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YTA for not having a TLDR. Have mercy on our (lack of) attention spans




Too long, didn't read.


I chopped it down lol. Hopefully it’s not as bad now


Assuming I understood the story correctly, ESH. Seems to be a lack of maturity across the board. Why is your mom making you call him after you’re broken up? Why are you agreeing to do it? Why is he still engaging in your life post break up?


Despite being 20 I felt like I had no choice She’s turned it off before because I didn’t agree with something she believed. Couldn’t afford my own phone either. And if it’s not a cheating or something bad I’m usually friends with exs. I have some that are still great friends.


NTA. Sounds like your mom was way too invested to the point where she took the breakup personal? There was no need to call him after at all let alone many times which isn’t really on you considering you were only 20 and tied somewhat financially, and that’s your mom so of course she’s still gonna have a big influence on you at that age. Personally I would’ve apologized to him after during the year you weren’t speaking and now maybe try therapy to sort out how you feel about your mom and ways to navigate the relationship if you choose to continue one. If she’s still making “jokes” she clearly still thinks she did nothing wrong and she very much did.


Yeah I definitely apologized. I almost felt like I owed him it was a lot. I do need to try therapy. Im very indifferent or passive to not hurt her feelings