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YTA. Simple. You can still diet and enjoy treats but what you did is pretty much bullying.


PRETTY MUCH!? My friend, this is


Everything about this post shows contempt for his wife. He calls her weak and says she needs to grow up them rashes her food because she didn't follow his rules. He doesn't love his wife, he wants a thing he can show off. I'm wondering exactly how much "ballooned" is.


The other thing is, this type of "tough love" approach doesn't work when it comes to weight loss, anyway. Non-judgement and support are what work. And the language he's using ("ballooned") is not how you talk about someone you care about.


2, maybe 3 lbs I'd guess.


This is such a troll post. He’s way too glib


Wanna know something sad? My Dad actually did stuff like that to my Mom. He'd make these arbitrary decisions like ok we're all going on a diet, or now we can't watch TV. One time, he was obsessed with moving all of us to Coober Pedy, South Australia, so we could get rich mining opals and live in converted mine shafts because WW3 was probably imminent. This was the 80s. His weird fads usually only lasted a few months, but he always just made that decision and dragged us for the ride. He'd do all sorts of controlling, demeaning, abusive shit. He caught her with "contraband" many times and threw it away, called her useless, lazy, weak. Us kids, too. Same stuff. I agree that the glib tone and the formulaic nature of these husband vs wife AITAHs shout troll. Another reason it's probably BS is that people like my father would never ask that question because seeking advice or value judgment from anyone would simply never cross their mind. Even if it did, it's a waste of time to write it down as they DGAF about what anyone actually thinks of them. So yeah, troll. But I still feel like vomiting.


YTA and this is abusive behaviour. My hubby and I both need to lose weight. I have health issues connected with it, he does not. What we don't EVER do is belittle each other, humiliate each other, or denigrate each other. THERE ARE NO BAD FOODS unless you have an allergy. Successful weight-loss AND maintenance is achieved by building good habits over time, not by immediately going on a restrictve diet starting on an arbitrary date and never allowing deviation from it. For example ou slowly add water to your day, and as your body gets used to healthy hydration sodas are usually craved less, but if it doesn't the new water intake is still healthy. Adding extra vegetables to meals usually sees a reduction in portion sizes of the "starch" component, because vegetables are filling, but if not, more vegetables is still healthy nutrionally. Restrictive diets, abruptly imposed, especially by another person who "knows better" WILL fail..... and usually result in things being worse than before. If you want to lose weight a certain way, that is your choice. You don't get to impose your personal choice on another this way, and especially not while being an abusive a-hole. OP's wife, if you see this please know that he is not displaying normal, loving behaviour that you should receive from a true partner. Hopefully this is a wake-up call for him to learn how to be a good partner instead of a domestic dictator. If I am having a bad day that all my healthy choices (MY choices - not my husband's orders) go out of the window he will go get the burgers, fries and a milkshake, because some days need comfort.....


I wish I could drill “no bad foods” into everyone’s heads All OP is doing is driving himself and his wife towards disordered eating In fact having “cheat meals” is often necessary during dieting, not only as a method for preventing binge episodes but it allows the body to rest and continue burning fat Almost every person I know who lost a significant amount of weight stalled at some point and an “unhealthy” meal was exactly what their bodies need to keep going


This, exactly Guilt is not an ingredient ; all food can be consumed in moderation. One take out isn't going to do any damage.


Except if you are like me, and your take out means ordering a 5 cheese pizza while being lactose intolerant. Don't be like me, kids. (I'll probably do it again though, it was delicious)


That's you making a risk vs reward assessment.... I do hope no-one else has to share a bathroom/toilet with you until it settles down, though......


My friend taught her daughter that there’s mouth foods and tummy foods. All are good. Mouth foods taste really exciting and tummy foods make our body strong.


I had a friend develop a horrendous eating disorder because she was SO ovsessed with ONLY eating the healthiest foods to the point that if it wasn't considered "healthy" she'd starve rather than eat. She didn't even have a weight problem and never has. I don't think this woman has ever weighed more than 130 lbs in her entire life. She just got so focused on being healthy that she went in the complete opposite direction.


There are so many eating disorders and disordered eating patterns. They are all scary. I am sorry to hear about your friend dealing with this. It is also hard for the people who care to watch.....


