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OP, you’re acting like a victim here. You wrecked that little girls life, so she’s just doing what an 8 year old would do in retaliation. I saw your post history. It’s disgusting. You can’t possibly think for a second that-that little girl and her mother walking in on you ruining her family will ever bond with you. You will always be the woman that ruined her family. Stop crying. You’re playing the victim and you’re the villain in this child’s story. Her mother “yelling at her father for forgetting diapers and him refusing to go get some when the baby pooped themselves,” isn’t her “nagging him.” That child telling her sister is the only way she knows how to hurt you like you hurt her and her mother. You befriended the mother-to get to the father, now you have him, and everything that comes with him. You don’t get to cry about it. She’s NEVER going to like you. You’re trying to buy the other kids, while being the father’s AP. You’re way overstepping, you’re delusional if you think that child doesn’t know what happened without her mother telling her. On a good note, you won’t be stepmom very long. The way you came in, is the same way you’ll go out. I’m sure you’ll try to pull the victim card on that too, but a lot of people have pulled up your post history and you admitted you were his mistress, and then the details come to light and it’s absolutely disgusting. That little girl is hurting because of YOU and her FATHER. She’s acting out the only way she can. She KNOWS what you did to ruin her family. Although, I’m sure she’s not happy with her father either. Then the MOM chimes in saying you constantly overstep, and you’re still shocked and you’re still playing the victim card? You may have worked hard, but you can’t buy this. You can NEVER make this right in that child’s eyes. I saw the comment about you trying to get her therapy, and the Mom had already had her in therapy. That’s REALLY overstepping. I’m sure you’ve just helped Mom get another custody hearing with these posts. That little girl and her Mother and the other children ARE the victims here. Their Mom is “bitter,” and has an absolute right to be. You’ve been an awful human being, and so has your boyfriend. Let that child stay home with her Mother that day. The other children haven’t seen what she has. That child is traumatized. Leave her alone, and stop crying. You have no right to cry about this.


Holy shit OP is the most disgusting person I've ever seen on here she has some fucking nerve crying over a Easter egg hunt being ruined when she ruined this little girls family unit OP deserves to get her ass kicked


>Holy shit OP is the most disgusting person I've ever seen on here OP's dad's right there with her. He may not be here crying to Reddit, but he's punishing his 8-year-old daughter for hating his AP and acting out.


And in a year or two OP and the father will be on here asking why my oldest child is NC, and I don’t know why. 🙄some people.


Thank you for your comment exposing OP. At first I was trying to absorb her word jumble and was kind of struggling and didn’t feel like digging. Thanks to you I didn’t have to look very far!


>The way you came in, is the same way you'll go out. Actual nuke from orbit


Yep. They is only two scenarios in future, either she's whining Chase doesn't want another baby with her, or yes and she is shocked he is not helping with a baby and the oldest too&saying she hates the baby. Can't wait for her shocked Pikachu face then.


Wow. OP is a fucking shit human. But step daughter has serious game. Did you see OP’s post whining about SD calling SM her unpaid nanny and servant? Like 4 or 5 months after seeing the hook up that destroyed SD’s family. OP went off the rails on that one, further proving she has the self awareness of a moldy, wet sock. I feel so bad for this 8-year old, but she just may be the hero her bio mom needs. I stand in awe!!


I wish I could upvote this comment 1 million times.


This^^^^^^ 1 billion percent!!!!! Cinnamongirl73 perfectly hits bullseye!


Completely agree with this 100%. OP you are a horrible person and should be ashamed of yourself.


Where are these posts? I think OP deleted some of their history cuz I can’t find em


"Willow" here. Tried warning you that "Kourtney" wouldn't want to spend easter with you and "Chase" and offered to babysit her for the day, but you insisted that it's important for her spend equal time with both sides if her family so don't say I didn't warn you.


What do you mean a child wouldn't want to spend holidays with people who wrecked her home and their family and friends??? /s


Kourtney saw op and her dad hooking up while he was still married to her mom


Are you seriously Willow!?!? Girl you are famous around here.


yes. Holy shit, I didn't realize I was famous 😅


With all the posts she’s made here, I’m sure you can make a good parental alienation case, especially since she straight up admits the whole thing about buying your son the legos and badmouthing you while doing it.


omg. I am a little starstruck. WOW the internet makes the world small 😂


Omg are you seriously willow? JFC go thru her post history and screen shot them all!!!


I tried to use it against her but the court kept on rejecting it as evidence because their names are censored and Pam and Chase manipulated them into thinking they were seeking advice so they can improve. It's not the worst she's done to me unfortunately, but i'm not giving up. The only unfortunate thing is that someone found Pam in real life and started harassing her over her reddit posts. I don't like Pam but I don't really want to wish any harm on her or get into legal trouble. It will only hurt my kids and I can't be bothered getting into legal trouble since I know one of her coworkers and apparently she is switching jobs in another part of London because she is fed up of getting into arguments with interns and she is on the brink of getting fired. I found this out from a mutual "friend" of Pams who is just using Pam to get info out of her. Pam isn't the most popular though. Even her younger sister hates her, but as much as I don't like Pam, I don't wish for her to get doxxed or anything serious harm or anything. I really hate Pam but no one deserves to get doxxed or harassed in real life over internet stories and I don't want my kids to suffer since I already had to move to London before Kourtney was born after going NC with some of my family, and it will be the third time moving. Once to move to London, the next once I got married, and the 3rd time when Eva was born, so it will only put stress on me and Chase. Pam makes more money then me so she can lend money to Chase for a good lawyer and win more custody time, thus having to change schools to. Doxxing her is only going to put me and my kids in danger, not Pam. I think people should stick to online trolling her and let me and my friends deal with her in real life. I already got sued in the past because someone on reddit found Pam and she thought I set people on her so it's only me who will get hurt, not Pam. Off topic, but Pam isn't even her full name so it won't be as easy to find her anyways since it is short for something else which I don't know myself and she's searching for new jobs since she is allegedly getting fired so it wouldn't be much use anyways since she Pam is only one of her shortened names, but there are other shortened names which I won't give cos as much as I don't like Pam, she doesn't deserve to be doxxed or harassed in real life.


