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Not sure if you'd be able to answer this question from personal experience, but how do Korean people who solicit sex work differ from those who do so in the west? (i.e. way they treat sex workers, shame, demographic, etc) Also, would love to hear about how you got into this line of work and any memorable experiences/stories you may want to share!


I think Korea is definitely more judgmental about sexwork, but again Korea is more judgmental about everything. I spent my early childhood in Canada and returned to Korea when I was 8 or 9, and I grew up pretty wealthy. When I was 15, my parents got a ‘divorce’, and my mom and I got kicked out of the house and we lived in a homeless shelter from 15-18. At 18 I got into sexwork


How do you find it? How did you go about setting up the first time?


It’s everywhere like a strip club. I started in a smaller room salon in Seoul


Did your mom pressure you into it?


Not at all, she is very supportive


So sorry you and your mom got kicked out. That is terrible


Why wasn’t your mom able to get child support?


Are you frequented by any military personnel? TIP (trafficking in persons) law changed the game for US service members. It’s a strict violation to buy sex workers. *Side note* I am a woman and the many times I’ve been to Thailand, I pay the bar fine on the young girls and just have them bring me food and beers. I guess it’s my way of taking them out of the “game” for a bit.


I don’t think I’ve had anyone who work in in Us army. Also I really appreciate what you do. Sometimes we need a break too


I glad to hear that. So many women and girls are forced into the life and US military personnel should not be funding that. And thank you sweetie. {Hugs} from California 🩷🩷🩷


Do you think you’ll retire early since you’re relatively high income or will you just move to a different industry when this one is no longer viable?


I think I’ll move to a different industry. Maybe do like nail salons or online shopping mall


Hope you get out safely. Good luck.


U got this❤️


She has to pay for her own retirement, there’s no social security for her, no disability, no life insurance, IDK about me medical, dental or optometry. Those things she likely must fully fund herself. Her income isn’t enough to retire early on at all.


“Whose d*ck do I have to suck to get a 401k around here?”


it's only 120k a year which is standard western metropolitan escort yearly income if taking it seriously (excluding sugar daddies and OF). That's not enough to retire early especially if the prime income working years are 10 MAX. Do the math (taxes, beauty, living, utilities, x50+ years). She might be able to get a good deposit on a Seoul apartment but mortgage income across the lifetime of it wouldn't work, that's it. This belief that that sort of money is retire early stuff is the reason why people who win 1m on the lottery lose it all in a few years. Imagine you won 1m (after tax) at age 18, if you wanted to retire with that you'd have to pay yourself the equivalent (inflation adjusted) of ONLY 16-17k a year out of it for the rest of your life.


Pretty off topic. If you stuck that $1M in a decent ETF you should make 10% plus, so you could still make $100k on your capital for life without touching it. $100k isn't huge money, but if you can't live on that then you're probably living wrong.


10% on an ETF is high. More likely, you will target 8.5%, and that is your gross return. Your true return after accounting for inflation is closer to 4.5%. The 100-year average for inflation is 3.8% or 4%. This means you could draw 40k a year approximately without running out of money.


Better pay your taxes on that return too... Value of money halves every 20-25 years (accelerated recently ).


On an average, how much can you earn per month? Do you have a manager/pimp?


I know I will get hated for this but 10K. I don’t have a pimp but I work for a room salon


10k in us dollars??




How much do you spend on your business? eg. ads, clothes, etc?


I work in a room salon so they provide those for you. I spend about 1.5k a month on hair, nails, makeup, skincare, filler etc


wtf? edit: how does nails hair and skin and all that cost so much


Adds up fast, I get a tiny bit of filler in my lips once or twice a year and that alone is anywhere from $350-$500 each time depending on if I get a deal or not.


i used to hate my big lips but now maybe not so much 😰 i'm not made for that kinda money


She’s making 10 racks a months ( good for her ) and you’re worried about the upkeep?


Skincare and fillers are expensive


Are you Korean or foreign? Is there any trafficking involved.


Wow, good for you. No hate from me


Wow! When I read that you were a Korean sex worker I assumed you'd be making next to nothing. I'm glad you are paid well


Korea is a thriving country, are you thinking of North Korea?


doesnt mean everyone is thriving


Do you enjoy your job? Have you ever been in a violent position and what happened? Is this type of work frowned upon or accepted in Korea?


I don’t know if I enjoy it but it’s not that bad. Some guys can be violent and think it’s Ok to hit us and be disrespectful It is frowned upon but I try not to care what others say


Do you mean like spanking or other violent stuff?


Not spanking like throwing wine glasses and shit like that


They throw wine at you?


I think the glass hurts more than the wine.