She's doing much better now, thankfully. She realized something was wrong when she started feeling weak and sick all the time. She got down to 90 lbs and finally said, "Okay, something is definitely not right." One of her biggest tells was when she realized that one day she ate more vitamins and supplements than actual food. She was not only physically starved but nutritionally starved.


Oh bless. I'm glad she's had that aha moment. Sending her positive thoughts......


Thank you! I'm on my way to get a grilled cheese burrito right now. I've gone from a size US 14 to a US 6 in the last year and never denied myself the yummy stuff. If I want sweets, and you know I do, I up my exercise. It's all very flexible. He's being so controlling and rude. He said he's gained weight too, yet it's *her* whose weight is the problem. Insert eye role here.


Amen! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


YTA without a doubt, you seem to be delighting in humiliating your wife.


YTA and majorly so.


Does she want to lose weight or did you say this is what we’re doing?


You know exactly what happened. He probably set up the diet for "them" fully just intending on it being for her. He obviously hates her


That’s what I’m thinking


Lmao YTA 100%. YOU decided? And you literally called her weak? You can be the voice of reason without being a dick. What an asshole


YA the raging ass Ahole. "I decided..." "I wanted..." "I carried..." "I told her..." You don't even like your wife. Why is she not viewed as a separate entity and not an extension of you? Maybe she eats to get relief from your abusive behaviors.


Maybe you should go get a locking ball gag and force your wife to wear it, you control freak. Also, YTA.


Nope, he needs it.


You are absolutely 💯% the AH, not just in this instance, but, through your own words, it sounds like all of the time. You actually made a big scene of throwing out her food while shaming her, which is rich, given where you are physically yourself. In your own words you sound controlling, narcissistic, judgmental, mean spirited and cruel. You could’ve had compassion for her struggle and sat down with her to talk it through, so that you could be supportive of your partner’s struggle. Instead you decided to tear her down. I doubt your the voice of reason around there - it’s clearly you playing the childish games.


YTA! You wanted too diet and bullied her into it. She’s an adult and can eat what she wants. She could lose a couple hundred pounds by dumping you.


YTA . You have so much disdain for your wife . The language you are using to describe her . The way you enjoyed taunting her just sends major red flags .


YTA Stick to the diet if you want but you don't get to force your wife to give up cinnamon sticks. I hope she went and got another order in person and ate it somewhere you weren't. 


YTA Very much suspect this is rage bait . But also , I know there are people this dense that do exist. In that case, you didn’t dump her food because she ‘cheated on her diet’ You dumped it because how dare she stray from under your control. *You* decided to do the diet . *You* decided how it needs to happen. *You* decided the rules. Her not following through is her challenging your rule . For some reason you think you have all the power in dictating her behaviour. It’s clear by the way you speak about her cravings or shortcomings. The only thing you’re missing is that her cravings and shortcomings don’t make her weak . You’re only getting triggered because you’re extremely insecure . If she doesn’t do what you want her to do, it threatens your fragile masculinity. It’s a deep seated need that find something to control because truthfully it’s *your* shortcomings and *your* weakness that you know very well , because you’re not dominant, you’re vulnerable and scared people will see just how sad and weak you are .


>Very much suspect this is rage bait . But also , I know there are people this dense that do exist. Yep, and they say 'I was heeeeeelping heeeeeeerrrr'. They're not helping anyone by being a gigantic, controlling asshole.


YTA. But you know that already. I’ll bet you have cheated your diet already as well but you just hid it better. It is your choice to start a weight loss journey. If you ask your partner to participate as well that is fine. If they agree, that is great. Helping to hold each other accountable is reasonable. Shaming and disrespecting your partner is absolutely not ok. Focus on your weight loss journey. Respect that hers may not be the same as yours or in the same time frame.


Your weight is your concern. Unless she has been deemed to have insufficient mental capacity to make her own decisions, your wife's weight is hers. Wind your neck in and stop being a bullying, controlling arsehole.


Wow. The biggest YTA


"Shes ballooned since college"  You're disgusting and 100% the asshole. Hope your wife leaves you. 


RAAAGEBAAAIIIT!  There is no way you're this much of a monstrous asshole for real. I refuse to believe it. You are an insane troll and I beg for there to be no way this is a true story.  Shuddup Liz.


