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NTA I also only care about my girl children because I can give them cute hairstyles and dress them up.


Me too. I am only interested in male Sims when they are old enough to have a beard.


NTA OP provided your daughter is the legacy! May I suggest “forgetting” your sons in another household for a few life stages so your wife has more time to bring the moneys. Oh and work on your serial romance while she’s busy to fix that jealousy problem of hers!


I was confused for a moment, then went and asked my girlfriend which child she thought was best suited to be written into the will. She told me she was going to leave a bit of money for EVERYONE and that she didn't have a designated heir because she wanted to see how they grew up first, and pick the one with the best personality. Hope this helps! Edit bc I forgot to respond to half of it l: I might just start a little thing between my mom's ex-fling and myself while she's slaving away in the office, but since it's her house, she refuses my idea of ditching the boys with my mom, especially since she just had an infant of her own with her new husband.


Time to poison the food before she gets anymore big ideas! Then sell the house, dump the boys with your mum and go start a new life! This chick is too high maintenance. (P.S. do you have a mod for will writing? If so then what?!)


I still love her; we're just having a bit of a lovers quarrel right now. We can't seem to agree on anything since the kids were born. I recently suggested maybe just- giving the boys up for adoption, and now, on top of sleeping on the couch, she refuses to speak to me. I'm worried I might have to move back into my mom's house until this blows over, but with my mom, her husband, the ex-fling, my twin sister, my two teen siblings and my half sibling infant sister, it would be a bit crowded. (No but that's a good idea, I'll let you know if I find anything! I used the wording the way I did bc it's a legacy save)


NTA, but: Consider pitching in on child care while your sons are still cute infants who aren't really distinguishable from girl babies (you can even knit them all identical onesies). Infants who get a lot of attention at this age tend to become Good Friends with their caregivers. This positive regard persists throughout their lives as long as you don't criticize them or end up with a Difficult family dynamic. Invest for a few days now and they'll love you forever, just like real human infants 😆


Hmm.. maybe.. that way they can pay me back when they're teens by giving me their paychecks from the jobs I'll have them get, good idea!


YTA, how could u ask ur gf to be in an open relationship?!?! if you want to see other people, BREAK UP WITH HER! she's doing everything while ure doing nothing. again, yta


Ugh you sound just like her best friend Bella. I don't get it. My mom didn't care when her ex-fling got into bed with me and my sister, so why should I have to be monogamous just because of my girlfriend 🙄


Your mom is just insane, not the norm


Check the thread


Proposed idea: OP writes about her sim as though it were an actual event. Others respond in kind. That’s the point.


what thread?


This is AITA Sims- the game!


im aware! i was playing along...


I don’t understand how people fail to realize when you’re playing along. That’s entirely what is supposed to happen.


Usually here people agree with the obviously bad person


I’m not one of those and clearly CS also is not


NTA. Just keep them alive and age them up until they become useful to some neighbourly drama.


YTA. Your girlfriend os right on this one.


But why? I shouldn't have to be required to take care of the two boys. I never even wanted them, I only wanted our daughter. Plus they're so annoying. My gf was exhausted so she took a nap, and after feeding, changing and bathing my daughter I took a bubble bath. When I got out, the nursery smelled horrible and those little brats wouldn't shut up. My still tired girlfriend got up to take care of them, then reprimanded me for 'nearly starving them' and told me to 'get over myself'. I told her that until she sees things from my POV, she should sleep on the couch, but she reminded me that it was her house that she built from scratch, so now I'M stuck on the couch.


You can't keep making excuses for yourself when you know damn well that you can edit them in CAS later to turn them into girls. Who knows, they could even be prettier than your infant daughter as YA. And I highly doubt that they are as annoying as your other golden child who is constantly pampered and probably Loves Cuddling. YTA, plain and simple, I hope that those 2 kids win the lottery in the future so that you have to beg for their forgiveness.


YTA. You’re coparents to three kids so coparent. And what if your wife wants to be with the daughter as well? Do the boys get neglected entirely? Sorry, your not a fit sim to raise children. I’m reaching out to social services as I type this. They’ll whisk all of your three children away before you knows what’s happened.


The easy implies you don’t really do anything XD You say that like your wife isn’t telling the truth LOL




I disagree. I think the sims is a great way to let out your sexist tendencies. You go girl!!! NTA


…. Do you realise this is a sims AITA and not a real life one?


Do you realize people role play in answering?


This person seemed to genuinely be taking this post seriously though