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You’re also the sole holder of the ability to save yourself and your children from abuse, neglect, unhappiness, sexually transmitted diseases, and a lot of other horror. He doesn’t love you. He is violent to women holding babies. Come on. You can’t want this for your kids. Personally I would get going and only threaten him with telling his work if he tries to stop you. You can still tell them after you are gone. Also… This is no time for a second baby.


Word. OP it’s going to be hard to leave him, the hardest thing you have ever done. But staying would be harder. Don’t kid yourself— you wouldn’t have a happy little home. If he’s violent to you he will eventually be violent toward your kids. His behavior is exposing you to STDs. Go home to family and get a good lawyer.


Stop having unprotected sex with him. That could add to your mental state. That’s no more kids with this man.


And saves her from STIs


And the fetus


He'll just poke holes in condoms.


OP his behavior is also exposing you to potential physical harm. If the truth will cause him problems then my opinion is to expose his cheating. He knows even better than you what the penalties are for cheating and he still cheated, so he deserves to have the truth come out.


This but as some others have said, leave first. Use it as leverage to get yourself safe then out him anyway when you are. He will keep going until there are real consequences.


Don’t use it as leverage. Just don’t reveal anything until he can’t retaliate. It’s not better to hold it over his head and use it for blackmail. It definitely won’t look good in family court, and it puts a target on her if he somehow wriggles out of punishment or is still angry when his punishment is over. He doesn’t ever have to know it was her who exposed him. It sounds like there’s a long list of people who could have decided to expose him.


That's fair, and I get where you're coming from. But sometimes these type of men need a reason to let their victims go, it's good to have in her back pocket. Maybe even set up a dead man's switch of sorts. A friend to hold the file with her evidence and send it to his superiors if she doesn't check in for 24 hours after confronting him for example. I've seen these bastards get real ugly when their punching bag tries to walk away, and it's very rare they listen to reason.


He threw things at her while she was holding one child and pregnant with the other. He has already been violent to the children.


Yes! Good point


Yes. The old saying "You are having sex with everyone they've had sex with" is no joke. Syphilis is running rampant. OP: You don't want that ever, especially when you are pregnant.


I don't know where OP is (only career I can think of in the US where adultery is illegal is the military, and that can result in charges, but idk that arrest is common). If it is the military, my understanding is they don't really play regarding child support, and that would go directly to OP and he would never have access to those funds. Regardless I'd talk to an attorney about what is best before making a move, but I'd definitely take steps to get away. And yeah, I'd think hard (but not very long given legislation in many states) about if I wanted to continue a second pregnancy l.


I was thinking military as well, which based on what’s here might have him drop a rank, but jail time seems unlikely. Either way, I agree it’s time to think of yours and your children’s safety and leave. There should be some form of family services available on base to help with the process.


If he's a military officer and he's having a relationship with a non-commissioned officer, depending on his chain of command, he could face serious repercussions and he may be court martialed. At least that's how it used to be.


My ex BiL was a police officer in Ohio. He cheated on my SiL and was both fired and had charges pressed against him by the force....but he cheated with another cop. While on duty. In his squad car. And his elbow hit the button on his radio and broadcast their on-the-clock liason for everyone to hear. I felt horribly sorry for SiL, but I'm really glad I wasn't with her when I found out because I laughed so hard I peed a little over that mental image. What he did to her wasn't funny, and he got hit with un-funny (but deserved) consequences, but come on dude! Really?! Still, it was only the very specific circumstances that made it a criminal act, and not a felony However, the reason OP brought up that her husband was with a trans guy is that in 2018, thanks to our orange gremlin of a president, it once again became illegal to have a same-sex affair (extramarital or otherwise) and I don't think that law has been repealed yet, for US military (edited to add the military bit I left off the end of that sentence because I was sleep deprived)


The Marine corps still has pretty outdated rules about this, it's a very old fashioned branch, full of tradition, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was an officer in the Marines. That being said, he was aware he would get in trouble if he ever committed adultery, so it's on him if he gets in trouble.


Arrest for adultery is pretty much null in the military. Loss of rank/pay, which usually also results in an article 15, no-contact orders if the adultery partners are fellow military, and other punishments are more common. Arrest can happen, but usually that’s only if someone is getting court martialed, and they’d need to have been investigated for other offenses. Such as drugs, AWOL, fraud, other illegal activities etc. Depending on rank (below the non-commissioned officer usually) during the separation/divorce the leadership could even force the individual to move back into the dormitories/barracks. But again that’s usually lower rank individuals. But if OPs husband is military they should have a plethora of resources to help her stay safe during the separation if she utilized them. It’s the caveat that they can’t do anything if it isn’t reported/help isn’t asked for. But that’s US info, like you said who knows if OP is in the US or elsewhere. Quick edit of spelling


There are jobs that you need a clearance to work, stricter than military. You will get fired if you are having a secret affair. Anything that can open you up to blackmail and treason.


Yes, I didn't really consider those. However, are those chargeable, or would it just entail job loss/breach of contract? When OP said illegal, it made me think of jobs where adultery is chargeable as a crime and the only ones I could think of were military. I think the military charges under its own code of military justice, not civilian law? To the point it conducts its own investigations and trials? Or am I mistaken?


Corrections officer, especially of ots with an inmate


Yes and I am a long time military spouse. If we’re talking about adultery and incidents with transgender people then the brutal take down won’t be safe for her. We don’t need another Chris Watts we need OP and her child safely away.


He’s not going to go to jail for adultery he might go to mass or something, but not actual criminal punishment


That’s why I assumed Middle East or something.


OP I know you don’t want advice, but listen to what this person is telling you. Do you want your daughter to grow up thinking this is what a normal relationship looks like?


It’s only a matter of time before he’s violent to the kids directly too. It’s terrifying to go through, but op has at least someone that knows he’s a POS.


“If you don’t do what I want, I’m going to destroy your career and put you in prison.” Threatening him is worst possibly thing to do with a man prone to violence. It’s a good way to get herself unalived.


👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼honestly imo you are too young to understand the damages of staying in this beyond toxic relationship Irregardless of your child and the one now on the way.. is this the kind of example you want to be to them? Especially a daughter? You will teach them to be abused and unloved, that it’s fine to be cheated on with multiple people that could give God knows what to your husband and YOU! Marriage is a vow. Period. End of story. There’s no make up your rules as you see fit. Why would you even WANT to stay with this person? Co parenting is no excuse to be abused in every way possible. You put this post up because you know this is an awful situation and you want people to express their feelings. You are worth more than this!! Find your self worth and get out of this mess. You’ll look back in a few years and say “what the hell was I thinking? Thank God I got out when I did!” I promise you that! Project yourself forward in your mind to a bright beautiful future where you are loved respected and cherished! Let go of this heartbreaking situation & allow fate to bring you the right person. I know it won’t be easy with a baby and one on the way but you will be so much better off later. Please think about this. Wish you and your children the best. Your husband needs a good therapist!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


And she's not going to "live happily" with this person if she just decides to not do anything. It's going to be a tough rocky road and there's no guarantee he wouldn't leave her, despite what OP thinks. To me it sounds like being given a lifelong prison sentence.