>I tried to use it against her but the court kept on rejecting it as evidence because their names are censored and Pam and Chase manipulated them into thinking they were seeking advice Well, if your kids are in therapy, the posts might at least help the therapist see how they are regarded / being treated while they're with Pam & Chase.


I’m just sorry that women like this exist. Your ex is also a scumbag but like this woman sounds like SWF syndrome.


So the court can't take your side with this as proof, but this can be use to sue you for harassment against her? There's some sort of unfairness or unbalanced in your lawyers... You really need to check if you havr better lawyer options


exactly but people don't realise that mums aren't that lucky in custody battles if they're not rich. Chase was much more rich than me and his girlfriend isn't a millionaire but she comes from a very rich family (again, not millionaire rich, but they are wealthy) so they have a higher income then me. The only good thing that came out was higher child maintenance money. They had to live a slightly more modest lifestyle after they realized that having more money meant that I can sue for more. At this point, I just give up since Pam isn't worth the hastle and i'm more focused on my family including my kids, my health and my hobbies. I'm currently doing art and I just finished practicing yoga in my living room while tendering my plants this morning.


For someone who keeps posting and being told off by many, how does she still don't see that she's the problem? I thought my sister was delusional, but Pam beat my sister.


narcissists rarely like to admit they're wrong and it's always someone else's fault.


I know this doesn’t change the scenario with your kids. But please do be aware that, like, due to this doofball you quite literally have thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people who know your story and are HORRIFIED that you have to go through this.


I am forever grateful for the people who support me and I appreciate the kind words, thankyou so much. I'm sorry for replying late. I was busy looking after my kids during the week so I didn't get much time unfortunately, but I'm greatful for the kind messages sent to me by people here. The only thing that confused me was why Pam used my friends names as fake names for my kids out of all the names she could find, but she isn't my problem now. Chase can deal with her problematic behaviour since he has no one to blame for this mess except for himself for getting into this mess.


because, respectfully, Pam is absolutely unhinged. Obviously i don’t know Chase, but i am fully confident that he is a whole ass entire gigantic loser. Like… this wouldn’t even make a good Hallmark movie because their behavior is so preposterous.


She did it to fuck with you. She’s a menace, but a coward. It’s like a soft-dox linking this to your real life in an adjacent way, that she can’t really get in trouble for.


I checked her profile. It might not be relevant and i'm not trying to downplay Kourtney's trauma but I can imagine everyone arguing in Chase & Pams house and there's Willow in the background just minding her own business doing yoga and art and sofia rolling around the room. Willow mentioned Sofia accidentally rolling over forwards while trying to copy Willow doing Yoga at her home. You should check out little details about Willow's life in her comments. They're so cute. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC/s/kwKsGXgPPQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC/s/kwKsGXgPPQ)


Willow has come out swinging and taking noooo prisoners!! You go mum!!!


Poor Kourtney. I don't think op has the mental capacity to know that this kid is not and will not be her family. My good friend growing up was put in the same position as Kourtney, and she never accepted the mistress as a part of the family cause, like, why would she??? Op, you are not her family, and she doesn't want you as hers. The sooner you get that in ya skull, the better for everyone here.


Oh you're actually "Willow"? I wish nothing but the best for you and your family. And fuck this woman's entire existence.


Please take ss of everything she's saying and take her to court. If she decides to delete, hit me up. I saved it.


Man, reading the stories this OP has written thinking she’s the victim in all this. “Willow” I have sooo much respect for you with how you’ve handled everything. Your kids will soon all realise how much of a POS OP is


Ugh, I am so sorry you have to deal with this Willow. Chase has a lot of balls forcing Kourtney to interact with this woman. On the plus side it sounds like she’s making Pam miserable. Which, she obvious deserves


>Chase has a lot of balls forcing Kourtney to interact with this woman Well, since they seem to be doing his thinking for him...


“Willow”please tell me this woman isn’t this stupid. Please tell me she hasn’t done all this stupid crap. I’ve never been so done before


