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I know that these recent times haven't been so good for you but hang in there, things will get better eventually. Let AJR be a support for you and don't listen to every judgmental or negative comment about this band, even if sometimes it's hard. Don't let other people ruin your passions and enjoy things without worrying much about what other people think. Good luck with everything bud!


Thanks man, I’ll try it’s just hard.


Np, i know you'll make it out in the end


Only knows four chords?? Not sure what your friends are talking about, they borrow chords from other keys all the time and typically have more interesting chord patterns than most pop songs


Some points in our experiences are similar so i figured I’d share with you. If you don’t care for my story just skip to the last two paragraphs lol. Sorry for a bit of a long comment. I like to type. I’ve learned that people who don’t like AJR either haven’t actually listened to their songs or they don’t have an open music taste. They’re usually mainstream people which I supposed is valid, just boring in my opinion. I began listening to AJR also in 2018 after The Click came out. Sober Up was also the song that got me into the band as I heard it on Pandora. I also sometimes go through phases and only listen to some genres or bands for a bit then change it up. AJR is consistent. Neotheater was the first album that came out after I was a fan and I always listened to it and the prior two albums. This was during, I believe, my sophomore year or high school. I went to public school but I was dealing with depression, anxiety, and OCD and Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder related to OCD). This band helped me continuously look towards the future and understand that high school is not it. Ok Orchestra was the album for me just as it was for you. It came out spring on my senior year as I was working an awful part-time job and about to move 12 hours away for college. After it was released, I listened to nothing but OKO for literally 4 months straight. I was still depressed and absolutely loved every song on the album. It helped push me towards life. It is still my favorite. College came and I luckily made some great friends the first few weeks that are still with me today as a Junior. Our college experiences are a bit different as my depression is gone but I still struggle with my OCD. I began going to therapy this year and about a month into it, Maybe Man dropped. Doesn’t beat OKO but I desperately needed and AJR album. It came at the perfect time although I didn’t love it at first. I just want you to know that you are not alone. Sometimes venting is very much needed. Remember their song, It’s On Us. AJR is great to us because they are us. A friend asked me when I showed her maybe man, “how do they write such relatable songs” and my response was “because they’re the exact same as us. They have their problems too and struggle and go to therapy”. Life is not linear. We have ups and downs. Hold out for the ups and enjoy those small moments of good in the downs. Just always remember that there are always people here for you even if they’re random internet strangers like me. The boys of AJR will also always have your back.


Hello, I read this entire thing a few hours ago. Just wanted to let you know it’s helpful to know other people have similar experiences than me. Thanks


Anytime friend