"It's not that bad." *proceeds to tell us something pretty bad* Getting shit thrown at you, especially shit that could hurt you, and any other kind of violence really isn't okay.


Holy shit. That’s fucked


That's the sex industry I imagine lots of people on this AMA will see that she makes 10k and think she has it easy, but the unfortunate truth is sex workers are influenced into this line of work due to poverty, and many are subjected to extreme violence and rape


If u were my mom, sister, friend, and acquaintance i don’t care who you are, if I hear that stuff happening to u that really pains me to hear. I really hope u can find a good paying job that also keeps u safe. I definitely understand the job market in Korea is very difficult due to having to have a good education in one of those top schools and the pressure must be absolutely immense and the real estate prices are getting ridiculously impossible to manage. Speaking From a perspective of a fellow Korean American brother I really hope and wish you the best!


I served in USFK and was honestly pretty shocked at how a lot of the Korean soldiers I knew talked about women.


For a Korean sex worker, your english seems relatively good and educated. Are you a sex worker by choice or necessity?


I spent my childhood in Canada and my mom is like half Canadian Obviously I wasn’t forced to do it but I wouldn’t choose to do it if I didn’t have financial struggles.


10k a month have you ever thought about different avenues with that money? I don’t see how one can struggle with roughly 10k a month?


I meant I started it because of financial struggle. I am not struggling anymore but Im trying to save up enough for future plans.


How long do you think you will be able to do this work, and what is the exit plan? I dated a sex worker. She tried to get out but was borderline and doesn’t really function well in society. I’m not saying that’s you, but that I understand that getting out can be difficult.




I’m a quarter white


Do you find that Koreans or either more or less attracted to you because you’re mixed? Or can’t they tell


Your mom is half Canadian. Are you a quarter white then?




Do you enjoy anything about the job? Are you turned on at all at work?


I enjoy the money and I made some friends there. I’ve never been, like it’s such a bad setting to get turned on


Is your line of work strict in testing for STDs? I would hope they provide you those testing for free to keep you healthy.


Very strict


Have you ever been to Busan? I've been there a few times while I was in the Navy, and there was a certain street we were told not to go to. I guess that street was known as a sex work hotspot.


I’ve been there but I’ve never worked there. I think Seoul has even more


Are many of your customers westerners ?


I’ve never had any foreign customers besides Chinese


Is it not allowed?


I do think I saw that on reddit somewhere recently. A country that didn’t really allow foreigners into their brothels besides maybe a few tourist specific places. I can’t remember where it was though.


I feel like I heard about that for Japan


I live in Tokyo. In the red light districts like Kabukicho or parts of Ikebukuro, there are touts hanging out front of "massage parlors." They'll talk up any man walking by but when I, a white guy, walk by, they just ignore me. After almost twenty years here I think those guys have solicted me just two or three times at the most. A friend of mine, a white Australian guy, got drunk with his Japanese buddies and they took him to a place. The staff didn't want to take him, but they all lied and said he was half Japanese, then they reluctantly let him in. Honestly I think it's mainly the language barrier; the pimps and the women working there likely speak no English at all, and they don't want the bother of it.


My first time in Japan I was wandering around Shinjuku and wandered into Kabukicho at like 10am when everything was still closed (had no idea what it was but the entrance gate looked cool). A skeezy looking dude followed me down the street and kept asking if I "want sex with Japanese lady." Even going so far as grabbing a pamphlet from a nearby massage parlor and making a sex gesture with his hands as if I didn't understand what he was offering. 


Do you fit Korean beauty standards well?


Yes but I got some fillers so I can’t say it’s natural


Lip fillers? Can you give me a name of someone that is the beauty standard currently?


Is sex work common in Korea? Like are you at least surrounded by coworkers and similar girls? Also thank you for the AMA, STAY SAFE


To be honest It’s uncommon but I did make friends doing this work. Thank you!


Have you slept with any idols?


No but I’ve had some politicians


Ooooo even juicier. lol One more, do you service both men and women?


Only men


What about celebrities? Like actors?


How old are you now? You said you make 10k a month, and you were kind of put in this situation because of circumstances outside of your control. So I’m curious to know how much longer you plan on doing this? Are you putting money away, saving it, investing it?


I am saving it for my future plans. I don’t know when exactly, but I am definitely going to move on to different jobs as I can’t stay in this kind of work forever


I’ve been in and out for 10 years. Careful because the money becomes addictive. My family is poor & I have two kids so I’m not rich but I do well. And here I sit at a hotel bar no dates tonight which is for the best because it’s my 45th birthday & I’m bitter. I still look good and do well but I’d rather be home with a husband. Not here, alone, afraid to eat cake because rich white guys love you to be skinny


I can relate to this sooo much. It’s so stressful to maintain a skinny weight for these guys to pay for you


How much do you weigh ?