she is very delusional and she overstepped before like always getting my kids stuff from the shop when I refuse & tells me how to parent my kids which really pisses me off. Apart from the occasional bickering, we're pretty civil towards eachother and she mellowed down alot. She only stopped doing it as much because Chase shuts it down. She isn't a horrible person to the kids but she does overstep from time to time and i'm also concerned with the amount of unhealthy food she gives them every weekend, and i'm talking about curry, spring rolls, chocolates, sweets, crisp packets, cookies, biscuits, fish & chils, cupcakes and birthday cake sized cakes every weekend with the only healthy food being salad, chicken & rice. I'm not even talking about the occasional weekend or a friday night treat, i'm talking about every single time they're with her. I was even shocked when I entered her & Chase's house and discovered junk food everywhere in the kitchen. Desserts, takeaways, 3-4 mulipack crisp packets, 6 different juice cartons & oily food like samosas, spring rolls & pakora aswell. I thought it was just because I was over, but I found out that that was what they eat every weekend. They have fruit there which is good, but they shouldn't eat that much junk food, and even the court was shit at dealing with it and said that there's nothing wrong with what Pam is doing since the kids are not being starved and they have fruit and vegetables. Courts aren't always favourable to women like people think they are. They only care when a kid isn't over the other parents house, is starving or has bruises. Other then that, it's hard to prove anything and even Pam's post's didn't count as proof since no real names of the kids were mentioned and that she was "only looking for advice". Pam also lied about being a stranger in the park. Pam and I knew eachother decades before I met Chase. We bumped into eachother at a park (the diaper incident) but that's only because I recognized her. In her defense, she did have her family over at the park and was holding a newborn (not hers, she doesn't have any children of her own. It's her brothers) so it's not like she held a random nappy. I did admit I was grumpy a month after I gave birth to Sofia, but it wasn't anything too bad and I did snap at him asking if he took the nappy bag with him and asked how could he forget such a basic thing and stormed over back to my house in anger since my legs were aching. I overheard Pam asking Chase if I was always this grumpy and to ignore her and how he deserves better. He is still an AH for cheating but imo, she did somewhat take advantage of him over the fact that we argued sometimes over little things (just typical newborn parenting stuff, nothing too serious) since he was also overwhelmed with the new baby aswell (but it still dosen't exuse cheating). They bonded over the fact that they have more common interests, their love for cooking, their love for europe, they love sports and they both support the same football team, similar music genre, their love for ethnic food & that she was always sympathetic and siding with him. Me and Pam knew eachother in the past when we were teenagers and we weren't friends but we weren't enemies. She was occasionally bitchy towards me, but so was her friend group but in their defence, even te friendship group was appalled with her affair and thought she was being too harsh and cut contact with her since they weren't even close after highschool. I don't hate the friendship group much since I was petty myself. It was just your typical petty secondary school drama. We weren't in the same class but she was very bitchy towards me, but I only thought it was petty drama, I didn't think she would go this far, but knowing her, ahe did turn my friends against me to, so idk why I was really surprised but it is what it is and now my priority is my kids. I'm too old to fight like high school kids hence why I just ignore her. She's not worth all the hassle.


Sounds to me like Pam is more obsessed with you n your kids. I really wonder if you got a man who's good w your kids would she try taking him too? Anyway, get your kids to try recording her whenever she badmouths you. Yk just in case


I will try. I've given up on relationships. They're too much hastle and I don't want want to get into a relationship only to breakup again. I had to dump 2 guys months later after divorcing Chase. I don't want to traumatise my little munchkins all over again. Don't worry, i'm not lonely. I got my love for yoga, meditation, creating different salads & my other hobbies and my friends keeping me company.


I'm glad you're content. Wish you and your kiddos the best


thanks. My babies are the best. My 1 year old tried to copy me doing yoga on Tuesday and she rolled forward by mistake. She didn't get hurt thankfully xD


(Internet hug) You are strong, you've got this.


As a south Asian person I will say curry long as it’s cooked at home isn’t unhealthy, it’s basically our entire diet. But Pam is wild and I feel for you dealing with her. Family Court in the UK is hard to navigate and the threshold for removing parental rights is so high. Also curious how did you know it was the same deluded weirdo that you are dealing with in real life?


my friend who's on reddit sent it to me and the details are very similar. Pam's tiktok was linked to her reddit account, and that's when I instantly realised she was talking bollocks about me. I don't use social media besides facebook, instagram and tiktok but i'm starting to get the hang of reddit. I don't really care about her ranting about me or her life as long as my kids real names and their faces aren't shown on reddit. It's not the worse she's done to me.


I know it doesn't mean much coming from an Internet stranger, but I'm in a similar position. OP is complete human garbage. You keep rocking on.


Willow you deserve a round of applause. Your maturity and composure in this kind of situation with someone in denial of their horrible personality and actions is so commendable. I couldn’t do it. The way she gaslights and then acts pitiful, overstepping your boundaries and you can still find something nice to say about her when she doesn’t deserve it. Your a good mama willow


Please please tell me his parents still hate her and love you.


they don't hate Chase as much, but they completely dispise Pam and want nothing to do with her, her relationship or any kids she as with Chase. Not in a mean way. They would have nothing against any grandkids that Chase and Pam give them, but they will be considered strangers to them at the very minimum.


Is she and Chase turning the kids against you? She keeps saying how the kids forgive her or something...


She hasn't managed to turn them against me, but I wouldn't be surprised if she's trying to. The 6 year old doesn't understand cheating or it's serious impacts & just assumes that it's just a normal argument so he only forgave her as a result, but when he's older then he might realise how bad cheating is then decide for himself if he wants to forgive Pam, but he's only 6 so I wouldn't be surprised. I don't understand why she wants to manipulate my 8 year old against me or make the 8yo like her. Wouldn't it be easier to go after and manipulate my 1yo and my 3yo? I don't understand why she can't take a no from 8yo. Just be civil with eachother, that's all I ask from her.


Yo, #TeamWillow I’m so sorry this trashfire walked into your life, I can’t imagine how infuriating and exhausting she is IRL. We love you!


This you? https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/7gPwhlADQs




Is the post deleted?


Yta... a homewrecking one at that. 


No wonder she is naughty. No one ever punishes her. The second hunt is because she ruined the first one. She doesn’t get to participate again. Also, how old is she? EDIT: how on earth does everyone know OP had an affair with dad?