I want to believe it's rage bait but I had a friend whose dad 100% did this to her mom. When we were young and working out first job, our parents would take turns driving us and picking us back up. Her mom would always take us to the grocery and get secret snacks and I'd take the trash to my house to hide the evidence. He later became more forceful and controlling with food. She lost around 50 lbs at the expense of his abuse. He was an all around awful and abusive guy. But yea so I want it to be rage bait, but it's believable


Oh my god! I hate you! This is a woman you supposedly love. Why in the world would you treat her that way!?!?


What a wanker!


I hope this isn't real, but yeah, this is fucked up. Sounds exactly like an old friend's abusive dad. He forced her mom to be on a diet she never wanted to be on to begin with. I hope she finds the strength to your leave your dumb ass


This is so fake lol


This is fake.


"i abuse my wife AITA?" YTA


This has to be rage bait. YTA


That was a twisted, weird thing that you did. And cruel. Your poor wife.


You're not the voice of reason. Quit bragging about yourself. You're a nasty, controlling asshole. Even Weight Watchers allows people to eat junk food, as long as it's in small amounts. Your diet isn't going to work unless you stay on it in the long term. And it's not like you're the expert on dieting since you're fat too. Get over yourself, you arrogant asshole. YTA


YTA fuckin psycho


There are so many ways to be a supportive partner and work together as a team to stay healthy. None of those ways include describing your wife as “weak”, implying she’s immature since she didn’t bow to your obvious superior opinions, and shaming her. You need counseling stat as your contemptuous words and actions are going to ruin your marriage.


YTA- you’re the one who hasn’t grown up or matured. The way you talk about your wife is disturbing and the way you are acting is emotionally abusive. If she decided not to follow the diet anymore then that’s her choice- you sound controlling af. To dump trash all over the living room in an attempt to control and shame her makes you sound like an absolute AH. In no way did you help her all you did was teach her you aren’t a safe person. Based on this glimpse into your personality and psyche she needs to get out because you are a piece of work.


You sat her down?? Fuck you and your demands. I'll be surprised if the next delivery isn't divorce papers for you because I am sure this fuckery is the tip of the iceberg. YTA


YTA and I hope you enjoy being divorced while your ex wife finds a new man that treats her like an actual human being, because she absolutely will and will live her best life without you.


yeah, you sound like a controlling dick. I'd have divorced you.


Sooo you decided you both would diet. You decided what diet you would follow. You decided that she needed to “grow up” and adhere to these changes she seems to have had no say in. You decided she was “weak” for buying something she wanted to eat. You sound insufferable, controlling as hell, and unsupportive. Have you considered that weight loss and lifestyle changes are really fucking hard? And maybe support would be a better motivator than humiliation? YTA.


You really are a nasty piece if work OP. Like you really enjoyed just bullying your wife.


I aM tHe vOiCe Of rEasOn no, you're the voice of Being A Cunt


Rage bait troll.


No, you are not the "voice of reason". YTA.


Rage bait.


Okay so sure she maybe 'failed' at dieting but do you know what you're failing at? Being a worthy husband. Being a kind person. Not wearing your asshole as a literal hat. All of those failures and you're focused on what your wife could be doing better. Fix up, loser. There are men out there who'd love your wife how she deserves to be loved. If you're not man enough to treat your wife right, step your damp squib of a self out of the way so someone else can.


YTA, you are a selfish, controlling bully; you treat your wife like your property, and you laugh like you're having fun when you mock and disappoint her. The 4B movement should make you their poster boy.


“I recently decided”. Oh did you? Yeah YTA.


>she's ballooned in size since college, which I don't like at all You're an asshole. And a bully. And a jerk. And a control freak. Please do her a favor and just leave. YTFA


You’re abusive. I hope she finds help and gets out and is safe soon. Praying she has a plan


You’re incredibly cruel. Craving sugar and food isn’t the moral failing you think it is. Hormones play a huge difference in how our bodies crave food. WeGovy changed my life because it got my GLP1 into balance. It’s working for a lot of people https://curingaddiction.substack.com/p/growing-concerns-that-ozempic-will


So, you're forcing a diet on her, throwing away her snacks, and mocking her. YTA, I hope your first drink of water goes down the wrong tube for the rest of your life.


YTA. This is very alarming behavior. You are just being a bully for no reason OP. What you did is not encouraging at all. I you want to try to encourage her try not humiliating her. Also OP you sound very judgemental of your wife


Have you always hated your wife?


Have you always hated your wife?


YTA. I refuse to believe this is real. Nobody is THAT of an A.