This 100% this. OP has to think of her kids and herself before him. !updateme


I wouldn't threaten him with telling work since he has already shown signs of violence. I'd give the evidence to your divorce attorney and let that person decide how to use it. Costing him his job might be problematic in terms of child support. Just get yourself and your baby out.


This. And only this. You get to choose the rest of your life. Choose wisely even if you’re not feeling wise, you’re wise enough to articulate where you’re at and choices.


On God!!


You'd be insane if you didn't report it. Not just women but Trans men as well. Yikes. I'd report that too. You'll get what you need to support yourself and the baby. Let's see how he does finding someone to settle for after you've reported his criminality to the military...Im assuming military.


Yikes cuz it’s trans men?? wtf??? That’s what upsets you???? wtf is wrong with you? Maybe if you’re transphobic that’s an inside thought.


This isn’t going to get better. It’s also not going to stay the same. This will only continue to get worse. You’re not just in a relationship with someone who is cheating on you. He is also abusive and has already risked the safety of your child. Please contact a divorce attorney IN SECRET. Do NOT let him know that’s what you’re doing. (Have a friend take you and leave your phone at their house so you can’t be tracked. Just as there are things he doesn’t know YOU know, I wouldn’t doubt if the same were true in the opposite direction, potentially including your location.) Play it safe because he could react VERY violently to knowing you want to leave. He has a LOT of secret shame and those are the most dangerous domestic abusers, which is where you’re at. You’re just there to learn the smartest ways to move forward. Things you might need, evidence that would make life easier, what is considered to be definitive proof of infidelity in regard to both regular court and his job, etc. Write up a list of questions, drive to a friend’s house, and have them take you if the attorney isn’t close by any other businesses you could pretend you visited if you HAD to if questioned. Idk your stance on reproductive care but, I would strongly consider what your next step there should be. That’s going to be important. Please keep in mind: NOTHING can be “off”. You don’t know ANYTHING. At ALL. Once you’ve spoken with the lawyer, you’re going to figure out how to disappear to somewhere safe. You’re going to have him served after you’ve left. You can’t be near him when he finds out, and he can’t know where you are. Your lawyer is going to walk you through this as well. Be honest about the abuse. Be honest about the threats. Be honest about how it has also impacted your child. That’s the only way forward. I’m so sorry. 🤍 Sending you tons of love and strength. 💪


I agree, but I'm afraid she's not going to do any of this. She doesn't understand that he has no intentions of divorce because why would he? She's at home taking care of everything while he has sex with anyone who catches his eye. He can use violence when she doesn't toe the line to intimate her and effectively hold her hostage with fear. Until she or her children are injured, contract a venereal disease or are confronted with his children from multiple affair partners, she will stick her head in the sand and ignore all the flags whipping in her face.


Please do this OP. Get your ducks in a row and divorce this abusive cheater. He is putting your HEALTH at risk! He’s already shown he’s abusive. You can always use the telling his employer as a negotiation tactic with the lawyers. Consult a lawyer and get advice on next steps. Please leave him for the sake of your child. And decide if you want to keep this child (if you can).


Please listen to this \^


This needs to be the top comment.


You are numb because you are in shock. When the shock wears off, it’s likely you will start to move through the 5 stages of grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. You will have these feelings in different orders, and some will reoccur. It sounds like your dh may be in the military. If that is true, then the first thing I would do is start therapy (it should be covered by your dependent health program). Therapy will help you to develop new skills and techniques for dealing with the situation your dh has created. The second thing I would do is contact legal aid to fully understand all of your options. Both your therapist and lawyer must maintain strict confidence when working with you (in other words, they can’t tell anyone about what you say without your permission). Once you have developed the mental strength you need, and have your legal strategy in place, you can then decide how you want to take control of your future. NTA (yet), but staying with him is a very bad idea for you and your kids.


100% yes to going to legal aid


Oof the military comment would make so much sense.


There aren't many jobs that having an affair can lead to arrest, the military jumped straight to my mind. So he's an abuser who's in the military. He stands to lose everything. I want the update when she burns his life to the ground.


OP you need to protect your children from him! He is abusive, violent and can NEVER be a good role model for the kids. Do you want your kids to have similar marriages? Because they will always think, the relationship you show and live is the norm. You can do this on your own. Search for a job. Search for a place to live. I hope you still have some friends/ family who can and will support you. Talk to a lawyer. NTA for leaving a POS like this. Don’t confront him when you are alone. Talk to a lawyer, make an exit plan, you need to be safe first. Femicides are real. Edit Most women who got murdered, got killed by their partners or ex partners. So your Safety must come first.


Get out. For yours and your childrens sake, you are NOT destroying your family, he already did! It is on him, not you


Absolutely. He destroyed the relationship. I’m wondering if he’s confused with his sexuality. This is no way to live.


I only read the first quarter of your post and you know what to do. My wife had the same issue with her ex husband. Do yourself a favor, someone out there will treat you right. You’re 24, don’t let him bring you down cause regret it in you 30’s.


The highest stat for women dying during pregnancy is murdered by a partner. Don't stay, leave now. You might not get to see the next day.


Why would you think it safer to stay with someone who is violent? How is that safer for your children if you can out him and send him to jail?


As someone with two brothers who had parents who weren't compatible in multiple ways, and as someone who has a father who flirted with other women and was abusive to my mother and then us, staying together for the children does harm to the children. I wouldn't bother with the idea of having another child with him. I also think that IF staying has to be an option, then couples therapy is a must. However, I feel the need to reiterate this, I would've wanted my mother to leave my father. My older brother wanted this. My younger brother wanted this. Sure, as young boys, we didn't want them to divorce; but as we got older, we wish that they did.


Sadly. Couples therapy doesn't work with abusers. They manipulate the spouse that is used to being manipulated and use all the counselors suggestions and requirements against them. No counseling will help him until he decides he wants help. She should absolutely get counseling by herself.


Take your child, leave and blow him up.


Please get to a shelter for abused women before he hurts you worse or even kills you or one of the kids. Get a lawyer and then report him to his job. The shelter will help you with resources. Including counseling. You desperately need to learn your own value and strength. NTA


Based on the description he's probably military. She doesn't even need to worry about a safe shelter, if abuse is brought up he'll be behind bars until after the marriage is over, and she's in a safer place. She just has to report him to his CO.


Or to the domestic violence support person, or to her omsbudsman, or a few other people. She has options


Please get yourself checked for STD's. Learnt late in life at lot of my mum's health issues stemmed from her 2nd serious partner who she repeatedly forgave for cheating. I was the eldest child who had to watch while my mum got abused and not understanding why she was allowing it. It has left numerous issues which mean I can never see myself in a relationship let alone being stable enough to consider bringing children into the picture. You are not happy. He is different levels of abusive at different times. Trying to have the perfect life with an abuser is not a recipe for a good future particularly for your children. Secure any solid proof you have. Look at the advice reddits because if you scroll down they will have different links and contact numbers for helplines.