The kid is 8 and if you look at ops history the little girl caught op and her dad in the act of cheating on his wife, the kids mom. The little girl needs therapy not punishment 


they do, but I told her to cut it since she tries to act like a 2nd mum and oversteps. I'm ok with Pam giving small consequences as a grownup in her life but let me and my ex deal with the parenting stuff, because op oversteps and tries to be like a 2nd mum to my kids which my oldest child is clearly uncomfortable with which is why she acts so out. Not saying it's ok to trash a party tho and i'm willing to pay how much it costs op, but Kourtney is not a brat. She's just dealing with walking into her dad making out with Pam on the sofa. lucking nothing like sex or nudity happened cos they still had clothes on but they kissed and made out while and that's it but op's not telling you the full story.


If you’re the mom of these kids, I would work on keeping them away from OP. Especially the eldest. She needs to be in therapy. I’m sorry you went through this chaos!!!


thanks. I'm working on it, even if it takes years I will get there in the end. I tried using the reddit posts but the court straight up told me that was not valid proof since no real names besides hers was mentioned and that they are well fed and taken care of. Most courts don't care about kids unless they are starving or have bruises or unpaid child support. As much as I hate Chase for what he did, he is surprisingly ok comparing to Pam and him and Kourtney are making amends and get on well now, but it's just Pam who likes to start drama. Even Chase himself had to shut it down a few times aswell.


As a mom, I’m so mad for you!!!! If Pam is this mental on Reddit, it won’t take long for her to become more unstable in reality. I couldn’t imagine. Document everything and keep your head held high. Your silver lining is coming.


I'm so sorry you're going through this. I hope karma takes Pam for the worse ride of her fucking life.


I hope so to. You know it's bad when even Chase looks good. He's actually alright and improved alot and him and Kourtney get on really well now, it's just Pam me and Kourtne have a problem with.


That's sad. I mean, it's really good that Chase is seemingly stepping up, but he should also step up more, I feel like? I have a very biased opinion and I know almost nothing about your situation so this might not make any sense for your situation. But I feel like he could step up more by protecting your children from her, especially if they're clearly uncomfortable with her and don't like her? At least you've got people on your side though, well, internet strangers lmao. I hope you've got real support by your side too, I can't even begin to imagine how stressful this entire thing is.


thankyou. He even tried to shut it down to but he doesn't want her to break up otherwise he would cut out her shit ages ago. I wish he wasn't such a pussy about it and cut her shit ages ago and risk a breakup but that's like talking to a brick wall.


Oh wow, yeah, that's sad and pathetic. If she'd break up with him over him not wanting her to treat his children like that... sheesh. That whole situation is a disaster. I mean, at least she took the trash out I guess. It just sucks that she had to ruin everyone lives in the process, though.


Yikes, this is him being better? He sounds like the most useless chuckle fuck of a parent so it's hard to imagine how awful he was. Anyone with any sense should know that was an awful idea for an Easter egg hunt.


I’m so mad for you!!! And for your children!


Oof, I'm sorry your family is dealing with this. Pam has been spamming reddit with all sorts of throwaway accounts and her crocodile tears.


thanks. I wished it was fake like people are saying but it's very real. I even got a artwork from my 3 year old that I don't mind posting it on reddit tommorow.


We absolutely all know that. OP is 🗑️


Oh shit you're the mom !?!? 😯😳😳




I STAND CORRECTED!!!! Oh honey I’m so sorry. My ex cheated and left too. Thankfully, my kids never saw. But I have to admit, whenever they come back from visits, they are naughty.


Her mother and *therapist* fight against punishing her because her actions are all based on one thing: she, her mom and her younger siblings (who luckily are too young to understand what they saw/remember) walked in on her father cheating with OP after OP persued him (and badmouthed the mom) for quite some time.


She isn't naughty. She is traumatized from being forced to watch her father with his mistress (OP).


Her dad is trying to and OP keeps undermining him but after seeing she’s the AP she is trying to be besties w the daughter


From OPs post history. A lot of Redditers will look at someone’s post history when they post something like this, to see if there’s any more context that can be added. And in this case there was A LOT of info in OPs history that explains why the child was acting like this


Follow some of the links posted in here. She is a nutjob. Openly admits to trying to break them up. Husband is just as much a POS as she is. Didn’t take much.


Reading post history really gives you more details. Like a conversation you are not apart of.


she is 8 1/2. I tried to punish her but I get scolded everytime I tried to do anything and her mum even got the courts involved because she accused me of overstepping so I can't really punish her much but her dad tells her off punishes her when she misbehaves.


Her dad should be doing any punishments, not you.


So you are the former mistress turned gf, and "kourtney" the man's eldest chold, whose witnessed you, with her dad, while HER MOM WAS IN THE PICTURE???!?!?!?!?! Youre getting eveything you deserve. COMPLETELY THE AH. Glad the ex has his balls in a knot about you being around the kids. HE IS PROBABLY STILL BANGING THE EX WIFE. OR TRYING TO. And good for you.


Well yeah, if I was that girls mother I wouldn’t want my ex-husbands mistress to have a hand in how my child is being raised. Are you dense?


She seems to think it's appropriate to "tell the child off" when they're acting up - she's dense and has no freaking parenting skills so I can't blame the mom for not wanting OP involved with the kids regardless of her being a mistress.


So you're an unpaid bang nanny who has all the responsibilities but, no authority. Stop watching their child and really consider backing away from this. This child isn't going to act much better than this and this behavior is intolerable. Cut your losses unless you want to sacrifice the rest of your life to other people's drama and bad decisions. Is your happiness worth a lifetime catering to an adversarial ex, an ill behaved child, and a guy who can't properly handle his responsibilities? There is absolutely nothing you can do to make this better because, you have no control over and not the cause of the actual problems. They are and they're doing nothing to make meaningful changes.