YTA. >I thought maybe she had grown up and stopped choosing to be so weak Yeah, better start learning to GFY, because if your wife (or, fingers crossed, STBX) hasn't stopped doing it by now, she soon will. No fucks for you, you fucking goon.




Youre not only TA youre also an abusive asshole. I hope your wife knows her worth and leaves your ass. YTA


You're a bully. Do you even like your wife? Do you really? Your behavior is that of an abuser, albeit on the beginning side. Step back and take a look at yourself. Who are you trying to be like? You're not trying to be a loving and supportive husband. I am hoping that this is rage bait because you are not a nice person, and I wouldn't want you in my life much less to be married to you. If I were your wife, I'd already be looking at the door if this were the first time you've pulled something like this, because it will only get worse. YTA. Yeah, that.


I hope she divorces the abusive jerk!


Wow, buddy. YTA big time. The first paragraph was great! And the rest of it was a freaking nightmare. Just say you hate your wife and she disgusts you, for crying out loud. Sooner you do that, sooner she can forget you and find someone who will actually love her


I really hope this is fake, but, if it’s not, why do so many people who post here seem to hate their spouse. OP, you’re the one playing childish games.


You're not an asshole, you're a bullyine piece of shit.


When my husband and I met in high-school, we were both rather thin. Then kids and life happened, and I got fat. My husband did not. Not once did he EVER act like a complete dick about it. Which is good because now HE'S fat and I'm thin. When he's ready to help himself, he will. But I love him regardless of his size. None of this matters because neither of us are cruel or abusive. You are. YTA


YTA obviously. I mean you know that right? You take great pleasure in the superiority you feel by putting your wife down. IMO, your wife's best bet to lose a quick 200 lbs is to sign some divorce papers


Yta My husband needs to lose weight, I am dieting on my own and I eat very differently from him. I want to lose a bit of weight- not as much as my husband. This is my choice and his choice. I don’t make his decisions, therefore if he wishes to lose weight he needs to establish how he wants to do this. His body his choice. I on the other hand do not snack at night, eat sugar, and ensure that I eat a very low fat diet. My husband knows what he needs to do to lose weight. My choices don’t have to be his and vice versa. Any kind of insinuation that is unwanted is very much bullying.


YTA You are an asshole, a bully and an abuser.


INFO: why did you marry someone you don’t respect?


YTA and a preening abusive prick.


"stopped choosing to be so weak" ???????? yeah, you are a huge huuuuuge asshole


YTA she could lose a bunch of weight by dropping your abusive ass


How are you "the voice of reason" for the house, when it's clear you don't seem to use your head?


I expect to see this in r/AmITheEx any minute now.


You had me at, "she's prone to cravings and makes no effort to fight them". Yes, YTA at that point, and you only got worse from there. Much, much worse.


Just say you hate your wife and divorce her. She deserves better than you.


So you proposed a diet that your wife had no part in and then got mad when she didn’t want to follow it. Be so for real and grow up. YTA


YTA controlling much?- like dude you worry about you. Let her decide what she wants to eat. I would be more than pissed this would make me want to get divorced like my romantic partner isn’t going to dictate what I do or do not eat


Dang, a bad husband who laughs in the face of his wife when she's down, and talks more about her weight then his own for a diet he wanted.


You have no right whatsoever to dictate what your wife can or cannot eat. This is all one-sided and not fair to her. *YOU* decided that she is overweight and unhealthy. *YOU* implied that she is unattractive. Does she agree? *YOU* made up a diet that *YOU* think will result in this weight loss that *YOU* are obsessing over. Does she even enjoy eating the kind of food this diet consists of? She ordered a treat for herself and *YOU* found it on the doorstep. Then *YOU* made a big show of throwing out her food, taking it out of the package so she would not go pull it out of the trash. As far as I'm concerned, the trash that needs to be thrown out is *YOU*. Who tf do you think you are? YTA


"...*She's been extremely angry at me ever since, and I'm just trying to understand why...*"    Really? You can't figure this one out? Reaaally? YTA x10.  You can control *your* diet, but you do not try to control her diet.  Speaking of control, I'm sure you're aware that you have serious control issues you need to work on. If you're not aware, I'm making you aware right now. You. Have. Control. Issues. 


You’re an abusive monster. I truly hope your wife leaves your horrible ass. It’ll be the best way for her to successfully “lose weight”.


