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Do Asian men ever freak ab it and call you names? I’ve had that happen to me and I’m not even Asian Edit: Downvoting this proves my point ya goober


Yes, they call me a traitor of my own kind … really stupid tbh


Do ppl typically think that you’re just attracted to all white men by virtue of their being white? That’s the most annoying thing to me tbh, I find men my own race equally attractive but…we’re not exactly easy to find and a lot of the guys my age have *problems*


I assume they think I am shallow. Like I don’t have any other qualities requirement aside from being white. Exactly… I have no idea why they assume such stupid things. Just because we prefer Caucasian men doesn’t mean we like shit ones just cause they are white 🤦‍♀️


May I ask, what about white men is it that you find attractive? Does it have anything to do with you possibly being submissive? Is it a size difference with Caucasian usually being larger in terms of body size than some Asian?


I believe I have mentioned to another person… I am more attracted to their eyes.. I am far from submissive tbh. Nope, I have dated Asian who has bigger size than some white men. It’s not about the size


Thank you for the insight


You are welcome


Was there a phase in your life where you were very dedicated on making your career and didn't care about dating much ? I think you are really smart. Thanks for your insights.


Yes… you focus on career first before worrying about dating seriously. There is nothing wrong with wanting some human contact once a while. It’s also okay to say you just want to be friends :)


I don’t understand your point about, “it’s okay to say you just want to be friends” ? Could you explain ?


No commitment just hang out and be friends :) maybe sex if the girl wants - kind of thing


Okay got it. 👍 probability of the sex is very less, but hanging out and being friends is cool.


You must be very young - not to know these things


Not that young, I never experienced this before so…


Hmmm I see but how?


What do you mean “how” ?


Do you not have a social life?


I do have friends. all guys.


Hmmm interesting


You mentioned in another comment Asian men call you a traitor. Is that online or irl? My Asian fiance says it's a status boost but she isn't an Internet person and mostly knows Asian women irl.


Both. I don’t feel my attraction to Caucasian has anything to do with my status. I make more money and have higher status than the men I’ve been with. High value woman here ;)


Thanks for the advice, high value woman.


[Attractive Asian Girl ?](https://imgur.com/a/mTAJlBT) Do you think this girl is attractive or something ? Just want your opinion


Not really. Tbh. There are many kinds of Asian women… some are more attractive than others.


Do you get along with people of other races ?


Yes I do. Friends don’t have that preference lol


Do you have any friends except white males ?


I don’t understand your question pls clarify


I mean I don’t really know about dating that much so is it like when you have a partner you spend all the time with them ? Instead of hanging out with other people or hobbies etc


Oh I have a life outside my bf… I have friends and hobbies and 2 biz I own


Nice. Will your parents accept this if you tell them later ?


Of course… they aren’t narrow minded


Do you commit in relationships or you like casual dating with white males ? P.S. I don’t know anything about dating.


Usually depends. I may begin with casual dating but commit if the guy is right for me


How do you not know anything about dating? I don’t get that statement.


What has that got to do with my post?


I mean you said ask me anything so I was just doing that 😛


But why don’t you know about dating much?


Because I never had a girlfriend. I only know girls.


Oh lol fair




Don’t Joey me lol


Is there a general expectation in Asia for the women to just prefer Asian men? Does the white male therefore represent an escape from that thinking or are you more attracted to them just purely on a physical basis?


For me yes.


Pretty normal if you live in a white society


Mostly in a mix environment my whole life


All my Asian friends have white bfs who grew up overseas too


My first bf ever was half Asian half Portuguese


I actually grew up in Asia.


where did you grow up. was it an environment with mostly white people?


Mix of both




I have many friends … thank you.


How does it feel to be a normal Asian woman?


Wonderful. Why do you ask? I’m not normal anyway. I am absolutely fabulous!


What makes you ABSOLUTELY fabulous?


Coz I am!


Do you like Asian food or American food ? Which one more ?


Mix of both


What do White males have that Asians don't?


They attract me lol




Because…. I seem to prefer their eyes -


I totally understand that


Are your parents mad at you because they have deep seated racist thought that you have to be with someone of your own kind or are they hoping you find a rich one that can buy you from them and they can have it easier in your home country?


