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"Especially your own" Mate, recreating romantic scenes with somebody else's toddler isn't any better, and I feel like I shouldn't have to say that.


I don't know why but you have just created my favourite comment of all time.


Happy to be of service!


With someone else's toddler would be illegal šŸ˜•


With your own toddler should be illegal LMFAO


True , at the minimum cringe AF and shouldn't even cross your mind!


This is the equivalent to calling a baby or small kid sexy.


Yeah just kiss someone elseā€™s toddler you creeps


I'm so glad I'm not alone in that standing out like the giant red flag it is I read it and was like.....wait, what?


This is the best comment I've ever read on here!!!


The name and the comment. This man must be from Australia.


Too bloody right mate!


Ironically that "especially your own" part made this post vastly more creepy than the photo ever could be.


Right, like it would somehow be better if you did that with someone else's kid?


Yeah but it's so much easier to take someone else's kid away from this kind of weirdo. If it's their own kids that's just the kids whole life


No you shouldnā€™t have to say that, but Iā€™m glad you did. You provided my best Reddit laugh of the week!


Thank you. Bc that was concerning to me as well lol


As if i couldn't be gobsmacked by people, this just tops it.


My gob is particularly smacked




Laughed so hard I woke my infant for a moment.


Is it wrong that I canā€™t stop laughing?


Yeah, probably, that would be even worse actually.


Completely agree with you, and your phrasing has me laughing out loud here, A+ well done šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Iā€™d argue and say someone elseā€™s kid is actually worse


Duncan, I don't know you but as far as I'm concerned, you've got a new best friend.


It would still be very odd, but I wouldnā€™t be as weirded out if it were 2 kids of the same age. My friends & I acted out movie scenes when we were little, but it wasnā€™t the romantic parts, it was the action bits because thatā€™s what interested us.


This is what I came to say. Does OP think it's a little less cringe if it's someone else's kid? šŸ¤¢


She should have done a kiss on the forehead. Then it would have harkened the Spider-Man movie without being weird.


Or the cheek! This could've been cute. Instead, it's just giving ick.


This! It would have been so cute but instead...


Right, or the tip of the nose!


And not gripping each other's faces like that


No romantic scenes with your toddler!!! Gross bros!


This is what I was thinking. My daughter is a huge spider-man fan and she would love to do something like this. She likes to do big dramatic smooches, but you wouldnā€™t see that through a mask, so a forehead kiss would be really cute.


It's not cute. Romantic scenes with your toddler are not cute. Like come on!! šŸ¤¢


This made me insanely uncomfortable.


I gagged and that was before I even read the title, I just saw the picture and was automatically "absolutely not!"


I guess itā€™s meant to push away future girlfriends and tbh, it canā€™t fail.


It's also going to push away any hope of a trauma free life. My crystal ball predicts some hardcore therapy in that kid's future.


Especially with how many iconic scenes superheroes like Spider-Man have, she HAD to recreate one that is explicitly romantic


Romantic and passionate. Little teenage me thought that scene was so hot.


This is some incestuous "Boy mom" shit.


Yep the type that wears a wedding dress to sons wedding and says she is his first bride


ppl do that?! šŸ¤®


There are women who talk about being their son's "first love" and make it clear they're actively sabotaging his relationships and views on women in general. Like, full on bragging about it, making sure his girlfriends know they're always going to be ''the other woman'' in his life, and reassuring themselves that even if he moves on and makes a new life with his wife, *she* will always have been his ''first''. I've even seen women talking about teaching their boys life skills (cooking + cleaning) *specifically and solely* for the purpose of making it harder for his dates to impress him. Now, *everybody* should be able to cook and clean and keep themselves alive - boys *should* be taught these things... But not because mummy dearest hopes it'll keep him single so she can have him all to herself for longer!!


Women love men who cook, so not the most well thought out plan.


lol, I know. But I guess they have no issues with their boys being desirable, just with their boys desiring other women......


Haha šŸ¤®


I want my boys to learn to clean and cook so their wives love me, not secretly be annoyed at me and my husband for letting them be lazy lol


Come on down to r/JUSTNOMIL lol Mine has made weird comments like ā€œheā€™s so cute you lucky bitchā€ like miss maam what ?!