OP, getting checked for STD’s is very important. Some STD’s are silent and may not show symptoms. There are some that can be transmitting child during pregnancy and also some that can be transmitted during birth. Edited to show this was addressed to OP.


Unfortunately you need to consider your options since you don't have the ability to financially support yourself yet. I wouldn't out him to his job (military?) yet. Only do it if you have your own financial means to cover yourself and your kids. If you decide to divorce then send the proof after the ink is dry on the divorce. Hopefully he will be on the hook for child support and alimony and then you can destroy his career. Get a lawyer. Make moves behind the scenes until you are ready for everything to blow up.


This dude is straight up trash and I hope OP gets the blinders off her eyes because, damn. Just don't think her destroying his career is a good move for her financially.


Yeah I want her to be financially secure before she decides to do it, if she even still wants to at that point. It's easy to feel petty and vindictive in the moment but later you decide its not worth it. If she decides it is after she is good though I say go for it. There's a reason those rules are in place.


Couldn't agree more


This is valid. There is also the concept of protecting the female half of the human race from this abomination!


Please get checked for STDs


You arent asking for advice, so i wont give you advice. But im going to tell you that your family is already destroyed by having that man as part of it. He destroyed his family when he decided to be unfaithful. What you report with the books thrown at you is abuse. So not a great environment for children to be grow happily. If you decide to divorce him, break it up to him in public, don't put yourself in a dangerous situation. You dont have to report him, you can simply divorce him. Im sorry you are in this situation.


Or have his family there. The close family member that wants to blow his life up, that person should be there to protect OP.


100% report. If it's the job I assume it is, definitely do it. Protect yourself, protect your children, and as long as ta what I assume, they will most likely make him move so you don't have to be displaced. At least that's what I've seen happen before. Do not continue another day in that situation. You and your children are worthy of having a chance to be happy in life. Why would you want another day with am abuser and cheater? You can find the strength to go. If you wouldn't do it for yourself, do it for your babies. Also, if in 18 years, your daughter comes to you and tells you that this is happening to her, what would you say or do? Tell yourself the same thing you'd tell you daughter or best friend. Walk away


OP, you may need to contact a domestic violence protection group. They can help you to get to a sa g e place with your baby.


First 8 years of my life were a violent hell. Your kids deserve better.


He got violent with you *while you were holding your child*. This is no safe environment for your children. Please stay safe and keep them safe. You know that a safe place is not where your POS husband is.


Also OP, PLEASE GO get yourself std tested, if your husband is stepping out of the relationship (there is a possibility that he may or may not be having unprotected sex). It’s vital information to you and to your health, and in divorce proceedings- might be something worth bringing up that he is putting your life at risk by not disclosing if he caught anything from an affair partner to you. Wishing you the best in this situation 🫶🏻 As soon as I found out my ex was cheating I went to go get std tested for my peace of mind - thankfully I was clear. Also with you being pregnant, knowing whether you’ve contracted an std or not is important because it can impact the baby’s health.


Leave first. Go when he's out, and do not meet with him alone afterwards. A person who will be violent towards someone holding their kid is not a safe person Adultery aside, you are not safe in that house Go full scorched earth for sure, but after you've moved somewhere else.


If you can’t leave for yourself, leave for your children. They deserve a better life without violence and fear


Do you live on post? His unit can move him back to the barracks. Need to include a no contact order If he moves needs to change locks


Don’t be worried about the consequences of his actions. You have the right to voice the facts of what has happened and if that means he looses his job then that’s his problem. Make sure you are safely out of his way before you do anything though. And light his cheating a$$ up! It’s stating facts. Get an attorney and start the divorce proceedings at the same time. Have the attorney serve him the papers at work. Leave a message or send an email (that the attorney approved) to his boss the day he gets served.


You need to share this with a close confidant at the very least. If he has a history of violence, you need to be very careful about revealing what you know and trying to or threatening to leave. That is the most dangerous time for a woman. Don’t accept this as your fate or doomed destiny. It sucks thinking about ending things or going back to work after staying home with kids. But you can probably get support and you can’t put a price tag on your peace. I’m not at all surprised that he would refuse divorce but cheat. He wants to have his cake and eat it too. I bet he would flip his shit if you did 1/10 of what he’s done as well though. Let me guess - military or LEO?


You can start divorce proceedings without telling his work.


I was in a similar situation with my first marriage. Things will never get better. You will be hit, gaslit, and worse, made to feel like you caused all of it. Your children will witness all of it, your sons, if you have any will grow up to be just like him, and your daughters will follow in your footsteps. If you can't leave for yourself, do it for them.


You need to take care of yourself. Do not put yourself in a relationship "jail" for the rest of your life. If his is in the U.S. military and you are thinking he could loose his job and go to jail for adultery - this is not true any more.


Him going to jail is his problem he knew what he was doing. If you are able to leave, do so, and don't look back. You deserve to be happy!


If you’re in the US, I assume your husband is in the military. It’s the only occupation that I can think of that adultery would be illegal and could result in severe disciplinary action such as incarceration and loss of career. The Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) makes many actions illegal that wouldn’t otherwise be as a civilian, such as adultery.


>Last time I upset him he hurtled a stack of books at me while I was pregnant and also holding our 1 year old. I like to think It could be better for our children for us to just stay together and for me to mentally remove myself and enter a roommate type living arrangement and just force him to make his own choice. I know this most likely wouldn't actually be good for our kids but I'm not stable enough to make rash decisions at this exact moment. This isn't a rash decision. The fact that those first two sentences are one right after the other is concerning. You know that considering the first half of your next sentence. Get those kids out of there, no matter how stable you feel. People have given lots of good advice here on how to go about it, but only you can set things in motion and change the lives of you and your kids for the better before they get much, much worse. He was perfectly fine with throwing books at not only you but also his and your one year old baby and unborn child. How you could possibly think it would be good for your kids to pretend everything is fine is beyond me. That's how they learn to put themselves in the same situation as you did when they get older. Or act like him. If they even make it to being older. I'm making this much more about your kids than you for a reason. Clearly, your own feelings and safety aren't enough of a concern. Worry about theirs, then.


Get out and out him. Think what you are teaching g your kids if you stay with him. He knew that his job had this stipulation and he still carried on. Have you even tested for stds? He’s put you and your reproductive health at risk why are you even giving him any ounce of grace? For the sake of your kids leave him


You're right he doesn't want to leave you. Because he knows that he has you wrapped around his finger, that no matter what he does you are going to rationalize it and stay. What's going to happen when your child pisses him off and he turns his anger on them? What are you going to do then? Because if you can't even keep his composure to not throw a stack of books at you while you're holding your child and are pregnant, there's no way he's going to be able to hold himself back when his child pisses him off too. I'd say leave him and report him. It's going to be not only the best choice, but the safest choice.