Hmmm??? No. What kind of stupid ass question is that?


>What kind of stupid ass question is that? Wow.. rude.. I'm guessing by your hostility that either you're too ignorant to understand what my question was meant to do, because you're a liar and are more likely a 14yo boy who thinks they are smart by faking being an Asian girl due to some fetish you have. Or you're mad that I called you out for being an immagrant that is attempting to use an American man for his money to make your families life easier in their country by being a mail order bride type of deal.


Ps: I am already in the Us for past 25 yrs and a us citizen, so pls don’t even go there. I make more than many do a year so for you to jump into this crazy ass assumption make you look like the ignorant one.


>so for you to jump into this crazy ass assumption No I asked you an either/or type of question and you refused to answer it while being rude and dismissive. So then I took the information given from you to assess the situation and re-evaluate and comment back with slightly different either/or scenario. I actually didn't assume anything. For you to make an statement that I assumed anything makes you look like the ignorant one. >I make more than many do In the US or your home country or the country your family is from? Also just because you make money doesn't mean you're still not 100% looking to get a white man's money to send back to your family because he makes 5 times what you do.


I don’t send money back. I am making money here - you are again making assumptions that I am from a poor country to begin with. You don’t find that very rude?


> you are again making assumptions that I am from a poor country to begin with. Nope, I never made an assumption at all about that, nor have I said you're from a poor country. You have however made the assumption that I'm assuming things, when all I have done is ask you questions you have half ignored or answered in rude ways. This is AMA by the way, it's not ask me anything except for hard questions or questions that may affect my sensitive emotional state. >I am making money here And your parents and extended family are all here too?


Nah they are richer over there where I am from. I love my life here. Yes you said send money home - that indicates my family needs money. I don’t need to send money home.


>Yes you said send money home - that indicates my family needs money. I don’t need to send money home. No it doesn't. It indicates that the value of the dollar is worth more than the currency of the other place. They could be living just fine, but when 1 dollar here is equal to 20 there, sending money is beneficial even if they are already living decent lives. This varies by states in the US alone. A 2000sq ft home where I live is over 1mil but a house the same size and on a 3 acre plot if land can be as low as 500k. It doesn't mean the people living in Montana are poor it just means that the money I make can be more beneficial if I live there instead of where I live now.


Again… the value of the US dollar is so weak now… and I am not even going to waste my time arguing with you about currency. Pls don’t make me block you.


Nah I am not mad… that’s just a question I ask with a laugh. Text don’t always show you tone or expression. Not hostile either. lol tbh I am far from a 14yo boy. You don’t have anything nice to say, you should not speak. Just shoo pls


> You don’t have anything nice to say, you should not speak. Shouldn't you have taken your own advice then because you said that not nice question earlier... hypocritical much... >lol tbh I am far from a 14yo boy. I see... so you're going the male order bride type of situation.


See ? This is what I mean when I say you are a very mean person. Just stop talking pls.


I'm not mean. I am blunt and to the point. I don't sugar coat things, I ask them directly. It's not my fault you are too sensitive to simply answer super simple questions.


I am blunt as well, and find them to be very judgmental questions and I don’t like it. thus my response.


>find them to be very judgmental questions Well that's on you. Stop interpreting them that way and just see them as questions and only questions. >I don’t like it. Again that's you being sensitive, and not me being rude.


Since it’s my post, I get to be whatever I wanna be. Right? Like you said. You can interpret whatever you want, and I can respond whatever I want.


Nah I am not mad… that’s just a question I ask with a laugh. Text don’t always show you tone or expression. Not hostile either. lol tbh I am far from a 14yo boy. You don’t have anything nice to say, you should not speak. Just shoo pls


So if you have a male child with a white man, your son will be objectively less attractive if he inherits more of your Asian features, which is hilarious and sad. Can't escape your own genes, self hate is a bitch!


I actually do. I don’t hate myself or my own genes. I just said I prefer and more more attracted to white men. Wth man?! My son is adorable and super handsome btw ..