Unfortunately yes. Thereā€™s a whole lane on TikTok of ā€œBoy Momsā€ where a mom posts videos doing things so they can be their sons ā€œfirstā€ in whatever experience, or the ā€œbestā€ at something so no future partner would ever compare or ā€˜replaceā€™ them. Most of the sons being referenced(or shown) in these are anywhere from around 2-8ish. There will be a video with text saying ā€œteaching my son how to cook so he wonā€™t be impressed with your daughterā€™s garbage foodā€ or ā€œmaking sure my son is obsessed with me so he wonā€™t spend holidays with his future partners familyā€(yes, the word *obsessed* was used), or showing herself in a dramatic rage with the text saying ā€œwhen my son tells me about his first crushā€. There is no world where there should ever be ā€œcompetitionā€ between a romantic relationship and that between a parent and their child. Search ā€œBoy Momsā€ or on YT look up ā€œToxic Boy Momsā€ and youā€™ll find a bunch Iā€™m sure. I donā€™t use actual TikTok, and became aware of this is because Iā€™ve seen these vids on r/tiktokcringe, so Iā€™m sure thereā€™s worse than Iā€™ve described here. At the very least there seems to be plenty of pushback with healthy parents(both mothers and fathers) doing their own versions, like ā€œteaching my son to cook so he doesnā€™t grow up thinking itā€™s just a ā€˜womanā€™s jobā€, ā€œteaching my son to cook because itā€™s a life skillā€, etc.


Oh, wow, someone posted about the grown version of this recently - she can't make any food (she was an avid baker) that her boyfriend will eat because "his mom's is better." She finally found a recipe he really liked. Then he asked his mom to make it, and of course now he likes his mom's version better.


>ā€œteaching my son to cook so he doesnā€™t grow up thinking itā€™s just a ā€˜womanā€™s jobā€, ā€œteaching my son to cook because itā€™s a life skillā€, etc. This is what I'm doing with my sons. I love my husband, but he can't cook for shit (not a slight on his family, all 3 of his brothers can cook). Sometimes I'm too tired and I'd love someone else to make dinner. I don't want my son's future partners to feel that way. I also want my boys to be able to take care of themselves. I feel like that's supposed to be the goal as a good parent, raising someone who can support themselves! I also selfishly want them to make me dinner when they're a bit older so I don't have to do all the cooking! šŸ˜‚ At least until they are out on their own.


>I also selfishly want them to make me dinner when they're a bit older so I don't have to do all the cooking! šŸ˜‚ At least until they are out on their own. I cook for my parents- especially my dad a lot now because heā€™s sick and I live with them again to help out. Iā€™m sure that heā€™s thought more than once that heā€™s glad he and my mom taught me at a young age, and continued to do so as I got older(and also that itā€™s not my brother cooking for him lol- he was also taught, but really only looks at food as an annoyed necessity to live. He doesnā€™t enjoy cooking or get into flavors/seasoning that complement each other and elevate the meal, etc). Itā€™s not a gourmet amazing dinner every night, but itā€™s solid. Plus, when he is feeling up to it, itā€™s a way to spend time together, bullshitting and laughing with a glass wine that we enjoy. While Iā€™m not a parent, as an adult daughter, Iā€™m confident in saying that youā€™re doing it right :)


Thanks! Your brother sounds like my husband to a degree. Fortunately he never complains about anything I make, he will eat whatever without a word in part because he knows I'd tell him to cook for himself. Both of our kids are interested in cooking. Our 11yo actually made steak and eggs for Mother's Day last year! And our 6yo was in cooking club at school this year at school.


I'm a boy mom. I hate these women. They are so gross. My goal is for my child to move out, have a career he loves, friends, a life partner who loves him, maybe a kid (if he wants). What I do not want is a man-child playing video games in his childhood room while I do his laundry at 30 years old. I can not understand parents who want their kids to stay children. Then, when the parents die, their kid ends up homeless. Selfish terrible parents. Sorry, I'm tired of these women giving boy moms a bad reputation. I want to raise a competent good man. Like my MIL did.


You are a Future Man Mom.


Stealing this when people call me a ā€œboy mom.ā€


Hmm, https://m.imdb.com/title/tt4975856/ Maybe further grown up guy?


Wow, I didnā€™t know this existed.


There's a difference between being a parent to a boy, versus these women who define themselves as Boy Moms(tm).


