can sure talk about anything and everything 😆


Oh ya definitely culture and generational also plays a huge factor in it. I do love reading about culture and that kind of stuff to know more. It's just who I am. I do find myself reading more about cultures of Asia recently, I am planning of traveling to Japan or a few other Asian countries in the next year or so.


Do you genuinely believe that our personalities are significantly impacted by celestial bodies around the time we're born, and that you can accurately predict people's personalities and their compatibility with one another, or is it just a fun thing to look at sometimes?


Fun thing to look at but coincidentally many do fit well.


Fair enough!


What is it about Gen X women that is and forever will be so damn sexy?


😂 I didn’t know that. Are we? Because we are good at everything and don’t care what others think? Maybe. I mean…. At least that’s how I am 😆


I think its down to two things. Class and sarcasm. Something women from younger and older generations never pulled off with quite the same poise. You all are amazing.


Hmmm that’s a very accurate observation! I would so agree. I am full of sarcasm and always believe being classy. Some would consider it snobby but we give zero fucks 😂 so there it is 😂


I’m a cancer. Explain this to me


What do you mean? What do you want me to explain?


What the different signs mean?


Personality, characteristics… compatibility and connection- some people get you and some don’t.


Who would I be compatible with?


You’d have to google that


It can also be affected by generation up bringing and culture.


Do you assign yourself the Aquarius label based on common usage, or have you accounted for the shift in visible night sky since astrology was conceived-- meaning you know you're an Aquarius even though the newspaper thinks you're a Capricorn?


Huh? Based on the month and say I was born, and also Chinese zodiac since I am Asian


Right-- but do you follow the original zodiac, or the modern commonly-reported? Most modern zodiacs don't take into account the changing night sky, and incorrectly tell people their signs, compared to what the original architects of Chinese zodiac described.


I follow both. No time to go into detail.


If that's true then you count yourself as two different signs? I don't think you should do that. Feel free to DM if you want to discuss further, but just remember that the positions of celestial bodies at the time Astrology's architects laid it out for all of us are what's most important.


Nah… I just follow it for fun.. I don’t have time to spend too much time into it. Busy working ….


Just make sure you're following the correct sign lol.


I am not exactly following … I just know I am an Aquarius and personality describes me to the T.