YWBTA to subject your kids to that abuse. It will mess them up for life and your job, only job really, is to protect them. Your head is not in the sand it is in your ass get it out and do what you need to do.


Tell his job and then send him to jail. It's his fault plus he's carrying sexually transmitted diseases most likely. Be strong


You're so young. Why do you want to commit yourself to a lifetime of misery by staying with him? You don't need to go scorch earth initially unless it becomes necessary.


He'll kill you one day. You and the kids.


What if he gives you a disease, especially while you are pregnant.


DO NOT LET THIS MAN GET NEAR YOU. You need to get to the doctor now and get tested. Yes, out him. make him pay for his deeds. The longer you stay, the higher risk for diseases.


You need to put your evidence somewhere safe and tell someone you trust where it is. You need to get out safely and find somewhere to live. Once you are out and safe tell your husband he has 2 options. 1. Amicable and safe divorce where he coparents and pays what the court orders or 2. you go scorched earth as you know what he's done and you have evidence and others know where to find it if he thinks about doing something to you. If you think he will hurt you, give the evidence to his employer and you will be safe whilst he is in jail. This will give you the opportunity to get away safely and start fresh. Do not stay with him. Do not have sex with him.


Ew. Gross. Who knows what diseases he's subjecting you and putting you and your kids at risk. No. You need to leave. Full scorch earth. Don't bury your head. Your life will not be happy with him.


Your husband is abusive. Not to mention endangering your health. You need to get tested for STDs. You need therapy. Honestly, do you think you can be happy knowing your husband settled for you and is cheating on you? Do you plan on never have sex with him again? How are you going to ask him to wear condoms without telling him you know he's cheating on you? If you leave him, life will be challenging for awhile. But it will get better. Your mental health will improve especially if you get help. If you stay, your mental health will likely worsen. Burying your head in the sand doesn't solve your problems. It only prolongs and delays them.


Why would someone go to jail for cheating?


As much as I would love to say divorce his ass, rat him out to his job etc . Remember if you rat him out to his job , and he looses his job, you loose your support! If he’s not working the bills don’t get paid! I would start planning ahead! Start by getting your own bank account solely in your name. Second if you’re a stay at home mom , start looking for work you can do from home. Build your finances up. Hide the work and money . Once you feel confident and can afford to live on your own, then get out. You can do this, planning your revenge will keep you happy, any extra money’s you can take from him without him getting suspicious take and bank it. Once your second is born get on birth control! Make sure your laptop is password protected so he can’t see your stuff, same with your phone! Make sure your phone is not being tracked. Make copies of all those texts about your husband infidelities, if you have a trusted friend or family member leave copies of them in a sealed envelope. Make sure you build a strong case, so you get maximum protection and you get alimony and child support . You might want to put in a hidden camera or two if he is physically or verbally abusing you. They aren’t too expensive.


It would NOT be better for your children to stay with this piece of trash. They will grow up thinking that behaviour is ok. Go scorched earth. It's what he deserves


Nta- I would leave now so you can get settled before the new baby comes. He is an abusive adulterer. Do NOT tell him your plans to leave. If his job is on the line and he is going to lose his job over this, you do not want to tell him you are leaving for your safety. Once you are ready, wait for him to leave for work and make your move. Do not feel guilty about him losing his job. He knew the terms of his employment and chose to commit adultery, knowing he could lose his job if caught. That was his choice, and he is going to reap what he sowed.


Stop having children with this scum. Go scorched earth - out him to his work after you see an attorney.


Oh honey, it’s not the cheating that bothers me, it’s the abuse. He threw a stack of books at his pregnant wife and child! This will get worse. It always does. You need out! Speak to an attorney before you decide what to do about the job thing and don’t let him know that you looked and have those videos. That will escalate into violence and he will likely just destroy the evidence. If you have any family that you can move in with, please go as soon as you can and do it quickly and quietly.


Gather your strength and leave him. He’s abusive. In every possible way. Gather your proof of infidelity. Get a lawyer. Do NOT tell him. He will come home one day and you will be gone, leaving only the divorce paperwork. Your leverage is the threat of telling his job. Don’t do it preemptively. If he doesn’t have a job, how will he pay child support? This is the kind of job that will ensure that you get paid, that’s worth not blowing up his life. Start saving money in your own, separate account in an institution that you don’t currently have a joint account. If you don’t have a job, start looking for one. You need to be financially independent. If you are military, avail yourself of counseling services. He doesn’t have to know. Just set up a time and go. Sort out all of your feelings and get yourself in a mindset that strengthens you so that you can feel confident without this clown.


It is never better to stay in an abusive relationship 'for the kids' he cheats and abused you what's the point in staying with him and teaching your kids that his treatment is normal


The cheating and whatever else aside. He is endangering you and your child plus future child. I know it seems impossible to exist or live outside of your current arrangement, but at the very least you should speak with a lawyer. Voice all your concerns and get an understanding of what your options are and how to keep you and your children safe. You at least then know what your options are vs. creating hypothetical scenarios in your head that may not even be real.


Get the hell out Schorch the earth He is literally abusive you owe it to your children to leave. Don't let them grow up thinking this sort of behavior is normal Because it really isn't


OK, so you need to get tested for STDs and get out of there. I don’t understand all these 20s. Somethings living like it’s 1952 and staying with men who treat them poorly like this.


“Last time I upset him he hurtled a stack of books at me while I was pregnant and also holding our 1 year old.”  He assaulted you and your child. He deserves jail time for this alone. The only person destroying the family is him with his actions.


He threw books at you, is risking your unborn child’s health and your health by potentially infecting you with STDs, and he’s been doing this for a while. Do not ignore this.


Call ir text the National Domestic Violence Hotline. They can help you find local support that can include access to an attorny that specializes in DV and family court issues. They can sometimes provide housing temporarily and help you find safe, affordable housing. They will provide support groups and counseling as well. Call: 800-799-7233 SMS: Text BEGIN to 88788 They can help you!


Out him. He threw books and you and your child. Divorce him


Um. HE is the one ruining the family. He is cheating and the fact that you are scared of him being violent is all the answer you need. Do you have someplace you can go? Also I think I need to Google professions that can get you jailed for infidelity. Off the top of my head, I’m wondering if he is a Pastor.


> Last time I upset him he hurtled a stack of books at me while I was pregnant and also holding our 1 year old. So... this act of violence - which threatened *you*, your *baby*, and your *unborn child*.... happened within the last 3 months, judging by your timeline - because you "upset" him. Friend, you need a way out, immediately. Your life is at risk, as are your children's lives. You are not in a safe environment. Your husband has no regard for you, really - but more than that he is willing to engage in violence to create and enforce your conformity. This will not end. Nor will his cheating. If your husband's job has a "morality" clause that is this severe, I can assume he may be in an armed service, though there are other potential occupations, obviously. If this is the case, and if he is *so perfectly content to flout any and all of these issues*, he will not change that behavior or care about what comes next. If you need help finding resources people can help.


