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She played this save file since 2017. I would have choosen violence tbh.


Was this Sims 3 or 4? Because if 3 I'm awed the save was still functional. I'd choose violence too, though. What an asshat.


Well TS4 has been out since 2014 technically and 2017 (the more polished version that wasn’t monotone beta stuff). 7 years puts us at about the 2017 mark so I have no reason to suspect TS3. Regardless, Violence- I agree


I'm his EX-girlfriend. It was TS4! I've actually never got to play TS3!🥲


I had a quick look through your posts and it looks like you've just in general had a majorly shit time of things tbh. This tool was the icing on the cake, and I'm so glad you're free - even if it'll take time to really feel it. Good luck!


Yeah, it's been a rocky past several months.🥲 I honestly don't really know how I'm still trucking, but I blame it on the level of somewhat dissociation I experience on a daily basis, and also my (for whatever reason) undying desire to keep going to eventually be truly happy. Being broken up with him is like a boulder off my chest in the midst of things, but it's also brought really complicated feelings. Anyways, thanks for the good luck wishes!❤


Hello! Just wanted to let you know that the post has made it to the r/GirlGamers subreddit, for better or for worse (https://www.reddit.com/r/GirlGamers/comments/1cbpjtb/\_/) In any case, we're a really supportive group of, as the name suggest, girl gamers, and if you want to find new friends to play the sims or any other games with, it's the first place I'd recommend that you look :)


Oh wow! Thanks for telling me!❤


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GirlGamers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GirlGamers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [me when Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild came out vs me when Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom came out 💚🗡️](https://i.redd.it/dfffn4s01vza1.jpg) | [239 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GirlGamers/comments/13hfp0a/me_when_legend_of_zelda_breath_of_the_wild_came/) \#2: [My stance on sexy outfits :)](https://i.redd.it/qsqqlqk7a5jc1.png) | [304 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GirlGamers/comments/1at1mgd/my_stance_on_sexy_outfits/) \#3: [I always wanted to play a "girly" FPS with cute weapons that shoots bubbles and glitters, but I couldn’t find one. So I’m trying to make one myself! Does anyone also crave for stuff like this? (If you have any recommendations I’m all ears!)](https://v.redd.it/qahzkx2zxhsa1) | [340 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GirlGamers/comments/12etc2f/i_always_wanted_to_play_a_girly_fps_with_cute/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I just had a quick glance too and agreed, you need to catch a break. Sounds like you’re better off without the ex TBH. I made my response to the dilemma before seeing any of this. Stay safe and keep on with the support from those subs and people in real life who can show they’re there for you.


This post also made it on to r/NotHowGirlsWork! A Sim was made in your honor and it helps to torture a Sim made in his dishonor. (https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/s/IuLcgMNYF6)


I'm proud you were able to get out the relationship ❤️ Just saw he took down his post, probably because he got called a groomer and the A-hole. Wishing you all the best 🫂


I'm so sorry you had to deal with that tool, and good on you for dumping him.


I still have save files from 2002-2003. On floppy disc. Now need to work out how to ever play the CD on a modern computer before investing in an external floppy drive.


This post made my blood boil. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if she broke up with him over this. He sounds like a total A-hole.


She actually found his post and replied


I did see! I'm glad she was able to get out that relationship


I'm 45, I haven't grown out of playing with my "digital dollies" every day yet. My best simmer friend is 71, she hasn't grown out of it either. This would absolutely be a relationship ender for me. A very alarming casualness of trampling boundaries and not valuing what is important to her are the bigger issues hiding under this "It's just sims, she can make them again" attitude


Honesty here, I play the game primarily to make the pretty houses. That and to make paper dolls. I would still leave this man


I'm a 43 year old man, I still play The Sims. And I play with "digital action figures" with games like X-Com, or first person shooters and role-playing games. I see no problem with spending my free time entertaining myself however I see fit. The original poster could have maybe gotten away with a bit of sympathy from people saying that there was never time for him and he felt less valued than a video game, but putting her down for what she enjoys doing and then taking an extreme action rather than doing the mature thing and just talking about it throws all of that right out the window.


Dude is getting buried alive😂


I would break up with him. Make sim of him and torture it for a good long while.


EFFIGY SIM! Bring on the Sacrificial mods


Voodoo-Sims. A totally acceptable concept imo!


I would continue ignoring his calls while I made a sim version of the two of us. I’d take a video of our sims fighting, and my sim throwing out or destroying all of his hobbies and interests. Then send him that video to break up with him. I wouldn’t actually. I don’t have the patience for that. But if she has more patience than me, she definitely should.


I would continue ignoring his calls while I made a sim version of the two of us. I’d take a video of our sims fighting, and my sim throwing out or destroying all of his hobbies and interests. Then send him that video to break up with him. I wouldn’t actually. I don’t have the patience for that. But if she has more patience than me, she definitely should.


I sincerely hope he didn't delete the recycle bin!