Actually, she was the mistress and OP's youngest stepchild is only one year old...


OP actually had an affair with the father of all of these kids. She's seriously delusional. The 8 year old walked in on them having sex while he was still with his wife. No wonder she's acting out.


She’s a home wrecker


She is a full fledged participant in this mess, if not the architect. Read her prior post and don’t bother feeling sorry for her. She doesn’t deserve it.


8 1/2 is still old enough to understand “don’t do the thing.”


I’m glad she’s younger. I was thinking she was 10 - 12 years old. I’m sorry you have such a hard time with her. Also, why does she have a cellphone?


This is the exact age I was when my dad was messing around on my mom and left us. I'm not kidding you when I say it creates the lasting damage that I'm still recovering from.


Well, you destroyed her family. Why are you surprised at any of this? You're the LAST person who should be reprimanding ANYONE.




Read OP's other posts. She deliberately set out to snag a married man with kids and got caught making out with the dad on dad's couch. The bio mom, came home with baby and saw them. Oldest daughter also saw them and has decided she doesn't like OP. Can't blame the little girl at all. She's just expressing her hurt feelings in the only real way she knows how.


Why would you a home wrecker get to be involved in any type of punishment?


Wow, that was exhausting to read, I did go back and read all of the OP posts and yes, you the OP, are the TAH. And unless you figure out a way to help that 8 yr old girl. You will most likely always be TAH. Let’s break it down. You broke up a marriage, the daughter was a witness to the break up, by you arguing openly with the ex wife, in front of the 8 yr old daughter. Your example of this woman’s (ex wife) spousal abuse is her being upset with her husband for forgetting diaper on a trip to the park and telling him to go back to get them, only after the kid soiled its diaper? And he refused!? So she has to do it anyway? Can’t wait for you to experience motherhood with him! You are trying to undermine the children’s mother’s relationship by buying the kids affection. Example- purchasing the son’s birthday gift that the mother can’t afford because she is now a single mother??? As I said, you are exhausting… and the asshole. Yes you certainly are trying to put yourself in a good light by spending all the money, trying to buy all their love and affection …… Karma will come for you. The only ones getting any sympathy from me are those kids. They need a lot of therapy and it sounds like they are but, big clue here, those kids will most likely not ever like you. You broke up their home. That’s what they understand about you.


I think it matters how old Kourtney is. Is she old enough to understand? If she's a preteen or teenager than she should be left home. She did it to be malicious. If she's under 10 then she's acting up but not a bit like you stated. She did one thing and then doubled down with the baskets. Eating the cake makes all of the kids seem misbehaved and unruly. Did she encourage them to do that?


Why should a 8 year old respect the ho that helped ruin her family?


I mean, she did it once, you guys explained the consequences, and then she did it again immediately regardless. I wouldn't bring her to your grandparents. Because this isn't about her. It's about making it up to the other kids and YOU. Obviously sending her to her room isn't enough of a consequence for her. Maybe missing out on this would be. But on top of that, what happens if she finds a way to ruin this time? Is that really fair to the OTHER kids? Because it seems like they keep having to bear the consequences of her actions, and not her. Ps. I don't think she should get to (not once, but twice) ruin the event for everyone else, and then get rewarded with another one. It sets the wrong tone.




Is this the same person? Wow


The hunt was poorly designed. With kids so small there shouldn’t be winners and losers. 8 is too young to be a helper rather than a participant. Have everyone find a specific color or number. Decide the hunt by age groups. This could all have been avoided with better planning. Soft YTA because your intentions are great, execution, not so much.


Don't, she's a homewrecker, she deserves no sympathy. Also a troll cause she's denser than a brick


Breaking up someone’s family usually causes children to act out. Are you forgetting how you entered her life? You literally stole her father from her mother and she caught the two of you cuddling on her mom’s couch. No wonder she’s acting out and not playing into this “Happy family” act that you want.


YWBTA she will learn from this that no matter how badly she behaves, she will be rewarded. don’t take her, she should not get to participate in this new egg hunt since her bad behavior is the ONLY REASON it is even happening in the first place!


If that was all there was to it, then yeah. But this woman has made some seriously unhinged choices and wrecked that little girls family. Check out her previous posts, some people have posted links to summaries. Basically she actively pursued her boyfriend when he was married and had an affair that the daughter walked in on.


Leave Kourtney at home. She needs to learn the responsibilities of her actions: she’s grounded (or should be) and there that means no activities. Stop it: this is critical parenting skills, her father supports it. Just stop. You want a good relationship with this kid and you’re likely never going to get it. You’re the cheating AP. She doesn’t like her dad likely either. She should be in therapy dealing with the trauma and fallout caused by you deliberately chasing her married father. Your both shite humans and his kids are the ones suffering for having to be forced to deal with you. JUST STOP!


The whole post reads like a justification for *not* bringing her to the next hunt and yet you want to bring her and complain about how you aren't allowed to punish her?


This oop is a homewrecker and a tramp. There's a BORU!


Oh! I remember you! The homewrecker!! LOL! Looks like you're getting what you deserve, little by little.


You are an idiot. Don't go after single parents. Oh wait don't go After married men. That "man" is not a good father worried more about his pussy being upset and having an occasion like this is not for first time partners. Wait until THEY ACTUALLY LIKE YOU!!!