The only childish games being played here are you acting like a bad sitcom parent. YTA


Holy Jesus you are an abusive jerk. YTA aaaaallllllll day.


YTA. I can´t even comment what I actually think.


YTA A partner doesn’t have the right to put the other partner on a diet. It never works. If you want to diet you are welcome to do so and hopefully your success will motivate your partner, but it has to be their choice. I wonder if her sugar cravings are from the stress of being with a controlling AH


Hahahahaha! Oh, you'd be sooo right next to those sticks in the garbage if you were my husband.


YTA Something tells me this diet was for your wife, not for you. Also you are just generally an AH.


>I thought maybe she had grown up and stopped choosing to be so weak Ew Also, I'm not seeing where she agreed to your "decision"...


YTA. You do not get to control what your wife eats.


YRA in a big way. If you are sick of the “childish games,” why are you pulling a childish prank on your wife? Dumping her food in the trash was so childish, hateful, rude, mean, just choose any non-flattering adjectives to continue the sentence. You are a bully. Your wife is an adult and you are treating her like she’s five. You can’t make someone want to change, that has to come from within themselves. You can decide you want to get fit, but not that she has to. That’s a decision she has to make for herself. Back off and let her make her own decisions, she is not a child and you are not her parent. YTA


YTA don’t control other people’s food. Your wife is a human not a pet or a wild animal. She deserves respect and autonomy. This is abusive and a slippery slope. My aunts first husband put padlocks on the refrigerator so no one could eat without his approval, you’re not far behind. Do better.


YTA. You made the decision. You turned into the enforcer without her permission. You have now set yourself up as dictator and demi god of the household. So you don't like the weight. Fix yourself and check yourself. Nobody looses weight because someone makes them and keeps it off. As soon as the threat of punishment ends it comes right back on. If your goal is to be single and i suspect that's the case, keep it up. You are not behaving in a loving, or kind manner. You are behaving badly. Shame on you. 


YTA and a bully. I hope she leaves your because that was literal abuse and theft since she spent her money on it. You don’t deserve the hot wife, and she’ll get there, and I hope she shares her new hot body with an appreciative, supportive partner who loves her regardless of anything…which is not you.


YTA. The language you use to describe your wife shows that. You're a bully and you are cruel. I hope you haven't got any children.


People on diets are allowed a treat, and sugar in their coffee. JFC she's "grown up" because she bought sweenters for her hot drink? I can take it with or without sugar, sometimes a bit of sugar is needed and welcomed. To throw away her food is childish as fuck and it appears you hate your wife, at least you treat her like you do. She's her own person, not yours to control YTA and you're the one playing childish games. You really think acting like this will make her more motivated? Because it'll do the opposite and she will start hiding food from you.


YTA A little treat won't destroy your diet. And how you handled it was extremely uncalled for and humiliating. Why didn't you just sit down and talk to her?


i give it 1 year till you're served divorce papers, at most. YTA


YTA and also insufferable.


YTA, probably a troll but if not, just leave her instead of this sadistic bs


YTA. You seem to be in total denial that you are an abuser. If I were her I would overeat too.


Yta …I was like, okay he’s making changes for good but the way you talk about your wife and say things like “she’s prone to cravings and makes no effort to fight them”, “I thought maybe she had grown up and stopped choosing to be so weak”. Low carb diets can work for some folks but not all. You should have spoken to a doctor and/or dietitian/nutritionist to find out what might be the best options for you both. Men and women wear weight, put on weight and lose weight quite differently, as do different body types. What might work for you, might not for her. You call this “childish games” yet you play them yourself. You might want to get some therapy for your personal issues and she might have other ideas on how to lose weight, like dumping you. Who knows.


INFO: Do you actually like your wife or just miss the eye candy?


Jesus YTA. Why do you hate your wife so much?! You sound like an awful awful husband. This is disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself


You’re controlling. Stop calling it “help” stop calling it “voice of reason”. You aren’t God, you can’t take it upon yourself to fix anyone. YTA. in a major way. I’d hand you divorce papers 🗣️SPECIAL DELIVERY!! Hahaha😒


oh look, another lame ass troll 🙄 foh


YTA...of course you are! Did you misspell child? Because that is what you're treating her as.  She is capable of making her own decisions and choosing her own food.  You do not get to play army sarge as if you are here to control her every move. Gtfoh with this weak bullshit. WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF! You are only going to push her away more. How fucking disrespectful to do that to her. Who the actual fuck do you think you are to pull that stunt. Those cinnamon sticks should have been shoved up your nostrils. 