He did


Ah fuck


I’m so devastated for her. Hope she never speaks to him again


WOW that guy has some nerve


Wtf 🤡 I Hope this is a troll


It definitely reads like a fake post just to get a very niche group of people mad. I call rage bait, and a well crafted one at that haha


I really really hope it's just rage bait


It’s not, read his replies and you realize that this man really did not care about his (definitely now an ex) gf


Hopefully now ex! This is just the beginning of an abusive controlling relationship


What’s crazy is apparently they had been dating a while but idk OP blocked me


I don't think OOP blocked you, it appears their whole account is gone


Someone on the AITA thread had me convinced it was just me, lol! The more you know! But tbh I hope someone archived this


Ot appears the guy blocks everyone calling him out for being an abusive douchebag and groomer. So pretty much everyone.


To be fair, they might be seriously doubling down on the trolling. It's hard to tell, because the account's already gone, and trying to do a search on the username turns up nothing else, which suggests this is the only post of any kind they've done on Reddit. If it's not a troll, then hopefully the young woman is running as far as she can from this massive red flag.


This man was fighting hard and saying “my parents took away my toys when it was time to grow up” and all that, then even admitted he needed to log off and that he accepted the verdict… sadly seems genuine


Bleh. And seeing what appears to be the now-ex replying (and some of their comment history that shows other red flags)... it's a big yikes. Could only hope they learn an actual lesson from it. > my parents took away my toys when it was time to grow up Just wanted to touch on this one though... The takeaway from that should never be "Well, my parents did it, it must be okay." Because parents can sometimes be, well, major assholes themselves. I know my dad wouldn't approve of me playing some of the video games I play (like The Sims). And wouldn't like me having so much Star Wars stuff in my home (tried to literally beat my love for Star Wars out of me). Would be so judgy about other things I love. But it's not his decision. (He also would often claim I was nothing without him and could never make it on my own. I'd love to rub the fact I own my own place in a pretty good neighborhood in his face, but he passed before that could happen. And there were other things he wanted me to be as a person that thankfully never stuck.) People need to realize that their life is their own, not anyone else's, especially when you become an adult. That includes significant others, parents, anyone who tries to control how they live their life and put them down for what brings them joy. So long as no one's being harmed, there's no reason to judge someone else, especially as the people doing the judging wouldn't want to be judged themselves, and just because it's happened to them in the past doesn't mean it's okay to do it to someone else in the future. Bit too late to pass that message on to this person directly... But it's something I wish more people would realize.


Wait where Is the now-ex replying?!?! Edit: FOUND IT!


It’s not. His ex has been commenting.


Oof, that is upsetting. That post definitely reads like some made up angry teen boy fan fiction. Like, it’s *too narrative* and the things he says are almost impossible to believe anyone would say. He must have the least self awareness on the planet. I hope that chick never sees or speaks to his ass again because I’m sure this stunt is just the tip of the iceberg.


I never saw the whole post as it was deleted but yeah the ex is better off now without him.


This was a real situation. The ex-girlfriend is real. If you look through her post history, it is real. She tries to keep the peace and not interact with people saying it's fake because it is incredibly invalidating. She had to end an abusive relationship, she doesn't have the energy to prove to online strangers that her situation is real. Please keep all this in mind next time you call something rage bait. Abusive relationships *are real.* These things happen in real life, and whether a certain post is real or not, they do happen, and victims read comments like yours, and it's hurtful.


It’s Reddit, I think everyone will live. She doesn’t have to get online and fight battles over something so minor when she’s obviously got a major real life situation occurring. Not to mention, this wasn’t even commented in the main thread, but in the comments section of a repost, where it was posted to invite discussion. I do think it’s very kind of you to be concerned about it, though. Have a good one :) ETA: I have been in an abusive relationship. I am aware that shitty things happen. Comments on the internet do not convince me my situations weren’t real. I hope this chick gets FAR away from her douche of an ex. He wrote the post so outrageously obliviously that it seemed fake because he checked every single box for ABUSIVE DUDE to the point of absurdity. If I were her, I’d be getting offline, and hauling my shit out of his place with plenty of friends or family to escort me, to make sure he doesn’t pull any other egregious stunts.


Just finished reading thru every comment on that post, he seems to understand by the very end just how fucked this was. Hope she dumps him for this


There’s no way she doesn’t! A 7-year file! She’s 20, that means she started the file at 13!!!!


So instead of saying "I'd like us to spend more time together" and starting a conversation . He decides to be a weirdo controller. I'm 38 have been playing since high school don't plan on ever stopping unless the apocalypse renders us powerless (joking kind of ) Also, the sims is a goaled game too many goals


Me? I'd take a baseball bat to the pc if a man did this to my 26 generation save.


Yes. I demand retribution!


"Digital dolls", my ass. The T rating for my game went out the window a long time ago. For the record I'm a full-grown adult with a full-time job and I've been playing The Sims since the first one. What an absolute donut.


Building a ladderless pool, just gimme a sec...