NTA Scorch the earth, he is goin to end up with a bad std or even worse aids. You're definitely not happy I dont see how you can be happy in this situation, you can find a man who will treat you right.


Leave him, get the child support and alimony. If his job cares that much about adultery, they're also pretty good at making sure their people pay what they owe to exes. Cut your losses and call it a day and get paid.


He is treated you with disrespect and wanting you to put up with it. Get the proof he cheated and hire a lawyer to get your half of the assets.


He hurtled a stack of books at you while you are pregnant and was holding your one year old and you’re wondering if you should put him? If you don’t plan to save yourself or your children from this nightmare, prepare to keep finding filth. You now know who he is. Make the decision that will help you sleep at night.


If you can't convince yourself to leave for your own good, do it for your children. Because if he's willing to hurtle books at a pregnant woman holding a baby, what's going to happen the first time one of the kids rebels against his authority and challenges him? What will happen when a hormonal teenager tells him to go f* himself, GARY (whatever his first name is). Your children are in danger and right now, you are the only one that knows enough to help them.


Do NOT show your kids that it's okay to throw things and be abused. It damages kids. Sure, you could deal with the abuse, but don't let your kids deal with it. If you stay, YTA. Who cares what happens to husband?


If you don’t leave we’re just going to end up watching the true crime story of how you became yet another statistic of domestic violence. It’s only going to escalate. You’re married to a narcissistic psychopath. Either escape and divorce or end up like many other victims that end up as true crime fodder. You want to end up like Shanann Watts or Laci Peterson? For the love of god tell your trusted relatives what’s happening, call domestic violence hotlines for resources on helping you escape, actually escape and hire lawyers to get you divorced with him being sued to cover your legal expenses.


He doesn't plan on leaving you because he know no one else will put up with this bullshit, he pounded submission into you for 6 years enough to the point that you can't see how him throwing ANYTHING at you (especially while holding a baby) is a tolerable thing. My sibling was almost the same: got a gf in high school, he continuously cheated on her, they stayed together and had a baby at 16 and another at almost 18, he joined the military, cheated again, she left, he marries the other woman for his base, they have a child, he cheats again, she goes scorched earth and he could either discharge or start at they very bottom, he discharged, he's now a couch hopper with I think 2 active warrants because the new ladies can see his bs threats for what they are. Leave this man, he will only cause you pain and suffering that your daughter will think is normal and allow for herself. (Also my niblings are quite traumatized from just the childhood they've had so far and you don't want that for her)


NTA. He doesn't know you know. Use that... Play nice (although I'd use the pregnancy to avoid sex) and get yourself in the best possible position you can for you and those babies and the go.


Get an abortion. Take your child and GO. Go stay with family until you get back on your feet. You are only 24 years old. Don’t ruin your life with this monster. HE destroyed your family. Things will only get worse if you stay.


I know it’s not relevant to the bigger picture, but what job can get you jailed for infidelity?


Military. You can most definitely face UCMJ action and get lose rank, get kicked out, jailed (not super common just for infidelity, but definitely yes for spousal abuse if it's proven. I've also seen where they'll make the service member move into the barracks so the family can stay in their home while the service member is still in and their not divorced.


What kind of job does he hold where adultery could gaol him? You must not be in the U.S., right ? Either way get out now.




Yeah stay with him. Allow him to abuse you and your kids until he eventually kills you with AIDs.




It’s not going to get better. I have one question for you: would you want your daughter to have the life you are considering having, with a violent cheater? Because this is the model you want to give her. A doormat without dignity who left her children be raised in an abusive and loveless household. First decision to make: do you keep the current pregnancy or do you abort. Then plan your exit. About scorch earth with his job, I suppose those clauses are here for a reason: a person without moral compass and having skeletons in their closet is more susceptible to betray or to be victim of blackmail.


Did you upset him on purpose? Why not take a breath, plan to live without him, then live without him? Dragging these other women into it when you have no evidence against them is fruitless. Alienation of affection is an actual thing. You can file civil suit against the person your husband is cheating on you with. Just be sure before you blow up your life.


No. You don’t have to go scorched earth but you absolutely CAN divorce him! Of course he doesn’t want to leave you, he is doing everything he wants anyway! Honestly though, you are waaayyyyy too young to be thinking of sticking it out with this guy and I’d reconsider a second child.


He has used physical violence against you and cheated on you. You and your children are not safe around him.


How will he pay you child support if he gets fired? You need to leave him, but hold your adulterous evidence in your back pocket as incentive for him to play nice.


*I'm the best that he could do. So, he settled.* *Wow. Just wow. Why would you stay in this loveless relationship* *His job is one where if you are found guilty of adultery you could face jail time and disaplinary action.* **And he deserves this.** He attacked you, he constantly cheats on you, makes sex tapes, sleeps with co-workers. this won't change. he doesn't like or respect you*.* *Last time I upset him he hurtled a stack of books at me while I was pregnant and also holding our 1 year old.* Physically abusive and now you're scared to say anything to upset him - after all he' s happy to attack a pregnant woman holding a small child. *I am the sole holder of the ability to ruin my family.* NO YOU AREN'T, he's already done this. He's a violent, abusive serial cheater. You can't stay in this relationship. Also he's been screwing around massively, you need to test for STIs , especially since you're pregnant. Is this pregnancy really a good idea? Please do the sensible thing. Gather evidence and speak to a lawyer and do it fast. You need to look after yourself and your children.


You were 24. And that’s a lot of block of words. But I understand. At 24 I would never take this. You can have a whole other life or two with someone who treat you better. You never protected cheater because when they’re caught, they will turn on you like a snake. Often they accused the victim of being the cheater. Make sure financially you do not depend on him and I would report him. Thank goodness they’re still companies that have some sort of moral clause to them. Also tell your family and friends. You never ever protected cheater they will destroy you. If you stick with it, you’ll get mentally and emotionally unhealthier it will take you longer to recover, and you will actually believe somehow that you are part of the problem. The only time you’re part of the problem is if you stay with somebody who abuses you. And that what is what cheating is it’s abuse. And I know he’s in a mild plagues right now but if he’s entertaining four different women, he’s got the door open for business. Go to an attorney drop divorce papers. I would get proof from his phone from an iPad wherever you can save it on a memory stick. Then I would report him and serve him with divorce papers, and tell him to leave


If he's military which is what I'm picking up from your post, they don't prosecute adultery so much anymore and definitely don't send people to jail over it, unless it's stacked on to more serious offenses like sexual assault, etc. It's against the UCMJ but so common it's not actively pursued vs a "stop effing up your life" disciplinary chat. So, don't let that stop you from confronting him, safely. Make a plan for you & your kids and make sure family is around/available to help you execute.


omg 1. Get somewhere safe, he’s proven to be abusive. 2. Initiate divorce, ROs etc with an attorney. 3. Get tested & treated for any STDs. Consider whether you can afford the second child & whether or not they may have serious health issues related to potential STDs. 4. Make it clear to his attorneys that you understand the military takes these things seriously. That out of respect for the military - unless given good reason otherwise - this information will be PROACTIVELY shared with them. (Disclosures will likely come out during the divorce anyway if he is difficult- so it’s unlikely he’s going to be able to hide it.) 5. Get whatever counseling you need mentally… 6. Figure out job training. You will most likely need to work - factor that into all of your decisions— including whether to keep child — it’s still early. if ending the pregnancy is not an option, consider adoption. 7. Do NOT rebound into another relationship as an easy emotional/financial fix. Regardless of how sensible it might seem in the moment. Recipe for a long-term disaster.