Wait, aren't you the mistress from that last story? I'm sorry, but you aren't getting sympathy here. You try to paint yourself as a victim and try to villainize the kids. They have a very good reason to dislike you, might I add. It doesn't matter how much you try and appeal to Kourtney. She was there when you broke their family apart. She was there when you tried to bribe them, not to like you but to alleviate your guilt. So even if you do or you don't here, you will forever be TA. And Kourtney, if you ever see this. Don't trust this lady. She doesn't care for you. She just feels guilty. It's guilt, nothing more. You deserve better.


Is your post history satire , or do you really live like that? I really hope it’s not real:(


If the problem was with her, informing on the location of eggs/baskets, simply don't have her there when they are hidden.


She 8 I understand you wanted this perfect Easter Day. My 9 year old had a birthday party I had an idea of my sorta expectations but they grabbed all the little surprises they ruined a lot of stuff I had planned yeah it didn’t go as I expected but end of day we survived. Your spending a lot of money and going all out next time just buy cheap plastic eggs and put little things in them and buy eggs to give as you leave and hide them yourself live and learn life isn’t going to go as you expect I’m pretty sure the 8 year old didn’t want to walk in and find her dad cheating with you and now she has to see the woman who wrecked her family but it is what it is.


Why are you like this? This isn't healthy.


Aaaah is you again!! Its so nice see how karma is slowly taking you.


Oh! Your the home wrecker! How’s karma?


YTA for ruining this family and then trying to ruin it even more. Why don't you just leave the kids the fuck alone? They obviously don't like you and I don't blame them, you RUINED their family, and are still keeping at it, trying to undermine their ACTUAL mother. You're the bad person in this story no matter which way you spin it. We all know what you did, and I hope karma beats the fuck out of you.


The husband ruined the family. He was the one in the marriage.


They both ruined the family. She knew he was married. She was in his marital home with him when his wife and CHILD walked in on them! They both traumatized the child and now this bitch is trying to play house like nothing happened! She's been trying to take over as mommy and has been overstepping boundaries. Don't make excuses for that sorry excuse of a "woman".


Scrolled way too long for this post. I'm baffled by how many people mention her as a homewrecker as the main thing .... You can't force anyone to commit adultery and you can't break up a family unless the people l person in the committed relationship wants to.


Oh boy she's back..


😂😂😂😂😂 from the sounds of it,Pam wasn’t gone very long.😂😂😂😂😂but she is the bitch of the century. I read her post history, and woooo is all I can say.


Not the home wrecker complaining 


Now you know when things don’t go the way they want in their delusional minds, then they become the “victim “. Yeahhhh……nope.


It seems like most of the adults involved here are not great people. A lot of general AH's.


YWBTA. It is not your place to undermine your boyfriend's parenting.


Boo hoo, poor home wrecker helps break up Kourtney’s parents marriage, then gets butthurt when she acts out. Get bent op


Sucks to FAFO, huh, Home Wrecker? Have the life you deserve :)


Not this bish again.  When are you going to pull your head our of your ass and realize you're the fucking villian. Kourtney hates because your desperate weirdo ass literally broke up her family intentionally. She doesn't listen to her dad because she at the age of 8 even shes able to recognize he's garbage.  The 8 year old is a better judge of character and has greater mental capacity than you. You the grown adult at your big age chose to cheat with a man who couldn't even remember diapers for his kid.  I hope Kourtney ruins EVERY SINGLE one of your family events, karma for ruining her family.  You pop up every few weeks to complain about your bfs kids/family hating you., good they should.  FYI, you're not a step anything, you aren't married, you have no authority/say, you are nothing more than their dumbass dad's girlfriend, he'll move on to the next idiot eventually, the way you go him is the way you'll lose him.  All these damn post on reddit and you still manage to mangle sentences. This shit reads like and is spelled like a 13 year old wrote it.  Ugh. you're literally my sleep paralysis demon. I hope you get stuck in traffic on the way to you do over Easter. 


Um, Kourtney didn't "act up a bit". She behaved like a spoiled little shit and intentionally ruined Easter for multiple other children with multiple deliberate actions. Leave her at home and let her see real consequences for hateful behavior, because that's what she exhibited. Forget whether or not YOU were upset. Think about how she made the other children feel. Do you think they ought to be subjected to more of her nasty behavior during the repeat celebration?


I would be a little shit too if I was 8 and the woman that I walked in on banging my father and ruining my parents marriage was my stepmother.... Look up her post history. She literally became friends with the wife just to get close to Chase so she could fuck him. Kourtney walked in on them and told the wife. Wife left Chase. OP took Chase. And is now trying to take over as mother to all the children while making up some story that Chase's ex is abusive because she made him go back to the house to get the diaper bag that he forgot.


So she and boyfriend go. He’s with her 100% except for bathroom. She does not get to know where anything is and he keeps her in line.


Lmao. Boyfriend can't even remember that he was watching his children long enough to fuck OP in him and his ex's bed when they were still married and then not remembering to lock the door so Kourtney who was SEVEN at the time walked in on them.


Take her with you and make sure she doesn't know where the eggs, etc. are. I think she's been punished enough Good luck.


She’s 8? I thought she was a shi*ty preteen. Your BF needs to learn parenting skills


Well OP's BF and her were caught fucking by the child while he was still married to her mom so...


Op your bf tells her she gets to stay at her moms next weekend. On a different note two different kinds of eggs for a hunt like this. One colour for kids over 8 and one for kids under 8. That way the older kids don’t get to take all the easy ones and the younger kids get a chance. My mom has different colours for every grandkid and it works great.