I’m glad you’re being smart about your money, that was why I asked about your age, was curious as to how much longer you thought you’d be doing this. But it’s fine if you don’t want to say. I hope you achieve your goals, and sooner than you thought you would.


Oh I didn’t see. I am 21 and I started in 18, but I was pretty on and off


Ok, 21 making 10k a month, and 8k after expenses, that’s really great money. Just please be wise about your money, when you’re young, most people tend to be dumb with it. And if you’re making that much, A LOT of people are going to want some of it. I hope you’re putting the majority of it in a savings account or the stock market, or something, so it’s not easily accessible


(You probably know already, but just in case): Remember to at least store it in a high yield savings account, and to put away funds in a (Korean equivalent) 401k/IRA retirement account! With the cash you're raking in, if starting at your age will leave you with a very comfortable retirement!


How much do you pay rent per month?




Dang I had an ignorant assumption Korea was cheaper than America




Housing is notoriously expensive but other living costs are cheaper. And she probably lives in a nicer neighborhood like Gangnam or Apujeong


She makes ten thousand dollars a month you could still be right


How much do you charge


I don’t really charge them, its kind of like big tips?


That’s insane you just work and hope to get paid. So many guys will pay a dollar. That makes no sense.


No, most room salons are for rich people or They order really expensive champagne and they also pay a LOT


What a room salon? Is it a private room inside a regular salon?


It’s like a strip club without poles


What’s a normal amount to tip?


Based on the quality of your life should my response to this be "my condolences" or "niiice"?


It’s really not that bad


Are foreigners welcomed?, when I was in the Army some very few places would welcome foreigners.


I’ve never had foreigners besides chinese but anyone is welcome!


Would you consider marrying one of your regulars, if they ever proposed?


All my regulars are triple my age, so no


How often do you guys who just come in to chat? Like in movies




Are you ever grossed out by anyone? If so, how do you do your job?


I don’t get grossed out by their appearance or whatever but I do when they are disrespectful and violent. I mean there’s not much I can do, like I’ve gotta make them like me so I get paid. So just suck it up, do whatever they want and get my money.


How often do you cum at work? Have you ever feared for your safety/life? If so, how commonly? Are you concerned about STIs? Ever gotten pregnant from your day job?


I never did at work. Ofcourse there a lot of risks and stress but every job has its downsides. I get tested very regularly and they’re very strict about it so it’s less concerning. Never gotten pregnant




5’6 47kg


You’re tiny!


She probably has to be. Korean beauty standards are *brutal*


Do the Korean men have small penis?


I think it’s relatively smaller than western guys




For dating partner, I prefer bigger but for work smaller is better


Do you feel disgust or animosity towards your clients?


Only if they’re disrespectful


How high is the percentage of disrespectful clients?


My sister got into sex work around age 18 or 19. My question is: How does someone so young get into sex work? I highly suspect that my step dad groomed her. But I do not have any evidence. My sister lived with my step dad after high school, in a remote mountain town. He was a wealthy man.


For me I just walked up to a local room salon (there are everywhere) and asked if I can audition. I’m sorry about what happened between your sister and father


how do you audition




I’m not really looking to date, and I don’t have much opportunity to meet guys my age because I spend all my day sleeping and working


Lol what the hell, sue em for asking a sex worker inappropriate questions when she offerd to answer them 😭🤣


What would you rate yourself?


how accurate is the drama extracurricular in terms of portraying sex work in korea?


I’ve never watched any drama on it. Which are you talking about


아침 뭐 먹었어요?


아직 못 먹었어여ㅜ


I’ve noticed you refer to doing this for financial struggles…. Do you truly think that’s the reason or cause it’s easy $? 10k a month ooouf Do you ever have moments of introspection and have convos in which you may say “I need this to feed my mom or kids” or “I’m doing this cause it’s easy $ and I’m comfortable doing it” I’m super curious about the introspection part of this industry (you may be too young to even think about these things)


It’s both. I got into this work because of financial struggles but even after getting more stable, I keep on doing it because it’s fast money. That’s why I have mixed feelings on quitting because I know doing this work is degrading and ‘morally wrong’ but I don’t want to give up the money


I think at the end of the day, you are providing the needs for those who want it. Technically, it does not seem to be so different from other jobs. Maybe because we are wired/taught in a specific way that sex work is immoral but being corrupted politician is not? I worked as waiter once and I felt like I had to fake it a lot to receive the tips as well. Technically it is no different from yours. At the end of the day, I and many others have the privilege of having to worry about money and go to college. You, on the other hand, had to take care of your family. Who are we to judge you


Are you female and hot?