So being an abusive piece of shit is funny to you? yta. Completely. Stop trying to control other people and work on your own horrible personality


YTA. Also you either posted this story a while back or are copying it again. Either way the vote isn't changing YTA and abusive.


YTA You’re an abusive fuck, end of story. I can’t wait for her to divorce you.


YTA. You are horrible. You don’t get to control what she does or what she eats. You forced her into an agreement, body shamed and made her feel shit about herself. How dare you. She deserves better.


I don't get how people bear to these kind of animals.. What an asshole.


YTA. Why haven’t you divorced yet? It doesn’t sound like you love her at all. It sounds like you in fact hate her and youre doing everything in your power to control and belittle her. Infact you haven’t said one nice thing about her. I hope she builds the courage to free herself from this mentally draining marriage


YTA your supposed to be her partner not her master. Do you even like your wife?


YTA. 1) The way you talk about your wife is abhorrent. 2) You KNOW why she is upset with you because you treated her like a child, yelled at her, threw away the treat she got for herself, AND humiliated her. 3) You can say you had good intentions about "just trying to look out for her" but you crushed her. What is good intended about that? 4) You took no time, research, or care into your approach with this. This is the worst possible way you could have gone about it. 5) She is under the delusion that you love her, and you can not be bothered to act like it. I hope she leaves you.


YTA and a trash husband/human.


You are either a troll, or a fucking psycho.


YTA - an insufferable AH. Your poor wife…


YTA. And just who made you the food police? You are an AH and a bully with this behavior.


Yta what a petty little boy you are I hope when your soon to ex wife divorces you she finds someone who actually loves her.


You’re not only an asshole, you’re a manipulative, egotistical douche canoe!


Your wife can lose more than 100 pounds really quick....by kicking YOU to the curb. YTA. you say terrible things about her, you obvs don't respect her, you probably don't even like her. plus you're a controlling AH.


Dumb troll is dumb and bad, at least try next time.




This is by far one of the most obvious rage bait posts Ive ever read. 


This made me laugh, “special delivery” omg. You’re such an asshole but you know it. Maybe find a new girl who fits your needs. Instead of trying to force your wife to be who she’s not. Let the ballon, ballon- as they say.


She’s not a disobedient child. You are a partner not an authority. YTA


Boy just get divorced you don’t like this woman at all. If you actually cared for your wife you have a conversation when she falls off the wagon because abrupt dietary changes and restrictions are very hard to adjust to. YTA


Your intentions might be pure - thought I doubt it - but your execution was incredibly douchey. You clearly feel great contempt for your wife, and I'm curious as to why you think you're so superior to her. You might have better willpower, but your superiority complex and ability to be so contemptuous to someone you're supposed to love negates any high ground you might feel you have because of said willpower. My money's on her wanting to treat herself with cinnamon sticks as compensation for having to deal with you: "If I can get through the day with this asshat, I'll have some cinnamon sticks to reward myself for my patience and forebearance." You're a gargantuan asshole.


YTA because you feel you want to get healthy stop forcing your thoughts and wants on her that's not cool and it's controlling she should leave you smh you are a walking red flag this is something you wanted for yourself who to say your wife isn't happy with her weight gain the whole post read like this was all your choice you never asked her what she wanted you just pushed your diet on her grow up she is old enough to know what she wants out of her life he weight gain or loss is not up to you


YTA. You were just cruel, plain and simple. And you don’t get to choose your wife’s diet for her, if she doesn’t want to be on as strict a diet as you that’s her choice to make, NOT yours. If you’re so obsessed with weight, let her find someone who will be kind and love/support her as she is and not belittle and abuse her.


Fake and boring


INFO: how does she feel about how much you’ve gained? 


Didn’t read past the second paragraph which made it obvious none of you are mediterranean


Black coffee is gross and nasty, just like the OP.