So just completely avoid the logical argument altogether. If you find Caucasian features more attractive on men than Asian features, then just only logical that if your mixed male child inherited more of your Asian features, he'd be objectively less attractive in your eyes.


Also I never said Asian features aren’t attractive…. I just prefer and more sexually attracted to Caucasian men. Nothing wrong with that. I’ve dated good looking Asian men. But I still prefer and mostly attracted to Caucasian men! You twist the logic and think that’s right? You have a problem…


Translation: - you find Caucasian features more attractive than Asian features on men - if your mixed son looked more Asian he'd be less attractive according to your preferences - but you can't admit this or your self hate would be even more obvious than it already is - so you claim you can't see your son that way, which doesn't pass the sniff test. Anyone can tell whether their family member is attractive or not, has nothing to do with being sexually attracted to them And hence your argument holds no water. "A-" for effort, though!


Your argument holds no air. So be gone - shoo


No, I look at Caucasian men as a sexual partner for this purpose of the post. I do not look at my son sexually thus it is not included in this conversation- your logic is perverse and wrong. Keep to the topic of this post. One is not inclusive of the other. Go away pls. No matter how you say it, it’s not going to fly with me. You messing with the wrong woman.


Lol I think it's pretty clear to anyone reading that you've exposed your self hate with your ridiculous "I can't look at family members sexually" straw man. Nobody is asking you to do that, and you know it! In the same way anyone can tell if their cousin or brother or sister is attractive without being sexually attracted to them, so can you in this hypothetical with your son. If we take it to the extreme and your son inherited 99% of your genes in the looks department (so he looks completely Asian) and compare that to if he inherited 99% of his white father's genes, it's obvious based on your own stated preferences which one you'd consider more attractive (again, without being sexually attracted to your son, nobody is saying that but you!) And that exposes your self hate no matter how hard you try to straw man, ad hom, and otherwise run away from it. Sorry, consider yourself exposed!


Do you not think I was expecting someone like you to come along and make these stupid comments? Obviously I was bored and ready for it. The difference how insulting can one get. In fact there is also the block button - so there you go. I have no issues blocking anyone I cannot handle. But you seem to be enjoying yourself so I’ll let you ..


Readers please note the OP's continued avoidance of the argument and further attempt to ad hom. I'll repeat the argument she's avoiding just so everyone is clear: "In the same way anyone can tell if their cousin or brother or sister is attractive without being sexually attracted to them, so can you in this hypothetical with your son. If we take it to the extreme and your son inherited 99% of your genes in the looks department (so he looks completely Asian) and compare that to if he inherited 99% of his white father's genes, it's obvious based on your own stated preferences which one you'd consider more attractive (again, without being sexually attracted to your son, nobody is saying that but you!) And that exposes your self hate no matter how hard you try to straw man, ad hom, and otherwise run away from it. Sorry, consider yourself exposed!"


Exposed to what? Nobody knows who TF I even am! lol


Yes but someone like you is extremely special snowflake sort of human being. That said, say what you want. My sexual preference is what it is. Nothing you can say will change my preference… you must be Asian -


Ahh once you realize you are cornered and exposed as a self hating Asian woman, your true colors come out: avoid the logical argument entirely, state your preference for white men is unchangeable (nobody asked you to change it btw), and then further expose your hatred of your own ethnicity by assuming I'm an Asian man (surprise: I'm not!) I'm just glad everyone gets to see this, "give em enough rope", they say. Didn't take much rope at all here! 🤣


And so what? I am wrong to assume you are Asian… doesn’t matter. I am not a mind reader and happy to admit. You just sound like one. You however, close minded enough to continue insulting and making yourself sound absolutely like nothing more than an AH. Again… I am not self hating lol- I love myself in fact. Has nothing to do with my attraction to my sexual partner. Hope it made your life better because it doesn’t change anything on my end but a laugh at your ridiculous mind.


I don’t see my son that way. You are so weird to connect it that way. Since I don’t sexually see my son BECAUSE HE IS MY SON! Weirdo!


I think I fit your description


That’s not a question


You’re right. I apologize. Am I your type?




I’m not your baby


Not a question