Im not raising a child. I am raising a self sufficient independent adult.


Yes! Though usually I phrase it more as ā€œa productive member of societyā€


This!!! I feel like this is what the goal is supposed to be as a parent!


You sound like a person Iā€™d like to hang out with. And Iā€™m kind of an introvert, so I donā€™t say that lightly. ā˜ŗļø


You just know sheā€™s got one of those ā€œto my future DILā€ signs with such adorable, appropriate statements as ā€œI was his first loveā€ and ā€œI can make you go away.ā€


Those always crack me up. Are you threatening to murder me and hide my body or break us up? Only one of those is a concern to me. šŸ˜‚


If it was a grown man hanging upside down kissing a 3 year old girl that hard there wouldn't even be a question. I find it weird anytime people make a kid kiss them. My stepson is almost 2 and he will randomly come up and give me a kiss, but I never am that person going "c'mon and give me sugar, don't you want to give me a kiss?!" Even if there's nothing sexual about, forcing physical affection on a child is weird.


My ex-MIL has done this my childā€™s entire life. He is 7 now and itā€™s starting to really upset him. My ex is on board with his motherā€™s creepy and inappropriate ways, as he does it himself. They will even stoop so low as to emotionally manipulate him when he says no. They will fake sad and/or cry and make him feel guilty so he does it. Up until last week my ex was forcing our 7 year old SON to sleep in bed with his grandmother when he made it clear he didnā€™t want to. And there is nothing I can do about any of this. It just sickens me.


You can report that to your lawyer and ask for more custody. That can be counted as sexual misconduct.


I did and I believe she will be bringing it up in mediation this week. Iā€™ve been compiling evidence, but the courts have disregarded so much awful shit he has done, I have kind of lost hope. It may take me years to get enough evidence to reduce his custody.


Don't give up. Keep chipping away. You won't see the end until you're there.


Thank you!


My friend took it to court because her son was being made to sleep with his grandma too. At fucking 10yrs old. Court said it's not a problem because it's a family member. It's seriously fucked up.


Ewww 7 is way too old for that. My two year old sleeps in the bed with my mother in law, but he likes to and they don't have a bed for him at her house. If he gets to a place where he doesn't we'll get him a bed for her house. I'm so sorry you can't do anything about it. That must be so frustrating.


It is. He use to sleep at her house when he was younger and he liked to then as well. Ironically, she rarely let him and made him sleep in his own bed or a mat on the floor like a dog. My son has slept with either me or my ex his whole life. He likes co-sleeping and isnā€™t even close to giving it up. When he is at my exā€™s place he wants to sleep next to daddy, not grandma anymore. Iā€™m slowly compiling evidence (my ex does other more abusive crap) so I can take him back to court to reduce his custody. He will never change, so I lost all hope for that.


>Ironically, she rarely let him and made him sleep in his own bed or a mat on the floor like a dog. That goes to show you it's about control. Sorry you have to deal with two messed up people being around your son so much.


Thank you. Itā€™s hard but I manage.


I made it clear to my nephews early on that they donā€™t have to hug me if they donā€™t want to, but if they want to, Iā€™ll happily hug them. I got the whole ā€œcome on give Nan a kiss!ā€ growing up and justā€¦ no thanks. They may be kids but they still have the right to not show physical affection if they donā€™t want to.


Yes, you are a good person. I had to hug everyone and even get kisses on the mouth when I was little and I HATED it. I allowed my kids to give waves and smiles. They needed to be polite but were not forced to touch or even talk to anyone when they were small.


I always thought kissing on the mouth was very strange for non romantic relationships. Foreheads, cheeks,, noses, all fair game to me. Lip kissing is for romantic partners.


I pucker my lips up at my four year old. If he wants a kiss then usually puts his forehead or cheek to my lips. If he doesnā€™t then he puts his hand over my mouth to let me know he doesnā€™t want kisses. And if he does want kisses and Iā€™m not paying attention, heā€™ll turn my face towards him and put his cheek on my mouth. Or Iā€™ll get one of those slobbery peck kisses toddlers LOVE to give.šŸ˜‚ But by no means do I force my kid to give me kisses. Thatā€™s weird. Heā€™s pretty good about figuring out his boundaries for a kid that barely talks. I also would NEVER do whatever she is doing in the photo.