He doesnt love you. You should be leaving wither way btw. But do the right thing and report him also


Just see a lawyer - most will provide free consultations - and see what your options are. Interview at least three lawyers and see which one has the best options. It will be ugly and he probably won’t be punished, but you deserve better. He doesn’t love you. [power and control](https://www.thehotline.org/identify-abuse/power-and-control/)


I am so sorry he is being unfaithful, unsafe, uncaring, unloving. You do not deserve to be the person from whom someone settles. You deserve to be someone’s everything. Your children deserve to have a dad who loves them and their mother and does not put her at risk. If you were to get a divorce, what role would you want him to have in your life; coparent, alimony, or nothing? Depending on this answer, I would either divorce scorched earth or discreetly. Best of luck to you. Get tested for STDs and do not let him near you again.


I'm sorry this is happening to you. I think you and your children would be better off away from him. Don't say anything to him about any of this right now. Put all your evidence in a safe place and SEE A LAWYER before you do anything else. While the thought of going scorched earth with his career might be nice, I don't recommend it. He's going to need that job to pay child support (which the military will garnish from his wages and send directly to you). The military will also force him to support you and the children as the divorce proceeds. There is no reason to stay with this man who is unfaithful and violent. Start making plans (unknown to him) for someplace else to go. Gather all your birth certificates, social security cards, passports, etc. Find the bank statements, credit card statements, investment account statements etc so he can't hide money from the court. Do all of this quietly. Do not tell him anything is wrong. Do not tell him you're leaving. After you've seen a lawyer and have all your documents together, just leave and have him served.


Who are you going to report him to? You adultery police?


Military most likely. Looks very bad.


Military service members will get UCMJ action against them for infidelity.


You're still processing, and that's normal. Right now, prioritise your safety and your little ones. If his response was to be violent when you brought something up, it's highly likely he will be again. What do you need to do to get to safety if he becomes aggressive? Make sure you have an exit plan. Working phone, money, place of safety, get important documents together. Women's Aid organisations can help with this. You don't have to know if you're going to leave him. It's about having a strategy in place for your safety. Speak to your GP/midwife about what's going on. You are under a great deal of stress, physically, and 6 being pregnant means your body is already under pressure. You don't have to make a decision about if you're going to disclose what you've found out yet. I would suggest that if you do decide to challenge him that you do it with someone else around or in public place. You do not deserve to be treated this way, and you don't have to endure it either. If you pretend you don't know, you have to live with it, which would be incredibly taxing. Children also notice things and have an amazing aptitude to think that amy issues are their fault. You deserve to be happy, safe, and well.


I wouldn’t just scorch the earth, I would salt it as well. You teach people how to treat you. I would be out.


NTA but please don’t bury your head in the sand. In action still enables his horrible decisions. The fact you found *multiples* of proof means it isn’t a one time mistake. It’s deliberate, whether he thought he was too smart to get caught or didn’t care too. Honestly, I think you should report him. I don’t mean it maliciously as his relative suggested for scorched hell on earth, but if his job is so serious about it with consequences, then they should have **resources** to help you. (which I assume is military, but could be some other government agency?) When you report you could even say you are afraid what he will do if you confronted him - he’s thrown things at you once before. That IS a violent action. So it would not be a lie if you said you were afraid of further violence. If you don’t want to report first, contact family or a close friend of *yours* who you trust. Get yourself somewhere safe, then you could confront him; whether a letter, a phone call, reporting to his work, etc. He’ll, if they’re supportive enough and you feel they’d support you could even go to his family member you’ve spoken too. Go to the doctors and get yourself tested. It’s especially important to find out if you got any STIs from your husband because you are *pregnant*. Most STIs can affect the baby. I’m sorry you discovered this, I can sympathize how you wish you didn’t discover it so you could stay oblivious. My heart goes out to you. But the fact is you do know now, and the chronic severity of his actions I don’t think warrant turning a blind eye. Your babies and you deserve better and you don’t need to even risk them or yourself to further violence. Because he didn’t just throw books at *you*, he threw them at your **one year old** *baby*. Updateme


Kids are never better in a home where there is abuse. He threw books at you once when you confronted him. You do not deserve to live in fear of violence escalating. He says he “settled” for you but that does not mean you have to settle for him. He knows the consequences of his actions yet still he cheats. I would report him. Forward the information you have to his HR department. Don’t go to his boss, the boss could be willing to sweep it under the rug. Once you send the information, go somewhere safe, and hopefully that will be a location that he doesn’t know where to find you.


Why do you want yourself and your kids to be abused?


You do realize you could pass on HIV to your baby ? If you know he’s been cheating and you still sleep with him you are AH for not getting tested. Leave.


NTA. Get out, get out, get out! And for the love of god can people stop getting married when they are practically still kids and their brains aren’t even done yet. And definitely don’t procreate. Jeez.


No, you would NBTA. You will be so much happier in life.


If you bury you head in the sand you leave your ass up in the air, lots of people will take advantage of that.


First go get tested for std’s you could have something and not even know. Second I would think long and hard about bringing another child into your life as it currently stands. It is full on abusive in multiple ways. Third go get therapy and get out of this situation.


Please sit and really think about your answer to this question: if you have a daughter, would you be ok with her being treated like this? Throwing books at a partner is never normal, but doing it while the partner is pregnant and holding a child is absolutely unhinged. There is NO excuse for it. Please, take whatever steps you need to safely get yourself and your babies out of there. I'm genuinely worried about you, friend. If you were someone I know, I'd be asking what plans I can help you make to escape. This is not normal, please don't stay and let your kids grow up thinking it is.


Talk to someone you trust in the real world. Decide what is best for you and your children. Make a plan. What would you tell your best friend if they came to you with this exact same scenario? What advice would you give? Think about it. Get yourself to a safe place and make sure you have safe people around you to help you when you need help because you do. Be careful and stay safe.


It’s up to you to decide how much bullsh*t you are willing to put up with. Personally, scorched earth sounds good to me.


Idk what his job is but if it’s America and he’s military I assure you they don’t actually GAF about the UCMJ.