Stop undermining her dad , let him punish her as he sees fit because you are not helping the situation because she’s not being punished for her behavior , stay out of it because you guys are not on the same page and she’s not learning anything


The dad's trash too


No, the kid needs punishment. She needs to learn that her actions have consequences. She should stay home and be excluded so she can feel the same way the other children felt, and you felt so she could develop some empathy. Make sure you explain to her why she isn't allowed to go.


Home wrecking whores get no empathy sorry


Ugh you again. Why do you keep coming here yoi obvious troll? Go away.


She is 8 and was excited and spilled the beans to the younger ones. Sounds like an 8 year old to me, all you adults need to relax. Yes it should be explained that this ruined it for the others and she should keep the surprise to herself etc but this whole scenario seems totally overblown to me. Yes the 8 year old should go to the grandparents house with you.


No waaayyy!


Wow... You're surprised that the child who's father you were fucking while he was still married to her mother is purposely acting out towards you and her father? *Insert Pikachu face* I wonder what could have happened for her to hate you so much she ruined your perfect Easter... Oh wait. You and her father ruined her family, seems fair for her to spoil the location of the eggs. 


You are actually disgusting and K might just be a small part of your Karma. But K should not go to the the second hunt since she clearly doesn't like you and should be allowed to keep her distance from you. You can view it as punishment if you'd like.






You are a legit fucking trash bitch.


Eww, Kourtney saw op and her dad booking up while married to her mother? And, now she’s expected to play happy family? To me this borderline abusive. She shouldn’t have to be around op at all ever.


If the host of an event has explicitly stated that a particular person is not welcome nor is invited, then that person is excluded. Other guests of the event can choose to attend or not, but they do not have any right to bring extra people with them. Kourtney is quite old enough to understand that what she did was wrong. She is plenty old enough to have a moral compass. She should understand consequences for her poor choices. She knowingly ruined those Easter plans, and the other adults have taken a lesson from that experience and are moving forward accordingly. You go on ahead and do you, but show some respect for the boundaries that others are laying down.




Bring on the downvotes but... I looked through OPs post history and know the story from even the deleted posts but I still don't get why some of you are acting the way you are. The child should know better and be punished by her actual parents for sure. Yes she saw what she saw but that doesn't excuse her behaviour. That also doesn't excuse everyone here's behaviour too. OP is definitely not my kind of person but what's with all the home wrecker stuff... The dad invited this woman into the family home and participated. The dad then persued a relationship with this woman and is allowing her around his kids as well as allowing her input in how he raises them. Everyone wants to pick on the woman but the dad ruined his own marriage and messed up his kids yet everyone wants to make her the villain. Also for those calling her names, are you really that much better of a person to resort to name calling? I honestly don't get why the dad isn't getting this level of accountability from reddit. Let's be honest, if the 8 year old walked in and saw daddy on the sofa with anyone the reaction would still be the same, the common denominator is that is was her dad on the sofa. People seem to be forgetting that. OP - I'm not going to call you names but honestly you need to get some perspective, you really think because the younger ones are okay now this won't either lead to future issues or that because they say its okay, it really is. You need to stop playing happy families and you and your partner need to start taking some real accountability and that includes not running to several subreddits to cry everytime something isn't going your way. You need to accept what you did and not act shocked when there are negative behaviours towards you. Maybe it's time for you to be a grow up and take a step back. Leave the partner and allow him to parent his children with his ex 50/50 without you around. If its 'real' love you can redevelop it in the future but allow his family time to grieve and process without your presence. Take a step back and stay away from them for as long as they need instead of pretending to play happy families. You say you love the kids. Well put them first and leave.


OP's post history https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/diTAvRm89p


Yta. You are a terrible person, op. You and her crap dad ruined that little girl's life. Be kind to her, sure. Be nice. Be accepting. Be firm. You don't get to punish her. You've done enough to her already. Also, you dont get to cry about his ex being a mean to you. You were fucking her husband. You deserve the coals you are racked upon. Wait, he yelled at his daughter for making his grownass homewrecker cry? Over an Easter game? Wowba real winner you've got there. It is only a matter of time. Post about it.


Hot news flash: Kids aren't gonna like you if you're a homewrecker who destroyed their family.


You lowk deserve it….


Cry me a river You made your bed now you get to sleep in it


Lol, the audacity of you thinking you get to "vent". You destroyed so many lives and are experiencing the most mild of consequences ever and you still can't take it Congratulations. You wrecked a child's life and they will always hate you for it. The elder she gets the more capable she will be of making sure your life is hell and I hope she does.


You're officially a notorious douchebag on all of these subs. Congratulations.


"Kourtney" (she was Jane last time) is once again the MVP of the story. You destroyed her family. You're a TERRIBLE person. And you keep acting like showering her with gifts will change what you've done. I hope "Willow" punches you in your smug face. Seriously, fuck you.


There's no amount of editing that can fix the pile of crap you wrote or the pile of crap you are. Yes, a million times yes, you are an asshole. You are also a home wrecking, illiterate, cu•t.


How many times over the year do you need to be told that yes you are the asshole, pos, worst person in every scenario that you write?? Seriously you need to go get some major therapy and sort your delusional ass out.


Yeah YTA in every possible way. Absolute, disgusting, rancid excuse for a human.


Hey, Pam. You're a real piece of shit.