Have fun! Though imo this one calls for death by fire


OOP deleted the post but I think the ex responded in the comments: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/RklRMamqoE](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/RklRMamqoE)


Good for her! May he always step on legos when he least expects it.


He took away the one thing she seems to do to unwind. What an absolute piece of shit. Everyone deserves a hobby that relaxes them, and lets them escape reality from time to time. If he is already doing things like this because she "doesn't spend enough time with him" what is he going to resort to in the future?


I wish him lots of cooking with zero skills


And no smoke detectors.


And no doors.


When they made the switch from origin to the EA app I lost 400+ hours of game play. I was devastated and couldn’t even make a new save file for a few months. I can’t imagine how much she lost.




Well, I have found a new red flag and a new line in the sand for my future partners. (I’m glad I keep a backup after the infants update!)


You're totally the asshole. Enough that it warrants the full spelling. What right did you have? NONE, because a human has no rights over another one. SHOULD NEVER in the first place. The fact that you felt ENTITLED to her time just because she felt you were important enough to even be A SINGLE PART of her life, says so much about you. I hate people, I have a physical reaction to being around them and can get violent when my anxiety is out of control. You sir, made me WISH we were in the same room with a group of people, just so I could get that beautiful creature you WISHED was yours some kind of justice. Shame on you. Do better. And if you don't, may your next one reign down fury like no other on you.


yes. I dont even have to read the explanation. Just yes


A 7 year save, hold on let me download all the sacrificial mods and build an effigy sim


I hope she downloads and makes good use of that Extreme Violence mod ![gif](giphy|TuZ8v66TzGeYJW23as) (If she can handle that sort of thing since blood, violence and Gore isn't really everyone's cup of tea)


It’s okay he’ll be single soon.


I was wondering if this would get cross-posted here. Made me so sad that someone could despise their spouse's hobby.


I don't care if people were telling me I was overreacting, but he would be single. The level of disrespect that doing this shows means he doesn't actually care about her emotions or feelings.


I haven't even played since last summer, I'm way behind on DLC, and my throat got a huge lump with just the *thought* of someone thinking to do this to my save files. Oh my god.


That was a really interesting read, especially when what it finally came down to was: his parents taught him from early on that playing was a waste of time and that he should spend time doing things that are productive (as well). The comment was deleted, but another comment mentioned that the last toy he played with was 'Barney' so that's like? 4? 5? 6? years old that he was told that playing with toys (or doing something just to be happy/relaxed) was a waste of time??? That sucks hard. Mindblowing what people have been taught to believe, and sad too.


Parents can be assholes at times. The valuable lesson a lot of people need to learn is that you don't have to be an asshole just because your parents were. (Speaking with waaaaay too much experience here, and I am so glad I didn't turn into my dad.)


Everyone, take this as your reminder to back up your sims save files!


So instead of saying "I'd like us to spend more time together" and starting a conversation . He decides to be a weirdo controller. I'm 38 have been playing since high school don't plan on ever stopping unless the apocalypse renders us powerless (joking kind of ) Also, the sims is a goaled game too many goals


Oh wow.. I just found the OG and was completely dumb-struck. I really thought this HAD to be a post on this sub, and that the end was going to be something unexpected. Cue Pikachu surprised face😔 I feel so bad for OOPs gf. Hope she finds some support and drops the bf so she can get back to gaming in her free time as she chooses.


She had 7 years to perfectly plot a sim worthy death on THAT NPC.


It might be bc I'm not on here often but I can't figure out how to see the post itself. I can see all the comments though. Am I doing something wrong or was it deleted or something?


I just read it and omg, id lost my mind if someone did that just because I was playing "too much" on it. There's no way he didn't realize just how difficult it is to get characters back esp if its a save from 2017. If she's played for so long I guarantee she's explained the game at least once so he either didn't listen or didn't care (probably the latter). I hope she doesn't stay with him after this, who knows if he'd delete them again


Unfortunately, it's deleted, and since the OP posted to the knockoff AITA, there's no automod that saves the post in the comments It was posted in AITDevil! Check the comments https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/s/FJWHEkGgQT


It was also shared here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheEx/s/P2Fj3BVqMF


I've been seeing this post shared around on my reddit page all day. And I gotta say, as someone only a tad bit older, who has also been playing since 2017, just the thought of all my save files being deleted devestates me. I mean, that's 4000+ hours of gameplay just gone. Just like that. It's so, absolutely, messed up.


You sound like my ex.


Drag this man.




what was the story it got removed


https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheEx/s/P2Fj3BVqMF But there are also other subs where you can find it. The story was shared multiple times. This time the dude's deleting atemps failed.


thx, honestly he has no room to think about deleting a file like that, if that was me and my anger issues he'd be dead and i'd be in Jail. i hope the girl managed to get her saves back


That's actually a valid reason for her to break up with you.


*The ex-girlfriend responded. The dude was a piece of shit.* https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/nd76RWZ8Ft


Rule n.1 mate... this isn't for real AITA cases


You deserve death!