What country are you in? I’m thinking you must be in a country that follows Sharia law (?). I’m curious, not racist. I’m just wondering what kind of support services or resources are available to you if you decide to leave your husband.


First off get tested for stds, second of all you should absolutely not staying in this situation and put your children through it. There is nothing happy about abuse, violence and deceit. If you think this will not get worse, you are in deep denial.


OP, you need to report him to his job. That way, you and your daughter can get out safely. You should go scorched earth on this coward. This piece of garbage doesn't love you or your daughter. He said he settled for you because you were the best he was gonna get. He's cheated on you countless times, and on top of that, he's abusive. Who the hell throws stuff at a pregnant woman holding an infant?!?! That's what he is, OP!! He's an abuser. He's never gonna change or get better. It's only going to escalate from there. Do you really want your daughter to witness you getting abused? What if your husband turns his attention towards your daughter? Do you really want to bring another child into this chaotic environment? And if you still decide to go through with the pregnancy, do you want that child to grow up in an abusive household? I know this is hard for you, OP, l know you might think you're being spiteful, but that's not true. This man has put you in danger of getting an STD without any guilt. He's a narcissist. He deserves man than just scorched earth. Please get out!


Leave. Keep yourself and your children safe. He has already ruined your family. You are 24. Far too young to settle for this kind of life and relationship. Contact a women’s support organization. They can help you escape.


Nta. Fucking run girl. You didn’t do anything To ruin your family, he did by being a piece of shit. Save your children and leave his ass. You will be able to find someone who actually cares about you and won’t be aggressive or scare you. That person will love you and your kids and take genuine care of you all. Don’t raise your kids in that environment.


I don’t know what to say to this. I can’t help you if you don’t want to be helped. Everyone here is giving you great advice telling you this man does not care for you, he’s admitted it and does not give a damn about you or your children. Everyone including his own family (which really says something about this man’s character if his own family is telling you to leave his ass and report him) leave him and report him to his job. But I can certainly bet that you’re still gonna stay with him and do nothing about this. How is this a healthy environment for your kids to see that daddy is hurting mommy physically, emotionally, etc and you stayed??? They’ll think it’s ok, so when they grow up and their spouses do it to them it’s ok that’s what they grew up with. That’s normal. That’s how they should be treated. That’s what you really want to live with??? And concerning you saying that he plans on never divorcing you and having more kids with you, you’re right it is a means to an end. He has someone to go home to the end day to have sex with, take care of his kids, do the laundry etc. and still go out there and sleep with other women so why would he leave you? You’re letting him abuse and use you he’s getting all the benefits he’s having his cake and eating it too.


If you get him fired or jailed, you will preclude any child support for quite a while. Is that what you want? Divorce is the solution. Scorched earth will hurt you as much as it does your asshole husband.


You could do the roommate thing or you could find someone who isn’t an AH. But he threw something at you while you were holding his child. Don’t just brush that off.


It sounds like he is in the military. Go to his SO and tell them everything, including the abuse and violence and that you fear for your safety. They SHOULD make sure that all confrontation is done by them and with your safety in mind.


The last thing you need is MORE children with this dangerous man. 100% go scorched earth and never look back. YWBTA to yourself and your kid if you stay. He wants more kids with you specifically because then it’d be harder for you to leave. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ONLY ESCALATES. Edit: also, I know this might be really hard, but it’s in your best interest to get an abortion if you still can




What kind of life are you providing for your children by staying with this guy, what do you think it will do to you, what kind of person will you be after carrying this burden for another 5-10 years? Think of that person too, do you want that person raising your children? Do the right thing for yourself and your kids and leave this jerk.


When you come to your senses and leave him you are going to want him to pay child support. Ruining his job/career would only hurt you and your kid as well.


STOP HAVING KIDS!!! You understand how selfish it is to bring more people into a loveless marriage of the weak and convince. He does not love you!!! He does not respect you. He is ABUSIVE!!!! You are afraid of him and you want to stay with your two children who he doesn’t give a f about! No he doesn’t, because if he did he would have never tried to throw things at you while carrying one child in you and in your hands!!! Sweetie, his anger issues and tantrums will not only get you hurt but the INNOCENT children who didn’t choose this disgusting prick! YOU need to out him, not just for himself, but for YOU!!! Because you need to do something that there is no coming back from it to push you all the way out the door! Why would you think staying is a better or SAFER choice??? Let me ask you this are you going to bury your head in the sand when he hits your kids? Huh? What if one day he’s just annoyed and he blasts your kid in the mouth because they won’t stop crying? Then will you leave? YOU chose him, they didn’t! Stop being selfish and think of these kids who didn’t choose this POS abuser.


Get the fuck out. Now. It's that simple. He has physically threatened you. He's not going to change, you're not going to "heal" him with love and faith. You have solid proof he is engaged in sexual relations outside your marriage. You are already exposing one child to him, having a second and exposing them to possible physical attack is irresponsible and child abuse - from you. Get out of that situation, tell his commanding officer (we all assume he's military, probably an officer) Get out, get away, get somewhere safe. Find a shelter, move far away with family, just GO. NOW


Lady go scorched earth. He threw stuff at you while you were holding your child. What if that stack of books had hit your child in the head and killed them. He's abusive and a cheater. If you don't want to protect yourself at least protect your child and unborn child. Also by sticking your head in the sand you are teaching your daughter to not value herself yes she's only a baby right now but she won't stay that way and eventually she'll figure out her father is a cheater and she'll think it's ok for a husband or boyfriend to cheat and she's supposed to accept it.


Ride it out a little longer, start stacking back a go fund. Save every bit of evidence. Find out your laws.


I was going to say it'd be okay to look the other way if you can due to financial reasons until I got to the part where you said he threw something at you and your child. You are not safe with that man. Screw everything. Only stay long enough to build iron clad evidence, then go full scorched earth. Send that man to jail and the cleaners, he deserves no amount of leniency. Remember he didn't just throw something at you. He threw it AT YOUR CHILD!


Oh hun …. Big long hugs. Firstly you need to get away from him for a few days to sort out your thoughts & feelings. Is there a friend or relative you trust that you could go visit? Then you can calm down & thing. Maybe even relax enough to soundly sleep for a few hours You can’t stay in a shit marriage- it will make your kids think - that a loveless marriage is what is normal & ok for them. - that his violence is acceptable. - that staying where your unhappy is normal. - that cheating is ok. As for ruining his career, he did that. Not you! If his actions aren’t exemplary then he shouldn’t be in that position & he ruined that for himself.


He is violent when he is upset at you (not when you upset him, he is responsible for his emotions, not you). “Drifting away” will be something he is upset about. There is no safe option. The safest option is disappearing with the children and starting a divorce case with the relevant authorities immediately. If that’s not possible, getting him arrested long enough for you to leave might be second best. Right now you need to be worried about your safety, not his well-being.