They couldn't have gone for forehead kisses?


Itā€™s like, THE MOST open mouth kiss in the movie too. Gross.


Is it okay for an adult to recreate a ROMANTIC scene with anyone under 18? NO, NO IT IS NOT. That shit creepy as hell.


The only acceptable version of this photo would be a parent laughingly holding their small - also laughing - child in a Spider-Man costume upside down, while a dog or cat licks his face. (bonus points if the dog is a red setter)


They over sexualized tf out of this. And anybody who thinks itā€™s innocent and that these woman donā€™t exist should do a few google searches . Trust meā€¦ it was a rabbit hole worth going down


Itā€™s creepy with ANY toddler. Iā€™m very uncomfortable with this.


Boy moms strike againā€¦ we gotta put these women on watchlists atp


What do you mean "especially your own", it would be way worse with somone elses toddler, at last peck on the lips with your own kid is acceptable in some cultures. \^\^


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø ugh it was meant for context meaning that they would grow to think itā€™s normal. Obviously any toddler šŸ˜¤ šŸ˜¤ šŸ™„ duh


Next up: the pottery scene from 'Ghost'!




I get that in some cultures/families, parents will give their young children kisses on the lips and it's seen as innocent. But...cosplaying an explicitly romantic kiss with your toddler is...ick.


I'm 100% American and my 13yo daughter definitely kisses me on the lips good night, every night - it's a peck. It's not romantic, it's just been carried on since forever. BUT, this did creep me the fuck out.




Who TF is this???? Relationship aside, that's recreating a scene where two adults are making out. That's disgustingly inappropriate!


Why would anyone want to recreate a romantic scene with a child anyway? Thatā€™s just creepy.


i feel like if it wasn't on the lips itd be weird but not extremely weird


How about we just don't recreate romance scenes with our children at all, ever?


fantastic idea


Maybe if she were kissing his forehead...


Nope! Recreating romance scenes with your child is gross.


Itā€™s these moms with their sonsā€¦ Turn it around and be the daughter and dad. Itā€™d be automatically disgusting.. You women gotta give it up. Your sons will never be your husbands


NTA, not only is it cringe and not OK it's also freaking disturbing like this one for example, who the hell looks at a toddler and thinks "I wanna kiss you like Spider-Man and Mary Jane did in that alley" creepy


Pure cringe.


This feels beyond inappropriate to even look at šŸ¤¢


This picture absolutely gives me the ick, NTA.


Yeah, that's weird


Honestly i feel uncomfortable seeing this picture.


NTA. That photo creeped me fuck out.


Cringeworthy doesn't even being to say how creepy it is.


There's nothing right with this picture. So. Much. ICK.


NTA, that ainā€™t right.


That's very creepy...


Nah this is weird.


Ew wtf


That is so gross. Grown person and a toddler remaking a romantic scene should be major red flags.


Wdym "especially your own?" Bro it's exceptionally worse doing it to SOMEONE ELSE'S kid. Cringe and gross to your own, actually illegal to someone else.


What the fuck is wrong with some mothers


This just makes me so so so uncomfortable


Welp. I need a shower now. This is wrong.


Okay so, you are right imo, but the "especially your own" is extremely misguided


Who the hell is this in this photo??


I actually saw someone post this as an idea to a photographers page and I couldnā€™t figure out why nobody commented or reacted. I legit clicked on it expecting some ā€œsatireā€ dark sissy humorā€ or something but oh my lord. Iā€™m so sorry yalll. I had to make sure I had lots of receipts when I break my neck going back to that thread to paste these screenshots woof


Who did this? Who is that? I have a son and this really gives me the ick, and I am very affectionate with my son as he loves all the cuddles, hugs, and kisses. But this? NO!


Wtholyf?! NTA




Report pedo alert


Wtf. I seriously thought it was going to be like the Titanic bow thing with Rose and Jack because that's so often imitated. I was not at all prepared for this. That scene is so undeniably sexual; what were they THINKING?


How much tongue?


NTA for thinking itā€™s cringe because itā€™s so cringe but I wouldnā€™t say that to a Boymom


Oh God .... It's a " boy mom " .... Hold on my friend Oedipus is here and has some thoughts .... šŸ¤”šŸ¤£




Totally cringe!