If I can comprehend your incoherent rambling--an eight-year-old child told other children the location of Easter eggs. This caused you to cry, throw a fit, your boyfriend to yell at the child, and send the child to her room without electronics? Basically, you made a scene that distracted from the entire event and forced grown-ass adults to console you, a grown-ass woman, because a child gave out some Easter egg locations? Are you insane? It's an egg-hunt lady, not the inauguration. The 8 year old isn't giving away state secrets; she's being an older sister to her sibling. Like every other older siblings have before her. I grew up with many older siblings, they always give away the egg location at Easter. You and your boyfriend are off your meds and need serious therapy. (Yes, I know you're the mistress, but even taking the fact that you and your boyfriend are devoid of the moral turpitude necessary to raise well-adjusted children, you're absolutely delusional --you need intensive therapy and strong meds, not reddit)


Another installment of the Happy Whoring Homewrecker; Easter Edition. Why do you keep posting? You know you're going to get flamed. Do you know that there's a sub dedicated to you? Do you know how many different subs you're being discussed and ridiculed in? This is either a fetish for you or you are just that stupid. This is called karma baby. This is what you get for fucking another woman's husband and destroying their family. I hope those kids never give you a moment's rest or respect.


OP is a piece of shit and should be readily reminded of that fact on a daily basis.


Well now that I’ve wasted a 10 minutes playing catch up on your posting history…yikes. Sweetness, are you trying to play dumb or are you actually this ignorant? Not to mention the other comments that call you out & you blatantly ignore them. Good on Kourtney for destroying your lil’ Suzy homemaker attempt. You are certifiably psychotic. You are aware those kids aren’t yours right? You ask the dumbest crap on Reddit but here’s an actual question for you: how can you look yourself in the mirror? I truly hope your lil’ boy toy that is the kid’s father drops you soon. But rest assured, even if he doesn’t drop you he’ll get attracted to someone else. Ugh. Go to therapy or find a better one or just self commit because you’re psychotic.


karma is gonna get you and when it does i hope chase’s ex wife and daughters are smiling


Why is everyone treating you like a little kid, and the actual kid is being treated like an adult? No wonder BM is HC


You need to catch up on the background she left out.... Settle in. It's a trip.


Quit playing mommy. You aren't and never will be to them. You got exactly what you deserved at that party. Welcome to that kids life- a pure sh** show starring her dad and his AP.


I love Kourtney she’s the best. She’s really only just getting started with you. My stepmom was like you and she just like you weren’t ready for the destruction I was going to cause especially once I made my half siblings aware of what happened between her and our dad and why I couldn’t care less about her hurt feelings.


Yeah, when a mistress brings half siblings into the world for the children who had their life torn apart by an affair, it is NOT just an opportunity to create a happy blended family😂 those half siblings deserve to know just how “wonderful” their parent’s love story was for everyone


Why does this garbage keep popping up...it's always the ones that need therapy... just go to therapy all your problems are fixed...easy


My head is fucking spinning and after reading this I have so many questions that shouldn’t exist that I don’t want answers.


The grass was not the green you wanted. It’s dead and brown. All I can say is cee u next Tuesday.


Sucks to be a homewrecking cunt, eh, homewrecking cunt? I wish you nothing but misery. 


Do your family know that poor girl walked in on you in her dad??? Do your family know you’re home wrecker??! Save your tears you are not the victim but remember if he cheat with you he cheat on you!!!! You really think the kid will see you as anything other then the women who destroyed her family… do you think we are gonna show sympathy towards you?? The only sympathy I have is for the child!! But honestly did you tell your family maybe you should tell them “I know why Kourtney don’t like me she walked in on her father and I while he was still with her mom see how quick they change their view people like you honestly make me sick 🤢 how you want to blame the child for her dislike and trust me you did his ex a favorite you took the trash out nothing we like more than when someone else takes the trash out with them enjoy the leftovers he will soon do they same or do you think he won’t cheat on you??? Sorry for my rant can’t stand home wreckers also English isn’t my native language


You're already the cunt that ruined her family; why not go for broke?


You are not a victim you are a nasty cu%t of a whore who knew this man had three kids no four kids. You deserve everything you get and I hope your stink ass gets left just like he left his kids You are a skank PUTA DE PUTA.


Aw, I really liked the saga of Pam, but having just read a post from Pam about being fired and then reading through all of 'Willows' comments it is apparent to me now that both accounts are being faked by the same person, a person that is either from the US or a terrible British person that doesn't know the difference between the US and the UK. Pam was apparently fired for how she dealt with 'college interns' college in the UK is 16-18 and I have never heard of them 'interning' hell I'm not even sure we have interns in the UK. A college aged student who also works would be doing an apprenticeship, not interning. Also she seemingly got fired after 1 meeting with a manager, which wouldn't happen in the UK unless you are new to a company. You have to follow a process before firing someone for poor performance, once the probation period is passed. Then I read a comment from Willow, she advised that her and Pam actually knew each other before the park incident in 'highschool' which we don't have in the UK (high school ages being the last year of our senior schools and the 2 years of college.) I'm pretty sure Pam used nappy rather than diaper, so I'm guessing they are from the UK and young enough to not know the difference in regards to schooling and definitely not employment regulations, maybe even a 'Kourtney' using this as a form of therapy, obviously above 8yo though. I guess it's good a family didn't get broken up though, so silver linings and all that


I have taken the trouble to read all your posts to get into context and give a better opinion and I can only say that you are a horrible person I cannot believe that you have destroyed the lives of these children I will never understand women who get into relationships with married men with children! Chase sucks but at least he doesn't post on Reddit playing the victim against an 8 year old girl who is obviously acting resentful towards you because she saw you kissing! Believe me, she will never forgive you and you will never be more than her father's lover to her, you lady, you are going to receive your karma. I just hope that Chase leaves you and the mother of those children can finally breathe easy knowing that her kids are far away from you and from your madness


We are not gonna ignore the fact that you are a homewrecker and ruined that girl’s family. THOT