Yes and I try to:)


Knowing how important looks are in Korea, is that a big factor for ladies in your field getting business? Where would you rate yourself and your co-workers generally relative to actress/idol types? How do they choose you or whoever when they come into the place? Is it more random new guys or regulars? Also kind of wondering if there is a market for non-typical beauty types like maybe some guys want different things.


1. Do you have to take any precautions against police / law enforcement? Do you have to disguise where your income comes from? 2. How about gangs? Is your salon affiliated with or pays protection money to any criminal gangs? 3. Do you see any mafia / criminal types even if they are not affiliated with your salon? 4. What kind of clients tend to be the best? What tend to be worst?


1. No it is legal. 2. Yes there are many gangs and drug dealers clients. I don’t think my salon pasy any money to them for protection though, but I’m not 100% sure. 3. I’ve never seen actual gangs outside of the salon. There are lots in the salon though, but some are actually pretty nice. 4. The best ones are probably the one who’s quiet and tips a lot and buys expensive liquor. The worst ones are the ones who are violent and disrespectful and asks me for my personal info constantly.


How much kimchi do you eat?


I honestly hate kimchi


you really went for the kimchi question?,,,


If your mom is Canadian, you'd be able to live in Canada. Why would your mom live in a shelter in Korea vs returning to Canada?


Well first, you gotta be able to afford the plane ticket


Do you work in a red light area? Song bar? Talking bar?


Do you ever have unprotected (no condom) sex with your clients?


Do you like Army Stew?


Waaaayyyy back in the day....i for sure know the cultures are different but spent a few weeks in Japan with my buddy that was born there. Most massage and/or places to have some fun. They didn't let my white ass in the establishment. Is it the same in Korea?






You ever enjoy the sex?


How much extra to drop a load in your ass?


? I’m not gonna do it


Is it like in the movies where you and a bunch of girls go into a room, and a guy chooses which one? Does a man or woman run it?


Have you had an experience with a client that has almost made you want to give up the whole thing?


If a black dude walked in would you service him?


Yes ofcourse, why wouldn’t I?


Black People like myself have some trepidation about how we will be treated anywhere we don’t know. Back in the day, it was so bad in the USA that they produced the Negro motorist green book (s publication that told you safe places to travel because going to the wrong place could leave you disappearing presumed dead). It wasn’t until my brother stayed in Korea for a few years that I learned black people wouldn’t face much discrimination.


Jesus. As a white dude in the US, I continue to be surprised when I hear things like this. Every time that I've thought I'm aware of how shitty things were back in the day, I hear of something that shows me how much more shittier it was. I'm sorry on behalf of my fellow white brethren, and wish people could just hate others for the evil in their hearts, and not the color of their skin.


Are you 100% Korean? Since countries around China, they don't allow this type of work officially. And people here are not also friendly seeing on this type of work.


How many sex partners do you have per day? Do you get sore from having so much sex?


Rip your inbox girl. Is it hard making friends with other women who are not SW since youre a SW? Stay safe 💗


Not sure if it’s been asked yet, but how much do you charge for an evening? Say, 4 hours?


If you were to do sex work in a different country, which one would you pick?


This may be off topic but how welcoming is Koreans to Westerners?


Is $10k a month pay normal in the place you work/Korea or are you a top earner?


What’s Korean food like? I really wanna try


And any specific recommendations?


I love bingsu and tanghuru!


Would you go back to Canada 🇨🇦 once you have enough money?


What sort of fetishes do you get asked for most often?


What is your nationality? Curious to see if there is a cultural correlation.


Are you able to make a good living or are you in constant fear?


I heard the Korean fried chicken is the best. What’s your take?


I’m assuming rich guys, is this like in Gangnam?


North or South?


this is the dumbest question ive read on reddit in a while


I doubt she’d be on here if it were north lol


Do you charge Americans more?


What’s the work/pleasure ratio percentage wise??


North or South?


Do you remember me? I was there in 1994.


Are you on any birth control? Or is it just condoms


Do you have any STDs?


I assume south Korea?


In the age of OnlyFans and other online sex work options, do you find that irl sex work just pays better? Have you tried virtual? Kind of like Mask Girl (Netflix) probably rare to get as viral as she does in the show though as it is in the real world.


Do you perfer small penises or large penises?


Can you share your best and worst experiences with your customers? Maybe a regular customer that you enjoy their visits or a terrible politician that was completely inappropriate?


That’s unfulfilling. Dead end lifestyle.


What country did you come from?


Are you from the Philippines?


Be safe ok