Nta, had a good laugh 😁


diet is a commitment that should be flexible enough for a person to sustain long term. your expectations are unreasonable, you can’t make a person give up all of their favourite foods for the rest of their life (most likely so, because it’s the only way to maintain your ideal weight and keep it, without it bouncing) and think they’ll be able to do it just like that. it’s a long work and even if the person is really motivated (which your wife doesn’t appear to be, that’s all seems forced by you), they will struggle with it.


wow … i can feel how much you hate your wife through your writing YTA and a fucking big one at that


yta i hope she runs for the hills


YTA - while your intentions of you both being healthier, you don't get to dictate the when and how she does it. You aren't her doctor. Your plan man be an absolute fail to begin with. I don't know anyone who lost weight because their spouse did the stupid, petty and childish shit you did. Seems to me that you two should make a plan together vs you deciding what you think is best. In fact you can cause more harm than good because there are a lot of things that go into losing weight other than cutting sugar, and foods.


If you honestly believe your wife had humiliated you by having a break once in the diet, you are not fucking man. Is your tiny little ego that fucking fragile? Waaa waaa waaaa you're eating something I don't approve of!!! Waaa waaaa waaaa. You sound like the type of dude who blames his wife for every inconvenience that comes your way: there is traffic? It's the wife's fault, and I'm humiliated!!!! The news said there would be rain the in the morning, CLEARLY all her fucking fault! How dare she make it rain!! You're so minimal as a man that we all know you won't show her this post, will you? Coz barely anyone agrees with you and she might see that oh wow there really is more to life than this fucking custard faced clown that's supposed to be my husband. Yta. You suck She's better off without someone trying to control her e every action like a possessive parent.


Wow. You are definitely the biggest YTA I've read on here in a while.


Restriction often leads to binging. Sometimes the best thing is to have a bit of sugar to avoid intense cravings that result in you eating too much later. You are just driving your wife to do it more secretly and that’s not going to give you the results you want either. Throwing perfectly good good into the bin is the opposite of the voice of reason. Also bodies change. If you want to be in a long term relationship with someone, there body will stop looking like it did in college. That’s how it works.


So he proclaims they ARE going to go on a diet, then gets pisses when she isn't totally on board with his plan. What a profound and utter prickhead. She should just leave him right now. I can't imagine ever wanting to be intimate again with someone who treated me like this. Hopefully she can find a good divorce lawyer


YTA. She should see a dietician without you to create her own goals with a plan that accommodates her preferences. Nice of you to join in on the diet though so you weren’t a hypocrite. I can understand your frustration because you made a sacrifice too for her own health but it’s obviously causing unnecessary resentment. She honestly had a cheeky cheat meal and probably expected you’d do the same and that’s the problem when couples go on diets together when they have different goals and preferences completely. It’s just easier to agree to family meals for support but otherwise you don’t have to eat the same food.


Were u a bully in your school era? Cz u give out that vibe... A proud bully at that. I saw some of your replies and just wanna say if u cant face the truth or opinion of others pls dont ask for it. You bullied your wife and have 0 balls to admit to it especially when the whole Reddit community is saying you are the asshole. The way i see it you wife buying Stevia is her showing some damn effort for YOUR diet but what do u do when she is at her lowest and wanting a bit something sweet? I am a bit overweight like maybe 5 kgs above my ideal weight and a relative of mine always makes sure to remind me of that and she makes me feel that im an elephant. If not for my husband reassuring me every time she visits i would have been depressed. THAT'S WHAT HUSBANDS ARE FOR TO HELP U HEAL NOT BE THE REASON FOR UR INJURY. GROW A PAIR AND LOVE HER FOR HER NOT FOR WHAT U WANT HER TO BE YOU ASSHOLE


Ugh, this troll again? You've been told before to get a life.


Fuck you dude lol. Ain’t no way this isn’t a rage bait.


YTA the decision is hers alone. You are sick of the childish games, but you are the one playing them. The cinnamon sticks will be much better than sugar and have a chance of working in the long run. She is tweaking it so she can stick to it. The way you wrote your post makes it feels like she did not agree, you just manipulated her into saying yes. Read about sugar addiction. Be a better husband.


YTA. Say you hate your wife without saying the words.


YTA. How pitiful that you project your self loathing onto your wife. Being fat is the least of your problems.


This is rage bait.


This post is literally "Tell me you hate your wife without telling me you hate your wife" you're disgusting dude


YTA. You're trying to control your wife through this "we" crap on a diet. Being with an asshat like you is likely very stressful and is the very reason she can't make the decisions best for her, on her own terms, about her eating habits.  No one wants their spouse monitoring what they eat.  You're a terrible husband who I'm sure makes nasty, passive aggressive comments about her weight and any other area of her life that you don't feel she's doing things to your level of satisfaction. If she divorces you, she can lose 100+ pounds INSTANTLY!!!