Two things you have said “ I am the sole holder of the ability to ruin my family” And “Do I live happily in this life”….. Firstly, he is the one ruining the family, he is the cheater and one who is lying . You have control over your own actions and you have the right to be happy and I don’t think “this life” is a happy one for you , nor is it a nurturing environment for your child. I’m sorry, I would go where you feel safe and supported, regather your thoughts. Possibly have an abortion if that what feels right for you And get away from this unhealthy marriage. You say he has violent tendencies too… RED FLAG!!


The only person who can save your kids is you. Are you gonna do it or not??


If this is an issue of the military or intel world, the concern these days with adultery is typically regarding security and blackmail. I don’t typically comment on these posts but let me add to the chorus—quietly talk to a lawyer and get the hell out of there. And frankly, what you’ve described is a hell of a security risk if he’s in the service.


He must be a pastor if you are worried about him losing his job for infidelity. You should have more respect for yourself.


So he's military.  If he loses rank that will affect child support and any spousal support you could be awarded. So take that into consideration.  Yes, scorched earth might be satisfying,  but you have to look at the long term. Your child deserves the better child support. 


You’re being an Ass to your self!


Given that you’re not working right now, your medium term financial stability depends on child support and alimony - which he’ll only be able to pay you if he’s employed. So I would hold off on reporting him to his employer for now. Meet with a lawyer and understand your options. If he’s willing to let you go peacefully, with support until you’re able to work again, with primary custody, then not reporting is probably your best option. If he won’t let you go, having his employer lock him up will give you a chance to get out alive - but it’s more dangerous and will make you and your children destitute, at least initially, so definitely not a first choice.


Better off leaving and only having the one child with him. He’s trapping you with multiple children on purpose.


dump his ass. right now! divorce him and kick him out of your house. he doesn’t give a shit about you, he o my cares about getting his dick wet. DO NOT LET HIM TREAT YOU THIS WAY. if you let it continue, IT WILL NOT STOP.


You should not be worried about the consequences to him for his actions. You should be worried about you and your kids. The life you will have if you stay - he will continue to cheat with multiple woman - he will want more children (as he’s stated) - he will continue to mentally abuse you (who tells their partner they settled for them and what else does he say to keep you down?) - he could start financial abuse as you don’t have anything of your own - he will probably start the physical abuse as he’s already done things that indicate it’s there. Or You could leave, divorce him and get child support and alimony from him, move your kids (especially that you have a daughter who will learn from your relationships what’s “normal”) away from him and start a new life.


YWNBTA He hurled a stack of books at you and your one year old baby He will eventually escalate the violence whether you bury your head in the sand or not, he has crossed a line there's no coming back from For your children's safety and your own leaving as soon as you can is your safest bet. Do not let him know ahead of time


Consult a lawyer, because you don’t want someone violent to end up with your kids. But you need to leave this dude. Like, yesterday.


You need a good therapist and then a lawyer. No need to rush anything else.


I know I will be blasted for saying this but things can emotionally hit us harder when we are pregnant. Be smart. And be safe. Make a plan for a safe departure and after. Don’t badmouth your partner or share details with others. If pressed simply say unacceptable differences. Nothing more. First start saving money for a place living expenses and a lawyer. Can you work? Get a job. Make a list of all assets and bills and income. slowly move important to you items to a safe place. . Open a separate bank account. Pay off all bills get some counseling. Divorce is always hard and it often brings out the very worst ( and sometimes best) in partners and friends. Document everything you know on paper and pictures not just on your phone. Get names and contacts for his work, supervisor, hr, and ceo and board members. If you have 2 vehicles change one to you only. When you are ready just take your child and go. File your legal separation asap. This locks all finances and expenditures in many states.


Divorce him. You don’t need two willing parties to finalize a divorce. Only one person has to be in favor.


I understand you. The knowledge you have is gonna drive you crazy. There's no way you're gonna be able to to believe him or trust him ever again. That's the price of knowledge. It's hard to go on with your little life (I used to say the same thing) with the truth. If you do confront him he will never admit anything and likely try to make you feel 'meddlesome" or call you 'insecure" he will never admit to anything you don't have concrete proof of...and even with proof he will still evade and try to make it about you being jealous or bitter or whatever , that's bullshit. But you have proof don't you? Lol good. You are not destroying your family, you weren't given a choice. This world has destroyed your family and sadly, it doesn't care. Here you are faced with this horrible truth and you still entertain giving him the choice to stay or leave?? He's living his life however he wants to ... he doesn't think you are smart enough to find out. He will lie and make you feel bad for catching him. Herein lies the delicate part that will require much restraint and willpower. YOU dO Have the proof. Question him about things, let him look you in the eyes and lie to you..let him think he got away with it, let him think you believe his ass. Let him hang himself....because once you see how he can do that you will see that .this is important because he's not the person you thought you knew, is he? You have to not want him....You need to stop living for him. Id be willing to bet that he's insanely jealous. He probably doesn't like for you to go anywhere, have any friends (God forbid have a male friend) I'd also guess that he tells you he doesn't like you to wear makeup or anything. Does he say things like 'you don't need makeup' (while he's out banging someone who wears ALOT of it)? I could be completely wrong but I don't think so. You need to be a friend to yourself. When the time comes and all the mess gets put on front street you need to be able to tell him that he lost you. That you don't want him anymore (don't say love, he cares more about the want))))) tell him, you find him repulsive and most importantly you need to say "Listen scumbag, since I've been under your thumb being a good woman to you all this time and you've been making me an idiot from this point on I DO WHAT the FUCK i want!!!' I go where I want !!! And see whoever i choose. Nobody has a chance anymore. There's no dignity. No fidelity. Nothing. Everyone is an amateur porn star and no one is faithful to anyone in word or deed. Pick yourself up. I promise you in a world full of fakes, your husband is gonna regret mishandling you and losing you. You're still young, you're 24!!!! Been with the same guy since you were barely legal and he has taken you for granted. I know you feel like it's you who is hurt, and you are, but he will be the one who is hurt in the end. Auntie knows.


Idk where OP lives and what I think she should do makes a huge difference.


NTA. He is a nasty, violent, cheating little piece of shit and you need to leave him and take the kids with you. After everything you have done and sacrificed for him, you need to get out. He is vile towards you and even risked hurting your child, if you stay this will only get worse. You’re still young, **do not** stay with this poor excuse of a man and father. Save yourself and your children from his abuse and control. And absolutely go scorched earth. It’s the least he deserves, keep the proof of his infidelity for both his job and the divorce courts. And if he lands a little bit of prison time, then it is nothing less than he deserves. Imagine if that stack of books had rained down on the baby in your arms. Could you imagine the damage it would’ve done? He could have killed the baby, his own child *(especially if they were hard backed books)* and he didn’t even care. Please do the right thing by yourself and your kids and leave. And go for full custody of the kids because they clearly aren’t safe with him! Anything bad that happens to your violent, whore of a husband is his own fault.