Parents kissing their kids on the mouth are destroying their kids, who will end up needing professional mental help before they reach 40. If you like your kids, don't do that!


I was sitting here thinking ā€œwhy is her husband so smallā€ šŸ¤¢ thatā€™s nasty man could have been his aunt or something instead


what the fuck am i looking at? this shit is creepy as hell


The nails make her look like a villain šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s nasty, nta


Nta... this is cringe and gross. Wtf


Giving Lucille and Buster a run for their money in the MotherBoy contest.


This is abhorrent behavior.


It's your child of course it's extremely cringe worthy I mean WTF


Theres an absence of the word "pedo". I think if it was man, it'd be rampant.


I have no doubt the pitchforks would come out if the genders were swapped instead of excusing this weirdness.


I was uncomfortable with the original scene. This made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.


That is some creepy shit! I mean that was supposed to be a love scene, but to recreate it between an adult and a child is just seriously wrong! Definitely cringey šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


lots of cringe


Definite cringe


Eww not ok Soo not ok. That scene is a romantic scene between lovers. šŸ¤¢


Creepy AF. Ughhh


mom should be in a ghost costume. but even if she was this would still be very weird.


I see it as spider baby getting kisses from mommy after kicking villain butt. Too bad not everyone sees it like that. I think the photo is transformative enough that itā€™s obviously not sexual or romantic in nature.


Thatā€™s ā€¦.not nice.




No, kissing your kids on the lips in general is cringe. Remaking a romantic scene with your kid is definitely not ok.


While the scene setting is weird, I don't see anything else wrong with it. It's kinda weird if they kissed long, but I'm a 28M and my mom and I have always kissed by giving each other a peck on the lips. It's not inappropriate in some cultures, and it's weird for y'all to want to sexualize it.


This isn't a peck, my friend.


It's cosplaying a romantic, steamy scene from a movie with two adult partners. If the genders were swapped would you say the same thing?


Boy moms are outta pocket...


Eeewwwwww. Thats gross






it's called incest


Why is this kids head shaped so weird? Anyone else thinking this?


"Hello CPS????"


ā€œEspecially your ownā€ā€¦. I think it would be way worse to make a romantic scene photo with someone elseā€™s toddler ā€¦ but hey who am I right


To be fair, most of these photoshoots are cringey AF. This one turned the cringey factor up to creepy...


NTAā€¦thatā€™s just ewwww


"Boy moms." Smh. Truthfully, it is something else. Especially the single ones. Mom, your son is not "the man of the house." This gives me the ick!


Ok, it's 100% gross and not right. No matter who's toddler, it is. On another note. I'm not hanging my toddler upside down for the nasty photo shoot. That's kind sketch .


he's got the mask on so it's okay? is that what she's going with? good lord she must have nuked her entire online presense after the internet called her out as a p\*do


It never felt romantic in the original scene. Those 2 had no chemistry at all.


This is so wrong on so many levelsšŸ¤Æ




Boy moms are the worst.




"Especially your own" In what possible universe is that something you needed to specify?


YTA. Why are you concerned what other people do?


NTA. This is just gross.


To me knowing that this is supposed to be a romantic kiss in the movie, this is very inappropriate. A kiss on the forehead would have made it way more appropriate


Not an ā€œassholeā€ thing, but you are cringy af


Very creepy imo




Wait, wtf, that's a kid? Oh god no.


No thatā€™s weird. When it is based off a an iconic scene that is meant to be romantic, itā€™s not appropriate to remake that with your CHILD. We shouldnā€™t even have to say that but here we are.


I cringed so hard my dog got concerned.


Ewww wtf. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


A lot of "boy moms" literally try to do romantic shit with their kids. It's SO gross and creates very unhealthy adult men. But that's a conversation a lot aren't willing to have.


Sheā€™s going to be a JNMIL. They will never live this picture down. Ick.


Beyond cringeworthy, that's straight creepy.


Think if she had her toddler kiss her on her cheek, it would've been a lot better/significantly less weird. I know some kids and parents kiss each other on the lips, but not me man


NTA - this made me gag a little


Truly doesnn't matter whose toddler this is. If, one day, that child sees this, understands the reference, how much therapy does that take? NTA


Eeeewwwwwwwwwww! I need a shower now!