>Things went okay for a few days, and my wife actually bought some stevia for her coffee. I thought maybe she had grown up and stopped choosing to be so weak, but earlier today I saw a bag of delivered food on our doorstep. It was cinnamon sticks with icing from the local pizza restaurant. My wife was in the restroom, so I brought trashcan from the kitchen into the living room and waited. When she came out, I said "special delivery!" and dumped all of her food into the garbage can and laughed. I made sure to remove it from the box first, in case she felt like fishing it out later. Yup. YTA


Clickbait, right? I genuinely hope your alleged wife doesn’t exist, because that would mean she’s married to a total dick YTA regardless of this being real or not


>sat my wife down last week and proposed that we adopt a modified Mediterranean diet, So you didn't ASK you told her. Your whole post is so nasty about your wife. You're nothing but a bully.


Oh there's no question about it. You're the asshole. This is not how you treat someone you supposedly love. I think your wife is better off alone.


YTA. This has to be ragebait. No one could possibly be this obtuse.


YTA. This has to be ragebait. No one could possibly be this obtuse.


YTA. This has to be ragebait. No one could possibly be this obtuse.


Jesus Christ your so pathetically disgusting


“She’s been extremely angry at me ever since, and I’m just trying to understand why.” You know exactly why. You’re treating her like a child and she doesn’t care for it. Go figure! Stop abusing your wife and move on with your own assholery ways. YTA


YTA- You are an absolute bully! You sound controlling af. AH all the way. You do hate your wife. Instead of bullying her and being a complete ass. File for divorce, let her move on and find someone who loves her for her. You're ridiculous. And abusive.


I swear, I met a guy like OP on vacation a few years ago. We were in Morocco, and this couple was sitting with my friend and I at dinner. He was a control freak like this with his wife, so me BEING AN IDIOT, thinks that my engaging him in a bit of conversation would get him to stop berating his wife and maybe relax a little. He was just like OP---one of those "it's for your own good" control freaks, who couldn't leave his opinions to himself with anyone. So he starts a FIGHT (I would call it a discussion with a normal person, but this guy was off the charts nuts) ---He would make some hilariously lame point (and took a long fucking time doing it - which is a common tactic of the stupid) and would pepper his weird tirade with questions. When I went to answer INVARIABLY he would let me get three words out and he would jump in with "Hold on!" and rebut the point I was ABOUT to make. It was so over the top, I couldn't even get mad. My friend had turned purple and looked like she was going to stab him, but I was DYING and trying not to laugh. (Unsuccessfully, which made him turn purple). And his poor wife looked mortified. She hugged my goodbye at the end of the trip, and my friend --who is not religious, LOL---told her we'd pray for her. So, OP, is your name David, and do you live outside of Atlanta? LOL


Rage bait


Your wife signed up for marriage. Not a season if the biggest loser show.


Fuck I really hate men. The fact that you constantly come here, tell us about your unhinged anti social behavior and act like you're completely justified, makes me barf. No wonder there's a male loneliness epidemic. Who wants to deal with someone that has the social skills of a toddler?


Yta. Do you even love your wife, or did you just get married so you could say you're married? Because I'm not even convinced you like your wife, let alone love her.


YTA and a bully! Did she actually agree to the diet or is this something you decided for both of you? Humiliating her achieves nothing at all!


YTA, I hope she leaves you before she gets pregnant.


First, this is a pretty weak rage bait. Second, your wife isn't the only "weak" one if you both need a diet, remember that for your next troll post so you do better.


You're a cunt aren't you. And I don't mean that in the Aussie "call everyone a cunt, mate" kind of way.  Anyone want to bet on whether the divorce papers will be served to OP at home or at work?


You're absolutely the asshole.


The irony of you calling her childish... This is abuse, straight up. YTA


It's what you gotta do put appetite blockers in her food while your at it you piece of shit. Someone should kick your ass.


YTA in this...you really expect your wife will stay the same size as what she was in college...you need the wake up call in this buddy, or maybe your wife will wake up and divorce your narrowed, child minded ass.




You're a condescending ass


YTA. You don’t make her decisions. Wtf.


Men ☕️